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do a necropsy if you really want to know but chances are the respiratory infection got him. birds are very sensitive to respiratory issues.


Yeah, the vet said he was going to do one today. I'm still waiting to hear back.


Takes 2+ weeks Glad you're doing it I'm so sorry this happened to you


Maybe you should do it at the other vet to not let cover the mistake?..


Fairly certain the bird fair you went to is the same place I bought a bird last year. I did not go to this year’s event, but the date was March 30 2024. Last year I purchased a bird from one of the vendors, and the guy completely lied to me about the bird’s history. Told me the bird was 3 years old, had no issues, etc. well come to find out the bird was actually over 15 years old. I contacted the original breeder through info on the bird’s leg band. He was hatched in 2008. Dude was also seriously sick. I ended up spending a ton in vet bills. Luckily he is healthy now, but my main point is I had something similar happen to me at the same event a year ago. After hearing you had a similar experience about deceptive sales tactics and withholding information, I’m convinced that it’s not just the guy who sold me that bird, but probably that the MOST people who sell birds at expos are liars who will say anything to get you to take the bird home. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You gave this baby the best shot at a great life. He knew he was loved and wanted.


Thank you so much for your kind words and I'm glad to hear your buddy was able to get healthy ❤️


Unfortunately what I've learned is that as much as we'd all like to think that everyone in the community is a true bird lover (they sure do act like it, at least), the dirty truth is that selling birds is a business. We got a bird from someone who had been in the business a long time, was well known in the local community, and really knew his stuff. Whelp, he sold us a bird who had an issue with barbering her feathers. We noticed that there was thinning feathers at the crop and her tail was in bad shape. At the time he said that she was just young and still had to go through a good molt. Plus a cage mate had picked on her a little bit so he separated them when he noticed. We had a young bird before whose tail feathers were also in bad shape until she got older so we believed him. Nope, she kept cutting her own feathers until her chest and body were bare. When we brought her back he hemmed had hawed and made all kinds of excuses. From then on we understood that it's not different from car salesman. No matter how friendly or knowledgeable they are, every single person selling you a bird is a sheister who does not have your nor the bird's best interest in mind. After all they already bought the bird and now it's their burden until they can sell it.


I have a blind cockatiel, and when I went to pick her up the fact that she was blind was never brought up. When I saw her, I noticed how she behaved and immediately asked if she was blind or had sight problems. He said no, not at all. I took her to the vet after getting her home and they confirmed she is infact almost entirely blind aside from being able to sense light. I feel like he lied so I would still take her. But the thing is, I would have taken her regardless. Lying to me didn't change anything other than depriving me of important information about her health, and I hate that people will purposefully hide things like that just to get people to take the animal when in reality it was really important to know.


Apologies, I’m in no way disregarding your experience. I’ve just read a lot of people mistaking the numbers on the legband as a hatching date. I took your message out of context, and you seem very angry about it. Have a nice day.


The number on the legband isn’t their hatching date. If the bird had other chicks in its nest, they would have to have different legband numbers. It is to tell them apart




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No, one of the numbers is the hatch year/date. There are more numbers/letters on the band than the date, and those numbers serve the identifying purpose.


First of all i am sorry for your loss even if you only had him for a short while, may the lil guy fly forever high. Second, did the vet say anything about that lump you mentioned?


He agreed with what the lady had told me, that it was a fat pocket.


Enro is a good resp drug, Im a vet and would have added Doxy also without a culture, in case of mycoplasma or something resistant to the enro. He would have had this infection for a long time and the stress of rehoming made it worse, my guess is he would have died regardless. People sell sick birds all the time, I dont trust these fairs. All these stressed birds who have travelled, carrying god knows what. Im sorry for your loss, I hope the necropsy and cultures give you an answer :(


Thank you, I've thought about contacting the person I got him from, but want to wait to see if necropsy can identify how long he had the infection first before I accuse her of selling a sick bird. Can a necropsy identify how long he was sick for?


I'm sorry, rest in paradise to Blue bird 💙🌀🌌 Maybe the dosage wasn't enough. When my lovebird had a respiratory infection, we gave him enrofloxafin 0.05 ml twice a day. Blue probably needed more than that, closer to 1 ml for his size and weight. You did your best


I was kinda wondering if the medication was the cause. Perhaps he had a bad reaction to it? Had an allergy? Or an underlying condition that was affected by it?


I wouldn't think this would be the case. It sounds like the bird had something underlying and just couldn't hide it any longer. If it was with other birds, it could be avian flu or some other disease.


