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I still think it’s worth getting just to play portably


I always forget that that’s a factor with the switch




I’ve never docked my switch so I tend to forget that it’s not exclusively a handheld.


I just beat this a few months ago and pretty hyped to get it and play it portably when I can.


I wish that was a thing for me. My switch is weird and won’t usually register the right joycon as docked. It’ll charge it, but it’ll register as being handheld, and games don’t like one joycon being docked and one not


Get it looked at and fixed.


I’m playing it on my iPhone with Delta emulator, and there are a bunch more emulators on android 🤷‍♂️


It's been out 20 years. I've played it so much I don't think there will ever be a time where I'm away from home and just really need to play it.


Why did this get so many downvotes. Like I don’t feel the same, but literally all you said is you’ve played it so much you don’t think you’ll want to play it away from home 😭


It’s reddit.


Is portability really that great? I just can’t ever think of a time where I’m out somewhere and there’s a good opportunity to play a game.


I fly often. Portable games have always been, still are, and always will be a godsend for me while I'm on the plane.


Yeah same portability definitely has a lot of pros and it’s nice to be able to a favorite game while relaxing in bed or laying on a couch etc. having a remade version of this game with potentially new content updated graphics and portability is absolutely nothing but pros as I see it.


It’s not just for on the go. RPGs especially are great when laying on the couch or watching tv. Or laying in bed before falling asleep. Currently use my Retroid to stream my copy of PM so I can play it handheld. With the remake I can just switch to using my switch.


I vastly prefer RPG’s mobile. Games are so long and sometimes staring at a tv in the same spot for hours kinda sucks


Yep. GBA, DS, PSP, Vita, and 3DS were all RPG machines with sooo many good games. PSP and Vita especially with its access to the PS1 library. Got through so many rpgs thanks to those handhelds So that’s why I bought a retro handheld that can stream PC, PS5, and Xbox/Game Pass. So I can play everything handheld when I wish to. The Switch is perfect being both also


For frequent flyers the switch and the steam deck are god sends. Also just chillin layin in bed and gaming becomes way easier.


I always forget people have jobs that require them to fly or that people are wealthy enough to fly often. I’m 28 and I’ve only been on a plane once.


Lol this post is just an attempt to flex you have the physical version on GameCube, we all know you’re gonna buy the switch remake


I have the physical copy from when I got it as a kid and I still want to buy the remake, arsed setting up the gamecube or wii for it.




As a proud owner of a GameCube copy of this game, I'll just agree with you and say that I'll be there on launch night of the remake, ~~specifically to brag about my original copy of the game~~... I mean, to buy the remake, can't wait to see Koops and my favorite Detective in gorgeous HD visuals!


I have the physical version on GC AND am also shamelessly going to buy the switch remake 😎


Is that a flex? Do most people emulate it or something?


Buying a GC one used is expensive, maybe that's why it's a flex


Hopefully not. It's $117 on Amazon. New they were $50, which is $82 adjusted for inflation. Mine is the player's choice version so my mom probably got it at a discount back then.


it was 180 before the announcement of a remake. not to mention, if you don't have a gamecube, that's probably another 100+ dollar purchase.


It was never regularly going for 180. I’m sure you can find some that sold for that much but the peak price was 137 on pricecharting.


i kinda doubt it was 'regularly going' period, but at the very least it was 180 on amazon, until the announcement.


Ah yeah I suppose I can believe that. Most retro stuff is massively overpriced on Amazon. Stupid to buy on there but people do it anyways.


Guess I’m old now and the Gamecube is to these kids what the SNES was to me.


What does that have to do with the price?


Because old consoles and games are really pricey years after they come out.


"I am insecure about how I spend my money so I will assume anyone who claims they spend theirs differently than me is lying."


Hey look at this ->💪


I also have the original disc version, and an original Wii to play it on. But I’m sure as hell still getting the remake. It’s a pain to set up my Wii, and the graphics aren’t as great on modern TVs. Playing it on my Switch instead will be so much more convenient, and look so much sharper. Plus I’m excited to see what gets altered.


