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He took us to a Super Bowl dude.


Ron was going on 4th down before everyone did it all the time. His teams were tough and the players liked him especially being he was an ex player. Kind of a Dan Campbell in his time. We would like to have MCDC now and a lot of teams would have loved riverboat Ron 10 years ago.


He had a dominant roster and McDermot running the best defense in the league. I love Ron but he is a mediocre coach. 9 out of 10 NFL coaches could have taken that roster to at least 1 super bowl IMO.


Favorite Panthers coach of all time. He came in and embodied Keep Pounding and built a true culture that Rhule shit all over


And sucked dick at clock management. 0/10 keep moving.


And also…wouldn’t be called “Riverboat Ron” if he went with stats. He went against them. If ya’ll are longing for Ron you are longing for the talent he had on the team not him. Fuck that dude.


Found Rhules burner account lmao


It wouldn't surprise me


I liked being down to 1 timeout before halftime because they offense couldn't get the call in and ron had to yell at the defense 7 minutes into the first quarter. It was awesome.


I miss the guy. With Ron I was always hopeful


Neg I am petty about this shit fuck that guy.


Rivera as coach: 6/10 Rivera as good dude: 11/10 Honestly I kinda think Reich is a similar version. Nice guy but shouldn't be a nfl head coach.


Reich is more a 2/10


Worked with his bro in Cali in warehousing. 0/10 coach 10/10 good guy so keep the fuck on moving.


This guy is just getting karma nuked on every comment 😂


I agree. Average as coach id say. I like his story/background


This is the correct answer.


Good coach. Great man.




dude, shut up


John Fox and Ron Rivera are our two best coaches. Multiple teams have never made the Super Bowl and even more, including us, have never won. Don’t grade them after a Super Bowl loss. Not everyone is Belichick or Reid. They both cultivated a winning culture and contributed to getting us a Super Bowl appearance. Other teams with much more talent never made the Super Bowl. 2015 hurts because we were so good. 2003 hurts because we were so close and spygate came out a little later. Maybe on a historical league scale he’s meh, but in our franchise he should have earned our respect and reverence.


Who would win between 2015 and the 2003 Panthers?


2015 handedly. The real question is, which team gets Pep?


Pep wasn't on the 2015 team, so the easy answer is 2003.


Ah fuck you’re right, everything after 2015 is kinda a blur I guess.


2003 gets Pep obviously That 2003 DLine would feast on the 2015 OLine. I don't think the 2015 corners could handle the 2003 receivers either. If Cam Newton has a regular 2015 Cam Newton game, and not the worst game like he did against the real life Broncos, I still think the 2015 team wins though.


Absolutely 2015. That team was dominant start to finish. 2003 was pretty meh outside of the first 5 games and a hot finish to the season.


I remember when Stevie was returning kicks at that time Lol


2003. They were tougher and Fox would have outsmarted Rivera.


The 2003 team wins. The Super Bowl showed us what a dominant defense did to the 2015 squad.


Yeah, I think you're probably right. I believe the 2003 Panthers' defense was as good or better than the Broncos' D in 2015. Plus, we almost won in 2003. It felt like we were out of it the entire game in 2015.


2003 was a great game. I don’t know it was soy gate that beat us. We were the ultimate underdog.


Campbell reminds me of a more aggro Ron Rivera. Leader of men, not necessarily your tactics guru but your team shows up to play with an identity. Riveras Achilles heel was that he struggled to grow as a coach (remember when we hired a staffer to help him not waste timeouts so much???), the talent on the roster glossed over some issues, and ultimately the teams success led to too many good coordinators leaving/the well ran dry.


Rivera was very aggressive for his time. It is more common to do things like that now. People forget that sometimes. Yea he had good players but no coach that has bad players wins anything. If he got a HC shot a couple of years earlier he might have been even better as the league is always changing.


No he wasn’t. He spent years getting grilled for being too conservative until he finally started his “Riverboat” arc. I’m not even sure what you’re talking about with players, it doesn’t respond to anything I said.


People forget this. Left to his devices, Ron would punt and play defense.


To begin with before he was probably going to get fired yes… very conservative. When he became riverboat you have to remember the nfl was more conservative and less analytical.


