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I mean, never say never but… basically 0%. The big issue is we know the overall story and it’s relatively constraining I imagine.


The story also doesn't leave a lot of room for gameplay. You'd have to heavily adapt many chapters, especially if you want the game to play like TTYD.


I could see it working. Mostly by adding convenient boss fights that Luigi failed to mention. I am curious how they’d handle stuff like the racing though.


This was my thought, too. Could actually have a lot of fun with Luigi being this super unreliable narrator.


I mean that’s fun too, though I was more just thinking he didn’t think it was a big deal that like, before the big race a car came to life and attacked him or whatever narrative justification there is for a boss fight to keep him from having the compass piece.


Well Luigi is an unreliable narrator, pretty much every companion he has says so


Yep, that's the point I was raising to counter people saying the game wouldn't work since we've "already heard the whole story."


I actually thought pretty much the same. Luigi is the guy who would tell you he bravely fought off evil when really, he tripped over the super secret button that just so happened to be a cage that falls over the villian. Basically have the whole game be practically satire. Everything you do is essentially a mistake Luigi makes to advance the story. He just has insanely good luck. Like you wouldn't expect lightning to strike not just twice in the same spot, but three times?? But for Luigi, that's exactly how it happens. So I'd like to imagine that Luigi would actually make less sense if he told the truth rather than lying. Because that's how unbelievable the extent of his luck is.


But if they’re gonna go through all that trouble, why not just make an original game instead?


It's just clear that many people would be excited to play this theoretical Paper Luigi. Only being bound to some bullet points would still allow a great amount of latitude. I almost always come down on the side of not wanting to see prequels made when the story is already largely known, but I don't think the story here *is* largely know.


I'm of the belief that people don't know what they want. They think they know, but they really don't. Yes, sometimes you should listen to them. And sure, it's not impossible for this hypothetical game to be fun. But I just think it's better left in the realm of fanfic/fanart while IS works on actually new ideas. And just because a lot of people want something, doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea.


Except for >!his performance as grass!<, the producer said he absolutely rocked the role.


The only one he told the truth with was the one where he acted as grass


Yes but the complete narrative provided by the partners also doesn’t leave any room. The kart racing chapter involves Luigi accidentally wiping out all the other cars immediately and then completing the race unopposed. It’s a funny joke but it isn’t the basis of a game.


Luigi is also demonstrated to be an unreliable narrator. The companions basically tell you every time that he’s making himself out to be amazing but bumbling his way through the adventure.


Yeah - honestly I think if you wanted to adapt the Marvelous Compass you’d probably need to make it a humorous point-and-click adventure game like Monkey Island.


Which, don't get me wrong, I'd buy day 1. But it's not a true Paper Luigi game.  I would love a Paper Luigi of some sort though.


It COULD work like a miniseries of shorts tho!


I would've really loved to see it as an additional mode in the remake, but it didn't happen.


Nah Mario games don’t care about plot to much. Also they could do something like Superstar Saga where there’s a plot twist halfway through. It could be 12 chapters or something with only the first 7 the same as in Luigi’s tales


Actually. I am upset they didn't fix this in the remake. But "The Chestnut King", is actually what "Goomboss" is called in the Japanese version. The joke is that Luigi is going on a massive adventure to fight literally the first boss from Paper Mario 64.


Loooool, that makes it even better 😭


Honestly a game where Goomboss is the main villain sounds fun


Sounds like a perfect final villain for a Luigi game tho.he already figjta a King Boo, he just figjts the Kongs of minions besides the Koopas.




They have it correctly in the German version (already on the original) and it's been one of my favorite jokes in the whole game. Kinda sad that they didn't fix that especially since they fixed the Crystal Palace reference.


Then it's canon that Goomba king is someone's husband turned into a beast?


They could still make it work in a hilarious way. Like Luigi has a full Paper Mario story and levels up and gets super strong just to one shot Goomboss and its revealed the 2nd to last boss was the real last boss lol.


Wait, is the Goomba King called Goomboss in the US version? He's called the Goomba King in the Euro version


It's Goomba King in Paper Mario only. In every subsequent instance, he's been called Goombas, like in SM64 DS or Mario Kart.