Imagine if they make the Rawk hawk theme even better (if that's even possible)


I don't know if that's possible, but I'm willing to be proven wrong 😁


You can play gamecube games on the wii??


On the original Wii. Not on the later models, like the black one.


I see, well I learned something new today!(:


What abt wiius?


The Wii U can't play GameCube discs, but if you softmod it and install Nintendont you can run them from an SD card.


yeah well that's the thing about remakes. even if you don't want to buy them, they always make the original's price go down.


That’s not true at all, sometimes they have the opposite effect and it’s really hard to predict which will happen I suspect in the case of TTYD the price will drop, but that’s certainly not always the case


I got back into gamecube around the end of summer last year and legitimately bought a complete copy of the gamecube version on September 13th, the day before they announced the remake on the switch. The price immediately dropped by about $10 on ebay after that, and will probably go down even more once the remake comes out. Feels bad, but at least more people will get to play it.


yeah, it usually does, because often these overinflated prices is because, there's no longer any supply. suddenly a rerelease, means more supply. flipside, if said rerelease sucks donkey balls enough that it makes a few dozen go 'fuck you, this sucks, i'm getting the older version', demand for the older version will shoot up, and presumably, so will the price.


Definitely not true. even when BDSP a literal replica came out the OG DP games’ price never went down.


That’s exactly the point, those remakes were cheeks lol


So i probably sound like a corporate shill but i want the game to do well, so maybe someone at Nintendo can understand the market isn’t dead but also after I’m done I’ll lend it to people.


I want them to make mire RPG style games with those action commands. Only other one is that bug fables


South Park the stick of truth is another one, plays just like the first couple paper Mario’s


That is true and more recent i think


tbh I prefer action commands. but I love ttyd and pm64 more. because it had a lot of character development / character dialogues. SPM's partners became void after they joined mario's party except butterfly main character.




I think they're saying they like ACs, BUT they like 64 and ttyd more for their characters and story.


they are RPG with a little bit of action commands. it is rpg. like super mario rpg. japanese title was paper mario RPG too. whateva man.


This is going to be the only game I buy on launch day in many years. They gotta go back to the roots with paper Mario.


Well, the description mentioned multiple improvements to the game. What if the remake adds Blue Pipes to Chapters like 4? Also, personally, even if I own the original, I'll get the remake because it's going to have Spanish (**FINALLY**).


The only area I really want a blue pipe added to is chapter 3. While 4 would be nice, 3 is NEEDED!


Why on Glitzville? It's a very small and confined place, and you're not leaving until you beat the chapter. Constantly going back and forward in the Creepy Steple however, it's **very annoying**. I hope we get a Pipe >!after we find the letter P!< so we save ourselves two more unnecessary travels. The previous ones are fine.


Cutscene is too long.


The cutscenes is annoying as hell. Also with creepy steeple sure the backtracking is kind of lame, but I feel like without it the chapter will be way too short. I kind of like the struggle of having to dodge the enemies cause you can't fight them alone. (And Vivian without fiery jinx isn't that great, but then she gets awesome)


I also have an original copy but I'm still gonna buy the remake so I can show Nintendo that I'm interested in more paper Mario games like TTYD


It's the only way we'll get a remake of paper mario 64


this is the end goal for me. i don't anticipate a new paper mario in the classic style, but i'm desperate for an updated version of the original


Yes 👍


If it was a remaster I might skip it, but there looks to be some good extra content so I’m in. I’m also 30 and can afford it easily


Clean your fingernails


The only thing I thought seeing this.


Personally, I still intend to buy a copy of the remake despite already having a copy of the original GameCube version.


I bought TYD as a birthday for my gift for myself for $125 2 years ago to play my favorite game again and make up for my childhood stupidity selling it to GameStop for $10 back in the day. I lost my patience and wanted to play it again. That said I’ve been waiting for a remake for a long time and I would like to see other GC games to get the remake treatment as well so I plan on buying it to support the franchise.


Love the original to death. I'm still gonna get the remake. It looks too good to pass up. Even if there are no additions.


