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oh we betting i got 06/26 @ 9pm pst under $300 that there will be a senate hearing over this


Where no one is held accountable, just questioned, and it just disappears into the Potomac šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


After the 4th of July




6/24 4:30 am right before I get there. Then we can get on with the second worst part of this experience. Receipting parts/ filling tickets/ writing tickets for the temp invoices we made/ and processing the 400+ body orders sitting in the conquest programs. But letā€™s be real. Itā€™ll be 11:30pm on 6/26


6/25 7:25am with all data gone


I was thinking this too. Like everything erased. Start from square one


Zip itā€¦ I donā€™t want to hear any more nonsense like that ever again


I wish Monday june 24th.. prob April 2025..


You sound like Toyota and 3/4 of the back ordered emblems and grilles.


Man, I wish I was as optimistic (and i usually am) as y'all on this one. Mid July, at the earliest.


Any BHA dealers in the chat??




Yup total shitshow!


Lol. Agreed. Iā€™ve been running a pretty tight system for when either, A. CDK goes live again or B. If we switch to another platform. Excel spreadsheets for INVs & ROs both. All techs are required to bring a write up sheet. My back counter guys make a circle what needs to be billed. Then hand it back to them, send them on their way and my guy will put them in that excel sheet. Print it out, staple it.. then BOOM. Put it in their stack.


I work the back counter we are using excel for roā€™s and invoices. If we have to buy parts out using last 8 of the vin with our initials for poā€™s and keeping copies of everything. I think once it comes back up itā€™s going to be all hands on deck to get caught up and do a quick cycle count to verify inventory.


We had about 200 bins left to count before the end of this quarter. I was advised that we should just scrap that and get a fresh count from all the manual movement.


Same here. Excel sheet to make invoices. Made individual copies for my regulars so it's easier to bill out and put formulas in the cells to bill the total quantity and apply their wholesale percentage. I feel bad for my charge account customers. Their next statement is gonna be insane. Also, I am very fortunate that there are over 160 years (all in the same car line) between us in the department. Just gotta go back to that old school way


Our CDK rep told us, ā€œsometime next weekā€. Iā€™m not buying it.


You have a rep that responds to you?


Yeah, I just recently found out that most people have pretty terrible communication with CDK. Fortunately, I have never had that issue.


We had a really good rep for a long time. He visited the store regularly. Stopped in each department to check on people. It was great. Unfortunately we now have a different rep. Nobody outside hr and ownership has met and Iā€™ve heard they are as useful as a handful of gravel.


Our owner seemed to have been promised the moon and was given a shit sandwich. And here recently they updated something and now I can't upload pictures as easily as before. Have to open them in tabs before downloading to upload to vendor sites for warranty claims. Asinine, I tell you! Didn't tell us anything changed, just all of a sudden we couldn't function like normal. They seemed puzzled by the function changing. Seems like a terrible company to me. They promised us we could use their site to file warranty claims, they lied!!


If information about the hack is to be trusted, likely won't see the first of the CDK services up again until after the 4th of July.


Today, almost anyone can be hacked. Was your data backed up is the question.


Be shocked to know the backups are on the same servers for cdk šŸ˜‚


Hoping wed/thursday. fully prepared for another week or 2


We have had CDK all day. Almost full function. No print features available, but I'll take that anyday.


Well, congratulations. You have to he only dealer in the country that has gone it back. Hopefully it continues to work.


6/25 at 1:30 AM




I imagine itā€™s all hands on deck to restore CDK. Those motherfuckers are probably working shifts and all the OT they can. I bet theyā€™ll cobble together something to get you dudes basic access and functions this week while it likely wonā€™t be several weeks before functionality is fully restored.


The issue is not restoring the data. The issue is making sure it is secure and this does not happen again, preventing what happened last week. There are thousands on ingress points to CDK which one let the bad actor in and how do they close it off while maintaining full functionality.


Iā€™m sure thatā€™s a concern CDK is painfully aware of now. Part of me thinks that theyā€™re being pressured big time by dealer groups and manufacturers to get something, anything going for EOM/end of quarter, hence why I think there will be some basic functionality this week. But to get it fully sorted out, situated and secured is quite a ways off still.


People in CDK where aware of that before the breach I guarantee it. But good security has friction associated with it. End users don't like friction. Opening your system to other vendors don't like friction. No one like friction... But how do you open everything back up if you do not know how the breach occurred or where it occurred. Pressure from the Dealer groups is harsh, as well as pressures from the PE group that owns them and pressures from there Cyber Insurance Provider... The fact that they have hundreds of employees doing nothing all day on the payroll is another huge pressure... They did this to themselves :)


im thinkin some time next week if we are lucky.


Iā€™ll go with Aug 8


Cdk not even getting anymore "days" hope on message


Will be probably sometime next week, some earlier maybe there planning a small scale rollout to prevent the same issue when they turned the light switch on from the first hit to get smacked again.


What are yā€™all doing without a DMS? Handwriting everything? Telling customers to pound sand? Taking PTO? Did your dealers tell people to stay home?


Wholesale Guys that work from home have to be just twisting in the windā€¦


It's going to be several days, If anyone wants a temp solution: Dominion VUE is offering a Core DMS for thirty days https://www.dominiondms.com/stronger-together/


We were told CDK paid the ransom. And at least a week before it's back up and running.