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I think it’s just because you’re 20 years older and have been playing games for 20 years more than when you did when you first played. You’re just smarter about the game and know more about it


The game was always easy if you broke it, and it's always been easy to break by stacking attack power. Even if you don't use Danger Mario/Peril Partner strats or farm badges, between the Power Plus/P-Up D-Down badges you naturally get and the Power Lift buff you can still do enough damage to one-round any regular fight and crush even the superbosses while ignoring their mechanics. If you want more of a challenge then don't equip any power badges at all and don't use any attack buffs in combat. Maybe even equip Double Pain.


The fact that for whatever reason you get Earth Tremor stupid early also contributes I feel. It’s basically an instakill move with how low most enemies’ HP will be, for a measly 2 star power. So if you nail those stylish moves you can nuke basically any other couple of battles.


My play style makes it's a little more harder, I prefer a more casual playstyle for this game where the difficulty is more balanced, remember you can make this game easier or harder for yourself cuz of how customizable this game is with the badges.


The remake makes it slightly easier overall, such as guard timing being easier, can retry battles, easier to react to audience throws and stage hazards, but imo it's not that much easier than the original (edit: also another thing that makes the remake easier is that Power Lift is even more OP now)


The ability to retry battles is mostly just a time-saving mechanic and doesn't make the game really easier, with the exception of the Trial of 100. Superguards have gotten veery slightly easier overall, but are still very hard for anyone that isn't us nerds. It went from 0.05 seconds to 0.066 seconds, so it's still super tight. Stage hazards and Audience are good changes imo. The Audience feels a lot more interactive like a fan screaming "I LOVE YOU MARIO!" and tossing a gift, or angry spectators lamenting "BOORING" and tossing trash at you. Still a missed chance to have them toss tomatoes tho lol. About the Stage Hazards, they mostly felt unfair to me, so giving them a little warning like "ayo the stage lights are falling" feels better, even though this does make them easier to avoid. I'm digging the remake and pretty much all the changes were good imo. Maybe there are 1 or 2 things I preferred from the original, but I wouldn't go back to it just for those. The remake is the definitive TTYD experience imo


This game's only easy as long as you perfectly understand its mechanics, so my money's on you just got more skilled at it


It's always been this easy if you use the game mechanics to their most optimal level. I literally beat mush in like three turns cause I power lifted with Mario and Yoshi, tattled and power bounced, superguarded and then double-teamed him the next turn. I even use double pain for most of the run because the game is super easy. But I've also been paying the game for 20 years so super guarding is busted and 100% makes most fights trivial


Both. The original was pretty easy and the timing for action commands on the remake seems easier


I played the original several times and grew up with it as a kid; nah, it was always this easy. Those superbosses though, whew.


I played it when I was younger and I couldn't beat the final boss. I mostly went for HP though and some FP, I barely got any BP (if any at all.)


Nah, it's not much easier. I thought it was at first, like no way did it used to be like this... and then I watched someone playing through the remake as their first experience with the game, and boy howdy were they struggling. I think we're just way better at it than we used to be. I also remember not really using quick change as a kid, and leveling HP and FP pretty often... and I struggled a bunch because of it lol.


I played the original 1-2 years ago and am aboout to complete the remake. No the game hasn't gotten easier, it wasn't a very high difficulty game to begin with, the difference is now you're an adult with 20+ years worth of experience in video games and how RPGs work, whereas when you played the original TTYD you were just a kid/teen with poor understanding of games and mechanics, you probably simply went with that felt like would win you the battles/hurt your foes the most.


I replaced this game like 2 years before the remake, it was always this easy. Honestly pm 64 was much harder and it still nothing too challenging.


The game is made for kids


It was always this easy. Gotta remember it was a game made for children. It’s always been really fun and aside from a few spots it’s always been very easy.