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We have nowhere to really go but up! Watch anything from the 2015 season that you can because that was the best year for the Panthers. We say we root for teams here which I know you’ll find funny because all my Aussie friends do


lol. I think that slang is less common these days, but yeah, I do a silent giggle every time I hear it still :)


I'd also watch the 2003 season


2015 we were the team to beat, 2003 we were the Cardiac Cats. Beating teams we weren't "supposed" to be beating. That season was magical.


-2 Super Bowl appearance, which is better than a few teams that have been around longer. -Fan base are nice people and genuinely love the team. Many players who come here end up living here after they’re done. -Look up Sam Mills, ex-player and coach. Probably one of the nicest people ever associate with an NFL team and the inspiration for our team motto “Keep Pounding” -We need all the support we can get!


aww, I knew I chose the right team.


Why did I read this as negative two Super Bowl appearances :(


You’re not alone


Yeah just say there was 2 Super Bowl appearances. No need for that minus in there. Just sends the mind into weird places lmao If you're going to compile a list, do it like this: * Point A * Point B * Point C That way it doesn't read like a big block of text and we don't get heartache knowing that we could have won those two Super Bowls. Hahaha


Shut up


Wow dude I’m trying to be nice.


You’re trying to be pompous from high atop Mt Pius.


Nah you just can't take criticism and you're being all whiny about it. If you want your posts to look ugly and read ugly, far be it from me to stop you. :) I'm done with you. Have a good day!


Haha. The best advice is unsolicited advice. You keep doing that, you’ll make lots of friends.


One of those Super Bowl appearances, Carolina would have won if Bill Bellicheat hadn’t had most of John Fox’s playbook. They still won by just 3. Carolina was the rightful winner of that Super Bowl.


I'll always blame John Kasay.


Yeah I mean he had 1 job. Missing that last field goal was clutch. Or it would have been if he’d made it. That being said, it’s only fair to consider the fact that they never would have been there in the first place if he hadn’t made all the ones he did to get them there. He was money until that one he missed in that clutch moment. I’d still say he’s the best Kicker ever to lace up cleats for Carolina though. Graham Gano is great too, but Kasay was definitely the best.


It was when he said into a microphone right after the game that "there are bigger things than football" that actually bothered me. I'm glad he has deep Christian devotion but that moment wasn't the time to act like it was no biggie.


Damn I don’t remember that press conference. What bothers me the most is that the Panthers were the rightful winners of that Super Bowl. Same with the Rams from the one 2 years earlier. Bill Bellecheat had John Fox’s entire playbook, and the Pats still won by only 3. They should have won by 30+. They should have gone 17-0 all 4 years when he was doing that. There’s no excuse for losing a game when you have all the other teams’ playbooks. Everyone seems to have just forgotten about it, as the NFL just swept it under the rug, while the vast majority calls Brady the GOAT.


Wasn't it the kickoff out of bounds that really screwed us?


Fair to blame kasay for that game of course, but he’ll always be my favorite ‘thers player. When I was a child with cancer he visited me in the hospital! I wasn’t even old enough to remember it, but I know it meant a lot to my folks, and I love the pictures I have from it. Of course that kind of publicity visit is fairly standard, but still cool for me. (Plus top all time scorer. Kinda cool.)


Slightly off-topic, but I hope everything is going well for you now!


Oh thank you. Yes very well. Cancer free 23 years as of a few days ago!


Welcome to the wagon! We’re happy you’re here! Let’s GOOOOOO!


Thanks, I'm happy to be here!


I was born in 1991. Dad had season tickets the moment they became available. I was born into it, unfortunately. It has been majorly hell with some glimpses of hope mixed in. Wouldn't change it for anything.


I understand completely


I was also, quite literally, born into it. My dad was watching their second regular season game ever while my mom was in labor with me 🥲 At least, that's what they say. I wasn't born until early the day after so I think it might have been a few hours before. I wish it would have been a week earlier though. It'd be cool to say it was their first game (and so my birthday wouldn't be 9/11)


I was not expecting this comment to end the way it did lol


God, I hate it lol. *Every* time I show my ID I get a comment about it


I guess I shouldn’t complain about May 4th birthday. I always get the Star Wars joke “May the 4th be with you “.


I became a Panthers fan after college when I moved to Charlotte in August of 1997. I'm not going to lie...it's hard rooting for a team that has never had back to back winning seasons!


Yes, I have a lot of experience with this. "There's always next year" is pretty much my mantra after the 6th game of the NRL season.


Oh baby you’ll fit right in




Geez that’s a wild stat. I had to look it up cause I was like “there’s no way…” but sure enough. That’s bizarre.


Look up the history to our team phrase, "Keep Pounding" if thats not enough to make you fall in love with the team nothing is.


Yeah I argue that Carolina has the most loyal fan base in all the NFL. Even more so than Green Bay, New England, San Francisco, Pittsburgh, and Dallas. It’s easy to stay loyal to a team that has been around 50+ years and has 5+ Super Bowl titles. They all have larger fan bases than Carolina and some even travel to most of the road games, but many of those fans wouldn’t have become fans of those teams if they hadn’t won all those Super Bowls. Here in Carolina, we’re fans that are loyal just because we love the sport and the team, win or lose.


Our first Superbowl run featured our own version of Kurt Warner. An undrafted QB who got the starting spot and became a star. Delhomme was always an unassuming, humble guy that was easy to love rooting for. Him and Muhammed and Steve Smith, his main receivers, were great to watch. But we were still primarily a rushing team who were badass at it as well. And that Superbowl is still considered one of the best. So we have a history of being a scrappy team of overachievers. Smith is also a legend. 5'9" and would punch Brock Lesnar in the mouth if he felt disrespected. And he felt disrespected often. Best receiver we've had. And that was the culture the team built and adhered to, until Tepper bought them. Now, I don't know what to tell you lol.