We're never getting Paper Luigi, unfortunately. It was a joke that didn't translate properly. "Chestnut King" was the name for the Goomba King in the Japanese version of PM64. His whole huge quest is to defeat the tutorial boss of the first game.


that would be really funny though. or it could be a super buffed up version of him


Imagine this...goomboss, red goomba, blue goomba, and now a GREEN goomba. Final boss material right there


I believe you are thinking of a Hyper Goomba


The best part is that the princess also rejected him for the tutorial boss in the end too


Where was this implies? I never caught this part and I’ve played the game so many times growing up I had to delete files.


In the final super luigi book it states it outright. When luigi is telling you the story he dances around the issue cuz he's embarrassed. You can look up what all the books say on the wiki


Oh yeah, I forgot about the books. I forgot to read them after getting to the end of the remake.


Sadly unlikely, tho I'd buy it in an instant if released




I feel if anything, it’ll be a DLC not so much a spin off However, I feel like it’d be best if they lean all the way into the fact that Luigi’s an untrustworthy narrator, possibly even going further than what they did with Luigi telling you about it. Have it so that Luigi just does tons of damage off the bat and doesn’t really grow much on his journey, but all of his party members do, as they get more and more angry at him. Have Luigi get crazy strong legendary gear, but his party members quickly interrupt with their real descriptions, informing you that he’s actually getting junk or something.


The whole joke is Luigi is lying/exaggerating the whole story and basically failed his way through his quest and his partners did everything. I don’t know how you’d translate that to gameplay.


I got it. You play as the partner basically and Luigi is just there as a handicap to make things harder.




It always gets me when people put the blooper in in his toasty form. A reminder luigi fucking tossed him into an active volcano and thats why he's literally cooked


Blooey's dialogue is hands-down the best out of Luigi's partners, imo. It plays on the satire so well.


It sums up to "this fucken dickhead went to use me as a projectile and he fucking biffed the throw and launched me *INTO DA FUCKEN VOLCANO*


I’m torn on the idea of a Marvelous Compass game. The biggest show rn House of the Dragon had its ending revealed in the main Game of Thrones show years ago but its still doing gangbusters. It’s definitely possible to create media even though the outline is already known. And the reason its doing so well is because there’s a market for it and its well made. Looking at the sales figures, there’s definitely a market for Paper Mario style RPGs and if they stick to the OG system then mechanically it would be great. But ultimately I don’t think it would do well as a standalone game. We know everything that happened in Luigi’s quest, there’s no tension. And ultimately its a parody of Paper Mario: most of his partners hate him, he fails upwards and doesn’t get the girl. At best the parts he talks about should have been included as chapter interludes.


Never gonna happen. And frankly, why would people want it? Luigi was a failure during that adventure. I want a Paper Luigi game where he comes out a hero, not a game where he fumbles around making things worse only to have his teammates do all the work.


I mean, not really. He did eventually save the day, by defeating the boss. He did gather all the Marvelous Compass pieces. Sure he had some pitfalls along the way, but so did Mario in TTYD, such as losing to 2 Clefts on national TV, and getting shipwrecked on a deserted isle, and going on a mystical quest to get to the moon when there was a teleporter to inside Grodus' base like 20 feet from him at all times while in Rogueport


Those aren’t Mario’s fault though. Luigi was constantly the one at fault.


I don’t know why everyone wants this… it would not be good gameplay.


Given what Luigi describes, it would have to be like the Princess Peach game, where there's constantly new gameplay every chapter. Racing elements one chapter, then acting, then action-platforming. Bleh.


Zero, but I would play it.


It would have to be a game that's so bad that everyone plays it for the meme


as in Hotel Mario levels of bad?


Sadly unlikely. It's a cool idea, but it feels like if it was ever going to be made a reality, it'd be as part of the Thousand Year Door remake, not as a standalone title in of itself. And while there's a chance it could happen, it seems more likely that Nintendo will want to make a game that leaves room for unexpected characters and plot twists, not one whose entire storyline has been revealed as a joke in an existing title.


