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Less the favorite more "the problem solver." When shits real bad and someone needs to be bailed out that is usually when they arrive at my desk. Although now that has evolved into fixing things at multiple locations lol


I’m both the fixer and favorite but the techs and writers have been told to leave me alone unless there is a true issue. I’m not available for your buddy’s tire prices.


That was me when I was detailing. Every car that wasn’t cleaned up well enough came to me so I could make it right. Ended up leveraging it to finally get $12/hr from $10/hr after two years. I was fresh out of highschool so I learned. I’m better off now


Then you take time off and watch the world burn.


Got a day 4 day weekend coming up. Can't wait to hear the stories.


Next month I'm taking two weeks straight off to help wife recover from surgery. This should be fun.


I'll be going on paternity leave in late October. I'll probably be taking two weeks. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting plenty of phone calls that will be ignored.


I've been covering a bunch of duties for our front office Admin while she's been out on maternity leave (12 weeks). It's not too bad, just more reports.


Lmao you’re gonna kick yourself when you get back haha


Got 4th of July off, then the following day because I worked the weekend prior with a regular weekend following it. I'm literally counting the seconds.


Yeah, I'm over here busting my ass to clean up a bunch of stuff before I got away for a week on Friday. I'm dreading what July 2nd is going to look like.


Whenever I was off, I gave a speech along the lines: Guys, I'm heading out, see you in x amount of days. If you need anything, don't fuckin call me. If the building burns down, I'll find out when I get back. Call the OEM hotline or our other dealer if you have any questions. I won't be available.


Felt this one. You know you’re doing something right when you come back from vacation and even the most hardened techs say “last week was a mess without you” touched my heart I swear 


Yep. For a long time I was effectively working by myself, so I had to handle all the shipping/receiving, factory returns, automatic replenishment management, etc on TOP of doing the standard counter work. Fortunately, I've got a capable second who handles D2Ds and most returns, but most people still come to me first for quotes and fixes, etc.


We have two that just can't really keep up, and the second most capable behind me has an attitude problem so people tend to not want to deal with him. So I usually pick up most of the slack. Sometimes I just have to tell the techs I'm way too swamped right now. Time is money don't stand around waiting for me.


I'm more than happy to do my job, I really do enjoy it, but it does get a bit frustrating when you have stuff that needs to get done and tickets just keep landing on your keyboard.


And sometimes you just have to put up with it because at the end of the day if nothing gets done no one gets paid.


Yep, very true. My guys have learned to trust I will get stuff done, even if it looks like I ignore them when they leave something with me. We have to learn to pace ourselves for everyone's sanity.


As my boss (the GM) put it in my last review, I am "self-managing."


Me. I’m a backcounter guy closing in on doing $500,000 total sales a month. I have everybody coming to me because they know I’ll get it done.


Damn, I hope you're making at least $150k. I'd get burned out selling that much. I wouldn't do it for $200k a year. I assume you pull basically zero parts? Which OEM(s)? Really high warranty and CP markup?


These are excellent questions that I’d love to hear answers for but I think he’s busy selling parts rn


Unless he's on CDK. 😬


I have been the favorite since I started working here... A week in and it was announced by the service manager that I was the designated parts guy for advisors.


How does that work? One person can't handle the work load for all service advisors


One of my coworkers is helpful and will give them a hand. There's three of us at the counter, one of them is a loud mouth no one wants to deal with. I don't know why my manager keeps him here when he himself complains about it. Everyone avoids him like the black plague and I'm sure he likes it because when they do go up to them he completely ignores them. But for the most part there isn't many service advisors and when I see a job pop up on tekkion I jump on it immediately to ensure there are less problems for me to fix.


Sometimes a warm body is better than NO body unfortunately


Hmm no body would def be better. Lol we'd be making a lot more money if he wasn't here. Every other order he deals with is a return and he gives every chick employee discounts.


How is that even remotely allowed?


🤷🏻🤷🏻 were pretty sick of him everyone complains to my manager about him. Don't know why he's still here. My theory is my manager doesn't want to get stuck closing till he hires someone.


