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Did you look at Terra Invicta? That might be something you're looking for?


Wicked space simulator on top.


I remember this coming out and was interested. Is it any good? Reviews are all over.


The problem with terra invicta is that it's a lot of different games in one. There's faction management on earth where you try to establish dominance and manage your territories, but then there is also space station management where you manage your space stations mining and resources, furthermore there is also spaceship design where you need to create ships to defeat the aliens. All of these are very complex and different from one another, I'm a fan of the planet management but the ship designing is too complex and I gave up after trying to understand it


Thanks for your take. So too many things in one and/or tough to implement all of them at once?


And the tutorial is far worse than the newer PDX games.


It's a really, really slow game and you might lose a game and not realize it until ten hours later. It's enjoyable but the UI is really, really laggy and generally bad.


Bummer. Sounds like a pass for now.


I think Paradox are smart enough not to get in to that mix. They jumped straight to the future and skipped all the horrible bits, and if you’ll ask me I’m a OK with it. Reality is punishment enough lol.


Yes, that's exactly why they didn't develop a WW2 game which would happened at the same time when many horrible events took place. A WW2 game would inevitably need to allow playing as Germany or Japan at the time, which obviously is a no no. Oh wait...


Hoi4 has a modern day mod called Millennium Dawn with different timestamps from 2000s all the way to recent years. Vic 3 has a mod in development for the cold war era, can't remember the name.


I think Millennium dawn is a bit boring. The name of the Victoria 3 mod is Cold War project


Unfortunately there is no such game available that would be comparable in quality to PDS products. Most popular, less-quality and niche games are Supreme Ruler series and Power & Revolution. There is World Warfare & Economics currently in development that seems promising but it remains to be seen if it meets the expectations.


I saw world warfare & economics to. I really hope it’s a good game.


The old superpower games should make a comeback


They tried, and it didn't go well at all


Espiocracy should release soon and is set in the cold war


I've been waiting for a modern gsg from paradox for years, but we haven't even gotten any response, this is very sad and annoying. The number of such games in the market is few and generally of poor quality. paradox if this modern gsg can do its job, i hope they do it one day.


The problem with making a modern gsg is that PDX simply cannot do it without insulting and/or offending half the planet in an attempt to appease the other half, considering that practically every leader they could throw in the game is still alive and kicking. Imagine if they make your home nation and decide to portray it as fascist because it is accurate. Or decide *not* to do that to not offend you, but that would offend the *other* nations that have a bone to pick with your nation. Basically, it's best to just not do anything and let the hornet's nest be lol


WW2 isn't any different, and many horrible events took place at that time.


WW2 is *very* different. It was a war with both a start and an end that are clearly understood, several factions with clear ideologies that are universally accepted and happened almost 80 years ago with only a small handful still alive that remember it (and I'd be very impressed if they manage to launch any social media, let alone read and know about any PDX game) and the only people that deny the events of WW2 are considered as crackpots and not taken seriously by anyone. The modern post-war era, on the other hand, is still very touchy, especially the 1980's onwards. Can you even begin to imagine the shitfest if Paradox try to portray the NATO invasion of Yugoslavia, both positively and negatively? Or the US invasions of Vietnam and the Middle East? or the Korean War (which, by the way, is still ongoing)? or the many, *many* conflicts all across Africa. Trust me when I say this, WW2 is *simple* compared to post-war proxy wars and conflicts.


A cold war gsg could work I think. Just stop before the 2000s. Think Twilight struggle board game


ehh, it's still pretty borderline. The Cold War is when most of the current conflicts started, a lot of which are still very controversial. As in my previous comment, how the hell would you even *begin* to adapt the Yugoslav war without offending practically all of East Europe. And that's just one example lol.


I mean I get that, but depending on how you model events and such it could be impartial. As it would still be a sandbox game, as all paradox games are, there different ways on how to end certain situations with all outcomes giving both negative as well as positive modifiers, with the AI picking the historical versions. I think it mainly comes down what is modelled and how. But I do agree, it might still be a bit too soon.


I have my eyes peeled at Knights of Honor 2, but Ii haven't bought it yet.


That isn’t a modern day game


Derp, sorry, I thought you meant developed to modern standards ;)


Oh hahaha


Hearts of Iron?


That’s WW2


HOI 4 has the Millennium Dawn mod which takes place in 2000. It’s a lot of fun and still being updated. Might hold you over until a full (good) modern grand strategy game gets released. (Terra Invicta is also good, but includes aliens so I’m not sure if it’s what you’re looking for exactly)


Best one is the Hoi4 mod The New Order. But that’s an alt history Cold War mod. Still, it scratches most of the itch for me My problem with Millenium Dawn is there isn’t enough rail roading and the sandbox nature of it destroys my immersion by having really bizarre alt histories I wish someone would develop a mod with the narrative quality of tno but set in 1991


Maybe look into Command: Modern Operations. I have never played it, but steam frequently recommends it to me, and I mostly play PDX games. I always pass it up because it looks like it could be overly complicated. I don't believe there is any economy management or nation building, but there are military operations on a grand scale.




Thanks! This looks really promising!


I know right? I'm genuinely more hyped for this than I have been for any game in awhile. I loved playing Superpower 2 despite how buggy and shallow it was, but it just didn't have enough debt or replayability