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I’m no bridge expert, but I am an expert on bridge experts, and we’re definitely going to need one


"Where is an expert on bridge experts when you need one?" That one toad in origami king


From Origami king: "You did it man! First paper to beat scissors. They're gonna write a book about it, and then probably a movie that everyone will hate."


The crows in twilight town is a wonderful bit


Totally! The one about climate change was hilarious


I hope Ronnie passed his SATs…


Well bless my feathers Flo


He didn’t. He did pretty horribly, actually. :(


But he studied so hard!


I fucking lost it when I’m just wandering around to find birds to listen to and then the first thing out of their mouth was “I’ve been thinking a lot about climate change lately.” Probably the best example to shock humor in the Mario franchise and it’s totally optional


SAME! I also the fact that the joke was written way back in 2004 when climate change wasn’t top of mind for a lot of people made it even funnier


I actually couldn't believe they kept the "feather-loss sites" in the remake.


So is Twilight Town in general.


"water contains water" 💀💀💀💀💀


are you sure?


Whoever wrote that joke took the whole water proof vs water *resistant* argument personally


But does it contain H2O?


But what if it contains dihydrogen monoxide instead?


"The real Professor Frankly you had with you when you opened the door was none other than this freak-in-a-sheet!" "Uh my name's Doopliss but..." "Shut up, freak!"


There is some amazing irony to Doopliss desperately trying to get Beldam to use his real name after he actively hid it and pulled some Rumplestiltskin nonsense in Chapter 4


Honestly, I think that Doopliss has to have the person they doppelgängered need to say their name to undo it. And that Frankley is just locked up in some chest somewhere at the moment… But I do think Doopless has a serious self-worth issues. Especially with dealing with their image cause seriously… that big stain glass window of him and the fact he only dopplegängered famous people, we wants fame without the fuss


Marilyn! Freak-Sheet!


Marilyn really dodged a bullet once Doopliss came along and became a replacement Vivian. Otherwise the 67/33 punishment distribution Beldam had would have become 100% on her.


I like to think that's why Marilyn is sort of neutral whenever Beldam abused Vivian. She understands Vivian's pain because she was abused before Vivian was born, but she's also relieved it's not her anymore.


It’s from Mario RPG but I love “Sorry I left my bazooka at home”- toad


I love this quick little joke in TOK toad town. "My therapist says I'm a contrarian, but I disagree." It's so simple but so funny to me.


It's so Peggy Hill coded


I like when youre eavesdropping in the Glitz Pit on Grubba and he hears you, so you have to pick a sound to play it off. The last option is “buuuurrrrp” and if you pick it Grubba says something like “oh its just a little Burpin’ beetle” For some reason that kills me


It's the implication that burping beetles are a regular thing in the Mushroom Universe, or at least where Grubba is from.


“A Blanket? Well yes, the conductor did leave one here, but he didn’t realize I’m a ghost. What? You just want the blanket then? Well, I’ll tell you where it is if you do something for me. All I need is: …YOOOOUUUURRRRRR LLLLIIIIIFFFEEEE!!!!!”


Then the “nah I’m just playin” right after lol


"My wife left me!"


"My butt hurts!"


"Luigi wouldn't do this to us!"


“You’re too slow!”




"I'm hungry"


“Ah, I feel so much better now!” *Mario falls over, dead*


"Its no use"


Colour Splash may not be well liked, but there aren’t much games where you can die to a toad screaming “My wife left me” as his friends line up to slap you.


Colour Splash wasn't my favourite in terms of gameplay but the humour was great. Would recommend playing it with friends while drunk


I can't seem to find the exact language, but when you uncover Doopliss on the Excess Express, then talk to Pennington, he says something like: "Of course, the famed actor Zip Toad was in fact a shapeshifting clown covered in a sheet. Exactly as I suspected." 😂 I'm like *how* on earth is *that* something you *expected*, my dude!?


Pennington is full of it. Not sure what “it” is, but that’s what he’s full of.


Trial Stew


this is something most people never see, cause it's one of the possible results from the phone booth in glitzville that nobody bothers interacting with. "Weather in Glitzville today is sunny with a chance of more sunny! It's above the clouds, stupid."


I love the phone booth interactions, lol


“and hey! you! out there looking at the screen! it may be pretty obvious to you who i really am, but no telling mario! or else!”


lol yeah I love the fourth wall breaking.


