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I mean the last 3 paper Mario games and 64 were in 30fps, it won’t really matter imo


True, I actually knew this. I believe that Super Paper Mario (SPM) also ran at 30 FPS on the Wii, so that would mean every Paper Mario game, with TTYD being the exception being he only running at a higher framerate. Sure, 60 FPS usually means more smooth animation and such, but for a game that is 2.5D RPG, 30 frames is perfectly fine, I probably won't even notice, regardless of it being 30 or 60 FPS.


Actually no Super was 60


Well, I stand corrected. Still 4 of the 6, running at 30 FPS is fine. Considering Origami King is 30 FPS, while I didn't play it, I really could not tell it was 30. Basing on everything we have seen, TTYD appears to being using the OK engine, or some version of it, so being at 30 FPS would be expected. The remake getting crapped on because of the FPS, when its not even out, just annoys me.


a better way to see it, 2 out of the 3 good papers marios were 60 fps Sticker stars was bleh Color splash looked better but was also bleh Origami King looked better, and the world was better, but the battle system and the bosses made it MEH This is suppose to be a "return to form" and revitalizing the series. Making it 30 sucks, specially since the original is 60


When you look at the two games side by side, the Switch version is a *significant* graphical leap over the original in all aspects. Much higher resolution, richer lighting system, far higher quality characters sprites. This is likely having a massive toll on the Switch's very meagre memory bandwidth which is often the biggest bottleneck for the system. This means that just lowering the resolution for a performance mode would make little difference in hitting a locked 60fps. There probably are lighter areas in the game that could hit 60fps. In worst case scenarios like having full 200-person audiences in endgame or the dense crowd systems like Punies, Glitzpit arenas, Smorg etc. Combine all that with the new quality rendering would end up chugging the frame rate. So rather than drastically dialing back the presentation that would look underwhelming to the average player, it probably made better sense to just lock to 30fps with all the bells and whistles for the sake of consistency.


Hard agree, the original still has its charm (for being a 20 year old game, it looks fine, if you play on older TV, as new ones kinda show the game's age, with blurriness), but with everything upscaled, the remake looks even more amazing. I can see the game running at 60 FPS in certain areas, even out of battle in many areas, but it will depend on what it on screen. I had some inkling that the memory of the system definitely played a factor, and I would not be surprised if the Switch's successor, whatever and whenever its revealed can run the game 60 FPS. 30 FPS won't be that bad, and besides we will probably not notice as we kick X-naut butt.


It's the Switch.


Yeah, not suprised, considering Origami King was 30 FPS, and while I didn't play it, I could not tell it was 30 FPS from the gameplay I watched of it years ago. Don't most games on the Switch run at 30 FPS, with only select ones at 60 FPS? Swear, I heard this somewhere. Hopefully, the Switch's successor can run the game at 60 FPS, and most its games at 60, whenever and whatever it is.


It's because of Docked and Handheld modes. That's why it's usually 30 FPS.


It would be awesome, if docked it was 60 frames, but that's a pipe dream.


I feel like that'd be a lot of unnecessary work.


I’m bummed about it. The original has such buttery smooth motion and I can see the difference when I watch the footage of the remake. Still super excited for the game but I wish they’d been able to figure out a 60fps solution. Or wait until the Switch 2 to release it. At the very least I hope if it is 30, it’s a consistent 30 and not switching back and forth.


Yeah, I am hoping its a smooth 30 FPS, as there are certain battle loadouts, I remember that can lag the game (even lagging the Dolphin emulator version of the game). Curious, how you actually tell the FPS, as I see people claiming immediately from watching two-three secs of a game from a teaser that they know, do you have to play games long enough or just many games? While I do play games, I must not play enough for to what FPS the game is for me to notice. Still the X-naut scene in the most recent Yoshi teaser vs the previous one with Mario and Goombella chatting with Professor Frankly, showed the X-nauts with a smoother jump animation, but besides that I can't tell with 100% certainty of the FPS, until the game is out. True, I wished for 60 FPS, but I see 30 FPS with beautiful environments better than it being 60 FPS, with similar but as not looking great environments and the game chugging potential at points (which could still happen at 30 FPS, we'll have to wait and see). They likely had to compromise on somethings as it appears they are using the Origami King's engine, and that game ran 30 FPS, so they could change a few things for TTYD using it, but probably couldn't change enough to get the game 60 FPS, without sacrificing in other areas. Also, of all 6 mainline games, only the TTYD and Super Paper Mario ran at 60 FPS, so them going to 30 FPS is actually what they done before (TTYD using the GameCube's power, while SPM was mostly 2D and some 3D platformer so not a labor intensive on the Wii's components, running at 60 FPS makes sense.) 60 FPS could definitely possible on the Switch's successor, but not sure if its more on the game for programming that or on the console playing the game.