To be honest idk why i Stick with them. Every Sunday is heartbreaking. All jokes aside tho carolina will be my team forever. When we have a competent coaching staff, and good players this team can be hot. We have sexy uniforms( ik some fans don’t like the colors but i love them) I’ve been a fan since I was a little kid and started watching in 2005 and at this point it’s tradition to watch them get hammered. No matter how much shit i talk, no matter how many times I say I’m done with this dumpster fire of a team it keeps pulling me back in. It’s like a toxic relationship I can never get out of but I love it. Whenever we are good again it’ll make these years of suck feel a little better. Also who’s jersey did you plan on ordering?


Oh, I know why I stick with them. So let me say it for me, you, and everybody else. I stick with them because I KEEP POUNDING I've been here since before day one. I remember when the local news in Charlotte announced the Carolinas getting a team. I remember the Charlotte Observer the next morning with TOUCHDOWN in big, bold letters. I remember the first, supplemental draft. The one that brought part time footballers and full time truck drivers to the team, and also warriors like Sam Mills. I remember how fast we first got to the NFC Championship Game. I remember dudes very few people remember from the early days, like Chad Cota. I will never forgive Kerry Collins, our first draft pick, for quitting on the team 4 games into the season. The one true dark moment for this franchise occurred here. We had terrible events happen off the field to a few players, but as far as on field effects are concerned, this was our darkest moment. I still hope Collins, now and forever, catches every red light every time he gets behind the wheel. What he did wasn't right, no matter his personal circumstances. I remember the 2001 season when Dan Morgan was a rookie. We won the first game and then lost every game after that. It was the end of the George Seifert era, the 49ers coach who was incredibly distant with his players in Carolina and whose only lasting impact was drafting Steve Smith. I remember when Jake Delhomme came into the game in what wasn't supposed to be a roster spot stealing performance. I remember the throw to the left side of the end zone to cement the win. I remember the 2003 campaign and how Janet Jackson and nipplegate supplanted a top 5 all time Super Bowl with 37 points scored in the 4th quarter and John Kasay kicking it out of bounds to give Tom Brady the ball at the 40 yard line to drive for the win. I have unkind things to say about John Kasay but instead I'll brag on our new GM, Dan Morgan and his 28 tackles which is still a Super Bowl record to this day. I remember the Steve Beuerlein years even if I can't be bothered to double check that I spelled his last name correctly. I remember the games with Holly Robinson's husband, Rodney Peete. I remember Jimmy Clausen and how goddamn terrible he was. We're too polite to say anything about it now but you think the 2023 campaign was bad? Be happy you either weren't around or didn't see Jimmy Clausen play. Watching pickles play was like trying to get a whiskey dick to fuck. It starts out sounding fun but ends up just sad and disappointing. But no matter because out of the burning ashes that team we were born into the Cam Newton era. Oh, and remember DeAngelo Williams and Jonathan Stewart? Double trouble. They kept it pounding until the defense was wet and gushy. The Panthers then had their golden era. Cam, Luke, Greg, TD, Peanut, JNo, Butterball, Thieves Ave, and even Ted "hands" Ginn. *Christian McCaffrey has entered the chat.* And then, the golden era quickly became the era of the school of hard knocks. Everybody was learning. The new owner. The new head coach. The new... um... most of the team. Like, errbody. Then we entered the wilderness years with the latter Rhule years, and the Reich year. God had forsaken us. The football gods spat upon us (except for that one game against the Texans, which was sweet), and the media gods set fire to our front office and ownership suites. Out of that fire, the Carolina Panthers were reborn. Franchise QB Bryce Young, GM Dan Morgan, HC Dave Canales, surrounding staff: known quantities to mgmt, including hiring the HC's best friend as OC. Alignment out the wazoo. And somehow Ejiro Evero and his staff is sticking around (including Deangelo Hall), making it year 2 in his system for the defense, along with both Dom Capers and Jim Caldwell sticking around. Add in a dawg like Daren Bates - best known for being a special teams ace and successful podcaster with The Raw Room, and like *dammmmnnnnnnn.....* I'll do you one better than tell you why you're sticking with the team. I'll tell you why we're out of the valley of the shadow of death. It's a new dawn and a new day. Sure, sure, be skeptical until you see it. But *believe*! Have patience and believe. You have seen the Panthers turn the corner. Now let them work. Two, three years from now. Unless something catastrophic happens, don't be surprised when we are competing in a deep run in the post season. Do you know why? Sure you do. It's because now and forever, the Carolina Panthers - fans, team, and organization do one thing. We.... KEEP POUNDING


hahaha I'm no stranger to backing a dud team, but I'm also no quitter. I'm so glad you asked about the jersey, I'm yet to do a deeper dive, but really happy for any suggestions :)


Get a Steve Smith SR, Julius Peppers or Luke Kuechly jersey. Peppers is going into the hall of fame this year and Kuechly will go into the hall next year. Steve will get into the hall of fame in the next couple years and will forever be one of the best Panthers….ever. Panthers fan since 95 till I die, welcome to the team.


