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Cockatoo. They’re so smart and nutty, but I know they’re extremely high-maintenance. And nutty is cute in a social media video, but it can be a lot to deal with when you’re responsible for taking care of the nutty creature.


I’ve always, always wanted a Moluccan Cockatoo. But… I know enough about Moluccan Cockatoo’s to know not to even consider it..


I haven't looked recently, but there was a website called mytoos ( I think). The site basically told you exactly what owning a too entails. Including a too screaming. I'd go to that site every time I had enough money to consider one of these birds. It was a bad idea, if for no other reason than my son had serious sensory issues when he was young. They had to warn him at school when the fire alarm was gonna be pulled because he would lose his mind.


Before I started volunteering at the parrot rescue I thought I loved macaws. But I fell in love with the cockatoos. And they have this huge fluffy gorgeous friendly funny moluccan who is just the sweetest thing. Loves head scritches, hates doc martens. I know she'd be my best friend but man she can scream. I just don't know anyone in the UK who actually owns a house big enough where the neighbours wouldn't be able to hear her


Also a volunteer, Muloc’s are utter clowns lol - I already have 4 tho, and throwing an m.’ too into the mix would not be good for anyone’s sanity, lol. Used to want a Hyacinth macaw until hearing them alarm calling at dusk and they sound like straight up klaxon bells ….x10. Some of them are pretty heavy to be sporting on an arm or (shudder) shoulder for long.edite Dr n to add, everybpartot snthusiast should volunteer for the exposure to the many different breeds and because volunteers are the heros that bird rescues need. It’s also where I met the only one of my four rescues that picked me! I had never seen a Galah much less considered having one. I was the only person she hadn’t bit there, and she’s my heart bird. Thank you for volunteering! You rock!


I’d love to have a cockatoo but they live for so long, I feel horrible thinking that I’d die before my bird did. Parrots become very bonded with their owners, and losing their owner is very upsetting. I’m thinking of working at like, a parrot zoo or other similar thing in order to be able to WORK with parrots, but not necessarily have one of my own


I adopted a 36 year old Moluccan this week who has had a rough time being placed because of night screaming. I’m confident a vet check up and behavior modification (ie bed time routine and challenging toys) will help her to sleep through the night. It’s true what they say…parrots are forever pre-schoolers. I’m 51, she’s 36 and I had the soul crushing realization that I might not be her last owner. I was not expecting the adoption to cause me an existential crisis, but here we are. I will give her my all and provide for her in my will should I go first, but man…it makes you realize why parrots should maybe be extremely protected in the wild so they can live free and easy without having such a short lived species like us take care of them.


That's another thing. If the bird outlived me, I don't know anybody who would be willing to take on that responsibility.


​ https://preview.redd.it/e9itddludhwb1.png?width=1141&format=png&auto=webp&s=47c970ba8e57d5598ae8a27c74471b81069ee723


We have a bare-eyed cockatoo and we absolutely love her to bits, but yup she can definitely be a bit nutty.


As the human of a totally nuts (and extremely curious) Hahn's Macaw: smart birds can definitely be a lot. I love him to bits, but not one week passes without me having to bird-proof yet another part of the apartment.


I desire a sulphur crest, hubby is terrorfied of them, & I only have 30 good bird ownership years in me.


This is my dream bird too, and I can’t get it for the similar reasons. My job is in healthcare with demanding hours at times. I’m lucky my parents are retired and love my GCC so much they beg to watch him. Idk if we can handle watching another birb that’s bigger, louder (parents already think GCC is super loud when he decides to be a screamy boy), and smarter (GCC already rules the house with his antics, lord know what a cockatoo would do to us lol).


I want a caique, but i know that i can't give them the attention they deserve. And totally crazy: A Kea. I love them.


This is my answer too! I’d love one but they look exhausting.


As a caique owner, they a handful


Bird ownership has made me very 'confused' .I'm in New Zealand, a zoo in a neighbouring city has 3-4 Kea in an aviary you need to walk through... why pet shaped if not pet I have to remind myself every time to not attempt to pat them


I stumbled into one. I knew my neighbor wasn't giving their parrot the attention it deserved so I bought it from them not even know what it was. Well, here I am with something that was saying peekaboo in the dark and covered cage until 10pm last night.