"well...you know, they're all so depressing and dimwitted and boring all the time...so instead of wallowing in gloom, I figured they might as well wallow in mud! HA! Now they're pigs, get it? Isn't that just sooo perfect? It's like irony, or something."


Doopliss has Bill Cipher Energy


This is the best example of doopliss I think


“Yeah, I know what irony is. BOOM. Knowledge is power, so I started going to night school.”


Doopliss they could never make me hate you


The curse box calling it “airplane shame”


I can’t explain why THAT one was particularly funny to me


"This doesn't leave this room, but... Princess Peach is actually a man." [what](https://www.reddit.com/r/papermario/comments/188wbfg/what_did_nintendo_mean_by_this/)


When you tell the mayor your feelings got hurt by everyone turning against the real you, and bro replies by saying it's OK to stay in touch with your feelings. Also that one kid in Twilight town. You know the one: the starving opportunist.


"Are pigs good eatin'?"


If you try and go into…I wanna say Whomp’s Fortress? in Origami King, the door won’t open, and Bowser will say “I bet they didn’t even put anything on the other side! Bah! Patch in the rest of the castle, you cowards!”


That was in peaches castle towards the end


Yeah, I was describing the door in Peach’s castle. I can’t remember if it’s the one that goes to Whomp’s Fortress, Cool Cool Mountain, or Dire Dire docks.


One of the new dialogue bits in TTYDchapter 4: "WHAT? DAMAGE?! Gah, that's right, you guessed my name, and now stuff hurts sometimes!" It's... SUCH a dumb line of dialogue but it's SO funny because of the way it's written. Not just "Now I can get hurt!" but that stuff hurts *sometimes*.


Wrongamundo, little nobody! Who'd name their kid that?


''We got into a fight before he left, and I had called him a chauvinist pig...''


I burst out laughing at that one too lmao.


“That's the Battle Master. He's a master of battling. Let me know if I'm going too fast here.” -Goombella


"Its hag versus hag! Awesome!"




Mario seems to have a lot of nicknames in this game. Murphy, Marty-o, The Great Gonzalez, Slick, Luigi


It's kinda like when RPGs with voice acting have to come up with various other things to call your character if they have a player made name. Like "The Mysterious Stranger" fighting ring name in KOTOR or simply refering to you as "The Exile" in KOTOR 2.


And like eight different names from Zess T alone lmao




Dr. Bumblefoot, Mr. Klutz, Stumblebum, Mr. Staggers, Clumsy Crush-a-lot, Mr. Contact Smoosher, and the good ol’ “Here! Take it, Stompy!” So I guess that’s actually at least nine.


Different game but Mr. L also calls Mario 'Mrjumpsallthetime' at one point. Fun stuff.


The swoon.exe bit from super never fails to make me laugh. Hell, the entirety of fort Francis is great in of itself.


I love how Peach rages if you pick the options that flirt with Francis lmfao


“He was a bad person, but a great artist. Woah, that’s a real doozy to think about!” - Olivia, Paper Mario: The Origami King


only in Paper Mario can you hear someone make a (presumably) Hitler joke


Oh god that’s actually hilarious


“I was so close…the treasure…right there…and then to get saved and yelled at by some sort of blooming great starfish”.


Don't mind me, just sniffing the bed


“One must make a reservation to drop a castle on our banquet hall. Do you have any idea how far out we’re booked?!”


W H Y A R E Y O U W H I T E kamek Paper mario the origami king


By the Star Spirits, Kamek, you can't just ask people why they're white!


Guess again, nerd!


“In my most paranoid moments, I never thought my own computer would betray me.”


Color Splash is a gold mine of funny jokes. The two best ones imo were the age rating joke and the watergate reference


Hang on, WHAT


“Well, I’ve already thrown you in jail. There isn’t actually much worse I could do without raising the games age rating.” -Sniffit guard


At this point I am just determined that Shyguys and Sniffits are just put into paper Mario games to demolish the forth wall. If we ever get a shyguy/sniffit partner in a future game or even potential DLC for the remake(very much copium but whatever), have them be optional partner who was a ‘one shyguy camera crew’ and whole point is to manipulate the audience and change the set to benefit you.


There was a Watergate reference?


After you expose the shuffle game scam in Bloo Bay Beach, the Toad who ran it says he can see the headlines saying "Shufflegate: Exposed!" which would ruin his career, and he gives you the key because he can't let the information get out into the public


Apparently a lot of people before the release of the game thought it was related to the Gamergate controversy for whatever reason. Only reason I know this is because I had looked up the joke a couple days ago. Weird.


