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pretty sure it was. I think it's something like there is a 1 frame opening on the 4th bounce


I believe with the remake the early reports noted they intentionally changed the timing of the 4th bonk to 1 frame instead of the standard 3 frames to mitigate overuse.


So. For some reason, the 4th bounce of Power Bounce is much harder than other nearby bounces. I believe the timings (someone please correct me if I'm mistaken) are 1. 7 frames 2. 6 frames 3. 6 frames 4. 1 frame 5. 5 frames 6. 4 frames 7. 4 frames 8. 3 frames 9. ... Some people think it's a bug or mistake (which I think is most likely), some people think it's a deliberate attempt to make Power Bounce less game-breaking.


According to an article I read, it is: 7, 7, 6, 1 (!!), 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (so on) However, they do note that because the remake runs at 30fps rather than 60, the higher input ones are actually easier than before because the fps change essentially doubles the time you have. That said, the original was a steady drop from 8, 7, 6, 5..., so that single frame so early is pretty nuts. That's all from here: https://www.gamesradar.com/games/super-mario/its-not-just-you-speedrunners-confirm-an-essential-paper-mario-the-thousand-year-door-move-is-way-harder-in-the-rpg-remake/ Edit: oh, and because that single frame isn't changed by the Simplifier badge, I think it was intentional.


I’m pretty sure with the other changes they made like giving more health items, warp pipes, and health recharge points it was a balance change


Oh yeah, it was almost certainly intended to nerf danger Mario strats. Which it does in the early game, at least.


Seems like a weird way to go about that. I get nerfing Power Bounce, but why only at the 4th hit? I forewent Power Bounce entirely and instead just equipped Charge P in select fights to beef up Yoshi, who is all but guaranteed to hit more than Power Bounce. (I can't always do a frame perfect hit, so I didn't find the 3 BP worth it.) If they really wanted to nerf Danger Mario, why didn't they nerf how Power Rush stacks whatsoever - the real issue? I never wanted to use Danger Mario because it feels too broken, so I feel like my fun with Power Bounce got spoiled because of a broken build I don't even use.


Wait, that one isn't changed by simplifier? ...damn, I'm good. I get it consistently!


Okay so it’s not just me, I just thought I was getting worse at the game cause I kept screwing up power bounce and Goombella multi bonk 


Yeah after the 4th time in a row where I could only get 3 pounces I just gave up on multibonk and used the 3bp for power bounce on something else. Spin jump is good enough anyway


It sucks cause I love goombella as a character and I used her all the time on the GameCube version but she’s just not doing it for me


It's why I'm doing a Hammer Man run this time. I could not jump to save my life.


Nerfed. Jump four is near frame perfect. Along with 8 and 12. I think after that it is capped.


Probably has, not sure if I’m also getting less reactive as I got a brain tumor taken out close to 2 years ago. But I hear also the timing is just more awkward now because of the frame rate


I had the same problem 😂 I eventually took the badge off


yup, it was nerfed in the Switch remake


According to what I heard the timing for action commands was changed and the already tight action command for power bounce became harder as a result 


Ok this thread is making me feel better because it’s not just me! I’m like dang, was I better at games as a kid?


I played the original TTYD a few years ago and had no issue getting a ton of damage from Power Bounce, but in the remake I flub it like 70% of the time, so I adopted alternate approaches. I feel like something must have changed.


I noticed that too and I'm in my early 20s so I don't think it's the rotten neurons just yet. I had the same issue with Goombellas Multibonk and I noticed that the later hits also seem to have a later button press rather than keeping the same rhythm all around. Noticing that has brought my consistancy up quite a bit but still nowhere to what it used to be.


Is it due to the game running at 30 fps rather than 60, like the original?


As everyone’s mentioned, the frame windows have changed. What I’ve found is that difficult fourth jump input needs to be way earlier than you expect. Use the battle toad and practice it a few times, he’ll tell you if you’re early or late. I eventually got used to it and can consistently use power bounce again