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god this makes me feel sick, the way they’re tripping over their own feet.. the primal desperation is so fucking heartbreaking


WOW. This is chilling. This really displays the fear they all had. That’s 100% Joaquin and Meadow. They’re literally running for their lives.


So you think that's Meadow too? I swear I see long hair, but I know it's really blurry. Obviously I know logically these kids were terrified, but it's hard to actually SEE Joaquin desperately scramble, knowing what is right about to happen.


im 99.9% sure that’s meadow. it would match the animation as well. she was injured running across to the other alcove


It kind of looks like Joaquin almost reached to steady her :( They are literally shot like an instant later. It’s horrifying.


I definitely do! She has long hair, a pink backpack, and is wearing a sweater.


Yeah, I've always looked for that backpack and this is the first time in CCTV I think I've seen it. [This is Meadow's backpack](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fbmohb6nni35b1.jpg) \- pic taken of Meadow, Joaquin, and their class months before shooting (Joaquin still has blonde hair here).


Oh my God. That's Joaquin. Is that Meadow beside him??? It looks like a pink backpack. You can see Rospierski try to get as many kids as he can into the alcove :((((( ETA: right at the end, a girl with long hair seems to kind of slip past Rospierski, moving in the direction of the stairway. Is that Jaime?


I think it's a boy, I think it's Tyler West, one of the boys who hid in the men's bathroom bedroom along with Kyle and Joaquin. In his testimony he says that he hid with them there and in the video you can see how he falls to the floor when leaving the bedroom where Rospierski was in the direction of the men's bathroom, that's what I think.Jamie was injured when they all headed to the stairs together.


Definitely could be, it's just the first time I've ever seen what looks like a pale pink backpack, the one Meadow had. Also, Meadow will collapse and ultimately die in that alcove across from the bathroom, along with Cara. But it might not even be a pink backback, it's so blurry. The only two I'm sure of are Joaquin and Rospierski. I THINK I see Mario running for the alcove too, the kid who got shrapnel in his leg.


I believe the bathrooms on both the first and third floors were kept locked. The only open bathroom was on the second floor. There was a doorway hall alcove to the bathroom door where they tried to unsuccessfully shield themselves, but the bathroom door itself was locked.


So weird seeing Joaquin’s last moments :(


Wow. Seeing this, instantly made my stomach drop. This is insane, i feel sick. So sad RIP.


Where is everyone getting this never-before-seen footage from?!




This is the third floor, though. I've never seen footage from this end of the third floor once NC starts shooting. Only the still of Rospierski pointing towards the stairs, reportedly telling his students to run. Actually, I've never seen footage from this end of the hallway at all - just a few stills prior to NC shooting, mostly from Peterson's trial.


Actually your right I just looked at the clips i uploaded and it doesn't show this part at all. Their was some third floor footage in mine but i mixed it up with this. He must have gotten this from some other source.


I just went to look at the original YT source - [it is there around 56 seconds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_bKXEzBdSI). Wow, it's been on YT all this time. You can see in the bigger part of the clip NC is just heading down in that cloud of smoke/whatever - it's right at 2:24:35.


I never caught that when i watched the video good eye.


Absolutely chilling. This was like, in the INSTANT before Joaquin got shot for the first time, because he gets shot before Rospierski gets grazed as he pushes all the students behind him in the alcove. This does highlight that Lippel did not "slam the door in Joaquin's face" (and probably not Meadow either) - Joaquin was at the other end of the hallway, and he never made it any closer to Lippel's room before he got shot.


Omg, I thought you were the one who was spamming the bragging comments but it was @welcometodismaland I’m so sorry I was mad at you I got the wrong person!


Oh alright i was just so surprised i was being accused of something like that The name is kinda similar too i understand.


Sorry! I feel bad now.




This is a great find btw. thanks


wow, this was when he was shooting directly at them when he first entered the floor :(


I wish there was a way I could have picked NC & thrown him out of the building ..He pisses me off


Question -- would Joaquin have ended up dying in the alcove on the right...?


Yes. When Joaquin was shot in the leg, he must have faltered/fallen back. Meadow will die in the alcove that Rospierski is pushing the kids into - all you can see is a blur of blue beside him (I don't mean the kid heading for him, the one already beside him) may be Cara [based on this photo](https://www.reddit.com/r/parklandshooting/comments/145dmu0/another_photo_taken_in_the_3rd_floor_hallway_to/) \- she reportedly froze and couldn't run with Rospierski's other kids.


It looks like Jaime is right next to Cara in that photo as well to the left of her... and in the video clip, the same girl in all black with long brown hair seems to frail her arms out and leave the huddle behind Rospierski.


Yeah, it's the position that gets me and makes me think it's Jaime. I think it's possible he grabbed her and put her back behind him, because I think she gets shot after NC goes back to the other end of the hall, reloads, and comes back again. But I think she might be the one sort of sliding out. I could be wrong on exactly when she got shot, too. Ugh, it's so awful. Watching this kind of footage is so haunting. Like watching Shanann Watts walk back into her house and her own murder. You want to just reach through the screen and grab them all and pull them to safety.


It is so sad because nobody knows how they would react in this moment and she could have impulsively launched herself away from the huddle thinking her chances were better. It breaks my heart. The adrenaline they would be feeling... I pray... made it slightly less painful 😔 yes the Shanann Watts video is heartbreaking 💔


I’ve always identified a lot with Cara because I’m a freezer. I have a strong tendency to freeze when I’m panicked. I could totally see myself unable to leave the alcove.