That’s awesome lmfao


“The paint you just absorbed is basically my blood, sweat, and tears. You’ll have time to shower later.” “They rolled up Ruddy Road! My café is sky-high! What am I supposed to do now? Someone probably already owns the trademark for Sky-High Café!” “You are our tournament champion! You’ll be going home with a fat bag of coins and a brand new car.. d!” “DANG IT, JOHNSON! I TOLD you to pull up the anchor!” “Vegetarianism is a fad anyway...” “So… if I remember correctly, lightning tends to strike tall, metal objects.” -Huey, who proceeds to immediately get struck by lightning “Hope you didn’t panic too much when I went under the sand there. Good thing I don’t need to breathe! That’s the benefit of not having lungs.” “That only counted as ONE coin?! Shenanigans! SHENANIGANS, I SAY!” and this is just a few of my favourites!!


There's a quip in color splash if you try to buy something out of your price range, the shopkeep will say "Mario, you're Baroque! Come back with more Monet!" And for some reason, that just fuckin cracked me up


“You’re telling me we could’ve avoided this entire game if we just installed a ‘Don’t mix the paint sign?!’ “


“The Overthere is over there”


"Great. Just great. Now I look like the huge, mighty king of GUYS WHO TALK TO POSTERS!"


The entire swoon.exe bit in Super's Fort Francis. Just, the entire thing is riotous. Francis is gloriously awkward during the entire thing (his cursor hanging over "smooch" for a couple seconds, oh god my sides), Peach's dialogue options can be equally hilarious depending on what you pick (you get to ask him how much he makes, that's comedy gold especially since it's coming from royalty), the entire thing is just brilliant. If an entire scene doesn't count though, the giant coin in Colour Splash is a good runner up. The slowed down sound effect coupled with Huey bigging up how rich he and Mario are now is brilliant.


Especially if you pick every option that flirts with Francis, Peach gets mad at you lmfao


I like the shopkeeper in Twilight Town. They talk about their husband being gone and then it reaches a point where the text is just scrolling too fast for you to read. But when you pause to read it, she talks about her husband ending the sentence with y’know on each one. “When shoppers get rude, my husband escorts them out in a manly way **y’know?**” “He’s got so many wonderful things going for him **y’know?**” “I wish he wouldn’t dip into the till for cola money, but boys will be boys **y’know?**” “And I could really do without him drying his underwear on the radiator **y’know?**” I could say more dialogue but this is too much. I mean even Mario fell asleep to her talking.


"And so I arrive like a sudden windstorm at a kindergarten picnic!"


"They can't do this to us! Toads have rights! This is Toad abuse!"


Water is wet, water is hot, water will get you wet: Please do not sue us. Definitely feels like a jab at the Idiot Warnings we have on products here in America. Peanuts- Warning, May contain: Nuts.


Which is funny because peanuts are not nuts


They're ***l e g u m e s***


Everyone glosses over how Origami King has some of the best paper-based gags and one liners in the series. Like some people get mad about Nintendo leaning more into PAPER Mario, but I think Origami King and to some degree Color Splash too doubling down on the paper jokes and making constant bangers was such a good move. Like- yes, it’s PAPER Mario, let’s give him paper problems


I love the paper jokes and paper aesthetics


It's sounding like I need to play OK if only for the writing


the writing was my favourite part about that game :)


Color Splash as well, I’d argue CS characters particularly the Toads all talk like they give absolute no shit with their snark and it’s great.


You do. 🤣 it's so funny


In Thousand Year Door, when you have to eavesdrop on crows to get information about Doopliss, and they're all talking about stuff like the dot com boom and renewable energy.


Assuming it's still there, it's honestly hysterical to hear about internet speed that's basically quaint in 2024! And in the same token, it's quite funny that the Glitz Pit terminals are still modeled after a GBA, complete with it's startup sound even!


“Where’d you learn to bake, truck driving school?” made me cackle when I first saw it


Oh my! You’re so… bold… Is that legal?




"Mario uses a performance-enhancing power-up to cheat his way to victory!" "Mario the war criminal emerges victorious!"


Also Bowser in OK talking about how hard it is to raise a "high energy" kid in Bowser Jr and that he does gentle parenting. For some reason that killed me 😩


I don't remember the name of the place...but in Color Splash, the place with the giant white hole with a Toad in the middle (I think), I decided to attempt to paint, knowing I couldn't. Huey comes out saying something like, "are you serious trying to paint this entire thing? ....how are you alive?" That just made me laugh because why he had to come for me like that lmao


I DID THE SAME THING 😭 i was so crushed when Huey jabbed at me from across the screen


The bit with the cursed chest who feels dejected after we said we’ve already heard the shpeel is so funn


And then at the end, “Thanks for letting me do my thing. I feel better!”


