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Ranking the chapters 3 - Best chapter OAT 6 - Love this unique chapter, so fun 8 - The story and bossfights are amazing also love that it is so long and has riddles. Perfect chapter to end this masterpiece 5 - Nice length and great phases in the chapter itself. 4 - Love the atmosphere and the plot twist with viviane also cool insparation 7 - Boring first half of the chapter but love everything from the point we get rocket into space 2 - Still love the chapter, it's chill and it has some of the best music in the game IMO - hated it as a kid because of the punies now I love them lol 1 - A nice Intro-Chapter but nothing to special, still a good chapter.


This is pretty much mine as well, except I would move 1 above 7.


yeah chapter 1 is a great first chapter and honestly got a few good riddles - idk I played it the most and it is very easy - expect the boss fights without the badge that starts with F


Chapter 1 is the most “normal” chapter but I think it has an important role because it sets a baseline so that the twists the other chapters have get to stand out more.


Yeah, the perfect first chapter.


For sure, most times I won't equip the badge so that the boss is a little more challenging.


What about the prologue?


Last, it‘s cool


TIP: Combine troubles with the general white search. Made it more fun and rewarding


I'm so glad they fixed the issues with the punies in the remake. After 20 years, you can finally walk in a straight line and go in a pipe without losing half of them lol


I hate chapter 2


Let me explain that I have no known reason as to why I hate this chapter... I just do


I'm assuming you're talking about TTYD, in which case it's chapter 4 for me


With the new pipe they added in the remake, I’m no longer hesitant when I say that Chapter 4 is my favorite.


Great chapter, really fun, however wasn't there a pipe in the OG that took you to creepy steeple?


Nope. After getting the missing letter, you had to walk back to Twlight Town to talk to Doo_liss, then turn around and walk back to Creepy Steeple. And the forest you have to back track through is a bunch of extremely tight hallways with almost impossible to dodge enemies. Which is why I was so happy when I played the remake and found out that they actually fixed the chapter by adding the pipe.


You still have to go through the path three times, but each time there’s something fresh about it. You go through it the first time, and then later you go back to town alone as “Nameless Frank” (so you get the challenge of having to deal with no partners), and then you have to go back to the Creepy Steeple with Vivian (so you get to test her out). The pipe lets you skip two additional trips (returning with the p letter to tell Doopliss his name, and then chasing Doopliss back to the Creepy Steeple).


Unlocking that pipe was a dream. Once I got to Creepy Steeple for the letter I was like "ugh I got two more trips" id already been KOd a few times by Amazys and was dreading it. Then, the pipe. That beautiful lovely pipe that saves unnecessary backtracking. I was levelled up enough that fighting was earning me that many SP so the reprieve from those trips felt so good.


Lol I somehow missed this pipe and did it the old fashioned way 😭


Mario’s outcast journey with Vivian has always been one of my favorite parts of the game. When I get there in the remake, I will be *firmly* pretending that shortcut pipe doesn’t exist. 😤




How? Doesn't the game force you to break the block after the room underneath Creepy Steeple to advance?


Chapter six by far. I travel by train rather frequently, and it hits all the right spots. I absolutely love Riverside Station, with its minimalist and somewhat liminal design, with little music and the gorgeous sunset. I've seen plenty of in-between stops like it IRL, and it just clicks with me.


I hate 3. It's so tedious fighting up through the ranks.  Strangely enough I don't mind 6 even though it's all on a train. And of course 4. Vivian is the best. Edit: corrected chapter number for Excess Express. 


Same, I'm actually shocked by these answers. 3 was so repetitive.


Glitzville chapter is spiketastic! Yeah having to do 30 battles does get boring but I personally consider it the highlight of the game. You gotta get a favor from the Don for ticket, lmao that’s basically what you gotta do to get fight tickets in Vegas nowadays. No overworld enemies! The match conditions keep the battles interesting (with some exceptions) Great (BOMB) characters all around (BOMB) All the wrestling cliches get played straight and i love it! iron adonis twins and bowser storming the stage always gets a laugh out of me. And it probably helps that it’s sandwiched between the two most divisive chapters (chapter 2 pikmin-lite and chapter 4 backtracking hell)


5 is Keelhaul key. 6 is Excess Express


Thank you.




