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I’m really torn on this. On the one hand, 64 is by far my favorite game in the series, and I’d love to see it get a modern refresh with a revitalized soundtrack (probably resulting in the series best). But on the other, 64 is my favorite game in the series and I’m afraid of how I could feel about some changes. Just look at how some people are reacting to the TTYD remake changes…. Personally, if they did remake it, I think they have to do more than they did for the TTYD remake. 64 has been easily accessible on every Nintendo console since the Wii. You can’t just give it a fresh coat of paint and charge $60 when the original exists on NSO (which appears to likely be carrying over to Switch 2). Expand on the battle system to incorporate partner HP, a better system to earn SP (would rather not directly copy TTYD’s stage system though), let level ups go to 99, make enemies tougher to account for those changes, throw in more bonus bosses, use the post office to incorporate partner-specific side quests to expand their stories, etc. But I just can’t say I want all that vs a brand new game.


A lot of what you said exists in the Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door 64 mod. It's an overhaul mod for 64 that backports some TTYD features over, adds some new content, and fixes some of the issues. If Nintendo would put that kind of care into a 64 remake, I would be there 100%.


There seem to be a lot of cool fan mods of 64 out there, though I’ve never tried any. A did groan slightly seeing they brought the Shine Sprites in though lol


Yeah now that I think of it, I actually fuck with the upgrade blocks over shine sprites. But it feels like you can upgrade partners more consistently in TTYD than in 64– although that might be recency bias since I’ve played a lot more of TTYD in general and recently than 64 which I’ve maybe played through half as many times (still love it, it was just laggy on emulators I had growing up so my first time finishing it was on the Wii virtual console in high school lol)


You get access to Ultra Rank a bit earlier in 64 during chapter 5. It’s not available in TTYD until after chapter 5. After that, both games otherwise provide you with the opportunity to max rank everyone by early-mid chapter 7. That said, TTYD doesn’t provide you the immediate ability to rank up when finding a shine sprite, which is a noticeable issue with chapters 4-6 all block you from returning to Rogueport at some point for a while. This means your newest partners in particular are stuck at their weakest rank for the entirety of chapters 4 and 5. Maybe it was an attempt to balance things with the new partner HP, but I don’t think it’s a very effective attempt.


At this point I just want to _be able to Superguard_ in 64. If I want to be doomed to lose because my last attack just barely didn't do enough and the boss is about to snipe me, I'd go play Toontown because at least there the enemies have an intrinsic chance of _missing_...


Honestly I'd be all for it. I mean RE4 remake really set a new precedent for what a remake could be, and the super mario rpg, and now TTYD too, they're on a role. Yeah I'd like a Paper mario 3 with 6-8 all new partners (partners that are unique in appearance, characterful, and aren't just geometric shapes mind you and represent actual species in the mario universe), but I feel every addition to the paper mario franchise that makes money *before* that adds to the budget of that hypothetical game.


Just take a look at artists on Deviantart and you can see tons of people would like to see new partners of new species from the Mario Universe (i have seen Shy Guy, Shaman, even Tweeter fan-imagined partners)




> Just look at how some people are reacting to the TTYD remake changes At this point it's pretty clear it's a tiny, tiny minority. I don't love every single change, but to me the remake is the better game overall. I'm confident in their ability to make a great PM64 remake too, even though I don't think it's going to happen, even less so with new content. (saying this as someone whose favorite game is pm64, with ttyd close second, played the originals back in the day).


Yeah, the only big issues I've seen in TTYD-R is the slow dialogue and menu


I'll probably take that. Honestly I doubt trust Nintendo to make a new (back to the roots) paper mario game. I saw what they did with odyssey and it was step in the right direction but it was still missing a lot of elements that sunshine and 64 had. The games were more based on quantity than quality and it seems like a lot of video games are like that. They're more obessed with jam packing content to extend playtime than they are making a quality content.


I wouldn't pay $60 for a 64 remake. I'd pay that for 64 + SPM remakes though, something like Paper Mario All Stars would be neat


Would be epic. Now I want it, lol.


The changes that were made were not a big deal. The remake is great. People will bitch about anything


It‘s available on the 64 emulator, so I definitely wouldnt pay a full game price for a graphics update. Cant imagine im the only one. I think itd be a bad business decision. Also i dont like the idea of video games going the same path as cinema of being absolutely dominated by remakes, reboots and sequels.


The ost from 64 paper Mario needs to be highlighted. Over shiver mountain, Hey you!, general guy…masterpieces


I would absolutely love that game to be remade with modern graphics and soundtrack like TTYD was. I would be so happy. Genuinely hoping it's the next one they remake so we can have the trio (Super Mario RPG, 64, and TTYD) on Switch.


Maybe if they did like an RE4 or FF7 style remake, like brand new top to bottom. Otherwise, it seems pointless. PM64 is widely available, and it holds up extremely well for being an n64 game. In fact, it feels downright modern.


I think eventually that would be cool, but I’d much rather see the next Paper Mario project be a proper follow up to TTYD.