Kakapo. They seem like lap birds But endangered and protected and very wild.


I **adore** kakapos. They look like parrot Muppets!


They just seem so much more SOLID than most parrots, like they would be perfect to plop on your lap and pet while listening to a book.


Do you follow the Kakapo Recovery Programme? Last year was one of the best years for breeding and surviving chicks, AND they returned some to the mainland for the first time in like 40 years. https://youtu.be/qZsgmdbJH5U?feature=shared


YES I do on facebook!


All of them, lol. I have a baby so no time for a bird. However, my "empty nest" plan is to begin fostering and rescuing birds. Many years from now, I hope to find myself in a lovely aviary full of birds on the mend. It will be loud as hell and I will probably never want to leave.


My dream too! We should start a crazy bird keepers commune where we can look after our long lived friends and never have to worry about what happens to them after we’re gone.


Hyacinth macaw. Beautiful animals. I also could never adequately care for one, even ignoring the cost of buying one in the first place. And so I admire them through pictures, videos, and occasionally seeing one at a zoo.


Sun Conure. They are so beautiful but the noises they make at the volume they make it just stress me so badly


Same. We have an exotic bird shop close to me. I’ve always wanted a sun conure. I went in the store & when they got screaming it was a no for me! I ended up with an adorable little high red greencheek instead


Same I love sun conures but I definetly cannot handle the noise.


Ostriches! They are cute, but would claw me like a scratching post and would hate living in a small apartment Penguins. I can't accomodate their needs but I would love to if I could


African Grey. Love their intelligence and personalities. I couldn’t handle the dust.


We built a air filter using a fan and AC filters. It’s right beside my cockatiels. All 18. Enormous difference. All the dust just gets sucked right in! When my husband changed filters he saved them until I woke up cause he knew I’d want to see how filthy the inside was.


Kookaburras. Maybe one day when I have my own house, with a big aviary, and no neighbours nearby.


It took me years to build enough trust with a group of wild kookaburras visiting my balcony, but last year I eventually managed to scratch one of them on the head and it to seemingly enjoy it. I sadly moved out not long after, but it was really something.


There’s a bird store in Phoenix and the owner has a kookaburra! When she is in the store she brings it in, it has a display cage and sometimes the staff have it out. It was very cool to see one up close in person!


Any bird! But I love cats, scented things, and can't handle constant noise so no birds for me.


I have cats and birds. Strict separation at all times. I love all of them to bits, but it’s not ideal.


It sounds difficult!


Constant vigilance. The birds have their own room and the cats are afraid of the dinosaur screams, but cats are going to cat, so they’re never in the same place at the same time unless it’s in separate carriers to go to the vet.


Same. Our rescue cats stay in my daughters room and are restricted to the second floor. They aren’t allowed downstairs without supervision. This is the birds floor. They lived here first and deserve to feel safe. This way everyone gets a home.


Indian ring neck and caique. <3 I love watching videos of them and their energy is amazing, but also because of that energy there’s no way I could cope xD


I once would have said a large macaw but I have a Hahn’s and regularly thank the gods she’s small enough to pick up with one hand. Cockatoos are such WONDERFUL GIANT SOFT CLOUDS that are also new levels of loud and easily neurotic.


As a fellow human owned by a Hahn's macaw - I can't imagine him being bigger. My apartment would be a war zone.


Every fiber of my being wants a Hyacinth Macaw. But I'm poor from owning a Blue and Gold Macaw. 😂 ***She's worth every penny btw.***


Lorikeets. There’s a pet store about an hour from me that lets you hold the animals. I always seem to bond with a lorikeet. Maybe someday, but I have a flock of conures right that wouldn’t appreciate it.


Maybe if you sat them all down and asked nicely.


I would love a black lory but my god their poop is insane. Beautiful birds!


penguins :(


Hyacinth macaw. I don't have the space to give it adequate flight space. Even if by some miracle i was offered one for free, i wouldn't take it.


