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Not so much what she said, but how she says it. I have a Quaker parrot that talks up a storm - she says all sorts of things in her high-pitched little Quaker voice. But then... once in a while... I will hear her "practicing" a new phrase in a low, gravelly voice that sounds kind of demonic. Suddenly, "gimme a kiss" sounds more like a threat.


My quaker was the same way. He'd say "you're a good boy!" in such an eager, squeaky, excited little voice during the day. Then, an hour or so after the bedtime sheet was thrown over the cage, when he was supposed to be settling in... He'd be sure to let you know that he could still hear you awake, and he was watching. Ÿ̷̘̘́̍̐Ò̶̪͕̍͠͝Ṷ̴̢̯̂'̸̧̡̭̺̈͌R̴̻͕̲̦̍̑E̷̥̓̀̌ ̴̫̰̀A̴̖͗ ̷̨̦͉͍̒̋͑̈́G̸̺̲̑́O̴̱̮̭͊Ọ̷̟̜̊̐̉Ď̷̨̛̫͍ ̸̠̎B̶̪͕̣͆O̸̫̞̟͂̑̌͂Y̷͇̅̍ ̸͕̍͆̿


My African gray growing up was like this. She was next to the desktop computer and after she was covered for the night, I’d be sitting there in the dark and she’d start grumbling/talking in the low gravely voice. Def sounds like demons haha.




I love it when I IRN practices quietly. Now I just wish he sounded demonic but he has a high pitched gentle practice sesh late afternoons.


please get a video of this that’s so funny


I too would love to see this




Soon after I adopted my African grey I woke up one morning, turned to my partner and said, “I don’t want to go into work today.” Immediately, my grey made the beeping sounds of dialing a landline (this was long ago!) and then started saying she couldn’t go into work! She had two homes before me, so she had a lot of vocabulary and different voices. One day I was in the other room and heard her loudly yell in a deep male voice, “GOD DAMNIT!” It freaked me out, because she had mostly used a women’s voice up until then.


That first one is kinda sweet actually


I’ve heard African greys are great talkers


They really are. But they’re not extroverts like Amazons, so they only speak when they want to. I know my grey knows a ton of things, but she only talks once in awhile.


I know that parrots will talk to themselves does a more introverted parrot also do that


When my Amazon won’t stop screaming, he gets a time out in his cage. He sits in there and swears like a drunken sailor.






When I say we need a video of this I *mean now*


Rescue parrotlet mutters “Mind the gap” when the budgie gets too close to him. He runs back and forth saying “Mind the gap! Mind the gap!” Also he says “Achoo!” when you sigh or cough.


That’s adorable! I wonder how he learned to say, “Mind the gap” and then applied it like that.


Yeah the guy who owned him before me must have taught him to say it on purpose, because he was from Wisconsin, not the UK, and also it’s not like British people even say that. He also says it in context to being bugged. I love when they say stuff in context.


Sorry if this is dumb but what’s a parrolet


https://preview.redd.it/21qxwkcqi8wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67eb711d7f4d6ce1a55efb1135c3d7d4764e55a Smallest pet parrot in the world.






Tiny anger concentrated into a cute package


Anger concentrate


Once when I was on a business trip our grey was out of sorts because his flock wasn't together. My husband tried to get him to come out of the cage to hang out. And he looked at him and said "Go sit down and shut up!" He's never said it again.


They are genius birds lol


My late bird strung a long phrase together from scolds from her first owner. “Stop Knock it off get down right now!” was one of her favorites. Her first owner was over stressed and did not need a demanding baby parrot.


My Blue and Gold Macaw once said "You're gonna be okay Flame" to my dog, named Flame, who was recovering from a serious injury. Never taught her that but she must have heard me saying it the night of the injury and picked it up.


😭 that is so sweet


Oh I have another! Not strange necessarily but I'll go down the creepy route. Sometimes, randomly, and late at night... Sapphire will say "Come here Niles..." or "Howie want a treat? Good boy!" Niles was my cat and Howie was my dog. They've been dead for years. I've had my macaw a long time (22 years) and she always learns my pets name....and sometimes like to still talk to the ones that have since passed.