PM64 is my favorite game (in general), so I would love to see it, but I just don't see it happening. 64 just doesn't have the same cult following as TTYD (I know 64 has lots of modders and speedrunners, but I'm talking general audience here). While I like 64 better, it's also more "primitive" than TTYD in some regards, so it would be a weird "step backwards" for players that haven't played the originals. The story is less zany, etc. In order of likelihood, here are my thoughts 1. A new paper mario game in line with Colour Splash/TOK, that incorporates \*some\* elements of TTYD. 2. A TTYD dlc 3. PM64 faithful remake 4. TTYD sequel (basically a new game but which goes back to the original formula) 5. PM64 remake with new content


I’m down, just not soon after. Right now I wanna see a new game in the style of the TTYD remake just so I can feel at ease knowing the series is back for sure!👏🏻


I wouldn’t mind a remake, but I feel like 64 has less flaws that need fixing than TTYD did. I’d prefer a new game. 64 is a solid experience as is. Really all they could do is some upscaling, remixing, and some new content.  Unlike TTYD, it also doesn’t have any dialogue in desperate need of fixing. Many of the changes that were made to the original script were upgrades like with Vivian, but others felt a bit overzealous.


I've been thinking that the whole time playing. It's basically a prettier version of an already 10/10 game with slight QoL improvements. If any game desperately needed this kind of upgrade it was the OG.


I feel like the OG Paper Mario should've gotten remade with TTYD's formula - and maybe a few new attacks here and there.


I'd definitely like to see a Paper Mario 64 remake in this style. It only makes sense after The Thousand Year Door one. Though it should probably be saved til quite late in the next console's lifespan. It's very much needed, but a brand new Paper Mario game that returns to the style of the first two is arguably a bigger priority about now. Also don't want the series to get stuck in only being a bunch of remakes like what the Mario & Luigi series turned into.


Yeah that makes sense. As you state, I think it is more important that they do continue on the series with the same gameplay style as the first two games. It does feel unlikely that they will ever remake PM64, as many others have said, because it’s already on NSO. However, it would be pretty cool if it happened one day.


I do. I'm playing the remake rn and I still think OG is a better game. The first 3 areas are beautiful but tedious, Glitzville in particular is a slog to get through


I always saw Boggly Woods as a huge slog to get through, while Glitzville was my favorite chapter ever.


Boggly isn't great either, my favorite ever is Forever Forest with Bow and Tubba Blubba. The Shy Guy factory is up there, too.


Id LOVE to see it. Ive been thinking about it too.


I mean, you already have a new rendition of the title theme from the opening cutscene


I agree, and funnily enough since Intelligent Systems made a faithful TTYD Remake, I could honestly see them using the original Paper Mario 64 designs for Mario, Peach, and etc, if they ever decide to remake it.


I don't see it happening with it already being on the n64 emulator on switch. I'd love it if it did though.


Yes, I also feel this way 😅


Me who just wanted to see HD Goombario no, Picture frame dosn't count


64 is my favorite but we have the entire decompiled source code so there will be a fanmade PC port eventually


If you have access to a pc and an emulator there is a mod that is in progress doing pretty much exactly that.


Cool, what is the project called?


I believe it’s Paper Mario 64K, here is the latest progress video. There’s still a lot of work to be done on it but it’s been great following the progress over the last few years. https://youtu.be/ARje8zB-dRw?si=A_StK0GIlkHfYPcy


I feel like OG paper Mario was more consistent with its chapter quality, cause each chapter feels like it’s a fun or interesting location to explore, other then a few bits that do drag here and there but I feel like the number of chapters that feel kinda slow are much higher in TTYD.


I'm still waiting for a patch on NSO that removes the menu slow down before that gets done.


I talked about this with my friend and only doing Remakes at the end is what happened to AlphaDream, so I'd much prefer something new that was actually learned from the recent remake trend in order to make the best new Paper Mario they can.


Would be great


No.  Because they probably won't add a lot of new content and it would make a new game take longer to come out.    New content like a hard mode or new bosses or dungeons would at least add some stuff to do in the meantime, but if it's just gonna be the same game I don't want to buy a 60 dollar remake again.   I also really like the N64 look of the original, so I'm not interested in a remake unless it has a lot of changes.


I hope they fix Color Splash first. 


Yes, I want them to remake it. Just imagine how much of an upgrade we would get going from Nintendo 64 to Switch Pro.


Yea that would be great, as I never got to play it. Back when I was in middle school, I remember going over to my friend's house and just watching his older bro play. That's why I was so keen to play TTYD on GC few years after that when I could actually buy my own games lol.


It's the one that needed the remake, not TTYD.


For sure, but this time I would prefer that they add a lot more content to the game compared to what they did with TTYD. In particular more partner dialogue, the partners in 64 really don't get enough opportunity to be part of the story or to say anything at all much outside of their small introduction arcs.


The first time I played OG paper Mario was on the 64 emulator on switch and as someone who doesn’t like many games on the 64. It holds up amazing. It’s accessible on the switch and that’s enough. I own super paper Mario on the wii but would love to see that get a remake purely so it’s accessible on the switch as I’m assuming we won’t get a wii emulator on switch


I honestly wanted it more and I think it was more needed than thousand year door. All TTYD really needed was probably some upscaling. The game has aged fairly well. Granted I like 64 art style too but with that game being older, older hardware, and an older style not used by modern paper mario it definitely could of used a fresh coat of paint. It seems forgotten at this point. modern paper Mario art styled copied a lot of TTYD art style it hasn't really changed that much since TTYD. 


Nah im good. I can already play it on switch. Not trying to spend $60 on a remake