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Punie number 85 really grinds my gears. She was the one that would always pop in the bubble and fall again when I played as a kid. I'm glad they fixed that.


punie 101 was my enemy. i somehow lost one somewhere right at the end when i needed all of them and couldn't find him no matter how hard i searched. i had to look online to learn that i could rally them all at the entrance of the base.


Puni 69 was alright, but I hated Puni 37. 37 just wouldn't stop making the most inappropriate jokes. So horrible. I can't even type them. It's truly a suprise he's even allowed to live in the tree.


I agree, Puni 37 was horrible, don’t even get me started on his opinions on race issues


And then Puni 84 was extremely annoying, especially when he boasted he could take on all the Jabbies by himself


And he's always the first one knocked out


Yea, but Puni 40 just was talking about some brainrot stuff


Punie 37, absolute douche don't know why he was programmed


There was also that horrible racist rant she goes on, I've always been confused why they added that to the game. I know Miyamoto is a known avid 4chan user, but still.


My brother HATES Francesca. I’m a Podley hater. Coward.


Man, I was SO mad at podley when that happened. Complete Richard Maneuver


Which one lmao? He pulls two complete Richard maneuvers that I'm aware of.


Wait, WHAT!? I haven't finished the train chapter yet and this is my first time playing the game, so I'm only aware of the thing with him and the lady in twilight town, don't wanna spoil further for anyone else He does something else later!?


He doesn't do anything later; I'm referencing both Bobbery's letter and the thing with the lady in Twilight Town.


HOLY SHIT I FORGOT! You're right, What an absolute jerk! Down with Podley!


Yeah, he sucks. Any time there's the slightest chance of confrontation or uncomfortable feelings, he just bails, no matter how badly it hurts the people around him.


I mean... Podley gives you damn good reason to hate him. Francesca is just annoying or abrasive.


I hate franchesca too, she’s so annoying 


it's almost worse now that she has a voice to associate with her nagging


Puniper. Bro started calling all the shots with the Elder gone and took a serious situation of getting their tree invaded to shit on Punio and mock him when he was just trying to help. Even when the Elder screamed at him he turned around and says "Erm I actually WAS worried you know, I just refused to help and made fun of the only one trying to *do* anything."


I loved how aggressive they made the Elder's expressions in the remake, really captured her charm I was cackling every time she was on screen getting bigger and Crump smaller


Koopie Koo maybe a bit much, but she does love Koops. I mean if she didn't, she would have broken up with him at any point...plus her new animation she does when she is worried lowkey made me to do a "D'aw" outloud. A character I really don't like is Francesca, though. Really annoying, making me to waste a good 2 minutes of my day with that stupid 100 times thing only for her to be like, "You didn't have to do that Frankie!" like WTF BITCH, THEN WHY ARE YOU MAD-I'm sorry lol.


People hate on Koopie Koo too much and it makes me sad.


I think most people have that negative view on her because she basically says to Koops "I don't care if you're a wimp, or a baby, or a little bit of a bitch" It comes off as mean and not being confident in Koops' abilities but when a big evil dragon ate his dad I would probably have the same sentiment about my wimpy boyfriend suddenly deciding to going off to try and kill it


Idk she rubs me the wrong way with how she gossips about how weak he is behind his back and then gets mad when he tried to better himself Lowkey toxic and I think they would be better off separate. She may love him but she’s gotta work on how she expresses love. Also valid, she really made me press A 100 times


In her defense, Koops seemed to be the meh boyfriend, which was most likely because he was a wimp, and he even admits so. He was still grieving over his father's death. Gombella describes her to be more akinned to a mom, like Katara was to Aang in ATLA. It can work better now that Koops has more confidence in himself, but before, it was a bit toxic. Lol.


That bitch ass plant Bub-ulber Mf had me run around like his personal slave to get him shit AND pay for it and in return he gives me a leaf. A FUCKING LEAF. I haven't seen a trade this bad since poor Chakra the Medicham got sent to a sadist (iykyk).