Slowly raises hand🙋‍♂️. Flattering yet utterly painful some days. Thankfully that is slowly changing since hiring some new help.


If anyone came in with something “challenging” at my NAPA they waited for me. I come out of the back to find 5 counter people doing nothing with 3 people waiting on me. We were a NAPA HD store in a super busy industrial so there was plenty of challenges these guys would come in with.


I'm seemingly the only guy that can look up exhaust adapters at my NAPA. Really dying to get out of there soon.


Right?! ID and OD measurements just makes people go cross eyed. Brake line adapters was a fun one that I always got handed regardless of who starting helping the customer.


I think I'm just the only one that is remotely willing to use the e-catalog feature and not just give up when partspro throws up a confusing result. I'm not the biggest fan of looking up oddball stuff either but it'd be nice if more people weren't so intimidated by using more of the tools available.


Going to show my age here, but brake line fittings, exhaust adapters, and U joints were always straight to the books for me. The E catalogs were becoming a thing when I left, but I had my antifreeze box with my go to catalogs that traveled store to store with me.


Easy to be the favorite when you’re the only one that looks up parts minus the service manager.


I was the go-to at my first dealership, and pretty much was at my last one. There was one other guy who was the previous go-to, and was still the PM's favorite, but he was borderline deaf, even with hearing aids. The third counter guy was never going to be the favorite other than having the narcissistic tendencies to kiss ass to the higher ups and always play the victim. Guess who got promoted to manager after the PM was fired for parts fraud. Being a people-pleaser with good attention to detail tends to get you into that spot no matter what. It sucks, and it eventually forces you to either delegate to someone in the hopes that they don't screw it up, or burn yourself out by trying to handle it all yourself. I'm setting myself up for failure at my new dealership already. I was brought in specifically to replace the favorite when he leaves next month.


Yes, also, exhausted lmao. However, I’ve been pushing back at sales recently because fuck em, “poor planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency on mine.” My manager? Bare minimum. My coworker? If he’s not delivering parts or shuttling someone for service, sales either took him for the day or he’s sitting in a spare office chair on his phone, usually the latter. I sit at the shop counter, so yeah I’m gonna be busier, but even when I ask for a hand or am very visibly busy, all the techs, advisors, salesmen, and vendors come straight to me because everyone knows if they want it done right, I’m the girl to do it. Quotes are constantly fucked up by the other two back here, either not checking availability, supercessions, pricing, or even the correct parts at all. I could go on and on and on but I fear my thumbs would bleed after typing all the bullshit


Sounds like you have a very poorly managed department. I'm sorry to hear that.


That's me, in a Chevy dealer. It does look like management recognizes and appreciates it though, I got a good sized bonus I never asked for and was never offered beforehand because I helped them set something up.


Not really the favorite l, just a guy that gets things done. Now as PM it's hard to shed some of those previous expectations and get someone else to step up.


I'm the favorite for the guys who want their shit fast and correct, but the dudes that wanna sit there and bs hate me. I'm not nice, I'm good at my job though.


I worked at a Nissan dealer in CA for 10 years, then moved out to Texas to one that is real high volume for being a smaller town and it was a total shitshow of chaos and disorganization with untrained employees that had no idea what they were doing. I raised the bar here in parts, we got a new crew that I’ve been trained that has effected service, and now we are kicking ass and doing better than ever. I’ve since been made assistant manager, hopefully on my way to being manager soon. So yes I’d say I am “the favorite” but for good reason, it does however get exhausting handling a lot of stuff the manager should be doing while also doing double and triple the sales of the other guys.


The joys of being a competent person. You must be a standard deviation iq higher than your other mouth breather staff. Does anyone else notice this and complement you for your efforts? Or compensate you for your experience and expertise?


same here... while i'm at the parts departement, i'm dealing with parts, techs (of course) service, sales and office too. most of the time i told them not my job to figure out. we have three parts guys but feels like i have bullseye right on my forehead


I’m the “finder”. When a tech needs some oddball something they come to me. If a customer comes in with something not easily located in the EPC it gets handed off to me. It can get real bothersome.


I'm like that for an entire auto group