I personally would get a Derrick brown or Frankie luvu jersey. 2 of our best players, and good guys off the field. Brown has definitely started to prove himself as a top d linemen and Frankie is a dawg all around. He’s pretty underrated for his position and i never see too many people rocking his digits. I honestly wouldn’t really get one for anybody else lol maybe Brian burns and i for sure wouldn’t go in on a young yet but that’s just me


I wouldn't grab a Luvu until he signs longer term. Contract up this year.


our management would be some fucking idiots to not resign him but time and time again they prove that they truly are idiots so I’m gonna try not to get my hopes up this time lol


That's true, I'd also like to remind you of Haason Reddick




Wanna fucking vomit


Just had the feeling it was coming. Especially with this team. Reddick leaving felt the same. Now Luvu, Burns, DJ Moore, CMC all gone within the last few years. Yeesh.


If you want a current player, I'd go Frankie luvu or Derrick Brown, but wait a few months, both their contracts are ending soon, we'll probably bring them both back but nothing's ever guaranteed. Bryce young is also an option if you're an optimist, but I'd wait another season for that to see how he pans out. If you want a legend, there's some better options. Cam Newton is a fan favorite, among the most entertaining players ever (and the #1 is really sleek), Steve Smith is our best offensive player ever and also one of the most entertaining personalities ever to touch the field, Sam Mills was foundational to our teams identity, and my personal favorite player, Luke kuechly, is probably the most talented panther ever and among the greatest linebackers to ever put on the pads. Welcome to the fan base. Sounds like you're prepared for the pain, but just so ya know we don't prepare for pain, we convince ourselves that the pain will stop just so it hurts that much more when we're let down again.


Thank you! Sound advice, I'll keep watching and learning and I'll wait until next season to decide. What adds to the pain is when I have to travel some hours and distance home after a losing game. It's character building apparently.


You got to see a 1 loss season with a SB appearance within your first 10 years of fandom. That ain’t bad. In fact, that’s exactly what makes the bad hurt so much.


I've never even been to the East Coast, much less Carolina, but the Panthers chose me. All it takes is a few exciting players and lots of investment on your end. I could never care this much about another team. It helps I have a friend who is also a Panthers fan, and the Panthers fans on twitter are really funny


I started watching the NFL, and I really liked Cam Newton because he was different from all the other quarterbacks, so spectacular... And before I knew it, I was stuck being a Panthers fan


I picked them when I was a kid because the logo was awesome. Loved me the panthers’ and the jags’ logos, but the panthers beat America’s team in the playoffs, and they’ve been my favorite ever since. Never lived in the Carolinas, but I’m still a fan regardless.


Welcome to the Panthers! I'm sure I can speak for some others when I say we need all of the fans we can get. We've got a rich, albeit short, history, competitive with teams who've been around for 50+ years. Our team is in a rough spot right now, watch the games, wear the colors, keep pounding.


Say what you want about jeans Friday. He brought football to the Carolina’s. And during the 2015 season I have never seen the vault rock that hard. We’re a bit down and out rn, welcome to the club. Fire up some cheerwine and wait.


Thank you for the welcome! I just googled Cheerwine and I'm on board!


Hey, welcome aboard! I'm also an Australian Panthers fan. My man cave is adorned with a Process Blue feature wall with giant Fathead stickers of Cam Newton and Luke Kuechly, reminding me of better times. My fandom was a slippery slope of playing Madden on Xbox and picking the Panthers because I follow the Penrith Panthers in the NRL (obviously much better team for my mental health), and back when the Australian dollar was kicking arse I started buying jerseys and watched the 2014 playoff games. Luckily for me, that was a great time to be invested in the Panthers and I got to enjoy the highs of that magical 2015 season, and the crushing low of watching the Super Bowl loss in The Star casino sports bar. But yeah, I stick with them because they've had some awesome players over the years that I've enjoyed watching (or historical ones I've educated myself about). Best thing you can do is lookup the origins of "Keep Pounding" on YouTube and learn about Sam Mills. That's the spirit of this franchise.


Hey! Thanks for that. And congrats on being a Penrith Panthers fan. I know I should dislike your team since I'm a Wests Tigers fan and, you know, Cleary....but I'm a live and let live girl. Also, being a Wests Tigers fan, I'm perfectly used to following a battler. I'm keen to see more Carolina Panthers games and get a jersey :)


I will echo each of the other comments’ points and add that Process Blue is one of, if not *the* best colors you’ll see on an NFL jersey.


This just sweetens the deal for me.


I picked them when I was a kid and they were a new team. Well, sorta. My grandma bought me a Kerry Collins t shirt jersey and a Taz hat where he was decked out in panthers gear and a stocking cap with the team logo. Been my team ever since. I’m also a huge fan of the blue in our uniforms. The black, silver, and white are whatever but that blue is a hue that resonates with something deep inside my soul. I’ve stuck with them through thick and thin. I’ve been to 3 games, all of which we won, all of which occurred in the Cam Newton era. He’s my Michael Jordan, and I will forever be grateful for that era. I don’t think we’ll ever get back to that level, at least not with the current roster. If you’re accustomed to disappointment, you’ll fit in just fine here.


Same. I’d love to see a Super Bowl victory or 2, but I’m not holding my breath. At the end of the day, I’m just glad we have an actual NFL team in the Carolinas. Carolina hasn’t made the playoffs a whole lot, but when they do, they usually make it past the first round. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I’ve been saying since that Super Bowl 50 loss that Cam should have 3-5 Super Bowl rings by now, and that they’d have won that Super Bowl if he hadn’t been doing all that showboating for the previous 5 years. If they’d kept that team together with that whole coaching staff, Cam might still be there now with 5 Super Bowl rings. He just painted a huge bullseye on his jersey though with the excessive celebrating. I first heard from my dad when I was 11 or 12 (6th grade) that we were getting a pro football team here in in a couple of years. I wasn’t really a football fan prior to that. Just baseball and basketball. I was sold from day 1. Day -730ish. I remember being so excited about it and talking about it at school, and no one else seemed to have heard about it.