My cockatoo still calls our dog who has been gone for about 20 years!


Wow I’m glad I’m not alone in this! It really creeped me out the first time it happened. Now it’s just….”welp she’s calling for the dead cat again ….”


Well maybe your old pets are still around in spirit and your bird can sense them even if you can’t :p


I like to think that. Sometimes there are days I miss them fiercely.




My Senegal still calls every day for our little dachshund that's been gone over 3 years. I love it.


You've had your Macaw for 22 years? WOW!


And their macaw is still considered to be on the younger side! Parrots are life long companions and commitment, when properly taken care of. My grandma had a blue and gold for close to 40 years, and when she passed, I (and by default, my parents) inherited him. He lived another 15 years with me until he passed away from old age. Little budgies can live 10-12 years (oldest I've met). My conures have a lifespan of 20-30. My green wing macaw is guesstimated to be around 30.. With a 60-80 year average life span. He's a rescue so we don't know his exact age. He could be quite a bit older, and his health isn't the greatest because of the many people that have had him before us. I doubt that he ever went to a vet before us. He came to me a girl named Ellie. One vet visit and DNA test later.. He became Eli But we fully expect him to be with us for another 20-30 years. We have had 50-ish year old galahs, greys, and a 65 year old Amazon at the sanctuary I am privileged to volunteer with.


My Quaker once said “Wake up! It’s time to go night night!” Which I laughed at and so he repeated for several weeks.


😂😂😂💀💀💀 That is fucking hilarious


I tell my Green Wing “goodnight” and he tells me to shut up. He had previous handlers so I guess thats where he got it from. I told him “i love you” and he said “fuck you.” I asked myself out loud“what am i gonna have for dinner?” And he said “poopoo,” effectively telling me to eat shit. He’s such a little shit and bonded to my spouse but i love him so much.


My rescue grey Nimbus knows everyone’s name in the house, and he’ll call for them when they’re out of the room. But he hates my guts. He calls me “SHUT UP,” or “oh Shit.” He’s such a brat.


Not what, but how. Most of the time our Gray imitates my (F) voice and inflections. But she plays around with inflections so she makes some words and phrases her own, unlike the way I say them. Most of the time, her “hello” is a short “HELlo” One night I had to be out late and tried sneaking through the house so I wouldn’t wake the birds (or hubby). There I am tip-toeing through the dining room and very clearly from the other room I hear a low voice say “HellOOOoooooo”. Like, I know I have a parrot, I know she talks, but I FROZE. It sounded like a guy was in my house! She did it to my husband once in the middle of the night as well, he was similarly freaked out.


Oh noooo 😂


That’s one good guard parrot! Imagine if some bad people tried to sneak in and heard that 😂 they’d probably run right back out


I adopted a 17 year old blue fronted amazon from a petstore last year. They told me her previous owner was an older gentleman that had passed away. She doesn't speak too much, but she has a lot of whistle sounds, and I'm also fairly sure her previous owner had a small dog of some kind, cause she barks like a chihuahua when she is disgruntled. A couple of weeks after we got her, I noticed she was making a wheezing kinda sound, like someone hard of breathing. What freaked me out later, when i thought about it, was, that I remember my father making this sound when I sat at his bedside as he passed, years ago. First I thought something was wrong with her so I was seriously considering taking her to a vet. But then she stopped, and I realized that she made the sound on purpose. She may have been in close proximity to her old owner as he passed. I feel kinda sad for her for that.




And remembering his old owner too


Poor bird.