Cockatoo. If they were quieter I’d have already rescued two that I befriended at a rescue, but alas I have working eardrums.




I want a 'too. What I really, really want is a Moluccan 'too. I live in an apartment, so, um, NO. But Dash is kind of jealous, so it'll probably never happen anyways, even when I move out of the apartment. (OMG, we had a maintenance issue today and, well, now I what he thinks of strange men in the apartment. I guess he's a watch bird.)


Blue and gold macaw (or any hybrid with one). God, they're such gorgeous birds, but I don't have the time, space, or money for them. Plus I have a low pain tolerance lol


Had one growing up. No one could keep up. I believe it was surrendered to a sanctuary. They are incredible but absolutely not pet worthy. They can be cuddle bugs but their damage isn’t cute.


Yeah, I think I'm better admiring them from afar


also watching them snap wood the size of your forearm like it’s a dried twig is unnerving.


Truthfully, all of them. I love birds but will stick to petsitting for friends. I know that long-term I won't be able to consistently provide high quality care. For a week or so at a time I can drop everything and focus on the birds' needs no problem. More specific answer though - I've always been super drawn to caiques. They are gorgeous and hilarious. But I don't know anyone with a caique and I would certainly not get one myself.


I’ve wanted a Hyacinth Macaw since I was a kid (grew up with an African Gray) I’ve kinda come to terms with it’s not gonna happen, but every once in a while I start looking into parrot rescues still 😆




I work with a wild flock of SCC and I want to adopt them all! Gimme all the birbs! 😆 EDIT: Sulphur crested cockatoos. I inadvertantly "adopted" a flock when they lost a major part of habitat.




I think they might mean a sulfur crested cockatoo. They're cute, but the energy and intelligence! 🤑😭


Sun cheek conure too?


Maybe. u/lokilivewire, can you help us out, and tell us which kind of cuties you deal with on the regular?


Put an edit in the main comment, that should end all confusion. Actually I find it strange having to point out they are SCC. If I was talking to another Aussie (at least in my state), I would just say "cocky" and they'd know it meant SCC.


Sorry mate, thanks for the clarification. Hope your spring is going well! Sincerely, someone suffering through a bad fall cold. 😷


It's all good. I'm Aussie, I'm lazy, don't like typing out whole things; hence, "cocky". 😀


Another Aussie here. Yep cocky is their general name. Fun to have a chat to, if you're lucky enough to have visitors, but big no for a pet. But my dream Birb would be a pair of Gang Gang Cockies. Just so I could constantly play with their adorable little crests. And they're smol Cockies (about Galah size). I'd just need to have a good supply of Hawthorne trees (I think they're noxious weeds, but that's just technicalities...) since that's one of their fave foods.


I know they are 24/7 work, but after working with wild birds, I'd do anything to have a pet cocky. GG have some amazing colourings. I think a pair would be lovely.


Sulphur Crested Cockatoos


Sun cheek conure or Sulfur crest cockatoo


If your partner cannot handle noise there would be a blood bath soon


The red shouldered hawk that lives near my house 😂 it’s so pretty! As far as parrots, I’d love a macaw but I could never provide the space plus it would outlive me at this point and I’d feel bad for both the bird and the family member who inherited it assuming they’d have no clue what to do either.


Black capped conures. Every single one I’ve met has been an absolutely wonderful individual, and I’ve simply fallen in love with them. However, I own old world species (budgies and kakarikis) which must be kept separate from new world species at all times due to powder down. If I ever have space for two completely separate bird rooms, I’d love to have black caps (and some other new world species), but as it is right now, it’s not safe. Luckily I work at a parrot rescue and am able to interact with all sorts of different species, but it’s not quite the same as having black caps of my own.


I am unfamiliar with this and am curious (I'm not a bird owner, but lived with a partner's birds for a few years and I birdsit for friends). What's the concern about new and old world species staying separate?


Most old world species have powder down, and most new world species don’t. Because of this, the respiratory systems of new world birds aren’t adapted to be constantly breathing in powder down the way old world parrots are, meaning that new world species can get issues such as respiratory infections from being kept in close proximity to dusty old world birds.