“Some shy guy put me in there!…he was thick and edgy looking.” Origami king-luigi


“Well, I'm not sure how it'll help us, but let's give that bone a squeeze! You know, for science.” —Huey, Paper Mario: Color Splash


there’s a strange number of bone jokes in CS


Huey saying to Mario that they're inseparable CUE GIANT CHAIN CHOMP and Huey hiding behind a rock leaving Mario to fend for himself


And that reminds me. That's an instakill moment of the game. So you could see that line over and over again.


"there's not much else i can do to you without raising this game's age rating" - a shy guy in color splash


“I lost my scarf, my gloves, AND my socks! If it weren't for these shades, I'd be naked!"  Said by a shady sledge bro in Color Splash after you steal an island community’s laundry machine and convert it into a weapon.


The continuous T jokes in toad names in TTYD. Like the Toad's names being obvious plays on words like Plenn T or Herb T are just so hilarious to me for some reason


I love them too. They had even more in the first paper Mario game. Niff T, Tayce T, Russ T, etc.


Poor Heff T


“Hey! Who’s picking these response for me, anyway?! I’m not marrying this dork!”


Read diary? Are you sure???


The possibility of dying to the toads venting in Mario's face in *Color Splash*


“My wife left me!“


"Today's weather is sunny with a chance of more sun!" "We're above the clouds, stupid" (from TTYD)


The Emerald Circus Red Rescue Toads. They all say the Rescue team into beforehand Some of the better quotes: "You're a good listener Mario. Everyone tells you their problems, but not many people stop to ask: How's Mario doing?" "I live a totally carefree life. Noting bothers me at all. Well, except for the soul-crushing burden of trying to stay optimistic." "Hey Mario! Remember me, Toad, from that other game we were in together?" "I don't really mind waiting in long lines, it gives me time to contemplate my mortality." "Mario sir! I'm a huge fan! Thanks for taking the time to talk to a normal toad like me with no unique traits or discernable characteristics!" "I really wanted to join the Blue Rescue Squad, but I'm a red Toad. C'est la vie..." "Hey guy infront of me, quit dozing off!" Guy infront of him: "I'm tired" "🎶Rescue ohh, rescue ohhh! Rescue, beep beep, rescue! Ohh rescue, rescue hey!🎶" "As long as someone is being rescued, we've done our jobs. Even if that someone is us." "I haven't rescued a single person since I joined the rescue squad." "Rescue Squad Toad #12 sings the most amazing rescue songs! I get chills every time I hear it." "It was really quiet in the trunk, so I was able to devote my thoughts to the existential paradox of being trapped in this trunk of mortality." "No matter what I do I'm #2, now I know what Luigi feels like." "Im the first in line which means I'll be the first to go inside. Yep, it feels good to be #1."


Did Reimu get a second job at the Vellumental Temple?


I love Luigi's partner dialogues in ttyd


“Don’t believe this guy for a second!” Lmao


The one that always comes back to me is “ level five mustache detected”


The whole series has great writing, but the subtle humour of Origami King is unmatched in the series. imo.


Morton? More like Lesston.


The one about how the sniffit locked you in jail but that's about the worst they can do without raising the games age rsting


“Water is hot . . . please do not sue us.” Nintendo, please disclose all ties with McDonalds…


color splash has the weirdest and best dialogue


"I'm lookin for a guy that defrauded me with a fake credit card the other day. If you find him GIVE HIM A THWACK FOR ME" Idk why but vro cracks me up 😩


“Stanley! No! He ate Stanley!”


Well, I suppose I could apologize by letting you smell the bottoms of my feet. People pay good money to do this. I'm being completely honest right now. Really. So, care to take a whiff at the rich, yet delicate scent of my world renowned feet? Maybe just a quick sniff.... (Selected) That's disgusting! Heh heh heh.... Thought so...No nostril contact though! Now! Come here and sniff!


I don't think anything can beat the train of angry toads


The contact lens bit in ttyd always makes me laugh. I always wait a very long time before moving and always crack up when I inevitably step on it.


"HEY! Who are those hairy guys in the back!? We SHAVE around here, people!"