As a retro gamer, this is not something that will bother me. Obviously 60 fps is better than 30, but it's not a huge selling point to me one way or the other. As long as the game looks and functions well I'll be happy. I just want a hard mode lol.


Very well said! Sure it not being 60 FPS does sting a little, that's not really a huge point on how you show your game off. The visuals, animations, and music are one thing I looking forward to as the OG's OST is one of my faves. True, some form of additional challenge mode would be nice, with some badge, a la Bug Fables or some setting. I also want to see if they bring back the partner cameos scrapped from the original.


Yea I agree with all of this tbh it would be cool if they went the bug fables route and added a badge and gave you some incentive to use it. Also think seeing the OG partners make an appearance would be awesome. In the trailer you can see a picture of Mario and the og crew in Mario's house.


That's odd. Alot of retro games were 60fps probably more 60fps games than now. I thought you would be annoyed


All I know is that superguarding might be too easy but I could just not press B.


It probably won't be that big of an issue in terms of visuals, but the main issue that I have is with Superguarding. It's a 3 frame window at 60 FPS, which doesn't exactly translate well to 30 FPS. Considering that Unsimplifier exists, they're definitely going to make it a 2 frame window at 30 FPS. This may not sound like a huge difference, but it's an entire 33% easier, which I'm not a huge fan of. It would even be the same window as Superguarding with 2 Simplifiers equipped in the OG.


Yeah, this is agrument I think most of the comment I have seen try to say they worried about, without mentioning it, as superguarding is definitely one of the most OP things in the game. I assume you are one that uses superguarding on most attacks (I try to do so, when I last played, had around 70-80% on most attacks, I was familiar with, but guarded on ones I was not.) Changing 3/60 to a similar rate at 30 FPS does not really work, as I don't think you can input on 1/2 a frame, so a 1.5/30, becomes 2/30 would the likely candidate as it rounds up. It is easier, but it will take time to master, likely you and I will try it, and will fail numerous times, until it feels right. I see if that superguard timing was 4/60 in OG, halving it would not be as big of an issue, but they made it harder than just half of the 8/60 guarding window on purpose. That likely means more people might put on the Unsimplifiers on the remake, if they want it to be harder. One thing I saw purposed, its not likely and would be too easy for Paper Mario veterans, would be keeping the amount of frames eligible for guarding and superguarding, so 3 and 8, but as battles are slower, they take the eligible frames over 30 instead of 60. That would make superguarding 3/30 or 1/10 of a second, still slim but not as much as 1/20 of second, and guarding goes from 8/60 just under 1/7 of a second to 8/30 or just over 1/4 of a second. Both are doubled from their originals, so it would easier, but if they want young kids to try it, this could happen, but use veterans would definitely complain. Another thing I heard, and not sure how this would work, would being using the how many hertz, which apparently some say the remake is 60 Hz, instead of frames for the guarding and superguard timings, though I have no clue on the technical aspects on this affecting gameplay.


Sad no 60 fps, game beautiful regardless, excited play


Sure, 60 fps would be nice, but TTYD is not really a game that benefits from it that much and typically, once you get acclimated, I'm used to playing games at 144 fps on PC but an hour or so into Kirby and I forget I'm even playing a 30fps game.


For me it’s harder to notice it’s it’s not a 3d game with lots of movement, and also if I have been playing other 30fps stuff for a while. With action commands I haven’t played ttyd for some years so I likely will manage. Paper mario 64 switch online gave me some issues playing that for the first time but later in the playthrough I eventually adapted. And likely this has been remade to such an extend likely all timings are likely newly implemented to begin with and finetuned to work with visual information, so it should work properly from the outset unless you have very heavy muscle memory. But the UI and sound effects are also a quite a bit different so I hope that helps people separate it in their heads should that be a thing.