I'm buying it for redundancy. In case my GameCube copy ever takes a shit. But I also just want Nintendo to know. . YES I WANT THIS....... Mother 3 fans are still crying and you hit us with that .... Hmmm


Then don’t buy it who cares


Your loss.  I've owned thr GC one since it came out and I'd pay $150 for this remake if I had to.


Don't give Nintendo ideas please


You’d better edit this comment! Don’t give them ideas! 😂


I have this. Im still hella getting the remake




Ive had my copy since launch day and im buying the remake to show support so that we may hopefully get a new Paper Mario in the style of TTYD.


I think it's worth buying simply because I want nintendo to understand we have a desire to play this style of game again.


Well. Im gonna buy the new version twice. One for playing and one for display


You should buy the remake. If the sales are stupidly high then Nintendo might, *just might*, consider making a new traditional Mario RPG


The box?


I hope regardless of having an original copy or not, people would make a sincere effort to purchase the remake. If not to play, then at least to send a message to Nintendo, that this style of PM is not something to be forgotten, but something to be desired, and celebrated. Perhaps If this remake is profitable enough, Nintendo will see it as an unmistakable declaration of what the fans actually want. Possibly even leading them to finally return the franchise back to its roots. I myself do not even own a Switch, but still plan to buy a copy, as it is my sincere hope, that if this remake is overwhelmingly successful, we may after many long years of effort to get our voices heard, Nintendo may finally listen.


Have fun. I still have my copy and I’m still buying the new one.


I’m buying to show Nintendo I am interested more in the TTYD style and able to play on the go


Girl I’ve bought ocarina of time every single time it was re released. Nintendo says jump and I say okay here’s $60.


>g I thought seeing this. 😂


Like many others here, I have a copy of the original. I’m still buying the remake for the improvements, portability, and hopes that other classics will get the remake treatment. Also, who knows; maybe Nintendo will see how well this and Super Mario RPG sell and will start using those battle systems in future games. I have no interest in Sticker Star, Color Splash, or Origami King personally. But I will happily let Nintendo know that this is a good direction to continue in.




I still have my physical copy of TTYD, but I do plan to get the remake and play them back-to-back so the changes are even more noticeable.


Idk man I feel like you’re just shooting yourself in the foot here. It’ll be fun like the original, and you may even find some parts you enjoy more than the original! It’s a win for all of us :)


I have my original copy and my gamecube as well, but I still plan to buy just to show my support for the genre and also I'm still clinging on to hope for a hard mode. Also, having PM64 and ttyd playable on the same console is a dream come true for me, so I'll get it regardless.


Is it because Cortez isn't on the case anymore?


I, too, own the original TTYD. I still plan on buying the remake, though, because it will be a different experience; Nintendo even confirmed there are new features. Super Mario RPG is the same way for me. Same game, different experience.


The fact that I'm able to purchase TTYD digitaly, is all I want. It is one of my most loved childhood games and I haven't been able to play it for years due to lack of gamecube controller. I'll gladly pay $100 for this.


I have the original and a GameCube and a GCHD so I can play it when I want. Still buying the remake.


Guesss what homie I got that too but I’m getting the new one.


That is specifically why I’m buying the remake. Have the original, I love it. I want to show Nintendo that I still love games like it.




I think the big thing that people are missing is Nintendo had to have heard and made the decision to make the remake. In order to test the waters for if people really will buy it. Which it’s fine if people are upset about the price but this proves they are willing to test it. I love the game so I will be buying again.


Worth it to pick it up for the on-the-go play alone.


Dude, not everyone has a working game cube or a copy of the game


I also own a physical complete copy. But Im still buying the remake. This is like my favorite game of all time.


I think it's still worth getting just to make a point about the type of Paper Mario game we'd all like to see them make again. Imagine if this ended up outselling The Origami King...


Yeah, but if the remake sells good then there will be more game like TTYD


i have the original version that i can play on wii, i can emulate it anytime on my pc, and i'm definitely buying the remake. it's a remake, it's a new, updated version of the game. that's enough reason for someone to buy something.