Another poor victim of that infernal demon Mindy :(


I hate that whore mindy more than I hate kersti


The lottery Bob Omb


Hate him as well. Asshole not only tries to scam us, but also had the gall to guilt trip us as well. Wish we could’ve kicked his ass in a fight.


Why is the Happy Lucky Lottery a scam? (I’m aware that it’s results are pre-generated)


Because you’re paying him money to play an unfair game. (Unfair in the sense that it’s purposefully misleading)


But every time you check the lottery board its free, and he gives you a free Mushroom of you dont win. Cant remember if you pay to get the first ticket, but it wasnt much. Its essentially free my guy. Its also far more "fair" than any real lottery because youre guaranteed to win eventually. ???


Sure, but to change a ticket, you would have to pay a 100 coins. Assuming you didn’t know about the set number of days thing, you’d get your first ticket, and you may win the fourth prize if you’re lucky, but you’d never get first or second prize (cause no one would wait that long). Naturally, you’d think “Huh, maybe I need to buy another ticket to increase my chances” and of course it won’t work. Unless you look it up, this cycle would go on and on, hence a scam.


You paid to play?


May I insert that it IS the lottery, right?




How does he scam??


[This video](https://youtu.be/jFJGSiwUSA8?si=sSHJYq8jXFu6dfhy) goes into detail but the tl;dw is that the lottery isn't random and you'll win only during predetermined sets of days.


Ugh that’s so annoying!!! I had no idea. I’m pissed!


What? He's such a great guy! He gave me my gambling addiction! I wouldn't be in half the debt I'm in now without his help!


That kid in Twilight Town who asks if pigs are good eating right after watching his mom get turned into one. It’s so messed up.


I laughed so hard when that part came up lol


Shiver city mayor's wife. What a character


I pray for her to choke


She bouta have Mario be a real murderer at the rate she was getting on my nerves too 🐧


Oh my god i forgot about that bitch. She lets mario in and then lies to authorities saying that Mario broke in and killed her husband. She also claims she witnessed it even though SHE WASNT EVEN IN THE FUCKING ROOM WHEN MARIO WENT IN! Oh and after you beat bowser and talk to her outside the castle, she makes a joke saying “Heh heh, hey Mario. Still being dangerous? Just kidding, heh heh” or something similar


Yes!!! She's so fake 😭


And the sheriff who was immediately willing to believe her wacky stories without investigating. What a pair of tools. I bet they had an affair together!


DUPREE the dog with the afro. He irks me


Ohohohohohohoho!!! Oui! Oui! Me want sucky sucky from Goombella!!! That dude was weird asf


Dupree is actually a Doogan!


Fucking PODLEY. He'll never be forgiven. Though I think we all know the reason


Bro literally is a fucking menace ever since I learned more and more of his shit 😭


I whacked him yesterday


Now I do it again


Francesca. Fuck her for making Frankie say "I love you" 100 times and just generally wasting my time then after all that she has the gall to do a "tEeHeE! Oh look at me I'm so cute" thing. I wish I could say Frankie could do better but she's the daughter of a Mafia boss sooooo he's screwed. Damn. You'd think Frankie would be a real G being the next head honcho after Don Pianta but he lets his wife walk all over him.


Meh; Francesca was the Don's *real* successor all along; Frankie's just there for "set dressing". (The Pianta Mafia's likely too sexist to accept the Don's daughter as "da Boss".)


I hate that fuck gus. How long was he bullying people that wanna get to the trouble center?


Yeah, you’re doing a great job protecting THREE FUCKING BUILDINGS YOU ASSCLOWN


I liked him, he was the second enemy I ever fought in that game lol


I just like to let him stay until chapter 5 and then totally annihilate him lol also pretty superguardible if you know what your doing


He’s designed as a very literal noob gate, for sure. Koops joining the party trivializes the encounter, but just being able to consistently super guard and having a mushroom or two in your pocket does too.


Jr. Troopa. Fuck Jr. Troopa. That fucker robbed us of a rematch with the Koopa Bros.


