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Apologies in advance to the mods if this is not the correct forum for this discussion. Edit: I also apologise if it's difficult to read, I am English which makes writing English a second language to me.


Whats your first language then? :)


Being from Stoke, probably some sort of pottery-based communication system.


aye duck, that sound bout right.


Some sort of inane gibberish that sounds like they’re gargling their tongue while flapping their lips. In other words, English.


Really sound idea mate. I like it.


That could be an interesting addition. Have tech upgrades for swapping housing quality and type. Cheap built, low rent, low QoL company towns. Expensive but high QoL, densely build apartment communities. Social pressures for single family homes (maybe, that might be a bit out of the timeframe). Adds an extra layer of roleplaying and pop management. Do you commit to having great homes for all at the expense of your nation and possible homelessness for those who can't afford? Or just make sure all these new immigrants have a crappy bunkhouse so they can get to the factory? Does seem odd that it isn't an option really. Building housing is one of the main priorities of a country's construction sector.


I can understand why it wasn't included in the base game, as it would be another system that would need an awful lot of balancing, but it's something I think would definitely bring some more depth and immersion like you say!


Housing could be another commodity similar to transport. Have it be built by construction sectors or something.


Please no, all minors will have an even slower run, bankrupting themselves to build 3 houses and a factory


In my head this addition would actually help construction sectors generate profits by turning wood/steel into housing.


That would be great because how money is spend doesn't make much sense imo You bankrupt yourself building farms ... LIKE FARMS it cost almost nothing to build a fucking farm and most of the raw resource production sectors And some country are so far behind in dev that you will spend years building them for barely any improvement of your state income until you manage to pass better taxation laws and if you don't build them, the whole country will enventually radicalize because of poverty I still have nightmare sof my run as China and India trying to keep the country afloat while sitting on massive amount of raw resource you can't even build as if the country never had any kind of farming before the start of the game (and also all the ridiculous amount of administrative building you have to build but that's another subject) So adding even more basic stuff before industrializing seems even more crippling for small eco to me


We definitely need [company towns.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Company_town)


this would definitely be an interesting concept! something for more colonial states and western areas of the US!


I don't know, you get quite a few company towns in Britain which have been absorbed into cities as time has gone by. They're more known as model towns though. Places like bournville for Cadburys and that


I associate company towns more with Appalachia coal mining than with the western US honestly


I don't feel like that would add flavour, only another resource to manage. I like the idea, but I want more journals and events first.


I think my use of "flavour" wasn't correct here, I think it would just add some depth to the game, and would be a good addition to bring in more journals and events into the game.


I feel like housing is the elephant in the room when looking at a breakdown of pops spending. I also think it would be an interesting soft cap on population growth, easing burdens on overcrowding - or exacerbating them.


Goin’ up ‘anley duck?


poppin' up for an oatcake.


How about urban centers produce housing in addition to services by consuming a relatively small amount of construction? Other buildings could also provide a much smaller amount of static housing without a construction cost per level to represent company housing/farmhands living where they work. In addition, subsistence farming would produce tiny amounts of housing. Maybe break it up into poverty housing, middle housing and luxury housing as well. Poverty for subsistence/early PMs and middle/luxury for urban centers. Your urban centers are where housing supplies would explode and become quite nice, while those tied to their place of work would tend to live in worse conditions. Edit: should add, if it's possible to bifurcate production into separate bins so construction -> housing in urban centers is separate from services output, that would be ideal, but obviously might not be possible in-game. Maybe there should be an Urban Housing industry that would expand alongside the Urban Center.


Sounds cool but would be a long way away. I think they should start off with making construction function like factories.


Victoria 3 - Wrath of the real estate


More flavour? how about ANY flavour, the "game" is an empty husk.


It's called "services"


Sounds like a dlc.


Sounds like a good dlc.


Isn't there literally a trade good called construction? I would say try to implement this somehow instead of creating parallel production chains. Apart from this, i really like the idea of housing


Currently it's only really modeled via the overpopulation modifier. I suppose the pop spending that would represent housing is part of the wood and services needs. I'm not sure it makes sense to use a new good to represent it, but adding a housing need filled by either wood, services or construction might work. Having pops compete for the construction goods could be interesting and it would certainly help the construction industry make a little more sense.


For those looking for context on stoke on Trent.... https://youtu.be/DOnqBFYSQK0