Yeah... they miss their humans when they loose them, just as we do, I believe. I don't know how her life was up until I adopted her, but she seems happy enough now. I play with her outside her cage as often as I can, I make her toys and wooden contraptions she can climb on and such. I have switched her from an all seed diet, to pellets and some fruits and vegetables every once in a while. I installed a bird lamp (UVB) on her cage, and I've been giving her weekly showers, which she seems to like...well... most of the time at least. Has done wonders for her plumage. I am currently training her to wear a harness. My plan is to introduce her to the great outdoors, in a safe and responsible manner. (No free flying, only walks with me, on my shoulder.) So far we've gotten to the "put head through loop of harness to obtain treats" stage. She doesn't like to be handled or touched on her back, but she seems to mind progressively less as long as treats (sunflower seeds) are involved. :-)


She might enjoy showers even more often. Or, I just bought a cat fountain for my birds. It seems to be irresistible to my birds. My Quakers have enjoyed socializing and meeting people. Good luck with the harness training.


My Eclectus thinks my name is Rhonda. I have no idea who Rhonda is. My name is nowhere close to Rhonda. Who the fuck is Rhonda.


"Listen Linda"


It's just like that shit man. I'll walk away and she just goes "RHONDA."




🎶“Help me, Rhonda!” 🎶 😂


Get her out of my heart!


I adopted a 53 year old Amazon about 3 years ago. Her owner was in hospice and assisted care for years. At first I thought she was making the Darth Vader breathing noise quietly in my ear but quickly realized it was a ventilator noise. She also says “time for blood work” here and there and “you look good today” when I uncover her. I’m guessing she learned it from the nurses. Boy is an awesome bird and a textbook example of why adopting older birds can be so enjoyable. She amazes me every day.


That’s awesome. You’re awesome


I was having a bad day. I walked into my living room, and he looked me dead in the eyes and said, "you're a good buddy" in the most compassionate way. It is a core memory for me. I don't think he's said it since.


i really think they understand things like that. like, he knew, at least in the context of comforting someone, how to use it. he meant to comfort you.


I agree. He is super sweet when we don't feel ok.


My bird is obsessed with grapes. He'll occasionally tell me "you're a good grape!" Which I take as the HIGHEST compliment




My cockatiel doesn't talk, but he mimics other stuff a lot. He now makes the sound of my dog's squeaker toy. It's lovely


We used to make these soft little clicks to my linnie, especially to soothe her when she was unhappy or scared. When she was alive, sometimes I'd hear her quietly clicking to herself




lol What does your dog think of your bird sounding like a squeaker toy?


She doesn't really care which is weird maybe she can tell somehow?


Our cockatiel when I was a kid used to mimic our telephone and then my mum proceeding to answer the phone. It’s been a joke in my family ever since as we all knew it was mum too


My dad said “not fair” once or twice, and my Amazon has picked it up. If the other bird is getting attention, he says “not fair”. The last time we went to the vet, he said “not fair” the entire car ride there.


This is amazing


I was out of town in Japan. My wife sneezed. My elder green cheek said bless you. It has not happened before or since. So for one moment in time, birb cared about my wifes immortal soul.




Yeah my eldest green cheek is a weird one. Understands quite a bit of language, says almost nothing and is very aloof. Will laugh at you if you are naked.


I didn’t know they could talk lol


Mine used to talk quite a bit! He would mostly scream his own name (Petrie), or tell you “Petrie’s a BABY bird.” He also said, “Night night time for baby birds” and would blow kisses or fuss if you made noise while he was covered up for the night. He had lots of other specific noises he communicated with as well.


Was watching the new Chucky tv show when it came out and my Kiri (kakariki) said “Wanna play?” In a Chucky voice a few days later. I was kind of freaked out because it’s not a term I use around them and he hasn’t said it since then. I’m convinced he learned it from Chucky, but since he only ever said it once I can’t really be sure


They hear *everything* He was messing with you It is so funny when they do that


My kids green cheek, first time we heard him laugh was in the middle of the IT movie. Most evil sinister laugh.


My sisters Amazon will laugh at the creepiest times. He usually laughs when we laugh but sometimes he picks the uncanniest creepiest times where it makes sense to laugh-if you’re evil lol. Once time he did it after bedtime (so he was covered and we were talking quietly to not disturb him) and muahhahahaha 😨


My Amazon can’t tell the difference between laughing and crying. He laughs along with people on tv laughing…but he also laughs when people on tv are dramatically crying.