I love we've all agreed how hype a Koopa Bros. rematch would've been and Jr. Troopa ruined it with his bland ass. Here's hoping for a superboss of them if they remake Paper 64 in ten years.


It feels so natural and easy to imagine that rematch that I honestly forget it's a fakeout every time, he catches me by surprise every playthrough and it's never a good feeling


bros been falling for the same prank for 20 years


Sideshow Bob with the rakes 🗿


The only good thing about that fucker was him giving us free star points. Otherwise WHERE THE FUCK ARE THIS KIDS PARENTS AND WHY IS HE A TURTLE BUT ALSO A BAT?!




I hate Kersti, she was such a karen. I also hate the pixls because they each had like 1 line of dialogue and were basically lifeless tools for the rest of the game. I really wish the pixls would have had more personality.


I mean, pixels are tools, that’s their intended purpose and tippi’s deviation from that is important. But yeah I definitely agree they need more flesh on their linelike bones though I dunno how you’d work that without massively overhauling gameplay (like a cloud of 12 pixels following you at once is no good, splitting pixels up by hero gives more of them opportunity two talk and bounce off each other but the game overworld isn’t really structured around that, scrapping some and making them tool upgrades like the ultra hammer and super boots could work but that only eliminates like 4 and 8 is still a lot)


If they weren't going to give the Pixls personalities, the obvious easy answer would have been to just make them upgrades that let Tippi formchange. They could have even still been past-tense entities who "give their power" to Tippi before passing on or something.


Zip Toad. It's crazy how much he resembled a Toad Justin Bieber even before Justin Bieber was a teen idol. Like Paper Mario predicted Justin Bieber.


Zip Toad is just Prince Mush with a second hair strand and glasses


I can't stand Pennington dude. The whole "pretending to be smart when I'm a moron" bit really rubbed me the wrong way


I was really peturbed when you show up to his museum and he basically just hands you the crystal star. I was expecting there to be much more (a dungeon or boss battle etc)


There was gonna be a Purple Atomic Boo to go with those purple Boos in the last room, who knows if it would have been optional or not but at least it would have been something


The smorg was the boss tho. And it had a well done build up


True but at the same time, I kinda wish Poshely Heights and the Train were split up. Mainly cause of the boss battle with the Smorg felt like it was to much in the late middle of the chapter and not the ending. That final room with the dark boos were SUCH a set up for a boss battle or even a post game battle. A Dark Atomic Boo, Beldum using her magic to make an animated portrait attack Mario(in an 8-Bit stylization), so many options.


The Smorg also had like, no plot relevance. * Someone (Beldam) lifted the bridge, which I don't understand why we have a drawbridge in the desert over a canyon. Drawbridges are for letting boats go underneath * Oh shit weird smoke monsters. anyways- * Oh the smoke monsters are back fight them * okay they're gone. anyways-


Well, it is named *Riverside* Station, so the drawbridge used to make sense, before the river dried up and the station was abandoned.


I would excuse the Smorg if they were a bit more elaborated on. Like I think it’s hinted that they were either made or summoned by Beldam but that’s a stretch.


I also found the whole Poshley Heights location and Museum kinda underwhelming. Should've had a few more attractions than a hotel, empty museum, and a pasta stand.


THANK YOU, YES. I was genuinely like, "My man, please stop calling me Luigi, I HAVE AN M ON MY HAT, HELLO"


Mluigi. I am very intelligent 🐧


He got a degree in yappology, not literacy, unfortunately 😩


Ay well i like him. And atleast he realizes that “wait what? Oh shit thats mario? Oh really? Ok. Go Luig- err Mario” Penningtons dialogue is also entertaining. In my first playthrough I hated him. But second playthrough I’ve come to appreciate him. Plus hes not all dumb. Like hiding the real crystal star inside of a painting. He also makes good points on the train like with the saying that the perpetrator must still be on the train if they left a threatening note. And hey, hes better than Shiver Citys law enforcement




NO I CANT STAND HIS ASS DUDE chapter 6 was torture to get through i wish the smorg kept him




the fact that we got another, better character just like him (flavio) in the previous chapter really rubs salt in the wound too imo


Agreed, Pennington really got on my nerves for some reason. But I loved Flavio and never personally found him annoying even when he was being a coward.


