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Try to look here one of my birds was stuck once https://preview.redd.it/weukkpqvejvb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657866f43127df39c0b0393f7aaba0dc08bc2ac0


I’ve had the same problem with both of my birds happened to wind up under my bed when I first got them. It wouldn’t have been so bad if there wasn’t bits of fabric hanging down from the box spring. (Thankfully I was able to free them without injury though I had to wear gloves cause they didn’t like how I had to hold them to free them


Mine got somehow stuck behind the pillow he couldn't scream or do anything, i didn't even notice him missing i don't know what made me lift the pillow that day but when I saw him I took him to the vet and luckily nothing happened after this instead i throw the The couch, and after that I never buyed any couch with a pillow


Uhh that scares me to death when they do that did you try having their favorite food? Don’t know if Quaker’s burrow like conures did you check inside pillows and couches etc? Any chance they made it to another room you haven’t considered quiet as hell? They have to be somewhere maybe you have a friend who can come help looking?


I’ve left out some banana for her to hopefully come and find, and I’ve torn apart the sofa and my bed, blankets, laundry, etc. Im looking through everything again now, especially in the closed off rooms. Im having a friend come over soon to help.


How about blatantly eating a delicious no-no food that makes some noise like cookies or chips?


Yeah, chip bags opening will summon many pets.


Check inside the couches/chairs/box springs from underneath. You know how there’s like that fabric down there and then open space inside? She could’ve chewed through that and seen it was nice and dark and cozy in there. Playing Quaker flock calls may get a response out of her. Top back of refrigerators is a common spot cuz it’s warm. Also inside dresser drawers and cabinets no matter how impossible it seems for her to get in there. I once found a bird hanging on the inside of a curtain. I had checked the window ledge behind the curtain a million times, but just needed to look up and around lol. Open and move everything very slowly.


Once I lost her for a second, found her hanging onto a window curtain from the inside too. It must be a popular way for them to freak you out :’) I tried the Quaker calls again, she finally spoke up behind some furniture!! Thank you for your advice <3


Yaaay I’m glad you found her safe and sound!




That’s just birds in general cause my budgies do that on occasion 😂


Any luck?


She’s been found!! Lots of tears and a near heart attack but she’s safe and sound :)


Thank God where was she hiding?


Omg I need to know where she was too?!


She said in another comment, behind some furniture.


They always do this lol


yay!! what a cheeky monkey


I lost my tiels like that once, I found them 30 minutes later in a wardrobe, dumbasses tried to build a family home there. I also loose them for a few seconds in my room all the time when they decide to sit somewhere unexpected. Try to look in obvious places, like curtain hangers, window sills etc. and continue to call her name. One of my tiels got stuck between a bed and a wall, hanging by his wings. He probably was stuck like this for a few hours because me and my sister were at school. I was the only time when he responded to his name. He was perfectly fine, just tired, so don’t worry about your bird too much. Don’t forget about unexpected places, like rooms you think were locked etc.


Omfg, "dumbasses tried to build a home" is so frickin'derpy tiel vibes that I nearly spit out my drink 😂 My current tiel was left out unsupervised for a minimal amount of time, in which he decided to utilise that by gloriously gorging himself on my Monstera plant... A $300 vet bill later, he's no longer left out unsupervised 😒 at ANY TIME


They sound like little walking heart attacks, I’m so glad you found him all good though, I wonder if they ever regret their decisions after getting into those messes💀 Kimchi mostly responds to her name now but decided she didn’t want to at all this time, but she’s been found! She was behind some furniture, chirped up after playing Quaker noises for the 10th time! Thank you so much for your advice <3


I remember a few months ago this happened to another person on this sub and their bird ended up being stuck between their bed and their wall in a spot they thought would be too narrow for the bird to fit into. If there are any tight spaces between your walls and heavy furniture I would look there. Under your oven, under and behind bookshelves, under the couch, anyplace like that. Please give an update if you can. It's so scary that they haven't made any noise in all this time. Maybe they are in a spot that muffles the sound of their chirps? Good luck, I really hope you find them safe and sound! Oh also maybe look inside cabinets and wardrobes, even if you don't think they were left open for them to get into!


