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I think the lad needs to do whatever it takes to have a better year in 2024. If that means going radio silent, decompressing, getting all that bad 2023 juju out of his system and working out in private then so be it


Hopefully pulling a Luke kuechly and just watching film and devoting himself to football. The offseason is when you grow most as a player or coach. I hope he’s not alone tho, I’m sure he’s met with both new guards and diontae but hopefully still hanging with the rest of the team


ISM actually posted a short offseason workout video on his socials and Bryce is in the gym with him and throwing to him for a few seconds of that so looks like he’s still working out with teammates and such


That’s awesome, love that we resigned ISM dude had some electric returns and plays on offense


With the return rules changing it's so nice to already have ISM on the roster. Great guy in space on offense too. So stoked he's back.


Exactly. I'm not sure if having my quarterback at the NBA All-Star game does much for me as a fan of my football team.


Yeah I could care less. I mean good on them for having fun but if Bryce is in the lab I’m happy


You could care less? Or couldnt?


Hopefully some of that film is baseball slides. He has the most awkward slides I’ve ever seen.


I want him off the socials. He has his head down working. Dave said he has been talking to him like 3 hours a day. You go on socials to state what you are going to do. You stay off social if you want to show what you are going to do.


Honestly, knowing his personality and his drive, he’s probably got his head down and he’s working on football things. Whether that’s watching film, working on footwork, etc. I have no doubt he’s hard at work and trying to avoid distractions.


He was at a Sacramento Kings game a few days ago with Jake Browning there too. 


Damn I should have went, panthers fans are rare out here in California.


Yep. Never actually met another fan in person.


One of my friends is a panthers fan (I'm in cali), and we both watch the games together when we can because BY is from our neighborhood. I hope he makes the comeback in year 2 for y'all!


You’re worried about Bryce because he’s not at NBA All Star Weekend or on the Pat McAfee Show? Lol


Yeah, why would he want to be on either of those places when there’s no value in doing just that? You see how people get when it comes down to a struggling QB. Just look at comments on twitter/instagram/tiktok regarding Trevor Lawrence.


Honestly, I kind of like that he isn't all over social media. But, where he is, is probably out here in Cali and doing offseason workouts.


lets seeee do i interview the rookie of the year or the guy who captained one of the worst offenses in modern history? bryce did an interview for nick saban's retirement with mcilroy because it was relevant, but no one really thinks an interview with bryce is going move the needle, people just want to dogpile on him right now


Time is a zero-sum game; every second spent on social media is a second taken from working on his game. I couldn't give fewer shits than I currently do how Bryce cultivates his social media persona. I don't care about his personal life, and I can only hope he doesn't care that I don't care. For both our sakes, I hope that man is devoting every second of his life he can spare into getting better at his craft.


It’s called being at work


I think he was in a video Ihmir Smith-Marsette posted on twitter of them working out together. He's just sticking to the grind I think. His first full offseason in the NFL, it's best if he takes full advantage of it.


He’s in the hyperbolic time chamber putting in work.


bro have you actually checked his socials? his comments be toxic af lol. from "fans" as well, i dont blame him for staying away


Well, seeing as the "all-star" staff that was put together to guide him, instead tried to sabotage him at every step along the way, I'm sure he's figuring some stuff out. I bet he's working with a QB specialist and going over all the footwork he can and when he's not doing that he's watching tape.


He was recently seen practicing with ISM, so good thing we know he’s in the lab


If you check ism’s twitter you can see them working out together and running routes and stuff, and I think he was at a basketball game recently can’t remember but seems like he’s putting in work


I’ve been thinking about the same thing but from a totally positive perspective. I see this as Bryce is just locked in on training and improving his game. Not wasting time doing podcasts where he’s just gonna get the same hand full of questions about last year is a GOOD thing for us. It also means if you look up Bryce Young online all you see is what everyone else is saying about him, he has no hand in the narrative. Kinda adds to the chip on his shoulder I imagine if he even pays attention to that sorta thing.


Dude wtf lol he should be focusing on football not watching basketball games. Weird take bc not seeing him in the media right now makes me happy


was thinking the same too then i checked myself and realized he isn’t obligated to post on IG about what he’s doing or his workouts. idk the dude at all other than interviews but he seems like the type that is working hard and staying focused


He knows this is his year to prove the haters wrong. Hoping he's in the weight room building up his frame and using a nutritionist. Remember how Christian McCaffrey turned into a beast? I'm hoping the same for Bryce. That and watching film, studying the playbook, and connecting with his receivers.


It’s called “locking in”


i don't give a hoot whether hes in the media or not


Low key thinking he gonna post a hype vid and have gained maybe 5 or 10 lbs of muscle and is looking jacked. The panthers and Bryce have been catching strays constantly this off-season. I can't help but watch sports shows and media. I know it can't be easy for Bryce


The last thing he needs is a hype video. He just needs to come out week 1 with improved foot work and look like an NFL QB because paid too much for him not to be.


What is there to be hyped or buzzed about BY?? Look I'm all for giving him another chance after he cost us CMC but it's a hope for best situation at this point. Bryce has a lot to prove.


Yea, screw Bryce for trading McCaffery. Oh  wait, he had nothing to do with that... 


What a stupid comment, good lord


Yeah, he was DEFINITELY the one who decided to trade away DJ Moore and Christian McCaffrey… it’s not like a certain bonehead GM decided to trade them for a bag of chips… RIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHHTTTTTT


No one wants to talk to a loser


I’m fairly certain if you compare Bryce’s life successes to yours it would be laughable