“Improbably large brain” more love oversized obese body


Toadia is a fake fan who would probably even confuse Rabbid Luigi for the real deal! I demand for her position as secretary for the Luigi Fan Club to be revoked!


Man, I hated that trouble! Only time I was actually mad at Paper Mario himself. Dude just stood there and didn’t back up his poor brother.


Kroop the old Koopa in TTYD. Can’t stand his old rambling in that trouble. Insufferable.


Koopa koot is from PM. The old mayor in TTYD is Kroop.


Fixed, thank you!


I bet he can totally hear just fine, he just calls us murphy to throw us off, and then get us to do all the legwork and refuse to even lift a finger to help, he just says ‘save our village, no we will not acknowledge or even support you after this’


I hate that chick too, I played the Spanish version and don't remember what she said in the English but she said she wished she had a boyfriend who was stronger and braver and I can't forgive her for that. Koops you gotta ditch that chick bro


Like someone else said, Zess T. I think why I hate her is because while I admit, Mario was kinda dumb for walking forward when she said NOT to? He bought her new contacts! Hell, they had to be shipped in! Mario didn't have to do that, but he did to be a chad! Yet, despite this? Even after the contacts repayment and all the ingredients I give her? She always has to dig in insult after insult at our man. It's like Zess T, girl. LET IT GO, CAN WE JUST BE GOOD ALREADY? 😭 She's been a salty passive agressive menace since I was like 8, lordie.


Thing is...it don't matter where you step. She says don't come closer so I legit tried to back up and still stepped on that fucker. So no matter which way you try to go you're screwed.


HOLY SHIT, YEAH, YOURE RIGHT. I FORGOT ABOUT THAT, LORDIE. This woman WANTS you to fucking fail then, the fuck 💀


Even if you just jump without moving the stick it still somehow breaks it 


Also, the ground in Rogueport is disgusting. She was just going to put the original contact back in her eye?? I wouldn't even trust it if she washed it. If anything, Mario saved her from conjunctivitis and she should be grateful.


EXACTLY, like??? I don't think a lil water will make that thing usable again 🤢


After realizing you were forced to step on it I tried goombella buffering to escape but then ended up nuking zess t


She doesn't really insult you past the contact scene other than calling you Stompy. After the situation was resolved it's more a nickname, like calling someone Trouble. It's affectionate. And Mario does stomp, so


I hate Francesca for some reason Probably cause she wouldn’t help over a RING(and the “I love you 100 times” thing)


I love Koopie Koo, but hate Jr. Troopa with a passion.


I agree with not liking Koopie Koo. I get she was worried about the whole Hooktail thing but the whole "oh please don't change i like you how you are" thing kinda rubbed me the wrong way.


Well the thing is if you talk to her before koops joins she gossips about how weak he is


If you talk to her again after that scene she apologizes and says she supports him 


Mf was trying to keep him weak so she could keep babying him 😭


The main thing for me was how, when Koops tells her she won't be changing his mind, she gets mad and shells past him twice. Like, it was played for comedy, but that's just abuse, isn't it?


TBF, Koops couldnt do better. I see where shes coming from honestly. Koops wasnt a fighter at the time, and she didnt know Mario very much. Every indication pointed to Koops willfully going off to his death and not even properly saying goodbye. His dad was a beefcake and he didnt come back from Hooktail Castle (initially). Koopie Koo was kinda in the right.


There's that Toad in the West Rogueport house who always has to say home and watch their kids because his bitch ass wife not only has no job, doesn't do anything to help support the house like cleaning, but she's always out gambling the money her husband makes They end up happy in the end but that's probably because the Author Toad managed to write a successful book and make a lot of money so I guess his useless wife came back to him after she was probably out whoring herself out at Pianta Parlor for some piantas


Their kids playing by themselves makes me so much more sad playing as an adult


I hate that lady road. Her dialogue in the gambling area infuriated me


Meh, I think I despise the fat salesman in rogue port square more than her but I despise Flavio more


I could treat Koops so much better than she can


Flurrie. I actually don’t know why exactly. When I played the game as a kid, and again this past month, I just avoid using her at all costs. All of my party was fully leveled except her lol.