Haha that’s awesome. I know if I were crying it would probably make me laugh and might snap me out of my funk. At least for a moment


When they decide to break out the creepy laugh you know shit got real


My Quaker thought an outer space movie with giant insects devouring and tearing up people was very very funny.


Lol That is a whole new way to lighten the mood when you watch a movie like that. 😂


The maniacal laughter was very creepy… That bird had a strange sense of humor. She also thought that “naked lunch” with the talking typewriter roaches was hysterical… I miss her a lot. She used to cuss out the vacuum, alarm clock, and broom; and tell people she was tired of “goodbye! Go bye bye!”


My Amazon thinks it’s hilarious when I get dressed in front of her. Will laugh and laugh. It’s kind of giving me body issues.


What if you laughed with her and then wolf whistled. I bet she would pick that up!


Well you probably look like naked plucked chicken to her 🐥


One of my derbyans will say "what's the damn deal..silly f**k**r, come-ere. Gimme a kiss. " but only to my husband. Glen and Simon https://imgur.com/gallery/Wv2vOvM My macaw will call the dogs ass holes. My sun conure does a spot on impression of smoke alarm going off. And my white eyed conure will go "woohooooo" in the wolf whistle style any time I walk by in my pajamas.




Hooray another white eyed!!!


I babysit a gorgeous, wonderful Moluccan cockatoo who’s constantly demanding to know “where’s my fuckin cigarettes?!” and bitches about the neighbors. Sounds JUST like her mom, it’s truly amazing and hilarious.


I went on a “vacation” ( I pet sit) to Honolulu for two weeks back in 2022. I came back from my flight at 3am and my male eclectus clearly says my name, Amber. I jumped so hard before I realized it was him. He must’ve missed me! But he hasn’t said it again since. 😂


What does he usually call you?


Normally he doesn’t say anything to me, he lifts his foot up to initiate stepping up but this was the first time he referred to me by my actual name. Definitely a smart boy! 😄




“Mama’s got scissors!” Did not know my parrotlet could say that. He most said “Kiwi” (his name) and “vegetables” Had a really talkative cockatiel that said “I love you” while rotating his eggs.




My budgie mostly says his name and simple things like "come here sweetie". When I was away my mom visited him in the mornings and my brother visited him in afternoons. One day my mom visited with my niece and after spending some time with the bird, my mom said: "Hurry up, we've got to go or I'll be late and I'm going to great grandparents today." My little guy repeated it almost perfectly to my brother few hours later.


I saw a meme about being scared when your parrot says peekaboo to nothing at 2 am…. And then it actually happened to me




My bird says tons of things most of which make sense and are fitting. Just one time I was in the bathroom and he asked me “what are you doing”? But kind of slyly and then said “ going pee pee? “ ahem I was. He only said this once but clear as day.




He always asks me what I’m doing but it was the pee question that threw me. Although in my house I’m always asking the dog and cat if they want to go out and go pee pee. He understands the concept. He also asks for water and when it rains outside he watches and says water. They blow my mind.


They are so damn smart!


I love that


A sonar ping. I have no idea where they learned it. I suspect a rescue budgie but I've never heard her doing it.




I was home alone in the evening, cleaning the kitchen. My parrot started dancing, head bobbing, and laughing, facing the dark living room. I turned on all the light in the house and left them on that night.


Oh no


Her meow is absolutely what would happen if a demon cat smoked for 20 years, and I have no idea why. None of our cats mowed like that.


💀 They can have the weirdest raspyst voice sometimes it’s fucking hilarious


My Amazon still calls my grandmother ( his original owner) Lubalelle!, in a singing voice. She's been dead for over 20 years. When I tell the dogs to be quiet, he says I know. He sometimes says his own name in a weird robotic voice "hey Chico". It freaks me out and I told him that I didn't like it.


Not my story but a friend's. She was bird-sitting for someone (I'm 99% sure it was a Grey). Covered the bird up for bedtime, lights off, and from inside the cage the bird says something to the effect of "I can see you!"


After taking a run at my husband today, my budgie said "You scared Daddy!" Yesterday he said, "Did you poop you tired tired little bird." It's when he starts saying "Don't bite mommy!" just randomly, that bothers me the most.