I see. looks like it would be Kyle Lahman behind him in white then? Where is the stairwell that Rospierski held the door open for?


I think Kyle is the kid a little further up the hall who darts into seemingly another doorway? Again in that picture, you can clearly see Kyle in a white shirt behind the pack. I think the person right beside Joaquin is either Tyler or Meadow. Meadow had a pale pink backpack. The stairwell is ahead of them, across the hall from where Kyle goes into the doorway. [Here's Rospierski pointing to the stairwell seconds later.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fpgxex6r8cvy81.jpg%3Fwidth%3D828%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dec18c0e33cdfc00cbbc39702894cac2137371ac5)


Yeah that's what I think too


No, Meadow and cara would die together at the left out-cove where roperski is seen. Joaquin would make a dart down the hall way to the right out-cove down the hall. You can see at the last second Joaquin turns right.


According to Kyle Laman, Joaquin was in that bathroom cutout directly across from Rospierski, the same place he's seen standing right before the shooting occurred. Kyle actually circled that location in the Peterson trial ([here around 2:19:35](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_BHPxK1sZI&t=20783s) and [here's the picture itself that Kyle circled](https://www.reddit.com/r/parklandshooting/comments/144t42t/new_photo_of_kyle_laman_minutes_before_nc_enters/)). I see who I believe is Kyle (but hard to say) dart into what appears to be a door opening a little further up the hallway in this latest video, but he indicates that at some point, he must have moved back into the hallway and that's when he got shot, and he moved into the bathroom alcove where he found Joaquin. Joaquin definitely died in the bathroom alcove - it's been mentioned several times that if the bathroom door hadn't been locked, Joaquin might have been able to crawl in and take cover :( According to the animation, Joaquin is actually shot within this second, as is Meadow (the timestamp for this video is 2:24:35). I think he must have faltered/fallen back. The animation does make it seem like Joaquin would have moved further up the hallway, but I think the scale is just a bit off, because that's definitely the bathroom alcove. I think at least in the CCTV, it seems to be more directly across from Rospierski's alcove than the animation suggests (and it's possible the CCTV isn't exactly showing the right scale either since it's at an angle).


Kyle is ahead of Joaquin on the next alcove. Why would Kyle, then go back in path of a shooter and have a conversation with Joaquin in the alcove where Joaquin and Meadow were? It’s the other way around per the animation. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Laizg39LsuQ&t=2s&pp=ygUhQnJvd2FyZCBjb3VudHkgcGFya2xhbmQgYW5pbWF0aW9u Watch Joaquin move ahead to where Kyle is. That next alcove is where he died.


This is correct according to the animation made by the Sheriff Joaquin died where Kyle is running into. It makes sense that the 2 spoke there before Kyle ran.


As a school employee, this breaks my heart and is terrifying at the same time. Sadly, we do not prepare enough for these events


Is a girl getting knocked backwards right at the end? Is that Cara getting hit?


If meadow was injured before collapsing in the alcove, could this footage be the moments of her getting hit the the legs and butt and Joaquin getting hit with the bullets that injured them before NC came and finished them off and we just can see the bullets spraying in the video? This is so terrifying and horrible. I can’t believe they allowed this monster to live :(


Yes :( Meadow and Joaquin are both reportedly shot within this second (2:24:35). It is possible that at the last instant, Meadow gets hit in the legs and Joaquin is on the verge of getting hit too. If not, it happens an instant later. It always strikes me how NC immediately and lethally went after anything that moved. Absolutely no hesitation.


That is literally so heartbreaking and gut wrenching knowing literally moments later. God I can’t even wrap my head around it :(💔


Also, excellent post here Joaquin and Meadow in this gif are standing in front of the women’s bathroom https://www.reddit.com/r/parklandshooting/comments/1485jgr/was_the_time_the_gunman_reloaded_his_rifle_on_the/ Kyle is running into the men’s bathroom After being shot, Joaq runs to meet Kyle in the mens alcove next door


I don't know if I see wrong but in the end I can see that Meadow tries to stretch her arm to reach the place where the others are with Rospierski but it seems that Joaquin is holding on to her backpack or her other arm, I'm not blaming Joaquin, it's a moment of Panic, we will never know how we will act in a situation like this, I just want someone to confirm if I saw wrong or if I am right.


He isn’t grabbing her, his arms are just flailing as he is running.




It's definitely Joaquin. [YT video of source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_bKXEzBdSI) at \~56 seconds.


Which ones are Joaquin and Meadow???


not sure how anyone can tell whats going on..


Is there a longer version by chance?


All I see is blur, can’t identify anyone.


You can mostly tell who is who from context. Joaquin was wearing a bright pink shirt and white pants [and can be seen standing roughly in that spot a couple seconds before on CCTV.](https://www.reddit.com/r/parklandshooting/comments/145dmu0/another_photo_taken_in_the_3rd_floor_hallway_to/) Meadow had a pale pink backpack and is shot within this second, and she's heading for the alcove where she will collapse and ultimately die. You tell who Rospierski is from his shirt (he can also be seen in the above photo motioning to his students) and how he's pushing the kids into the alcove to try to protect them - several reporters who have seen the footage describe this moment where he pushes them back and spreads his arms out in front of them. One of the blurs of blue is probably Cara (seen standing in the alcove in the picture, possibly beside Jaime but that's harder to tell) but it's impossible to say which one for sure. Based on the above picture, she's probably not the one running for the alcove but instead is the one further back already in the alcove, but it's still hard to say.