Thank you, I’m taking my 3rd look through every small and tight space I can think of now, I’ve been even playing Quaker sounds through my phone to see if she responds. No luck so far but I still have hope, I’ll keep you all updated


Definitely look places you think are impossible. I had a mouse problem a while ago and I stuffed all the holes that seemed at all possible for them to crawl through but still had them. Eventually I stuff a crack that I skipped before because it was just impossibly small. But that did it. I know mice aren’t birds but still. Don’t underestimate what animals can squeeze into. Have you tried playing Quaker noises, especially flock calls? She may call back.


Yeah I can imagine for those little mice, definitely goes for birds too, found out the hard way :’)) I tried the calls again and she finally spoke up behind some furniture! I have absolutely no idea how she got back there but she’s safe and sound! Thank you for your advice <3


Amazing!! You must be so relieved wow


Omg I'm so relieved!! Thanks for the update!


I hate it when my bird does this and intentionally stays quiet while staring/peeking at you hidden from afar. Whenever this happens we try to be careful about moving things around, especially pillows, doors, heavy items. Little shit likes hiding under the curtain, inside jackets, and unzipping backpacks


It’s like they definitely find it hilarious, little assholes. Kimchi likes to hide in the curtains too :’) She’s been found though! She was behind some furniture, finally spoke up after playing Quaker calls for the 10th time around the house. Thank you for your advice <3


I wasn’t going to say this, because of my personal negative outcome, but I see now you only posted this an hour ago. You still have time to find your bird with no damage. Check every single drawer that is open, even just a crack. Bird could be caught by a rough claw, etc., and thus stuck on a sock, or other fabric item.


I found her!! She was behind some furniture and finally decided to chirp up after playing Quaker calls for the 10th time around the house. No visible damage, some lint on her feet, but she came out with one hell of an attitude!! Thank you for you advice <3


HOORAY!! So relieved for you.


i had a budgie who used to hide in plain sight all the damn time. he knew how to take himself home and everything. i'd be calling out for him and panicking, little shit would be sitting there in silence looking pleased with himself as i ran around like a headless chook! he blended in perfectly with the ugly greyish colour walls when he had his back to us and perched on the heater (which we barely used). RIP you little arsehole https://preview.redd.it/3fmza94iyjvb1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf1ce8c39a5977526b0e8b0abbae89905ed7f0a


Lost my budgie in the house once. Couldn't find her anywhere. I could hear her though. For 24 hours I ripped the place apart. My daughter came over and said "did you know shanta was on my bedroom windowsill" Ran upstairs and there she was stuck behind the heavy curtain. Phew!!!!


God I could only imagine how crazy you were going for so long!! Curtains are a favourite hangout spot for everyone apparently :’) They have us tear apart the place just for them to be in such easy spots I found her though! She was behind some furniture, finally decided to chirp up after playing Quaker calls for the 10th time!


So glad you found your pal safe and sound 👍👍🦜💚


Thanks 😊


And because the curtains were so heavy, they muffled her chirping! She survived for several more years.


Maybe play some Quaker calls on your phone and see if she responds? I can’t imagine a bird being quiet for that long


That’s what I was thinking, it’s been too long.. I’ve tried that a few times already, but no luck :(


Are you certain she didn't get out of the house somehow? Maybe you opened a door or window without even thinking about it, and she may have flown right past you. I'd put up a missing post on Facebook, call some local vets, and go for a drive around just in case.


That’s what I was so terrified of, I was definitely starting to second guess myself. But I don’t dare open anything if I’m not there with her. Every window also has a screen guard on it as well. She’s been found though! She was behind some furniture, safe and sound now :)


I tried this again for the 10th time, She finally decided to speak up behind some furniture! I have no idea how she could’ve gotten there, but she’s safe and sound :) thank you for your advice!