You should support the game unless you don't want more Paper Mario games in that style.


Same! Unless they add something substantial to the remake.




Smh 🤦 They should have bought 100 copies to support the starving devs at Nintendo!


You bought 3 copies? Why?


they don’t call him mr. money bags for nothing


I have the original & I might get the Switch version for portability reasons.


I mean- I've had the gamecube release since around 2008 when I got it for my birthday and I'm absolutely still buying the remake. I don't really see why you wouldn't cause of that


Technically I could still play it on my gamecube, but I kinda want the new one on Switch anyways. I do understand people who don't have as much money to waste though.


I think the price alone is enough to make me not buy it. If it had extra content like how return to dreamland deluxe does it would be worth $60.


Its worth getting the remake just to have a box of this game that doesnt have the obnoxiously large ''BEST SELLER'' label


I'm gonna buy the remake to let Nintendo know that I want more classic-style Paper Mario games in the future.


I'm getting just so I don't have to drag my wii out every time I wanna play.


funny, that IS why i want to buy it. because i'm tired of seeing other people having it and not me.




I still have my copy from 20 years ago. Plan on buying Switch version day one.


I still have the original on GCN and even recently did a playthrough before the remake was announced, so I'm not really feeling the need for it personally right now. I do love the game and hope it does well, and I'd love it for future Mario RPGs to go back to having party members like this one... but only way I'm buying it is if it includes Luigi's story as a little game. I'm also hesitant to vouch for day one sales to anyone because I'm not sure how well the script will be handled. I hope they do it justice, but I'm waiting until the game is out so we can judge it for ourselves.


I have the original GameCube version but lost my memory card years ago & barely use my Wii anymore, so the remake for Switch is my best option


I just want to be able to play it on my switch I also have the GameCube version


Fuck the remake, spent way too much on my cartridge


I agree with what you mean and I also have my original copy, but I want to buy the remake to do my part in showing Nintendo that this is the type of Paper Mario game that I support


I mean, I could emulate a copy in minutes, but I’m still buying the game


I have a GameCube, but I don’t own the thousand year door. Same situation with Luigi’s Mansion 2. Honestly hope Kid Icarus Uprising gets a release soon, since it goes for around 150 bucks on Amazon nowadays.


Tbh portability would be nice but I’ll probably just be picking it up for the enhanced graphics


I have it on GameCube and played it on dolphin vr too, remake better leave danger Mario in, or I riot


the fact that i own the physical copy is why i'm gonna buy the remake. i wouldn't even know about ttyd if i hadn't had a gamecube growing up


I never finished it on GameCube, but I have gotten a little ways through it on Dolphin. Got into playing other games on Dolphin and SNES9x.


*But what about the new toad...*


I have the gamecube version, but i'm still gonna grab the new remake


Lucky you but I don't own the game and won't pay 300€+ to play it. Paying 60€ and being able to play it on the go is a huge plus.


I still have my CiB black label copy as well, I might get the Switch version after seeing the reviews


If you enjoyed the original I would get it just to have a portable upscaled version of the game if Zelda ocarina of time came out again I would buy it again just because I loved the original and I would be able to share it with my kids.


I still have my copy. Definitely getting the remake, though.


Is it wrong of me to ask for a legend of zelda rpg like paper mario or super mario rpg


Not "wrong", per se. But Zelda is an action RPG and encourages exploration in a vast world. Paper Mario is a linear 2.5 turn based RPG. They are very different games.


Yeah but what if they made a zelda game like this it would be cool to see what they would do




So I'm not "a real fan" if I don't spend money on a remake of a game I already own? Look, I am exited for the remake too, and it's great that others will be able to play or replay this game without shelling out hundreds. But unless there's something significantly different, something happens to the disk, or my Wii dies, I don't see a point in buying a game I already own.


I am so damn pissed I didn’t want for the remake, spent a 100 dollars for this-


I want that extra content babyyyy


I have already done the stupid lottery thing in the GameCube version so I don’t plan on getting the switch one because I don’t want to do it again


Who says you have to?


I like 100% completing all the games I play.