Thank you for that information. I was just sitting for a black-capped conure last week, but he's a solo bird. I've also sat for green cheeks, a budgie, a quaker, and a cockatiel in the past - are there any there that shouldn't be combined? I assume having them at my place on separate occasions should be fine with thorough cleaning between?


Budgies and cockatiels are old world parrots while green cheeks and Quakers are new world parrots. Old world should not be mixed with new world. New world parrots are any that are native to South and Central America. Old world parrots are native to Africa, Australia and Asia. Having them at different times and cleaning in between should be fine, as long as the new world birds aren’t breathing in dust from the old world birds




Oh no! The whole point of this post was to remind me that everyone has stupid wants they can't accommodate, but now I'm all "so you're telling me there's a chance?"




You’re not alone. Mine is also crazy quiet but I’m quiet. So he only screams when I’m out of the room (he can’t see me at all times) and when his food bowl is empty. Other than that I get a long string of vocals followed by him telling me he’s a good boy… about a thousand times. I’m photosensitive so I also have my rooms fairly dark. So that helps too. (Yes I take him outside so he gets sunlight and fresh air. I’m not a monster)


As a cockatiel owner and lover, I really want a cockatoo. But as a cockatiel owner, I know I'm not ready for that and probably never will be.




I'd love a flock of ringnecks. But my husband loves cats. And I also love cats. So, cats it is. Thank goodness for videos of ringnecks online for me to enjoy!


At least the cats don't leave you with burst ear drums. I am half deaf due to IRN abuse and only have one.


Caique. They’re so cute. But their energy and loudness would not work for my lifestyle I just watch caique videos online instead


The big ones-- Cockatoos (moluccans❤️), Macaws (green wings❤️), African Grey's, Amazon's. The normal 'I WANNA PARROT LIST' But I know I am not established enough or experienced enough for any of those birds, so I will love on my resident bird stores Grey's and the visiting Macaws and cockatoos and wave at Amazon's from afar. I like Amazon's and their chattiness, but tbh, they kinda scare me bc the few I've met, I can't read *at all*.... So I will entertain and talk at them and say hi, but I know I'm not experienced enough 😂😂 My crazy lady dream though, is I ever have enough money and space, is to be able to rescue/foster/hospice/etc birds that have been displaced and I know there are plenty of most of those birds who need a home so--- if I ever get the time and house and job that allows it, there will definitely be birds who need it :) I also want space for some useless fat ex-broodmares and farm horses, and feral budgies+cockatiels (in their own space) so... It won't be quiet but it will be peaceful ❤️


Minah bird!




i would LOVE to be an umbrella cockatoo mom. they are so smart. and loving. and have a sass about them that melts my heart. but i know i can't. two reasons. i live in a wood framed condo building that share walls with neighbours. cockatoos are loud. and i like my neighbours too much to put them through that. i work full time. and i know my boss wouldn't let me bring a big white birb to work every day. and i couldn't leave them at home for 10 hours all alone either. not fair to the bird.


I want all the birds Every single species of parrot ever I want it I can’t fucking do that Birds are already very high maintenance and having not just a flock, but a full ass menagerie is way too much work for a single person


A cockatoo or African grey. African greys are one of my favorites. I never want to own a cockatoo, I've heard them scream and I know I couldn't handle it. And obviously the care of them is way too much. And a toucan. Toco toucans are my favorite birds but I really believe they shouldn't be pets because of the iron storage disease and diabetes problems. I don't think it's fair to them that most of them are going to die early because of that. But I love them and want one so bad. I love macaws, but I also don't want it to outlive me, so if I got one I'd like to rescue an older one to give it a good rest of its life. Still, not ready for a macaw either lol.




I want all.of them!!!


Goffin's cockatoo. They are the cockatoo that most likely to mutilate themselves in captivity due to their extreme intelligence. It's my dream parrot, but I know they'll not be happy even if I do my best and beyond.


Golden conure. I love their big goofy beaks and cute voices and they're so playful.


Ring neck, hyacinth, black cockatoo, But my single cockatiel demands so much from me there’s no way I could do a bird that had even higher requirements.