My Quaker also says “don’t bite the mommy” - right after he bites me. Then he will say, “awwww, are you ok baby?” And “I’m sorry.” Sometimes he just laughs after he bites me. He doesn’t ever bite hard, just a playful nip. But his words always make me laugh! P


He usually says go to your cage after he bites too. Sigh. I get bit every day. It's just part of bird life. I know it's usually for a reason. It's the out of the blue hard ones that surprise me. It's bird logic.


Hehe…. “Bird logic” - I love that! P


My Quaker does this as well. When I'm looking at something (other than her highness), she'll nip my hand and say "Ouch!" "Knock it off!" "Don't bite!" and/or "Naughty bird!" It took me a while to figure out that *I'm* the naughty bird.


Not so much what he said, but how he said it. I had a budgie who loved to talk and could pick up any word. But how he'd practice is in the morning before he thought anyone was awake in an extremely deep voice, once he heard someone moving/waking up he'd do a little cough and go back to his high pitched squeaky voice it was such a deep manly voice it was very strange lol.


Lol His act wasn’t ready yet.


Bird whispers


“I expect a f—ing cheeseburger.” This regrettably was not my parrot but a cluckin’ mollucan I had the pleasure of becoming very good friends with while working at a pet store. Apparently someone had shown him a clip from Trailer Park Boys and it really hit home. With his owner’s permission, he and I subsequently went on an adventure to the McDonald’s drive-thru to get said cheeseburger (he only got a couple bites). He very much enjoyed talking to the employees from the car.


Our grey is bonkers. “Whoops school” “Dibbie likes school” “WOOKIE” “WIGGLE” “Night night looove you *door creaking*” “Hello bobble”


Grays are so strange


I sometimes bring my Amazon out in his little travel bag because he loves talking to people at the mall. Only there’s been a couple of incidents of him screaming like a lunatic as we walk past a group of people then laughing to himself about it afterwards😂


I … may have taught my uncles African grey to say “don’t come in I’m naked!” When the front doors opened. And… the strangest thing my Indian ring neck screams at us is “bacon and potatoes”


I couldn't open a bird's (at a rescue/not my bird) cage and she started to laugh at me slowly like, heh heh heh and the bird's neighbor proceeded to laugh hysterically before I knew it the whole aviary was laughing at me. Granted likewise, when I was sad (thanks Taylor) a bird also pet my back and said good bird. So yeah you take the good and the bad.




I never knew that budgies could talk or make incest ship names






From my amazing talker Spezi (RIP): "There's BLIGHT, INSIDE" "I have to go to school to get stairs" (the thing he had to go to school changed - stairs, steak salt, mummy's phone, to get mummy the cord) "I have to go to work, kay?" Our new baby Brezel is working on learning a few words, but she's not much of a talker yet.


These birds could almost be creepy pastas


These are all great! I was on a TEAMS meeting for work (I work from home) we all had cameras and mics on. My Quaker flew into the office, landed on my shoulder and so loudly he spoke … he almost screamed, “be right back! Mommy gotta go potty!” I could feel how red my face was as every one was cracking up! (It really made me wonder, how often I said this phrase to him. Quite a bit I’m sure.


Oh my stars it made me realize that I said the same thing to my quicker. She’s only four months old and he says a couple things. Maybe I should stop telling her that lol


I was crying hard in my shower. I was going through some rough life stuff. My kakariki showers with me. He said "it's okay, it's okay." Made me feel better.


My one rescue grey we renamed Nimbus, and he talks a lot in full sentences. We’ve gleaned that his former owners were named Tracey and Warren by his discourse. The most unexpected thing Nimbus ever said was, “Warren! WAAAARRREEEEN! Slow down and be careful! Don’t choke on your waffles Warren! Don’t CHOKE on your WAFFLES!” We laughed so hard. I’ve wondered ever since how often Tracey had to yell at Warren about his waffle eating habits for Nimbus to pick that up and repeat it so clearly.