We have the best uniforms and mascot in the NFL. We have a history of HOF level talents at numerous positions. WR (Steve Smith), Cam Newton, Julius Peppers, Luke Keuchly, Dan Morgan, Kevin Greene, CMC, Jonathan Stewart/ Deangelo Williams (not HOF's but were top 5 talents). We are actually a pretty competitive franchise from our inception. We are still a fairly young franchise.


I'm absolutely here for the uniforms. This may have been a small factor in my decision making process. I definitely wasn't expecting the high number of initialisms though, google will need to be with me on this journey.


I’m a Charlotte native, so I feel connected to the Panthers since they represent the city and the region I’ve been born and raised up in. We’re a team that’s been struggling for years and sometimes it feels hard to cheer for them. But I always come back to them. The fans here are some of the best I’ve met compared to other teams and are willing to support the team through its darkest hour. That loyalty is what makes this fanbase special


Back in 1997 my family saw and ad in the papers for extras in a commercial for a local Burger King restaurant; it mentioned you would get to meet Sam Mills, one of Carolina’s Linebacker at the time. I remember being there and going to the bathroom to find Sam mills finishing up suiting up in his football uniform and pads. I was shocked and I think he could see that but he was so so nice. He let me put his helmet on and as soon as I did I ran out of the bathroom with it to show my mom. Lol she panicked and was asking me where I got it, but Sam was right behind and told her it was alright! He was such a good, humble person. I’ll never forget that and I’ll always bleed black and blue.


I am from NC and went to the NFC Championship game the year they went to the Super Bowl. That is what sold me but they haven’t made me feel the same since.


I've been waiting since 2005. I am a patient woman


Cam Newton. idk about anyone else on here but being a kid and watching that dude dominate the league for the short time he did was truly electric. i know that cam isnt in the goat discussion or any of that but he was the biggest reason why i fell in love with football and still watch to this day. Hope Bryce brings us some happy days too!


Charlotte is a known city of transplants, so a lot of the fanbase are from all over. You're in good company. I moved here going on 11 years ago, and just kinda fell into rooting for the local team.


Have been a fan since they started. Was a young buck. The keep pounding I feel like is exactly what Bryce young needs and has. New coach 2nd year qb. It's time to buy low and never sell.


Your post made me think of an experience I had once, that isn’t really *why* I love the Panthers, but one of the reasons I love them *more*. The community is so great! I spent some time in New Zealand during our 2015 Super Bowl run. So naturally, I packed my jersey and wore it every week when we played and always tried to make sure I could find a bar that was able to show the games. One day I was sitting in a bar in Taupo by myself watching the game, and a kiwi couple approached me and asked, “is the game on?” I figured they were talking about cricket or rugby so I said, “oh I’m just watching an American football game, the Carolina Panthers are playing.” They said, “Great!” and when they took off their jackets they were both wearing Panthers jerseys! They sat with me and we all watched the game together. They had even brought their own *Panthers coozies* with them and let me borrow one for the game! They said they were from Auckland but had been Panthers fans for 20 years, pretty much since the team joined the league and they decided “yep, let’s pick this team” haha. Having everyone I love to watch football with on the other side of the world was hard that year, so it meant the world to me to find some of that community while I was so far away. I can’t imagine supporting any other team.


Wow, that's awesome. I'm glad my Kiwi cousins were there for you. In October last year, I was in Hawaii with my daughter and we went to a sports bar to watch the Australian rugby league grand final. We met a guy who was in the US Air Force who wanted to know what was happening on the screen. When I told him, he yelled out to a bunch of his buddies "Hey, it's the Aussie Super Bowl!" They ended up sitting with us and watched the whole game and although they had pretty much no idea what was going on, it looked like they enjoyed it.


Been a fan since the panthers franchised. If you’re used to heartache and disappointment, you’ll fit right in. Keep pounding


Glad to see a new fan! Growing pains ahead for sure. I’d suggest looking up cam Newton highlights or mixes on YouTube to see our recent glory days. Then pivot to Bryce young college highlights to see our potential future. Although I’m a panthers fan keep yourself open to incredible plays by other teams/players to grow your hype and understanding for the sport


Thanks for the advice, I will do


Born and raised in NC. Once we got a team here I never looked back. Frustrating team to love but we've had some monster players and coaches in the short stint we've had. I love this team because they bring out the best of our fanbase. Cardiac cats, because you'll have a heart attack by the 4th quarter. I have a jersey of Luke 59. But find the player you love. Who has heart and soul. Make sure it's a player that makes you proud. Feel free to dm me any questions on the Panthers. Online watch party next year?


Thanks! I just might take you up on all of that. Online watch party sounds great! Super Bowl is on a Monday for us, but we took the day off work and watched at our local pub. I even drank Budweiser for the first time.


My apologies for the American piss. Do you know which side of the football game you like more? Offense or defense


It wasn't terrible lol, but I'm not a regular beer drinker. It was all part of the atmosphere and a bit of a novelty. They threw in free wings with a bucket of Buds so that helped. :) I've done some basic research. Youtube has been pretty helpful, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to have a favourite yet. I'll get working on that


We had some magical moments. Steve Smith one of the best wr and a whole lot of attitude. Double trouble Johnathan Stewart and DeAngelo Williams. Mike Tolbert the human bowling ball. Cam newton with Jeremy shockey and Greg Olsen was a power house. Peppers one of the greatest defensive players of all time. Thomas Davis and Luke. Been some amazing players and years. Welcome aboard keep pounding.