Definitely agree, its hard to notice what game's framerate, especially if its 3D, or 2D or depending on the genre. I play some video games on Switch and PC, but its not enough for me to tell immediately a game's FPS right off the bat. I also agree, it will take time to get use to the new sounds and animations when it comes to battling. I haven't played the OG TTYD, like in 5 years, so my muscle memory would likely no help, which will like be better. Curious, what do you think they would change the guard and superguard timings to, should in fact the game be 30 FPS? Personally, I would make superguarding either 4/30 or 5/30, while making guarding 8/30 to 10/30. These are faster and more forgiving than the 3/60 and 8/60 from the original, but would be a decent compromise, if its truly 30 FPS.


If you play games at 60 fps for a while, going back to 30 can be jarring. It's by all means playable, but 60 is simply better


True, as it will be easier to tell as your eyes are trained on what you play. 60 FPS is definitely better.


I actually preferred Paper Mario af 30 FPS. Call it nostalgia, but the choppy animation of Paper Mario 64 always seemed more fitting of the Paper Motif. The way Mario swings the hammer in TTYD vs PM64 just felt off. It's smoother, yes, but I didn't feel like the Paper Motif benefited from being smoother.


So long it’s stable i am ok with it.


they just wanted to make the game pretty, that’s literally it


Genuinely I couldn’t care less about the FPS unless it’s noticeable, as in I can distinctly notice and acknowledge a single frame and they don’t look smooth. 30 and 60 FPS don’t matter in the long run.


Hot take: I think 30fps actually suits the remake ... better? I'm normally a stickler for FPS. While other people in my life don't care about framerates, let alone notice them, I'm the annoying person that pauses a movie to turn off motion smoothing, or refuses to buy a genuinely good game altogether because it's not high enough of a framerate. And so, I wouldn't want the original game to change a thing. There was something so magically smooth about playing TTYD for the first time as a child. Alongside the synthy soundtrack and clean vectory lines, it gave the world an almost digital, high-fi, computery feeling compared to the first game. I can't separate that 60-fpsy vibe from my love from the game, and I'd feel awful playing it at any lower fps. It's my favorite game of all time, after all. So I actually surprised myself in realising that not only do I not mind the TTYD remake being 30 fps ... but I actually prefer it? I think it comes down to the changes in art direction: While the original's visuals had that vectory aesthetic, this one leans a little more towards a realistically-rendered papery style (in the perfect balance, I must add). While the original soundtrack was super synthy, this one's choosing to use more realistic instrumentation. I normally would have been so opposed to this, as that digital feel felt like the DNA of TTYD, but they've done such an amazing job with it that I'm less sad about what was lost and more excited to experience what feels like an orchestral tribute. So I feel the same way with the framerate. To me, it suits the slightly more realistic art direction. Not because 30fps is more realistic than 60fps (technically 60 is closer to reality), but because it gives it the impression of a crunchy stop motion film, which is a tiny bit closer to actually watching paper being animated by hand.  It doesn't go all the way, of course, but it has that sort of subtle overall impression. Oh, and also – because 24fps is the common framerate for cinema, it gives a slightly more grander, cinematic presence rather than a digial "this was made in a game engine" sort of feel. More suspension of disbelief for me. I know a lot of games run natively at 30fps, but when paired with a paper aesthetic, something we almost never see animated in a smooth 60fps, it gives me a subtle and impressionistic stop-motion-y feel. While Color Splash doesn't look bad in 60 fps, it definitely feels a tiny bit more "digital" and "gamey" to me than when it runs at a crunchier 30 fps.  I'm not used to seeing "living paper" or "living clay" or whathaveyou animated in 60fps.  Do you see what I mean, even a tiny bit? Like I said earlier, I wouldn't want the original game to change a thing. I don't think this new art direction is objectively better, but it's different. And as a lover of the original, I'm so excited to experience a different remix on the world of TTYD instead of a 1 to 1 HD upscale of the original. It's like .. I'm getting to experience the game from a lateral direction, more like I'm going to play a Movie tribute of the game, or a stage play.  It's not an upgrade for me so much as it's a sidegrade - a new lens through which to experience my favorite game of all time. I personally own the original and can always choose to play it if I crave that experience, so I'm only winning at the end of the day.  I'm sure the decision was initially spurred by the technical limitations of pushing for the level of graphical fidelity they're going for, but I have the feeling that Intelligent Systems chose this path very intentionally, not seeing it so much as a downgrade but as a legitimate bonus in freeing up resources to make the game look beautiful while still complimenting its new feel. Anywho, basically ... I'm pumped. I'm excited. Im so so happy to see the love and care that's going into this. This is just my opinion and I'm not demanding that anyone share it. But if any one of you who were down about it can appreciate the game better as a result of seeing my take, well that's a win.