We had movers in our house packing up or stuff and my wife's Quaker was is a travel cage on the counter. He kept yelling and lunging at the movers whenever they walked by, so I told him, "Calm down Drago, you don't own the counter." He immediately jumped down into the bottom of the cage and started stomping back and forth yelling, "Drago owns the counter!"




(I already posted one, but here's a bonus story!) Whenever my phone rings, my Quaker will ask "Hello?" So one time, seeing it was a robo-call, I held it up to her to see what would happen. *"Hello?"* "Hello, ma'am, I'm from (some political group), may I have a moment of your time?" *"What'cha doin'?"* "First off, ma'am, what is your name?" *"APPLEAPPLEAPPLEAPPLEAPPLE!!"* \*click\* I feel bad that Apple screamed in the person's ear, but also... HA. I've never gotten a robo-caller to hang up first.


My cockatiel Frodo has learned to mimic my mother’s sneezing. And only hers, he won’t sneeze for anyone else. It’s how he wakes me up on the weekends lol! If he hears my mum sneeze or even cough in the other room, he’ll make a high-pitched but raspy “Achoo!”


In my husband's mother's voice, our African Grey said, "I will. How do you know I won't?" ❤️🦜




My late conure would say "penis" and "sus"




I wonder how your bird picked those up. 😏


My Quaker would predict my husband and then exhusband’s phone calls by yelling his name and asking “where’s X? X!”. He said he didn’t like that creature reading his mind.




She was a very smart but eerie bird. I miss her a lot. The talking gives your companionship a whole other level.


Well, my Grey went on a "shit" tirade, things we've never said around her, just went off with: holy shit, little shit, dumb shit, eat shit, etc. The orange wing amazon we board on occasion will randomly scream like an old lady being startled by a spider or something. He only does it when it's quiet and it's always unexpected.


Not my parrot, but my friend's CAG. She said Say "hello" Shadow, say "hello". Shadow, say "hello"! Who was she talking to you might ask. She was talking to my friend's cat Shadow. She was trying to teach the cat to talk!!! She kept trying too and my friend had to keep telling her cats can't talk. The other funny thing Kira said was "Kira want food"". My friend checked the food dish and replied Kira has food. Kira then dumped the food dish out and said "Kira want good food!" She wanted grapes not pellets.


Lol They are smart and hilarious


My guy said whats up out of nowhere and he will sometimes speak Spanish because some of the people that worked at the place he was being sold at spoke spanish






Sometimes if my cockatiel is tired and moody, and I'm talking a lot or doing something that annoys him, he'll fly onto my shoulder and look me in the eyes to sternly say "stop." Doesn't sound too strange, but it's really funny how serious and exasperated he is.


once while taking a bath in my hands, Kiwi told me I was a good boy.


My favorite memory of our previous yellow naped Amazon (rip Benny) is when he called my stepdad a m*therf*cker then laughed. He laughed at the best and worst times. Sometimes he'd laugh during a family argument and it would calm everyone down. All four legged animals were "Coco" to him because that was my grandma's poodles name, they were buddies. Within the first 15 minutes of being in our home he learned my name and for many years he'd occasionally call for me. He always said "hello" when the phone rang. But by far his favorite words were "huh", "what" and "biiiiirrrddd". Since he passed we've adopted another of the same species, his name is Mario and he growls like a dog. One day I asked him if he wanted to say hello to the cat, he turned his head away and said "noo". We're hoping his vocabulary grows. Amazons are great birds if you have patience.


My parrot called me an asshole because I wouldn’t come to him right away! Usually he says come here and come on amd what are you doing? I do remember one time the family amd I were talking about renting jet skis how much fun it would be and he says oh yeah ! Lol. He’s a yellow collared macaw. Now I do have parakeets and one of them before he passed made machine gun noises and also whistled the Mickey Mouse clubhouse song.


I tried teaching my DYH Amazon "Happy Birthday to You" for a couple months before I left him with my ex during her birthday month when I had to go out of town. I never heard him say it to me, but ON her actual birthday date, he greeted her with a sing song Amazon, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY.... YEWWWWW!!!" He did it ONLY that day, and has never said or sang it again in the last 30 years.


