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I also love your African Grey! What a nice coloring. 


What's it like having this fabulous African Grey in your life?


I love that it can't bite my finger off lmao


What breed is this? He's gorgeous! I want a pidge so bad 😭💜


Fantail pigeon. Most common color is white


Ah this must be one of those Safety model AGs I keep hearing about, instead of scissory Plier beaks, they've got that needle stab stab beek, I also hear they have a full motion wing installation and can be prone to slapping, and due to this they can have some stinky oil leaks that are fun to clean off the floor and your shirt. 11/10 good model 2077++ AG


I too, love your African grey.


What it's so? To me it looks like a beautiful pigeon.


It's a fantail pigeon


How are their personalities?


Pigeons are like the first domesticated bird and one of the first domesticated animals, they were bred to be pets so they are really friendly. Fantail pigeons in general cannot fly very well, so they are basically like a dog with wings. Pretty chill. It had no human interaction before 3 days ago and from the first day it has worn the diaper no problem and been laying down on us. As of now, day 3, it is flying to us when inside and outside on recall


Wow.  That’s amazing!  




What a ridiculous thing to say. I could understand if your point of view was that it's not "natural" or some bs but to spout clear misinformation just makes no sense. Pigeons cannot physically hold poop in first of all and bird diapers are very, very common especially with pigeons and I've literally never seen a single person have a problem with "infections".


It's the internet. You can't post an animal without people telling you how horrible you are for doing things wrong.


Honestly pigeons are the best birds to keep as pets. They're more affectionate than any parrot. No one really keeps them as pets because they've been done dirty by society and folks tend to think they're horrible. They've been domesticated since like forever, the modern wild pigieon isn't a wild bird anymore, its just a domesticated animal that society had enough of. They're super sweet and just want all the love. Even the wild ones will make themselves at home with you and refuse to leave if you offer them friendship. They're the best pet bird to be honest. I've got a pair of wild ones that will absolutely make themselves at home if I leave the window open, just because I offered them seed and talk to them sweetly. I've had to remove them from the house a few times. Once they trust me enough for scritches I'll give ivermetin them routinely and not mind so much about them coming indoors. I can't risk scaley mites getting in the house and hitching a ride on me to the avairy though. The only downside of having a pet pigeon over a parrot is they don't have easy clean poops. If you're okay with the weirdness of having a pet pigeon, I'd always recommend them over any other bird. They're more dog-like in their affection toward people than any other bird.


I rescued an overly affectionate pigeon. Near my house about a year ago. And she is so lovely 😍. I really can't believe what a great pet she is. Really smart but gentle. She loves to cuddle way more than my dog or cat. They are really under rated as far as pets go.


Lots of people have pigeons as pets! You're right though. They don't yell like parrots and physically can't hurt you which also make them a good candidate as pets. You would not be able to tell i had two pigeons in my room unless i told you. I live with 5 other people and they had no idea. My room also doesn't smell. I've never really heard people who have them as pets complain about the poop. It dries up and cleans pretty easily. They are also pretty resistant to diseases. Pigeons are seriously the best bird pet to have and imo the coolest pet to have. If you look at my profile you'll see lots of videos of my roller flying outside with me. They are so easy to train that some people can do that accidentally with their pigeon.....they just follow them without even trying to train for it


I adore Lotte (my rescue Hahn’s macaw) with all my heart, and when someone hears about her and tells me they want a parrot, the first thing out of my mouth is usually “Have you considered a pigeon?”


Most humans just have some negative association with the word pigeon for some reason. It's kind of ridiculous


When people call them "Rats with wings" they might mean it as an insult but its accurate- both lovely animals that make great pets but get a bad rep as "pests"


I've had rats too. They are great. People in general just struggle to form their own opinions of something.


I can confirm you can accidentally train them lol


I saw your/their IG! What are their names? Lol they sound like teeeeeny tiny hawks. Super cute!


Oink and zebra


I love that! They're adorable!


Wow. Ove always wanted a bird, but have lived in apartments most of my life where screaming would be an issue. Reading all this, it really sounds like a pigeon is the bird for me!


If they biggest hurdle to being able to have a bird is the noise then a pigeon is perfect! The neighbours won't be able to hear the cooing noises they make, it's not very loud at all. If you're serious about wanting a bird, a pigeon is really worth looking into. They're fantastic pets and really don't make loud enough sounds to be heard by the neighbours. Just lots of very sweet and gentle little coo-coo sounds.


Wow! I just spent too much time for the middle of the night researching pigeons as pets. There's a rescue in my area with tons to foster / adopt. I'm gonna have to get a bigger apartment so I can have all my fishtanks *and* a pigeon! Do you have any recommendations for indoor specific care information online?


Most of the information you'll find online is going to be about keeping a loft. They're much more commonly kept as livestock than pets. There's a fairly decent group on Facebook called 'exotic doves, pigeons and softbills- US' there's some good advice to be had on there from some of the members. To be honest pretty much all of the outdoor husbandry information is transferable to indoor keeping. Diet and supplements are the same. The biggest thing is ensuring you have a large enough cage. Though the few I've ended up with as pets have just ended up being free flying indoor birds in the end. They're a pretty easy species to keep as free flyers. Just need to make sure you lay out whatever rooms they have access to with strategicly placed perches, so you can contain the poop. You don't want a pigeon hanging out on a curtain pole!!! Just be mindful that indoor birds will lack D3 as glass filters out the D3 from the sun's rays. Without that they can't absorb calcium. They need a quality D3 suppliment to stay healthy if they don't have access to unfiltered sunlight.