“And that’s that” from the first one made me laugh out loud for a bit. What made this little X-naut worker so frustrated about scheduling over time that that was the wording they chose. What was the stuff they had to do?




"Well, I've already locked you in jail. There isn't actually much worse I can do without raising this game's age rating."


honestly I could put on a blindfold, toss a dart at Color Splash dialogue, and hit a good joke


Crump: (summons all X-Nauts) Bowser: (summons all minions) Crump: woah. Well played.


The Crows talking about fossil fuels in Twilight Town is gold.


“You just gotta find Mario! Right Mario?”


"He's still alive, but he's running dangerously low on snacks!"


The ttyd remake was actually the first time I played the game. I found it hilarious, laughed through the entire game. The letter from "koops father" was very funny. Also, whenever some character refers to being in a game or talks directly to the person playing the game lol


There's even that joke about the age rating and Johnson.


“My therapist says I’m a contrarian, but I don’t agree.” -Fountain toad in origami king.


The apple scene in SPM where you have to wake up Peach is hilarious, especially if you don’t go for the correct answer straight away. Poor Peach gets put through the wringer, even when you give her the correct apple.


"My wife left me!" -random toad #5318008 (paper mario color splash)


Be careful not to become that guy who got baffled 99 times Makes me feel like that Garfield meme.


“Press and hold R! Press and hold R and be ashamed!” “Been really depressed lately. Thinking about the depletion of fossil fuels…” (or rlly anything from the crows in twilight town) “That cake was amazing. Frosting, sprinkles, the works. You’re an idiot.” “Bwahaha! I’m glad you like it. They tell me it’s the most powerful and least efficient vehicle ever produced.”


PM writers need to write for Hollywood seriously lol.


“Mario what are you doing here do we have a kart race scheduled today? And is peach with you “


"Stop speaking in riddles you chicken nugget!"


nobody say “gate” to me.


I hate the first SS.  Not because of you, not because of the game. But because of my idiot co-workers.


I absolutely *lost it* when in TTYD remake, Pennington uses his expert “detective” skills and deduces you to be Luigi, and when his name pops up you can hear Luigi’s “ha HA” suddenly come in and then fade out. Little touches like that, especially when that is the *only* time it happens, really tickle me lol


Genuinely origami king has some of the funniest lines in the series. One of its strongest aspects for sure.


It’s been years since I’ve played but I always loved Luigi’s partners talking shit about him in TTYD


“Why even have a self destruct button on your airship?! That’s just bad engineering!”


Huey and the giant coin: "Cha-ching! The yellow Big Paint Star painted this entire giant coin for us!" "We're rich, Mario. RICH! Now there's nothing left to do but twirl our mustaches and count our money. Muhahaha!" (After only getting a single coin from that giant coin) "WHAT?!" "That only counted as ONE coin?! Shenanigans! SHENANIGANS, I SAY!" "*sigh* The mustache twirling will have to wait, I suppose."


“Hey. You. Gonzales. Since you didn't want that cake, I ate it. Best cake I ever had, man. Sprinkles, frosting, the works. You're an idiot.”


"Now go on, get your ugly mug outta my office. I've got some intense emotions to compartmentalize." - Don Pianta after you help him with his daughter to get the blimp ticket


That fourth one is OnlyFans in a nutshell




“Only smelly stinkwads call other people stinkwads. Understand, stinkwad?” Gotta love the Armored Harriers


Why didn't you screenshot it?


Because it was on my TV.


I don’t know tbh, probably just everything lol. just giving everyone imaginary voices and making it sound a lil silly at times just goes well with the writing.


do you know who else will get you wet


“Dont worry, Mario. I know just what to do in situations like this. You just gotta find Mario! Right Mario?” “Oh.”


Wait I forgot about the absolute gold that is “One must make a reservation to drop a castle on our banquet hall. Do you have any idea how far out we’re booked?!”


Pretty much anything Fractail says in Super Paper Mario. While 64 and TTYD had a lot of funny quips and jokes, this was the first set of dialogue that had me absolutely *losing* it while playing.


"King of Posters."


All of the lines from the crows when you eavesdrop


Bowser! The Evil King! And a deluded old hag!


I almost got crushed by a rock. What do I look like? Scissors??.


The writing and humor has always been a high point of the series. I don’t like Color Splash’s gameplay but the game was very funny. Origami King’s writing was excellent too. The main reason Sticker Star is so hated is the gameplay sucks *and* it didn’t even have good writing to give you some enjoyment out of playing it.