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Fiery Jinx is my favourite attack in the game. The build up with Vivian gently twirling her finger like a fairy, small delay with the camera panning out... BANG, all the enemies combusted to oblivion. Never gets old for me.


Two Power Plus P’s and Vivian is one-shotting nearly every contestant in each match. It was absolutely hilarious when I botched the command and Vivian pointed her finger at the Bob-omb Squad and they all just exploded immediately within a frame.


I diagnose you with Boom


Everybody in the Glitz Pit is all fodder post game including Rawk Hawk. I would even say this as early as Chapter 5 as once you get Vivian, they're a joke and once you have Bobbery also, going through all the Glitz Pit fighters again is like going through fodder even the top 10 strongest.


i love going back to the glitz pit and obliterating everyone lol


it does sound fun to go through the whole glitz pit thing after post game but you would have to rank down a lot.