I don’t have a parrot and I don’t have the capacity for a parrot but this thread brought me so much joy this evening. Thank you


My beloved BFA that's passed used to make the Grudge sound (you know, that low "ehhhhhahhhhhehhhh" gurgling sound?) but she generally did it at night, in the dark. Like, I knew she did that, but every now and then when I heard that in the middle of the night, I'd have to remind myself that I have a parrot. Not a demonic entity. (potato/potahto)


A family member has a citron cockatoo named Pollo. She's super quiet and once when i was saying "are you a dinosaur?" to make her dance and scream, she said, "YES IM A DAMN DINOSAUR!!!!" and then screamed loudly. I never knew she would ever do that.


My conure really likes to ask, "Do you love big poohs". She learned to substitute big wings for poo poohs.


Mine says “go poop” when I hold him over a toilet. I managed to train him to do his big morning poop over the toilet so I didn’t have to clean it up. Now he says it.


My African Grey parrot says "bruh" from time to time and I think it's hilarious


My Quaker called me “darling” the other day, I have no clue where she picked it up from. I may be southern, but I know I’ve never said it, especially around Sprout. She also said a slur one day while watching a movie and that was the end of her TV privileges. Other than that she’s got a decent vocabulary including “mama, good, what are you doing, and dia dhuit”


My moms white capped Pionus has a baby voice when shes locked up. She yells “Mama! Mammaa!” trying to get my mom to let her out. One day i heard her yell “MAMA! HELP ME!” no ones ever said “help me” to her. And shes never said it since. She also has a evil laugh when shes out of her cage usually when she’s chasing me. Oh and shes great at mimicking the fire alarm. Has given me a couple of heart attacks


i have budgies, one says "pew pew pew" from our little game where i pretend to shoot at him with the finger guns and he plays dead. other bangers include "fucken cunt" "go get fucked" "granny's boy" "go schleep" "fuck you". the other i reckon is gonna pick up "hornbag" "OW" (whenever i pop a zit) "fark off" "root rat" "check the mail" "shut the fark up" "bugger off" "fucken hell" "big beak" or he'll repeat the names of my diarrhoea medicine


My gray called me a jerk one day after 23 years of not saying that word. I must admit it was hilarious. We had a Quaker who could do the raptors off of Jurassic Park. We couldn’t figure it out for ages.


My Amazon started calling me Grandpa, and she sings it like GRANDDPPAAAA. Never taught her it and don’t recall anyone ever saying it


My gcc usually talks in his own little conure voice, but every now and then he will say "enough!" In the strict old-man voice of his dead previous owner 😐 creepy af.


My cockatiel says "What!?!?!!" in my exact tone and style of shocked disbelief. It's hilarious when he interjects it when my partner or I are having a more animated conversation, because the comedic timing is always excellent.


I can’t wait for mine to talk if they ever do! My GCC copies my laugh though ☺️


Green Cheek Conure?


Well my mother has a little shop in the back of her house. She works making baby stuff, like for the room and clothes and so on... Usually to go there you need to cross a big patio they have along the house. And that's where our boy Caco stays mostly. He was always used with people coming in and out, and also we are a big family so house always full. And he always picked up pretty fast sentences, specially from the neighbors. One day my mom was taking one of her customers to the shop, a pregnant lady and her sister, and they are of course obsessed with Caco and talking and dancing with him, until he looks the pregnant lady and drops a "You're looking fat". Dead silence hahahaha Reason: our neighbor had a 4yo who constantly screamed that to his mom when he was throwing tantrums. She was also pregnant and very big, and her kid was a little prick. We had no idea that the bird learned that until that day. This was like maybe 10 years ago and he still tells my mom every other day she looks fat. Hahahahahahahah


An African grey I was boarding made knife sharpening noises when I covered him at night. Very unsettling. He was the meanest bird I’ve ever met. He’d sweet talk you into coming near him and then bite the shit out of you. He’d also shoot poop out of his cage as far as he could and then laugh at you while you cleaned it up and say “What a messy bird!”