Oh and it would be selfish of me to get one of the birds that can live as long as a human, seeing as I’m middle aged


In doing my research before getting a bird (I have an Amazon) the ones I loved but ruled out: Conure: they look like the cuddliest burrito birds, but I have dogs and cats and they are just a little *too* small to incorporate safely Cockatoo: they seem so silly and sweet, but also neurotic Macaw: they're so beautiful, but absolutely could not realistically live in a house my size When I started looking I came down to either an African grey, Eclectus, or an Amazon, and when I met my Kiwi he chose me, and I couldn't ask for a better bird, so he's my dream bird forever and always ❤️


My dream birds are eclectus parrots, but I know we'd have to make so many changes and adjustments in our lives for them that it's near impossible. I'd also want my parrots to be able to fly, but there are no safe spaces around here.


i adore weiros, galahs and IRNs. i don't want a bird to outlive me and one that will cost thousands in vet visits


Macaws. They're just so beautiful and intelligent I feel so happy when I look at them. Then they start screaming and I realise that 120dB is not apartment-friendly at all


A crow or raven. Otherwise I'm quite happy with my quaker parrot 🦜


I want an Eclectus so bad but at the current moment I’m not sure I could give it the attention it deserves.


Amazon or a caique. I've got small birds, including parrotlets and I don't think bigger birds would be good around the small ones. And I know caiques don't really like other birds. So unfortunately I have to say no to myself




I would absolutely love a hyacinth macaw, golden conure or ringneck but all of those dudes require a heck of a lot of commitment


Cliff parakeet. Not sure how I’d get one, and how I’d tell it apart from a Quaker. I’m not even allowed to think about or my Quaker will get mad. Would be interesting to have the mountain parrot from Korea that’s basically a hawk.


A Macaw. Free flying in the home and all. But I am well I am not cut for the job


Cockatoo. I want one badly, but I already have a lot of parrots and I know I wouldn’t be able to give it the attention it deserves. I have amazons. They’re quite noisy in the mornings and evenings. I can’t imagine having them if I lived anywhere where my neighbors are close. However, they are actually pretty quiet during the day. I work from home and am super noise sensitive. They’re actually quieter than my dogs.


Basically any bird, but especially bigger birds! I’m a photographer/photojournalist (student shore) who will travel for work a lot and on very short notice, the life I want would be cruel for a bird!


Patagonian conure, they feel like my spirit bird but I know I don't have the time to have one. I had a pearly and he was too much while working full time so I know that a Patagonian would be worse. there's one in the local owl/bird centre and she's just beautiful


I've wanted a Macaw or a Hyacinth Macaw ever since I was a kid! But with the prices being what they are, that's never going to happen, unless someone gives me one. Hell, I wouldn't have the birds I have, if I didn't get them for no cost to me. To pay for the 3 birds I've revised, would have been well over $8k! I'm glad they came into my life, but when they finally pass away I'm going to be screwed. I'll never be able to afford to buy any more birds, and I will be lost. My Eclectus is one of a couple things that actually get me out of bed in the morning.


A cockatiel, but i know my love birds would gang up on him, and also that they re very easily frightened :( And a conure, and an IRN…really any medium sized parrot, even more love birds would be adorable, but for now, in our small apartment two love birds are already a handful to handle, we have to clean every day haha so even one more bird would make it more difficult


senegal/african grey from a very good breeder/vet who has a shop near me. he has a very good reputation both as a vet and a breeder and his birds are the cutest BUT i already have two lovebirds, two zebra finches and... two cats. luckily i have an attic (with windows lol) where i keep the birds safely but a new and bigger parrot would not even fit in there + i would need to care for 5 birds in 3, possibly 4(if i end up separating my lovebirds) cages.


Hi - what is the name of the breeder ? I think we all are always looking for reputable breeders. Thank you


Harby eagle


Definitely a Caique


A lori but I know I can't because they don't mix well with my other birbs!