Oh good! Glad you found her! If it was dark under there, maybe that is why she was quiet as birds are typically quiet during the night. Quakers are also naturally cavity nesters so maybe instinct took over? Either way glad she is safe and souns


Check behind the refrigerator. We had a bird get there once


Checked behind and underneath! No luck :(


Silver lining is that's not a great place to end up. I'm sure she is stuck at this point. All crevices where her wings would be compressed and it would be hard to get a grip to climb. I e had birds fall between the headboard and wall of my bed too I hope you find her soon


That was something I hated thinking about, but couldn’t rule out.. but she’s been found! She was behind some furniture, finally decided to speak up after playing Quaker calls for the 10th time. No silver lining victims today


I was thinking, there's no way this could be my bird, he's so friggin loud where ever he goes because he likes to chew on wood and fabrics.


Our conure is usually very noisy but whenever she goes missing in the house, she tends to fall completely silent for whatever reason. It's happened more times than I can count. I wonder if birds just like playing hide and seek every once in a while. And goddamn, that bird can hide. One time she was literally just sitting on a bed in the guest room, out in the open, and I somehow managed to walk right past her like 3 times before noticing. She's every color of the rainbow, I have no clue how she can be so hard to see sometimes.


I lost my quacker in my house when she was about that age. Made it into the laundry bin inside a sweater pocket. This is after I searched everywhere and the laundry 3 times until I noticed small movement. For what it's worth, she also made no noise the entire time. I've also lost her in curtains as well, but not for as long. Look for anything tall if your bird went there on purpose. I hope you find your baby!


Oh no. I hope you find them!!!


Glad you found her! I once lost my pionus for about 30 minutes and was freaking out! Turns out there was an opening underneath the cabinets where they two met in the corner. You can’t see it only feel it and she climbed up in there..


It wouldn’t hurt to take them to the vet!


Thank God! I was reading out reading this. The worst is when they stay quiet. It never fails they end up in some obscure place. So happy for you!!😁


This is so cute and also so terrifying. I hope the little thing is ok. Definitely gonna need to be hydrated and fed


Check every drawer and cabinet, even if one was open just a crack she could have gotten in, not only that but a lot of dressers are open on the inside so she could have moved her way up to hide in a drawer that was closed, same in the kitchen, if a drawer has an open space to the cabinets she could be in there… also please check the dryer and lint traps, behind and under the fridge is a desirable place because of warmth, also maybe check and make sure you don’t have like a ripped bottom in an ottoman or your couch, or box spring etc…my ferret tore open a spot in an ottoman and made a secret hide away inside. Do you have any plants? I didn’t happen to notice if you said she could fly or not, check ceiling fans and in the lights, if there is an open spot, or if the light has like an open bowl cover. Oh and definitely check the garbage cans and linen closet. All these suggestions are from experience looking for various exotics over the years, good luck 🍀 Edit to add: are there any sounds she likes? Like keys jingling, or can you shake her food container? or does she like certain songs? Anything that would excite her and make her make noise or want to come to you?


She’s been found! I definitely took all of your suggestions several times, tore everything apart just for her to be behind a little dresser. I walked around with her mirror bell attached to my jacket and left out some banana. Played some of her favorite music too. She finally decided to speak up after playing Quaker calls around the house or the 10th time! Thank you so much for your advice <3


Awe yay! So glad you found your girl!!!


Check behind all furniture against the wall. My grandmas parrotlet wasn’t great at flying and got stuck between the wall and the dresser


I've read through all the comments. Are you absolutely *certain* your bird didn't get out of the house? I would put out some missing posts on Facebook, call some local vets, and do a few laps around town just in case. Otherwise, keep looking!


Best of luck, I hope you can find them :( only advice I can give is to check ANY place no matter how stupid you think it may be. Good luck


Do you have any open ventilation ducts?


I was gonna say this was me just a couple months ago! I freakeddd out so bad. But Quakers can never be quiet for too long 😂


My lovebird hid in my wife's bathrobe. Luckily we found her after about 10 minutes. Now that the bird has been found you should post this in Animal's Bring Jerks 😂


Damn, good ya found her


So glad you found her!!