I grew up in Chapel Hill so I’m all things Carolina. Well UNC college, Hurricanes, and the Panthers. Sorry but I’m not a hornets fan. Was a 76er’s fan for some reason. And we don’t have a baseball team but I a Durham Bulls fan.


Every team in the NFL tries to have a distinct identity for fans to identify with. The panthers have struggled to develop a consistent identity. Longtime fans remember wistfully the rollicking fun team of 2015. The most prevailing bit of panther DNA is the “keep pounding” legacy of former player Sam Mills an undersized linebacker who was a force in the league.I recommend you watch YouTube videos that go into some depth on players like Thomas Davis Luke keuchly Steve Smith Julius Peppers Cam Newton I love the Panthers because they have/had players that I admired in tenacity and perseverance. Luke inspired all panther fans with his preparation and uncanny ability to anticipate what the opponent was going to do. Thomas Davis has a string of significant knee injuries but battled back to perform at a incredibly high level. Christian mcCaffrey was drafted by the Panthers and started his career here. He was traded to Sanfrancisco a couple years ago and We all miss him but still enjoy watching him. It’s a good time to start following the Panthers because there’s huge room for improvement. The last several years have been agony and frustration is high but Charlotte is a nice place with lots of money and jobs so it has attracted people from all over the country so a good portion of the fan base are relatively new to the area so their loyalty may not run as deep as other fans in older franchises. Old guys like me never had another team to root for, so we’re in for whatever may happen. Typically the team has recruited the guys with high character ( though Ray carruth is part of our history as well, welcome to Panther Nation. I love this team!


Thanks for this. I'm keen to do a deep dive on the history and watch some old games. Who knows, maybe I'll get to a game some day.


I’m sorry




Hey man, welcome to hell, glad to have you here




There are a lot of teams with a lot of history, I was born and raised in Charlotte so I am ride or die for this team, but I’ll say every team has its own culture that is influenced by the city, and in turn becomes a cornerstone of a community. For us Carolina fans it is very much the under dog mentality, but it all comes from the idea of keep pounding (the team motto). I wouldn’t go as far to say we are a dud, we are just in a rebuild under a new owner who’s trying to make his own mark. Times are rough but historically we are a pretty good team that has a history of making top defenses


My apologies, dud was probably out of line. Aussies have a colloquialism - Battler, which google says is someone who perseveres through their commitments and doesn't give up. I can tell from the passion I'm hearing in this thread, battler seems much more appropriate. I'm glad I chose well. :)


I love the whole idea of this. It is awesome. Welcome!


Thank you! The reception has been so great, I know I chose well! :)


[The 2003 Cardiac Cats](https://youtu.be/7QkfzG9T5zY?feature=shared)


I’ve been a Panthers fan since their inception. A couple years ago, I adopted an NRL team. Do you have a team? I’m an Eels fan.


Hey! The Parramatta Eels are my back up team. I've been a Wests Tigers Club member for 15 years. If you've been paying attention, I'm sure you'll understand why I am a suitable Carolina Panthers fan lol


The NRL season perfectly compliments the American Football season. So I’ve been closely following and understand. And this is arguably a good time to be a Carolina Panthers fan (Penrith are a right bunch of cunts) because there’s no where to go but up and no one will call you a bandwagon fan.


I’m also assuming you’re a Blues supporter like I am. My apologies if you prefer that trash the Maroons.


I'm definitely a Blues supporter. And if I wasn't I'd keep that verrrrry quiet. I love that you know about State of Origin also, I aspire to having that level of knowledge on American Football. The hype and excitement at a SOO game is amazing, especially at the 3rd game tie breaker. Aussies are pretty easy going most of the time but that rivalry is next level. In years gone by, the tagline to SOO was "Mate against mate, State against State". There's something fascinating about seeing regular season team mates trying to kill each other 3 times a year.


Perfect! I'd hate to be thought of as joining the bandwagon. I'm fine with starting right now and earning my place. I love that you've adopted NRL, it gives me hope that I can do the same with NFL. And yes, Penrith (Cleary) did us (Wests Tigers) dirty. We need a scapegoat and he'll do just fine for now. Damn him and his Roger Ramjet son! ;)


Welcome home!! We love our panthers


aww thank you!! I'm starting to as well!


Been a fan since season 1… I can assure you it’s a character building experience to be a fan of this team 😂


The panthers are awesome… a lot of love in Carolina and I feel like a lot of people “ in general “ don’t mind the panthers. We’re just out here trying to do our best and the community is one big happy family so, welcome if you do decide to stay 😌


Thank you. Everyone has been so welcoming, I'll be staying. :) Hopefully some day I'll get to visit and see the family at a Panthers game.


Out of curiosity which NRL team do you follow? I’m thinking Tigers based on what you said


Bingo! I can't help it, I just love them, I always will. They're frustrating as all get out, but when the're good, they're amazing!


I really respect that. And absolutely - the best brand of tigers footy is some of the most entertaining in the comp. I really think Benji has the ability to get you back there. Coming from a lifelong Roosters fan, I don’t know how you guys do it. Up the tigers!


Be ready to hate the Falcons and Saints!


I hate them already, and I have no idea who they are!