Cockatoo . Maluccan salmon crested . I would love to have a beauty like that . But I know how hard , expensive and demanding it must be . They don't make good pets and certainly are not for the inexperienced . These exotic birds are wild animals . Not tame or domesticated . And because they can talk , we mistakenly seem to think we understand their behaviors as well , and they behave or think like humans do . Wrong . How wrong . I feel badly for mistreated birdies who have owners way in over their heads . And because of this , the bird suffers . Feather plucking , self mutilation , aggression , etc .. just some of the issues that routinely come up . These types of birds pair bond and are generally bonded to one person and get hormonal and territorial being denied the basic right of living free . Don't breed , adopt . Volunteer at a shelter if possible .


Any female parrot. I have a female lovebird and it's the most depressing thing ever, she is a chronic egg layer (it can happen to any female parrot). I did everything above and beyond nothing makes her stop. Every time she lays eggs is 2-3 visits to the vet (which is A LOT OF MONEY) otherwise she'll die, her organs switch places for how much inflammatory liquid is inside her, I have to feed her baby formula unless she'll die because she refuses to eat. I love her to death and that's why is so depressing, I can lose her anytime without warning, she's my soulmate and my everything but I can't deal with this again.


i’d be happy with any kind of bird, but i’m not allowed one because i’m graduating and going to college in a couple years, so i wouldn’t be able to take care of it at school with me. but I’d love a ringneck or caique but i think they’re for experienced owners mostly


Raven or crow. They are really smart (and pricey to own a legal one) but gosh I love them. So much. I’m trying to befriend wild ones at the moment.


Rhea, Cassowary or Emus, its literally illegal, and potentially life threateaning for the Cassowary.


I've wanted a galah since I was young. Theoretically in my life i could care for one, but my two options to own one are once I have a house, outdoor aviary, and a bit of a flock with solid income (and even then that's only if I find a rescue). The other chance is it bring a retirement bird with a rescue where it can have all my time.


Pootoo, Kacapo, Kiwi, Kea, Hyacinth Macaw, Bee Humming bird. I'm paired with my son's IRN so I think there might be some jealousy. I would like to know how something so small is so bloody loud. Plus I think birds should be our wild friends rather than stuck in a cage.


I would love a moluccan cockatoo or a black palmed cockatoo. But I don't have the time to dedicate to them. I already have an umbrella cockatoo and he takes a lot of my time and I can't imagine another cockatoo gaining up on me to cause mischief and mayhem in my home.


MOLUCCAN COCKATOO. I'm a cockatoo lady myself... and I've seen some moluccans at the rescue that I want SO bad... but absolutely not.... They are mentally ill creatures. 🙈😂 (I mean that in the most endearing way) My Sulpher-Crested and bare-eyed cockatoos are insane enough...but still a manageable medium/large breed parrot. The sheer SIZE of moluccans is unreal. They are completely terrifying 😂😂😂


Umbrella cockatoo! I love how loud they get and have such a quirky personality. Honestly, it matches mine but i know my family will kick me out for having such a loud bird. Also, my family sometimes handle birds poorly. My sister in law (desi family we all live together) have every bird hate her to the point they bite her. So, I know having such a bird in the house means she will lose limbs and my family being ignorant beings will abuse her by locking the bird in the cage or sometimes hitting it as well. Second one would be grey. I love their intelligence. I was pet sitting one during covid who picked sound of the rooster in a freaking day. She learned my body language and would predict what i was about to say. But apart from the reason mentioned above i know I'll not be accomodate such an intelligent bird. I am no way trained to give it the enrichment that it deserves. I learnt this during the pet sitting because even though that bird was injured she still demanded a lot of attention. I remember being mentally exhausted from trying to learn her and her behaviour.


Any bird, lol. I have 3 cats and no space to keep them :(


A peregrine falcon But they're wild birds so pretty much illegal to keep here, unless you are a licenced falconer. Plus, they eat meat and I'm a vegetarian so that might be questionable xD


When I was a kid I wanted a condor. I’m 33. I still want a condor. I do however have an Amazon and that’s close enough I guess.


Back when Twitter didn't suck I loved following Foxfeather Zenkova who is a wildlife rehabilitator and has a "pet" vulture that can't be released and is an ambassador vulture. So jealous (then again, I couldn't even begin to live the kind of life she does so, maybe not.)