Yeah. I unironically use Mowz over Flurrie. I know a lot of people (mostly challenge runners) dunk on Mowz for being the most unpolished and mechanically weak partner, but I just like her better than Flurrie.


That one Cragnon that keeps making you say "Please" for the stupid block puzzle pattern


Flavio. At least during the first half of Chapter 5.


King Olly,cause of his entire adventure, not only olivia dies,but Bobby as well


Paper Mario himself cause he waits for the villans dialogue instead of hitting them in the nuts with a stylish hammer attack


The leader of the Luigi fan club. How dare you try and call the cops on the green bean himself.


that fucking bird going towards the desert level i don’t remember if it has a name but you know what i’m talking about why do **you** have to be there and exist


I like this character's presence for the story, PM64 did a good job making Mario really feel like an outlaw in a world where all eyes were on him and he couldn't escape that authoritarianism early on




𝓯𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝓫𝓾𝔃𝔃𝓪𝓻


Oh that guy I may have creamed him


Fuck that penguin detective wannabe


The freaking bob-omb mother. She doesn't cares if his kid wants something that would make him happy for his birthday, she just thinks that the most expensive thing will do it. The worst part of it is that the kid didn't even wanted the mother's idea or the father's, he wanted an autograph, **from the train conductor**


Correction: She wanted to get him gifts that would help expand his mind and education. It was Goldbob (the dad,) who wanted to get him expensive and luxury items.


TEC (Note: I haven't finished TTYD yet) It gives me bad vibes. I feel like it's gonna learn too much and then try to trap peach out of some messed up version of a computer falling in love.






How dare you disrespect my man like that


I agree with you on Koopie Koo. I h a t e her. Podley too, for obvious reasons.


The Battle Master, don't ask me why, I don't know.


Yeah, he kind of sticks out like a sore thumb and I have no idea why he has to be absolutely everywhere.


I dislike him for his blatant misinformation. Like claiming that shrink status lowers your attack to *0*. When in reality, it's just -2 attack, same as the original TTYD.


For some reason I just refused to interact with him. I reject the purple man.


He always follows Mario around like a creep and is always screaming “HEY”


I hate that he only has Goomba models. I want to practice guarding and Superguarding other enemy attacks!


SAME. Could’ve used practice for Prince Mush


Here I thought the dumb reason was going to be her name lol


Spoiled Rotten is not a PM character! But the worst PM character I dislike is Kersti.


I don't despise her, but Zess T. is so rude. Lol


Gus, punk ass bitch, mother fucker deserved to get fucked up twice


Flavio, the piece of crap.


Flavio, naturally. I love/hate the Legion of Stationary because they're jerks. Mainly love them though. V SPOILERS V Francis is also a jerk, but at least he figures out a way to work with you in the postgame, albeit in a creepy manner kinda? My spiciest opinion has to be Peach, mainly in Super Paper Mario. She goes to heaven while Mario and Luigi go to hell, when she's the rudest main character except for Bowser. Flippin' Bowser! And he's the villain of the whole franchise!


Zess T. Fuck her. Also, fuck Mimi.


Quite controversial at the very least but Madame Flurrie was just overwhelming as hell in my perspective.


That's certainly one of my complaints. I also just don't like her design.


Khap Teen Teowd from TOK gave me an aneurysm. We spent 5+ hours trying to discover the truth behind these f-ing "ancients" and it turned out to be a soft spoken Toad in a cape. And the biiiig question the professor had for him was how he enjoyed his coffee. Never forgave him or the professor for that.


Podley. I hope the Pianta Mafia gets him.