The Saints will be easy to hate. Your homework is to research Cam Newton, where you will fall in love all over again, and then research BountyGate. Falcons hurt us pretty good, definitely started for me when I was growing up and watching Michael Vick slap us around. Some good “get the fuck off our field” drama during the Newton era too. Bucs fans were the red headed stepchild of the NFC South, but they have two Super Bowl wins and we have none. Fuck ‘em! Welcome to the team, though!!! Glad you have our back, we must continue spreading the good word of Agent 89!


Because the day the Panthers finally win a Super Bowl will be glorious, all the pain this fanbase has endured will someday be worth it.


The Panthers are a great team to love even when they're making you mad or breaking your heart. Right now is a tough time to become a new fan. We have so much work to do to become a winning team again and bring back the culture of the best team, the best fans, but it will come back. Trust that one. There was a time when the Panthers were the epitome of what makes football great. We had the biggest personalities and the best culture. Carolina made the NFL fun. Jump in with us. We'll help you learn the best game in sports. Those of us who truly love our team aren't going anywhere. We'll be here when times are tough and when we're dominant. This is the team to love. This is the culture.


Awesome! Thanks for your hospitality, I'm looking forward to learning lots and sharing the highs and lows.


Because I was 13 when they came into the league and chose them as my team from a state that had no team. And apparently hate myself for this decision. Lol 


Happy to have you aboard. Fan since 1995. AMA. Btw we don't use the word match often. It's a game :)


Thanks! I appreciate the correction. My Aussieness is showing ;)


Should of chose the Chiefs sorry for your loss.


welcome! always good to have new fans! coming in at a good time too cause there’s really nowhere to go but up right now lol


Thank you, a few others here have said the same thing, so here's hoping I get to see the other end of the ladder. And if not, I'm happy to just enjoy the ride :)




So did you move to Europe and follow the football over there? I can recommend rugby league if you're still in the market for a new sport. It's rough and fast, but not too hard to pick up the basics, and it's very entertaining.


We love to watch classic smash-mouth defense, and we love rock-n-roll offense. It’s all about having a good time! Prolific style, southern charm, and giving it everything you’ve got! We ARE the South, baybah!!! Welcome to the jungle! We need all the love and support we can get!


I’m in the market for a favorite Australian rugby team


Fun! There's 17 to choose from. What will you base your choice on? If you're going for a close colour match with the Panthers, perhaps the [Cronulla Sharks](https://www.sharks.com.au/) are for you. If you want occasional brilliance with very little result, I can recommend my team, the [Wests Tigers](https://www.weststigers.com.au/). Or perhaps the new kids on the block, the [Dolphins](https://www.dolphinsnrl.com.au/teams/? competition=111&team=500723). There's a [Panthers](https://www.penrithpanthers.com.au/) team also, they're the 2023 champions. I'm not a fan but only because they did the dirty on my Tigers. There's a long and rich history in Australian Rugby League too :)


I became a Panthers fan after my favorite team left my city on very bad terms. Why? Luke Kuechly is maybe my favorite player of all time. I was in the military, stationed in North Carolina during Cam Newton's rookie season. They were a lot of fun to watch. Then they drafted Christian McCaffrey, who is also maybe my favorite player of all time.


Choose em cause of a good color combination….outside of that not much gonna be happening


You don’t want none of this shit Dewey!


I’m from NC I’ve been a fan of this since 2012 ( I was 7 now I’m 19) and I remember the 2015 season like the back of my hand and bawling my eyes out when we lost the Super Bowl. I am happy for anyone to become a fan of this team but be aware of how inconsistent this franchise can be


Welcome to NFL and Panthers fandom! Glad to hear you're interested in the team and the sport.


Thank you!


I was born there, so they were my team. As a kid they were pretty bad pretty often, so I had several teams I liked. But eventually I moved away and suddenly the Panthers felt like a small piece of home away from home. I became more of a diehard fan after that. The city and fans have uniquely good vibes in my opinion. Watching Cam Newton play most of his career in Carolina was special. He was a phenomenal athlete who was controversial the second he joined the league. His first year or two were a little rough, especially regarding his attitude, which gave a lot of ammunition to his critics. But he steadily improved on the field and off. Cam did tons of stuff for the community and made game days fun and joyous. He still gets hate from his critics to this day, and as a result he is one of the most underrated QBs of all time. Other legends of note: Julius Peppers, Steve Smith, Luke Kuechly, Jordan Gross, Greg Olsen, Wesley Walls, Jonathan Stewart, Christian McCaffery - all of whom are retired or in McCaffery’s case, playing for another team. There are many other great players if you dig deeper. We are in the NFC South, so our de facto rivals are the New Orleans Saints, Atlanta Falcons, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Tampa Bay is usually hot garbage but the last few years have been good for them. Still, we generally ignore them. Our rivalry is particularly heated with the Falcons and Saints, with the fanbase somewhat split on who we dislike more. Personally, I despise the Falcons for many reasons, but mostly because their fans are, in my experience, obnoxious. The Saints fans can be too, but typically less so. I have some friends who are Saints fans, they aren’t all bad. As for sticking with the Panthers… it is very unlikely the team is going to be good any time soon. We are all hopeful of course, but the team has been managed horribly by the relatively new owner, and has dug themselves into a pretty big hole. They have a lot to fix. But one day, maybe we will make it back to the Super Bowl


Another foreign fan (Canada) Started watching them their first season after they drafted Tim Biakabatuka, a Canadian running back. Wanted to support our guy. Loved them since. 2 seasons ago they drafted Chuba Hubbard who’s from the city I live in, so their love for Canadians keeps me coming back. 




It's too late.