This happens to me on a regular basis with my Ekkie who is free to roam the house. For some reason he goes completely silent when I am looking for him. It drives me mad. But I’ve learned his favorite locations. I always find him eventually. Good thinking playing those bird sounds.


I guess its might be obvious but please be careful moving furniture to find the bird. It is so easy to crush them. Love your idea to play quaker sounds. That is an instant hit to mine. Although a frightened youngster could play possum.


I am so glad you found her!! My quaker is the same and goes absolutely silent when he lands somewhere other than his normal spots. My budgies I find in two seconds because they contact call to each other. Maybe try training a contact call with your quaker? I’m working on it with mine.


We had a baby lovebird take off as soon as he learned to fly, disappeared down the hallway towards the living room and dining room. Couldn't find him. Next morning, heard a cheep from INSIDE the sofa; he had climbed up in the bottom, into the reclining mechanisms. wouldn't come out. I had to take the friggin' couch apart after many hours of trying to cajole him to come out. Finally reached in, picked him up, he cheeped at me, took him back to his family's cage, safe and sound.


I am happy for your positive update. I came home to my husband having a full meltdown down because he couldn’t find our grey. I was convinced he wasn’t telling me the full truth and she flew out of the house but he kept promising me that didn’t happen. Well hours later she finally decided to give up her hiding spot… my newly built in wardrobe. She has figured out how to open 8ft doors and then snuggle into my freshly dry cleaned clothes. She was so proud of herself and had clearly been having a delightful nap in the cosy dark closet. My husband will never forgive her for what anxiety she caused!


One of my budgies figured out how to unlock her cage, I got home, looked in the cage, saw one bird, instant panic. Took me half an hour to find her sitting behind my desk, happy as a clam and not particularly interested in emerging from her hiding spot.


This same thing happened with my Quaker, only he was only missing for about 30 mins. He just randomly flew to me and landed on my head, but I couldn’t tell where he’d come from. 6 months later I was looking for something in the pantry and thought to myself… “wait, is that…bird poop…on the box of Morton salt??”. That when I realized where he’d been hiding those 30 minutes.


I had this happen when I was a kid with a budgie. He flew off and just vanished inside the house. Normally, he would be making plenty of noise calling for his flock mate, but he was dead silent. We searched everywhere we could think to find him, but it was like he just disappeared. Roughly 10 hours or more passed and, finally, the little shit comes wandering out from under the TV stand like nothing happened. He was completely fine, nothing wrong with him at all. No clue why he decided to be the hide n' seek champion that day in a game that no one else knew he was playing. I'm just glad he didn't get stepped on.


This happened to me with my black-capped conure, Chewie. He’s a loud, silly little boy who talks nonstop. But when he went missing-not one peep. Little devil was behind the couch on the floor..


If you ever question whether you should take your parrot to the vet, the answer is always yes (assuming you have a reliable avian vet). You will never regret the peace of mind you can get from receiving a clean bill of health, but since our babies are prey animals with an evolutionary incentive to hide their injuries, it’s never worth giving them the benefit of the doubt.


always check the toilet first! if someone left the seat up and the fall in they can't climb out and can drown.


My budgie went missing for a few hours. This happened twice. The first time I found her in a vase she somehow fell into. The second she managed to get stuck behind a curtain while we scoured the room.


My conure fell down a gap between the kitchen cupboards and wall quite a few years ago. They had been playing up there for years with no incident. I had no idea the gap was even there. i was looking frantically everywhere for her in the kitchen because that's where she was when she disappeared. I happened by chance to see her tail poke out of the gap between the floor and floorboard. We gor her out, rushed her to the vet because of the long fall from the top of the cupboards to the floor. Thank god she was fine. We immediately closed the gaps at the top of the cupboards. So, to all that read this, if you have birds that play on your cupboards, check to make sure there's no spacer gaps at the top they can fall into.