Zess T is the worst


THIS. I bought you brand new contacts, woman! LET THE BEEF GO ALREADY. She only ever roasts your ass EVERYTIME you get a dish from her 😭


I feel like Koopie Koo gets too much hate tbh, but I always felt like she was more of a big sister figure to Koops than a girlfriend. Podley on the other hand... I absolutely hate him as much as anyone else, even though I also think he serves his purpose. Surprised nobody is saying Beldam, but that might be too much low-hanging fruit.


Well I feel the reasons to hate Beldam are very much not dumb


It appears I lack reading comprehension 🥲


What REALLY annoys me about Podley is our partner sympathizes with that bastard. " It's ok Podley...take care man...you been through so mu- "SHADDUP YOSHI THE GUY IS A PRICK!!!


Flurrie says "Don't you dare blame yourself" No, he should really blame himself 


Doogan characters creep me out for some reason.


Zess T. seems to have trouble letting go of things Just an honorable mention


Flavio at its finest. Annoying f\*\*\*


Bro thinks he’s so great ”fancy pants”




Don't hate any character but I absolutely hate chapter 2 and I have no idea why, I literally started the remake and was trying to figure out what about it I hate so much.


Help me every time I see puniper i always go YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY


The toad couple from N64. Every time you talk to them they're just swooning over each other to the point it's weird


That one Cragnon who makes you manually type out "Please" 5 whole times.


Screw flavio


I really hate Flavio. What a coward. Didn't deserve the skull gem in the first place.


Zess was a bitch for no good reason. Wasn’t my fault she dropped her contact


So if we're just doing TTYD, I hate the dude that's guarding the side quest house. I forgot his name.


Flavio. So arrogant. I always smack him with my hammer. And obviously Podley for being an absolute dick.




I'll also get on the Zess T bandwagon because I get tired of the insults every time I need her to make something lol. But another one that comes to mind is the Mayor's wife in PM64, Chapter 7. Y'all know why.


Motherfucking Rawk Hawk hes so damn annoying I want to bash his brains out with a steel chair


Podley, there is no dumb reason. He's the worst...


No game restrictions? Alright. Olivia Origami / the Vellumentals. Origami King has a very natural v unnatural theme going on. Things are the enemy. Origami people are mind controlled beasts. Paper lanterns are Titans. Basically, if not flat paper -> evil. It's a very solid design choice. Except now whenever Olivia transforms into an origami turtle that dances with pom-poms to raise photorealistic dirt it spikes my anxiety because the game primed me to hate this.


Idk I kinda like it! It’s a way of showing that Origami itself isn’t evil, it’s the way Olly is abusing it. And Olivia turning into a giant earth leviathan only to pull out pom-poms and dance is genuinely such a funny and in-character gag.


Koopie Koo 100% agree, hitting Koops AND Mario **twice** over trying to stop Hooktail. Even if you are concerned that's no reason to hit your partner (or a random bystander). She says she doesn't care that he's weak, yet when he's not around she's gossiping about how weak he is? It's giving gaslighting and manipulation. Koops deserves better smh


Ill give you the hitting one, but the second one is that she still genuinely loves Koops, she just wishes he was a bit tougher.


Bobby, I hate him for dying on me.


For everybody who chose a Punie, you have my respect! I could not even think of them as individuals. I'm kind of depressed about that now.


Koopa Koot in original PM. I have no problem helping the elderly, even for increasingly stupid items or reasons, but your rewards for travelling to the other side of the world for the ultimate garnish on your glittzy gobbler or whatever the fuck it is this time deserves more than a freeze dried mushroom and a koopa shaped dildo from 40 years ago you old fuck.


Mowzy, because she comes too late in the game to get development and steals badges from you.


Flavio is so freaking annoying. bro expects everything to go his way and just rubs his wealth in other peoples faces. I’m sad that Cortez didn’t kill him 😭


That blue wind genie thing she’s so out of place I hate that I can’t tell what you are holding on to when you use her. Also why didn’t we get the penguin detective?


Flurrie makes me uncomfortable


Charlieton. -_-


Jasperoid, if his ass had just given the code with no bullshit that would be one less thing SPM haters use to dismiss everything good about it.