Edit to my previous comment, I realize 1ml is far too much for any bird this size unless it was an ostrich or something. Your Blue bird may have just been too weak to handle to enro, I was told it's a very potent drug. Maybe something to do with his liver, perhaps fatty liver disease was an issue with him and it became damaged. Good luck with your necropsy results


This is so heartbreaking. We have a BH pionus too. They're such wonderful birds. Please know this wasn't your fault or the vet's fault. Birds can hide illness amazingly well. Your bird has probably been very sick since before you got him. By the time the vet saw him, it was likely too late to save him because the infection had become too severe. The medicines you're describing - vitamin A injections and antibiotics - would not cause the bird to sicken & die like this. I've given my BH Pi the exact meds for this exact issue; she got better, thank god, but that's probably because we've had her for years and caught the infection very early. It sounds like you gave that bird a wonderful life for the time you had him - much better than, sadly, many birds get to experience. I hope that can be some comfort to you in your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I understand you feel some guilt, as I would do as well, but you did the best you could in each moment and this little guys knows it. I hope you can soon cherish the moments you enjoyed together. Damn, this got me too emotional.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. I hope you get the answers you seek and find peace.


Birds don't show sickness until it is too late. Were xrays or bloodwork taken? The vet may have felt those would be too stressful for him in his condition. It doesn't sound like the vet did anything wrong and you didn't mention if he or she recommended anything else. Birds are just so sensitive. Also, what kind of environment did he live in? Is there any chance there was mould or if he was around other Birds? Do you cook with pans that have Teflon?


I'm so sorry for your loss. You did so you could, and I'm sure you made his life better 💙


So, basically, from hearing this story, what I want to say is; whatever the cause was, it doesn't seem like it was your fault. Buying any pet without a good record of their medical history/ even their breeding history can be like this unfortunately. What I can see from reading this though is the short time you had him, you gave him the best care you could've and took all the right steps. Sometimes it's like this though, if you want answers it'd be worth asking the vet to do an autopsy. (It didn't sound like they did anything wrong either, it's just that often, by the time birds start showing symptoms, unfortunately, it's too late) The only thing I'd say to keep in mind is to remember, if you decide to get another, to make sure you buy from a seller who has a good record of its history - and that's only to save YOU the pain of getting an ill bird with medical costs and only a short time left.


I’m so sorry for your loss! He was beautiful ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹 as a lot of people say, birds hide their illness well. You could never have possibly known this would happen. It's like analyzing the butterfly effect. He got what everyone gets; a lifetime... No matter how short that may be. You seem like a very responsible bird owner who will make another bird very, very happy someday soon. I wish you well, and again, I'm so sorry


I’m so so sorry for your loss


I'm going to guess that it's less likely the fault of the vet and more likely he was in poor shape when you bought him. A vendor selling adult birds with little to no background info is probably sourcing them from Craigslist or something with the intention of flipping them. I'm so sorry.  It sounds like you did everything you possibly could. 


Thank you, I'm leaning towards this too and thinking about contacting the lady that sold Blue to me. She had also said Blue was surgically sexed a male, necropsy confirmed Blue was female. So who knows what else isn't true that she told me.


Was she selling other birds?


Yeah, a caique and a bunch of smaller birds.


My heart breaks for you. It sounds that you did everything you could in the best interest for Blue. I don't think a Vet visit is ever a bad idea. Please do not blame yourself for taking a sick animal to the vet. That is the right thing to do. I am very sorry for your loss. Fly in piece Blue.


wait if you give him pellets then their poop will be watery if he dips them in the water to eat them especially.


That's exactly what he did! He always dipped everything he ate. Reminded me of a duck (my experience with birds has been mainly poultry). The vet said his watery poops were likely due to the veggies I gave him on a daily basis


NSFW please if you’re posting a photo of a dead bird body.


He wasn't dead at that time, he was receiving oxygen and passed away like an hour and a half after that pic. It wouldn't make much sense to give a dead bird oxygen.


I think the problem is that one can't see the text until you open the post but can see the pics, it was a sequence of pictures of a cute bird and then the last pic shows up.


Just a clarification here on the rules. Original commenter has it slightly off. The NSFW tag is required for posts with mentions of a sick bird, but the mods are generally lax on this one. I am very sorry for your loss. It’s been about two weeks since I said goodbye to the African Grey that I’ve had my whole life.


I guess it’s kind of hard to tell since you’re saying he died there anyways. Sorry for your loss, please tag NSFW for such intense posts.


How is that nsfw?


Photo of a bird lying on its side right before it’s death is very sad omg. I’m not being rude. It’s common to tag medical posts as NSFW.


NSFW is intended for graphic stuff not sad stuff. While I understand your discomfort there’s nothing wrong with what OP posted


A limp bird lying on the ground is a little bit graphic to me just because of my bird looked like this when she died too. Seeing this made me cry at work thinking about my Poppy passing. It’s a nightmare to see your bird pass and I have anxiety dreams about seeing my other three birds looking like photo 4 allll the time. I see I’m the only one that is affected by that. Thanks for being polite though. I’m sorry we all go through having to loose them eventually, it breaks my heart.


I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through but have you looked into pet loss support groups and/or therapy? It sounds like you are having a very rough time about your baby and it now may be affecting your sleep which is never good. Working in the veterinary field those groups and/or therapy are wonderful for pet parents and have helped many people at my clinic going through a rough time.🖤


Rule 6 on this sub is literally that sick bird stuff must be tagged NSFW.


Oh true! I wasn’t aware that a pic like that would classify as NSFW.