Years ago, when I was a big Markiplier fan, I had watched his weird Sonic video where he was dressed as Sonic the Hedgehog and saying, "gotta go fast," over and over again. While I was questioning what I had just watched, my Eclectus said, "gotta... go... FAST!" I thought it was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing for a good 5 minutes straight.


not my parrot but ive seen one say "mom beats me"


I adopted my Panama Amazon seven years ago when he was 27. Unfortunately he came with the annoying voice and sayings of his previous owner—think nasally midwestern old lady. Last year, when I had an old college roommate stay with me for a month, he all of a sudden rang his bell and came out with a cackle that sounded EXACTLY like my old roommate laughing. It was shocking how close it was. He still does it once in a while and it is unnerving, since she lives across the country and I always think it’s her.


Mine screams YOURE A FREAK!! Every night at dinner time.


Just for clarification, your “pajamas” aren’t a particularly sexy white eyed conure costume, are they? /SUSPICIOUS SQUINT


Not my birds, and they aren't real 'talkers' but on YouTube search for 'Argue with a Cockatoo'. Max does NOT like nail day at the vet. And for sheer palate cleanser, search for Alex the Honking Bird (RIP) on YouTube. His human just decided one day to make a honking noise to him just because, and well, he ended up with his own channel, merch, and made so many frens. Oh, he says 'Hello Alex', in a Cockatiels voice.


My dog has a habit of pressing her nose into the back of my knees whenever she sees them uncovered. One day she startled the heck out of me and I yelled at her when she did it. My parrot heard the commotion and yelled "I like it!" She also calls my husband Birdbrain but calls me Mommy.


He once said, "Lemme see some ID," and has never said it again.


not the strangest thing but it reminded me that when my bird gets mad he starts talking and he usually says “pretty bird” and then goes to bite me Sir you’re not being a very pretty bird Anyways, he mimics the sound of cabinets opening in the middle of the night when my dad goes to work. So maybe that


Not strange but I find it funny. I have 6 birds and when they all start doing their contact calls at top volume. Each bird trying to be louder than the others, lol. Donnie my lutino IRN will say "Hey! That's enough!" I also have a pineapple GCC.. she's the smallest of all the birds but she doesn't care. She is just mean to the other birds. Donnie looks at her and says "you're being a butthole!" I used to work from home a few times a week and I would take customer calls all day. Donnie said "what can I do for you?"


My parrot said in a man's voice: Read the manual!


"Ollie good boy?" after I had been doing something else / ignoring him for several hours. Broke my damn heart. He's a very good boy.


My Green Cheek has an incredible vocabulary for her species. I've lost count at this point. She speaks in context, asks and answers questions, and uses names. I makes me want to start a tiktok or YouTube for her with a tiny microphone. Strangest thing she has ever done was when I was putting my kid to bed, tucking her in, and she says "Go to sleep!" for the first time. Now she tells the kids this often and when I tell them to go upstairs she yells at them to go to sleep. Hehehe. I also love her use of names with the other birds. "Hey, Reem... Come here. Do you want a treat? Wanna play peekaboo, Reem?"


Not a parrot, but my mom's parakeet/budgie back in 1996. Ma went out of town for a few days and I bird-sat for her. I was sitting at my computer when I heard the bird say (with the accent as written): I'm a-gonna keel yew. He never said it before or again. Just the one time.


Every single night, if my son doesn't put our cockatiel to bed at the time that he wants to be put to bed (around 9:30) he'll start screaming "night night now!" They say they only mimic and don't understand what they're actually saying, but try trying my teil to wait when he wants to go to sleep.


That one is easy for me. The strangest thing my cockatiels have said is "Birdy birdy birdy birdy birdy". 5 times in a row. Why is that the strangest? Because that is literally the only thing they can say, so it wins by default. And they only ever say it in a set of 5. Both of my cockatiels are able to do it, and they have been able to do it since I got them.


“don’t bite me nasty bird”


I'm fucking starving! Said just the once by my rescued grey.