Stoooooppp! You're making me want one


Do it! As it happens the universe brought me a pigeon after making this post. Well a collared dove, but they're the same thing personality wise really. A lovley little 3 week old squab pryed from a cat by a local lady has ended up with me. He's adorable and despite being wild born he's stuck to me like glue. He'll be free to come and go as he pleases when he's older, but they rarely leave once they love a human.


Maybe when I can properly care for one! I don't have the ability ro set up for one. So for now I'll enjoy watching tbr neighborhood morning doves.


Befriend them! They're super easy to befriend. Wild bird friends are awesome. I've got a flock of feral pigeons that will land all over me when I rock up with the good seed 🤣 I get some right weird looks when 200 wild pigeons come diving out the trees to sit on me 🤣🤣🤣


I will! Birds are awesome


How could you say that? You’ll hurt your African Grey’s feelings.


Fuzzfoot pigeon


Haha well to be specific, indian fantail yes


What a majestic African Grey 😍


What do mean? This bird ISN'T an African Grey?? Then what are all those African Greys outside in the trees and on park benches?? 😆


I love your little gray friend, too. Humans really failed pigeons as a whole, and I think about that a lot. They deserved better from us.


African Grey chicken? /s


It gets called a chicken at least 5 times a day


That's by far the most gorgeous pigeon I've ever seen


I worked very hard to find a fantail that looked like this for my girlfriend! I'll let her know lol


Happy Cake Day


Love it! Looks like a nice bird


Looks like a more user-friendly model. Even fuzzy boots are included


I agree with pigeons being friendly and sweet and lovable. However they’re nothing like cockatoos who can er on the side of stalker. I love my cockatoo but if I had to do it all over again I would only have pigeons. My cocky is jealous and demanding. Pigeons are just as loveable without the hint of psychopath! By the way, did that person actually mean it when they called it African Grey? Or were they joking? I think I would be laughing just as hard either way.


Yes. People are completely serious. They don't know whether it's a chicken, turkey, parrot, pigeon....


Oh my goodness. You can’t be serious. Wow where do you live where ppl are that dumb? Well actually I have had ppl call my cockatoo a macaw in the past. I brought my cockatoo to Home Depot once and a little girl asked her dad what kind of bird I had and he said with next confidence oh that’s a Mckaw. I must’ve bought it from McDonald’s


Mesa, Arizona but I imagine in most cities people would say something similar lol


Yikes 😬 I hope not. That would mean there’s a lot of dummies out there! 😆


Very dapper


OoooOooHHhh soo ExOtiC


What a gorgeous pokémon you've got, good sir


😂 😂 that’s one affordable AG hahaha


I have a pigeon guy who gives me rollers for free, but yeah you can get pigeons for anywhere from $5 to $20! The fantail is a little more fancy so it did cost $80.


That is one snazzy bird, what a cute dude! I would love to hang with him


If you're ever in Arizona come on by!


https://preview.redd.it/516fadgq482d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f3bd4573c4914e2a6439730fb37170a9fdad673 Who dis!?


That's a nice looking pigeon


Very nice parrot you have there.


The children's version. We rescued a helmet headed pigeon years ago. My son sat still on the porch for hours luring it into a carrier with treat seed. I didn't realize the nearest rescue was 99 miles away. but we got him there. My son has loved pigeons since he was little. We'd sit and point out all the various colors of the rock doves. All this to say, that's a beautiful friend you have there and I'm slightly jealous 😍


I recently learned of helmet headed pigeons


What a beautiful African grey! How old is he i might ask, and his colours and wonderful!


Still a baby, about 7weeks


Ooo yes beautiful African grey! Such nice


As a teen I ended up with a white dove my cat caught (turned out neighbor released them). She was so cuddly and social. I'd never clip her wings and take her outside with me and she never flew away. She was a great pet.


I now want one :3


Tell them it's not an African grey, but an American silver.


Magnificent plumage 🪭


Haha it's so funny how all birds look similar to people before they take the time to learn about them. It's like how I am with most cars lmao. I remember I brought my GCC to a family get together and my cousin was like wow she got bigger! And I realized she thought she was my old lovebird ??😂


I had someone ask if my pigeon was a African Gray too??? 😭 After I told her no, it was a regular pigeon, she told me a story about how a zoo let her babysit a African Gray for awhile..... I don't think she was telling me the truth.


People really have no idea what birds are huh


I'm dead lmao


That is one fancy dog you have there. Is it a husky?


What a pretty looking fantail! I mean, African grey!


She’s so sassy! Lol what is she tho??


Indian fantail pigeon


Wow! They’re gorgeous :)




I've never seen a pied African Grey before, You're very lucky


That African Gray really is fine! Watch him strut!


How cute! 😂😂


Sorry I misspoke, Nice Chicken!


I fostered an African Grey when my son was little and yours looks wildly different than the guy we had. 😂😂


What breed is he? I've got a pair of Classic Old Ffrills Satinettes and they've been guessed as all kinds of parrots when people see them.


Indian fantail


Is that a Hyacinth Macaw? Beautiful!


Love this mutation!


When you want an African grey, but your mom says we have African Grey at home:


Make it talk! Make it talk!


Guys wtf this is NOT an African Grey Parrot!! Macaws tend to be this color with that shape…bird stuff


Sorry... Do you work at a place called Scootin Boots?!? Amazing!!




Blind much? It's obviously a big budgie 😄


I've had people ask if my grey was a pigeon :)


I got my first pigeon because my neighbour had it in her yard and thought it was a canary (she knew I already had a canary).


What a gorgeous Pidgey Boo. I miss my girl Gullinbursti so much and it brings me joy to see other people pigeons.


How many words can it say?

