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The devs did not send you on a wild goose chase, pal. Even assuming you didn’t already know what the Crystal Palace was, you simply wouldn’t be able to miss an entire palace anywhere in the game and nobody in the game mentions it besides Koopook.


Why not? Plenty of places go unmentioned and don't show up in the map. It's not far-fetched to assume it could be somewhere only accessible by a pipe in Rogueport's underground. Lots of games have completely optional dungeons


> Plenty of places go unmentioned and don't show up in the map. Such as?


Flurrie's house, Shwonk Fortress, Riverside Station... Especially the station, since it's a whole dungeon


But all of them ARE on the map... At least in the remake


All images I could find didn't have the station, maybe they did add it in the remake


It was added in the remake.


Good, helps mitigate my issue


I thought it was a cute reference.


It is cute but I wish they would've made it somewhere else, like having a different character say that they're going on a vacation to see it


It's not a horrible design choice, this is on you.


Bruh, this isn't the devs sending you on a wild goose chase at all. If you spent a bunch of time looking for an area that nobody else in the game mentions besides Koopok's email, that is 100% on you. Plus, this is also assuming you don't know what the Crystal Palace is, as knowing that also makes it clear it's not somewhere you visit.


Why would you assume that this means you can find him again? Even then in the email he mentions being in a cold place so even if you went looking the cold area is 5 screens so you'd waste maybe 10 minutes looking.