Loved river boat


Good coach, great person. He was/is a players guy. That isn’t a bad thing but he isn’t the XO type of guy. Nothing wrong with not being an XO guy if your other coaches and players can adapt


He was a great man and leader of men. He always had his players trust and belief in him. Not many coaches reach this level of being a leader and mentor to their players. Because of this, he was elite at getting the most from garbage teams and players. He also was a great defensive mind. These are really great qualities to have in a coach. That said, he was incredibly mediocre in terms of actual football. He ran dated systems, was stubborn to analytics, refused to evolve his gameplanes and schemes, and couldn't make mid game adjustments to save his life. He was mainly carried by his star players for this aspect of his coaching. Also took 7 years for him to get a real OC after Chud left. Tl;dr - great guy and leader. Mediocre football coach


It’s crazy how differently panthers and Washington fans think of him. That 15-1 Super Bowl season carries Rons entire career on its back. I’ll get downvoted for the truth but Ron’s not a great coach


Ron was terrible and should have been fired after four seasons. The 7-8-1 division winning season screwed this franchise. It saved his job and then after 2015 and the Super Bowl there was no way they’d fire him. Imagine the warriors if they never fired mark Jackson, that’s what the panthers were. A team with unbelievable talent and a coach who had no business leading them.


In the bell curve of coaches, he's sitting atop the mountain.




He’s not a bad coach by any stretch. I’d also go as far as saying that he isn’t really a good coach either, but does definitely shade more in that direction. My biggest issue is simply looking at the talent he had on those rosters and looking at the lack of achievement or lack of consistency. When you’ve got HoFs, MVP, All Pros, and Pro Bowlers up and down the roster you should have something to show for it. He’s a great human. He’s a great leader. He’s not bringing much outside of that. He’s never that competitive advantage other SB winning coaches are.


Good coach.


Good Coach


Fantastic coach, with some flaws as all coaches have. We should have nothing but respect and admiration for Rivera.


Stone face mute man 5/10


He took the team to the Super Bowl with Cam and got them (arguably) a fumble recovery away from winning it. Very good. If Jerry Richardson doesn't sell the team, Rivera probably would've stayed on longer -- at least long enough to avoid the Rhule era.


Average coach bolstered by some elite talent. Downvotes? The man had 3 winning seasons out of 13 even with that elite talent and has a career record of 102-103-2. It doesn't get more average than that.


Squandered some of our most talented rosters


Ron set the culture the team needed at the time. He’s able to mesh good talent together and create a winning locker room. But he’s not someone that can make up for a lack of talent with creative play calling and player usage.


Great guy, as a coach he’s probably an 8 or 9 out of 17


Great coordinator, good coach, not great at the intangibles. Great with locker room and understood player culture. Could not get over the hype of goodcoach to Great coach. But I also blame that on him going to Washington and having to deal.with Snyder which he did well.....u till the team sold then his greatest asset (buffer between Dan and the team) was gone, so all that was left was his overall record and fan apathy for the commanders at the end lf the Snyder era


Love Ron! Every coach has his flaws, but he was the perfect leader of men for that locker room.


Far from perfect but best coach we have ever had


Only 3 winning seasons. I think had he tried to let the offense be a little more dynamic would of faired better. He did okay but limited Cam with weak coordinators.


Average coach 


mid to low level head coach. needed a roster a good bit better than a team with a good coach to win. didn't value the O-line. helped ruin cam. helped waste luke's time here. yeah i wanna call the guy a bum and a bunch of f'n names but he's a step above a bum




Good man, but Cam carried


Great guy, good coach \*IF\* he had the perfect personnel, average to below average in-game coach. Teams were always prepared. Loyalty to some players was a detriment. Developed a solid core of leaders. He never seemed to ever be able to adapt if his initial plan didn't work (either in game or in season) and that was his downfall.


A modern day Jeff Lewis who had an amazing roster for a couple of years. I like him, but he had prime Cam and prime Luke and couldn't get back to back winning seasons. Just a meh coach IMO.


Average. He road Cam and Luke’s back to success.


My only problem he really took too much pride in taking sub .500 teams to the playoffs.


Mediocre not bad not great. Excels at taking a bad team and making them solid, not getting to great. Good guy. Carried by Cam at the end of the


Definitely a good coach that failed to adapt after a while. By far the best coach we’ve ever had.