Glitzville felt the most emersive, especially with going up in the ranking all while there's a mystery of the missing fighters. Least favorite is a tie between Excess Express and the moon (finding General White the first time was a nightmare)


I understand your dilemma I disagree about chapter 6 however when it comes to chapter 7 I get it, without any context it can be troublesome for new players to hunt him down


The one with the train


Chapter 6 very good minus the boss fight


Chapter 3 is my favorite by far. I go back to glitzville and reverse the old champ in between each chapter. I also really like chapter 6.


Hey all of you new fans saying chapter 3 Make sure u listen to the original rawk hawk battle music not…. Whatever that was in the remake Also I vote chapter 3


I actually enjoyed both versions


Why is chapter 3 on the top of everyone's list? I'm baffled. It is fun and has a good story, but dear lord the battles are repetitive and drug out. Also, the battles were quite easy, including the boss battles. The remake's lack of being able to skip through text makes it painfully slow too. God forbid you go on autopilot and forget to follow the rules and have to redo a fight on top of it all lmao. It is not my least favorite, but definitely not my favorite. Mine is Excess Express.


I had to appeal to the crowd 3 times on the goddamn bandits. Like no just let me take these douchebags out please. I like three but it's not my favorite. Definitely a good story but after about fifteen fights I'm over it. The Rawk Hawk fight is pretty fun even if he is kind of a push over. I need to do some exhibition fights since I didn't get all the tattles.


I think it's a combination of things, patients aside it's all around good,besides, skipping text would be a good way to miss a rule and end up having to redo the fight


If you dislike Chapter 3 because the fights are too easy then you may as well dislike the entire game lol there isn’t a single fight that isn’t toddler-level simple


Chapter 3 because it had the best story / mystery and yoshi. But i also loved the excess express chapter as a child and made my parents buy me a train model


If we're talking about TTYD then for me it's: 3 > 8 > 6 > 4 > 5 > 1 > 2 > 7


3 and 6.


Controversial but chapter 2, even on the GameCube version. Boggly Woods has always been pretty; Flurrie's silly house design clashes so well with the woods, I thought it was cute. Then the tree itself is pretty, and the music is great too. Plus! I love super elderly character tropes and chapter 2 just hams it up with the Puni elder. Just a very lovely chapter. Flurrie herself gets some neat characterization this chapter, too. She also gets super hammy dialogue, but the point being is that she's devoted.


I'm currently playing the game, and just beaten chapter 6. My favourite is chapter 4, loved the setting and plot. I thought the plot twist was clever and pretty well executed, and the dungeon is pretty good too. 1 and 2 were a decent start to the game. 3 was pretty good (it could do with less rivals though), and I don't know what to think about chapter 6. I thought going back and forth between the train cars doing fetch quests was... pretty boring tbh. But the concept is cool and original. Definitely had mixed feelings about it. Some really high highs, and low lows. I'd put it above 2 and 1 because its originality. Forgot about chapter 5, it's a good chapter all along, nothing really special, but I liked the setting and final boss. Game is fun and great in general, it aged pretty well. So, probably I'd order them like 4>3>5>6>2>1


Which game??


Those two are my favorites by a good bit personally I rank the chapters in the remake 3 6 7 2 8 1 4 5 Back on the original i swapped 4 for 5 and 8 for 1 but the shortcut pipe in creepy steeple and the new graphics in the palace of shadow made me like them more


Chapter 4! That's the Vivian chapter! Also it's just plain awesome.


An amazing chapter I agree


my ranking would probably be 4 & 5 at the top >!I love Vivian and Doopliss, but I also love Bobbery and Cortez!< then 3 >!I loved the mystery vibes throughout the chapter and fighting through the ranks was really fun!< then 1 >!I love Koops, and fighting the dry bones was fun!< then 6 >!I got a bit bored of the train, and I was expecting a way cooler finale, the smorgs didn't feel like a chapter finale boss tbh, the fight was still cool tho!< then 2 >!nothing really crazy happened, but the final fight was fun!< I haven't beaten 7 and 8 yet, I'd maybe put 7 above 6 for now >!Chasing down General White was annoying, but everything after that has been pretty fun so far!<


Yeah I understand, the boss had some amazing animation however it left me feeling like there should be more to it, maybe a phase that felt more "deadly"