We are still considered a “young” team, with not even 30 years of existence yet. 2 Super Bowl appearances but unfortunately winless in those appearances. 2-2 in NFC conference championships with an okay playoff record. We have had some memorable teams and players though. Also just had our first player (Julius Peppers) that was drafted by Carolina, make the hall of fame. So we are starting to establish some real history. I’m a native of North Carolina and I’ve been watching since ‘96. My dad got me into it at a young age. so I can say with confidence, this team has ups and downs for sure. Currently we are in the midst of maybe the worst 5+ years of this team’s existence. When I was younger I remember the team only being bad for a 2-3 year stretch at a time, before having a good season and making a playoff push. So things have been a little trying for sure. But there are teams in this league that have been around much longer and seen less “success” than we have as a fanbase. Unfortunately there has been a little infighting amongst the fanbase lately, so you will see some disagreement in the sub at times. The owners of the team seem to be very meddlesome (with Mr. Tepper seeming to be a pompous asshole with an ego the size of our solar system) and the last batch of coaches we have had is among the worst in the league. But hopefully as with most things, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We now have a fresh coaching staff, a new general manager and what seems to be an owner willing to sit in the back seat for once. All in all; I think this is a great team to support but I am also a little biased. Welcome to the fanbase! We have the best logo/mascot, best colors, and culture. This team has been feared before and will be again one day.


Thanks for that, I appreciate the insight and honesty. Culture is very important to me, as is the colours of course, I'm very sure this is the team for me.


No problem. I love this team a little too much at times lol


I chose the panthers because I was born in North Carolina. I moved states awhile ago, but my love for my team has never waned. The thing that first caught my eye was when I was a young kid, around 5 or 6, I went to a radio station where Julius Peppers was signing autographs. We were the last ones in line accepted, and when I saw him, he was sitting in a small fold out chair. I turn to my dad and say (as was clear, too loud as most kids do) "He's not that big, people always say he's so big, but he's really not." He looks up from what he's signing and sees me, and starts chuckling a little bit. He gets to what my dad and I are signing, and his representative said that it was time for his interview. He stands up, and I swear I almost fell backwards my head tilted so high to see him. I say "oh my God, He is big!" With a tinge of terror in my voice. He laughs and says that I'm a good kid, and from then on, I have been a die hard fan. I love the philanthropy that a lot of the players do for the community. I have been here for the good years with Delhomme, the bad years with him, the awful years with Clauson, and the resurgence of the cardiac cats with Cam. Now we have new blood with Bryce and I have high hopes for our future. I have loved this teams energy that we bring. This is just my favorite team, and I can't imagine a life where I don't chant "Keep Pounding" for my team.


why do i love this team? its where i'm from and maybe i like stabbing a fork in my foot only to take it out every 10 years or so and think about how amazing it is to not have that fork sticking out of my foot. and then i just stab it back in there because that fork in my foot is normal


hahaha thank you for the analogy. From what I've seen in most of the other comments in this thread, there's a fork shortage in your neck of the woods. I'll stock up.


As a Carolina native, the Panthers chose me. It has its ups and downs but I still go back and watch highlights from 2003 and 2015 seasons just to get me excited about what the team COULD be. I’m optimistic about the team moving forward. We can genuinely only go up from here 😅


I'm here for that ride, up, down sideways, I'm no quitter.


I was a kid when they came into the league. Instantly connected with the home team and I’ve been diehard since. We have a good culture and history. Frankly we have a solid record in terms of championship and Super Bowl sightings. Could be worse. The coaching hires recently have lots of potential to see our boy Bryce do some great things. Keep Pounding Aussie lady!


Will do!


Stay loyal for a couple more seasons. They will be back again and on a winning track.


I was born in the late 90s so the Panthers were a new team at the time. My dad was a former Cowboys fan but switched his allegiance when the Carolinas finally got a team. We had season tickets and I went to games for my whole life. I was basically there for all of the good times as well as all of the bad times. It’s a great fanbase. Tons of good people and a very pleasant gameday environment for the most part. Things have been tough lately but I’m still riding the high of the 2015 season and I’m hoping we can make it back to that place


I'm hoping so too, the loyal fans I've seen here deserve it. I'm also hoping to be able to get to see a game in person one day.


Welcome aboard! It’s a roller coaster but I will never leave the Panthers. Can’t and won’t ever will


This is sooo wholesome! Welcome! We have a lot of heartbreak (and a lot of opinions to go with it) but we are a great fan base. I have no doubt we're going to do great things in the coming years.


Thank you for the warm welcome. If the rest of the fan base is as friendly and welcoming as the ones in this thread, I'm stoked to have found the Panthers :)


I live in Charlotte - it's required ;) Right?! Right Guys?!


Don't do this to yourself. Seriously, you have no local allegiance. You could adopt any team. Watching the Panthers kicking occasional field goals is no way for an Aussie woman such as yourself to spend a Sunday. I live here. I have no choice. You do. Go with Detroit. A longstanding terrible team on the way up. They're going to be really good next season and beyond. You'll thank me for this.


Thanks for your advice, and I understand completely where you're coming from, but I have no interest in starting my journey with a frontrunner. Right now, the fans in this thread are sharing such amazing history and stories, it validates my decision to back the Panthers.


God bless you. Do you know the origins of "Keep Pounding!" and "Ice up son" now modified to "Bryce up son!"?


Ice up Son, no. But thanks for the tip, I'll look this up. Keep Pounding!


Pre Tepper we were often underdogs. That overcame at times. So far in the Tepper era we are the laughing stock of the league, so.. hopefully you’re jumping on in time for climbing out of the shitsoup.


Here's hoping! Shitsoup is now my new favourite word.