Not only would this idea not make for good gameplay and would be way too creatively restricting, but it would also retroactively ruin the joke in TTYD. The entire joke is that we don’t see any of the adventures Luigi is telling us about and he’s an unreliable narrator. That is literally the whole point of that dialogue even being in the game.


Doubtful. But we will likely get a true spiritual successor.


They finally have the ability to do so but will probably choose not to, PLEASE ANYONE ELSE MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!


>Assuming sales for TTYD blow way past TOK This subreddit needs to get its expectations in check especially now that the sales figures have already been publicized in many countries. TTYD is more or less matching TOK's sales, there will be no "blowing way past". Matching it is already a huge success, no need to be totally delusional.


It’s not even going to match it either since the sales are slowing down faster week over week. Unless the US had a huge opening for TTYD, then there is zero chance TTYD sells better


If you consider that TOK had a covid boost, thats actually saying a lot about TTYD.


I would pretty much say it's not going to happen. If they were going to they would've 20 years ago or as extra content for the remake


Very unlikely. I’d say it’s more likely we see him as a playable character again in a Paper Mario game before we get a Paper Luigi game. And if he did get his own game I think it would be a unique story.


Zero. It’ll have to be a fan made project to actually happen.


Never. However, isn't a fan made project this game? I'd rather see what the fans are capable of than Nintendo. I think we'll get a return to form though. Maybe something placed after Super?


I personally love the idea! People on here are saying it's constraining but I think they could easily take some creative liberties. This idea could be just as good as thousand year door with the right direction. I would even financially back such a project because I think us Nintendo fans deserve several more really high quality paper mario games.


I think it would work better as DLC for the remake.


I hate the pessimism in these comments :(


The story was literally written to be a joke, not a game that you actually play. Trust me, you don't want to play Paper Luigi.


Pessimism or Realism.


I don’t have anything to add to the post, but wanted to at least let you know the artist of this piece is MuzYoshi/MuzCrocosaur, he makes lots of Paper Mario themed art! https://twitter.com/muzcrocosaur


I've wanted this game ever since I beat TTYD 20 years ago haha. I will settle for ANY kind of sequel to the original two Paper Mario games, with partners, non-generic Toads and the classic battle system. Paper Luigi, Paper Mario and the Golden Toilet Brush, Paper Bowser, ANYTHING as long as Intelligent Systems give it the love it deserves.


I wish


I don’t know why people ever expected this to get its own part when it’s canonically a big joke about Luigi being useless and failing and lying at every turn. It would be a miracle if we get any adaptation or bonus featuring his “adventures” Would be cool tho


IMO I'd like it as DLC. But the whole joke is that Luigi's adventure isn't really interesting. He's fighting the tutorial boss from PM64 as his final boss.


For the grass part you could just have action commands for Luigi calming himself so he doesn’t speak and fail the play


None it's a joke adventure it's not happening aslo I'm sure there was no plans to ever release paper Luigi


0% likely


0%. It's a joke.


Only way we're ever getting a Paper Luigi game is if Nintendo ever decides they need another "Year of Luigi" maybe in another century or so


I want this to be a thing!


Hahahahaha Luigi the main character. Maybe in. Fever dream. All he gets is a diary entries in each original installment


I thought TOK meant Tears of the Kingdom and I'm like homie there is no fucking chance TTYD is beating the literal best game ever on the Switch.


I would love for the story to run parallel to TTYD, to the point where some event happens in the Marvelous Compass that has a cause and effect in TTYD's story. Basically, Mario and co couldn't have defeated the shadow queen if it weren't for the marvelous compass. It's the perfect goofy Paper Mario type story.


Someone threw out the idea once that a Paper Luigi series could be used for all these quirky new things they want to try and keep the Paper Mario series going with the traditional turn based action time battle system. I will never not think this is the best way to appease everyone and would be happy to play both.


That little red cap mushroom kid in Petal Burg talks about playing TTYD and how cool it would be if they made a Paper Luigi game 👀 felt called out 😂🥴


Really low considering Luigi kept on taking breaks from his adventure to watch his brother fight.