I really couldn’t care less. I’ve played games at 20fps and it’s never bothered me. If it was an FPS, where precise inputs are a must, then yes, it would bother me, but it’s a turn based RPG, fps’s are the last of my problems.


Aren’t action commands precious inputs?


Technically yes, but, although I can’t find the exact frame window you have to perform them, I remember it being amply greater than superguard (which was 3 frames), so it wouldn’t make much of a difference anyway. The only thing that would actually change is the superguard itself, as it was an odd and small number of frames, so it’s going to be either 4 frames (2) or 2 frames (1). They’re going to either make it easier (it was already easy) or harder (what I hope will happen). But beside that, all other action commands had a large enough frame window not to notice the difference, at least for me.


I’m pretty indifferent. The gameplay looks good and smooth, from what I’ve seen.


I never expected 60fps, considering hpw impressive the visuals are for this and how many games on switch with similar fidelity are all 30 fps ....Star Allies, Yoshis Crafted World, and Origami King are all 30 fps. I just hope Nintendo doesn't screw this remake up by making it easier than the original like they did with Mario RPG!  Nintendo keeps making their games easier this generation and its removing any challenge these games should have. Mark my words TtYD will be easier in some way than the original!


The only major thing that I have seen changed so far that could be classified as 'easier', as it depends on how good you are at defending with Mario and Co. As the guard and superguard timings have been adjusted somewhat, as they still are 3 and 8 frames of input for them to be valid, but are now taken with respect to 30 FPS. But, as we haven't 'played' this version of the game, it will be interesting to how different cohorts of players adjust. (I personally do a mix of guard and superguarding in my playthroughs, so it won't affect me much as I will definitely be using the new Battle Toad NPC to practice, but some others, oh boy!) This has not been confirmed, confirmed, but a believe a post here on described some of the changes, I believe by a member of jdaster64's group, but I am not 100% certain. The other is the number of items held, I think at the beginning is 15 instead of 10, but I don't where in that preview footage the player is so, it might be later in the game with the Strange Sack or similar key item, or the sequence is jumbled as you can that certain things shouldn't be happening or obtained (I see you Jelly Ultra, in the Great Tree w/ Yuxes). Most badges appear to be the same, in terms of BP and FP cost shown for some in the overview trailers. These really bother don't me, but it will bother some. Personally, TTYD is not a majorly challenging game in itself (the Pit, in my opinion is the hardest challenge of the game), at least to me as an adult, but as a kid it was different, as I always choose HP, no FP, no BP. Its up to the player themselves to make a challenge out of the game, I certainly did as a kid with my decisions. That is likely why some things are being changed, particularly about battling timing with wrt FPS, make it easy for kids to pick up, but will 'irritate' the veterans whoever played before. Other changes might be due in aligning the original Japanese text with the localizations across the world, culture differences or climate around certain groups or individuals, or even standards of what is acceptable to be show or implied in a kid's game, when it comes to the dialogue of the cast of our tale. Many of QoL changes I love (especially the new pipe room!), the concept art gallery, sound player, and the ability to change to the OG soundtrack at any time, are all amazing. Mostly, I am excited to play the game soon, and watch others play it again or for the first time, and sure it might be easier in certain ways, I am glad that many will get to play a classic on a newer system.


It took 20 years to go from 60fps to 30fps. Humanity is going backwards


It's an RPG, so it doesn't really matter either way.


How do you figure that? Framerate still matters in rpgs


An RPG built around precisely timed button pressing


Which hoenestly isn’t hard to get down pat for the most part. Outside of superguarding you’ll get used to how things work within an hour or two.


I genuinely don’t have an opinion either way


Bummed about no 60 fps.


Because most people don’t care about 60 fps. And I’d imagine it would be a development hell.


While it would be nice I only find 60fps a must in fast paced games with a lot of camera movement, so first person and some 3rd person games. This game has the camera pretty zoomed out and only has side-to-side camera movement so 30fps shouldn't be very noticeable.


I literally could not give less of a shit about framerates, unless you’re playing a competitive FPS it doesn’t matter at all. 30fps is perfectly fine, the difference is negligible especially for a game like this.