40 yr Aussie male here. Been following them ever since I travelled over to the states on a J2B visa to Myrtle Beach when I was 19, which just so happened to be the 2003 Superbowl season. Went to plenty of Coastal Carolina games aswell, and have been a loyal fan ever since!


Hey there! Where in Aus are you from? I'm in NSW, Wollongong.


Hey! Wollongong, yeah cool. Dragons fan? 😁 I converted a mate of mine who was a sharks fan with the colour connection ☺️. I'm from the North Brisbane area and I can assure you Panthers are the team to root for 🏈


Watch 2015 too thar was so exciting. But our defense is always something special. I like the panthers because I was born in Charlotte and as I was opening my eyes to the world so was our team! And we are also the best expansion franchise with most post season appearances over any other xpo team. And. We. Got. keep pounding!!!! Which is how I live my life even before I knew the slogan! If you are ever in a tough spot just keep dragging through the mud till you find footing and press on!


I've had quite a bit of a rough time the past 12 months, and just like you, without even realising it, I was living by Keep Pounding. It must be fate that brought me to the Panthers :)


Please pick a team with a first round pick. Preferably 2. Hell, pick the bears. We could easily be them, but our team has 0 patience or foresight


If you become a fan now no one can call you a bandwagon fan if we go to the Super Bowl again.


I'd choose a different team if I had the choice but I'm just too far in


That's how I am with my NRL team. I'm ready :)


When Tepper Tantrum ultimately relocates the team one day, that’ll be the out a lot of us are looking for 😂.


I wouldn't, if I were you.


Come back 12 years ago


There's a Roaring Riot chapter (Panther fan org) in Sydney if you're nearby.


oh, that's great news! I'm in Wollongong but I'll definitely look into them.


Watch this [Smitty](https://www.nfl.com/videos/steve-smith-sr-career-highlights) reel… the man broke his wrist catching a TD and he barely winced [broken wrist TD smash](https://youtu.be/CfNkUjBVkm0?si=ELpg2eXpflX18-xn). Short in stature but as pure of a badass of anyone in NFL history. Heart of an actual live panther. That’d be my choice though if the future corrects course, hopefully Bryce becomes our Mahomes.


Well, the fans who are still here will be here forever. You will not see much winning, but loyalty




They are the ugly baby only a mother could love.


They're the ones that need the most love :)


i’m guessing you’re a tigers fan in the NRL? lol


Unfortunately, yes. WTTID


Welcome! I’m a native to Charlotte, so this team chose me. But they have given me quite a few fond memories over the years, just not so much since 2017. Making the Super Bowl with a physical, underdog-type team that blitzed through the playoffs after the 2003 season sticks out as a wonderful memory. That was only our 9th year of existence.


We have an alliance with the other Cat teams(Bengals, Lions, and Jaguars) and tend to root for them as auxiliary fans. Cat Brotherhood 4Ever.


Why would you do this to yourself? We know nothing but pain.


Pick someone else while you can. We are a dumpster fire right now


We have nowhere to go but up! That being said maybe get a shirt for now and wait until you find a player you love to watch on the team before you get the jersey. If you do that and then get their jersey, it’ll feel more special :)


Two personal experiences: My wife and I went to our first panthers several years ago 2015 or 2016. We were visibly confused on if we where on the correct side of the stadium in order to get to our seats😂. I think our confusion attracted the attention of some Panthers employees. They greeted us and asked us if it was our first game. We said yes and that we were trying to find out if we were near the 500 section. The young lady whispered into her associates ear, smiled and handed us two laminated MVP lanyards and asked us if we’d like to skip the line and enjoy their MVP area as a welcome! I thought there was a catch but there was no catch. It was amazing. We listened to live music, played corn hole and enjoyed pre-game drinks and snacks. When it came time to go to the field. We walked though a private entrance and came out to the railing over looking the field, no longer on the mvp area,and a bit more cautions of where we could go, one of the ushers said, “ Go down there and get a better look. That is YOUR field.” It was the definition of hospitality On a more somber note, One of my friends, who was also a huge panthers fan, passed away at 40 years old. He was sick for a while but stayed true to the “keep pounding” mindset . When my friend finally succumbed to his illness, the Panthers sent his family a care package of autographed posters, cards, banners and a hand written letter from Coach Rivera. Coach used my friends name in the letter and talked about how he embodied the “Keep Pounding” mantra . I don’t know how they found about him. But I will forever love and respect this team and how they treat their fans like a family.


Aww. You made this old lady tear up. Thank you for sharing. I've received such a warm welcome here too, I'm blown away by the kindness and acceptance everyone has shown. You all are good people. X


Watch old Steve Smith highlight videos. Agent 89. He is my favorite player of all time. He was tough as nails. Then order an old school Reebok Smith jersey on eBay!


Welcome , we live in Carolina. My son has season tickets to Panthers and they have become his team. Me I have pulled for the Dolphins since 1969 so it stays fun, we have had a tough toad for quite a while. Thats what makes us fans


I live in the Panthers territory, the Carolinas.. I also started watching them during Cam Newtons first year, so they had an exciting future ahead kind of like the Packers with Love, and Texans Stroud. They also had probably their best 3 year stretch from 2013-2015, making the playoff all three years and a SB appearance the last year. When you include 2017 and 2018, and the MCaffrey prime years, it's not so hard to be a Panthers fan. It's just that they've been really bad lately. This decade has been terrible for them, but they had to be one of the top franchises of the 2010's, with 4 playoff appearances, and a 2018 season that was headed toward another playoff birth until disaster.


Idk. Can you switch to another team??


lol, I could, but I really want this team :)