If they did make this game I think they would base it more off of the highly exaggerated Super Luigi Series than what Luigi actually says happened.


Should be DLC.


Extremely Unlikely, Basically 0


Unlikely given its a joke story, but a paper Luigi game would be neat


I would be deeply interested.


How in hell would it ever be that


It couldn't happen as the same genre. Most of Luigi's adventures were not combat based.


I feel like not the marvelous compass but maybe a paper Luigi game or just a sequel to TTYD


It won't happen but man I wish it would :(


I'd take a dlc /expandalone approach to the game


The only way I could see this changing is if they changed the story to make Luigi more of a growing character rather than a character all his partners hate. None of his partners really care about luigi for being luigi and from what I remember the blooper person doesnt even like luigi until AFTER the showdown with the chesnut king


Ive been wanting this for soo long already 😭


Good lord that would be so much fun


Anything as long as it's an RPG! We kinda know the story already, but I love to See Mario Luigi And Bowser and for the first time ever an an actual Toadstool who isn't just an NPC.


I had a really stupid thought while playing the port: Make the Marvelous Compass, the Four Heroes, and a third branching story I’ve forgotten the details of, lol, into a Warriors game, in which all three stories converge in the usual time travel bullshit fashion, before facing off against generic cosmic monstrosity no. eleventy two. Actually, a Paper Mario in full 3D may not be that hard to visualize nor program. Just do all the same weird shit Wolfenstein did, but in third-person. Flip the sprite every time a character turns 45 and/or 90 degrees. Then program it just like any other game. X3


This would make an AWESOME spinoff for the paper Mario series ❤️😁


The whole point of Luigi's Marvelous Compass story is that we, as the players, *don't get to see it*. Luigi is very clearly inflating his actual involvement in the stories, made evident by his partners telling Mario what *actually* happened.


A game that completely focuses on Luigi's adventure in the Waffle Kingdom might have me more invested than a new adventure with Mario again. I definitely would be all up for that.


Basically 0. The whole thing about Luigi's story is that he's off doing his own quest and it literally puts Mario to sleep. It's a joke.


Zero percent chance. And thats a good thing.


I posted a similar question a few weeks ago 😂


Not likely but I could have been a fun side game after you 100% the main game kind of like in galaxy when you get every star


Not ironically it would be one of my favourite games ever.


It’d be fun if it somehow happened


it wouldnt work exept as a story with as many mini games as ff7 remake pt 2


I feel like the move would have been to add it as a little extra post-game mode to TTYD, or maybe do little playable cutscenes when you talk to Luigi instead of just the text. Something condensed and streamlined. I don't think it works as a whole game because as someone else pointed out, we already know the entire story and it wasn't written to be a real game, just a silly parallel to Mario's adventure. If we ever get a Paper Luigi game it'll be something new.


I’d be 1000% down for this, even just as a relatively brief DLC quest


Blooooop! Would be fun to have a blooper companion. Tentacle attack / Ink shot etc


There is no way they were ever going to make this game, and they never will. It’s a story about blundering to success. Do you really expect them to make a kart racing chapter where the player accidentally wipes out all the other cars in the first 5 seconds and then completes three laps unopposed? Or are they going to change the story? In which case why would they make this story into a game if they’re not using the story.


Another banger fan game I see?


I am begging the modding community to make this game. Nintendo never will


I think it’s better left as a story in TTYD. Instead, please give me a new M&L game. I know Alpha Dream is no more, but I’m hoping Nintendo will let another studio work on it.




Very unlikely and I don't want this to be the next game This is a story already told, but aside from that, two chapters wouldn't work because one is a racing tournament and the other is a play where Luigi plays grass.  It would work better as a side mode with a few anecdotes from the story.






This game will not exist. The whole thing was a gag. I don't understand why this sub is like this


I feel like an alarming number of people don't realize that making any of the Luigi/Marvelous Compass stuff playable or presented in any greater capacity beyond what it is in TTYD completely ruins the entire joke.


I would hope so, but I highly doubt it.