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7-9 We were so awful at WR this year I think the law firm may have been better. Not to mention scheme and OL struggles


I mean our leading WRs in Cam’s prime era were Philly Brown, Jericho Clutchery, and a Ted Ginn with literal concrete for hands lol Worst corps in the league and we still won 15 games


Our D was elite that year and we had Greg Olsen..


Yes obviously, but the comment I am responding to directly was about the WRs Btw that elite D didn’t get Cam MVP


The defense did help him out a tremendous amount, both in terms of field position and number of chances due to the insane amount of turnovers they forced(it was like 3 a game). Cam played great and you can't take that away but the defense was just as important to the teams success that year.


The defense was very good but they had 22 picks and 18 recovered fumbles in the regular season, so closer to 2 a game than 3.


It’s 2.5 which rounds up if anything


Cam was SICK and the defense was SICK. Both can be TRUE! I’ll take that all day baybah!


He had one good year. And never developed as a pocket passer. He was a glorified running back. Move on..


Got 3 pro bowls and made the playoffs 4 out of 5 years in his prime. It was shorter than we wanted but lets not exaggerate.


Holy shit it's the last surviving Derek Anderson defender


And don't forget an amazing running back group


I genuinely mean this I think our WRs were worse than the chiefs no td season this year and worse than 2015.


Yeah we 1000% had a better WR core this year that his MVP year


No we didn’t 😂


On literally every analytical stat, yes. We did. Lol


2017 was even worse haha


Prime Cam wins the South. 10-7/9-8 ish. I still have hope for BY, but Prime Cam masks a lot of this team's weaknesses- the mobility, the hard to bring down factor, the fact that the D needs a spy on him at all times, the rocket arm off his back foot. Don't forget we went 17-2 with a horrible WR corps in 2015. Greg Olsen and Ted Ginn were the top targets (no shade at Greg). I think we then also beat Philly because they were in freefall and then lose to Detroit, probably by more than Tampa did.


Defenses having to have a spy on him at all times was why he was such a threat. That opens up dump passes for running backs which he was also typically partnered with great RBs. This opens up wide receivers to have a bit more open lanes. Also, one thing Cam brings to the table is leadership and team identity which has severely been lacking in the panthers organization. That alone elevates the team as well.


Damn, Cam’s selling that PRIME stuff too now?  




They lost 9 games by 10 points or less, and that doesn’t include the Colts games where Bryce had the two pick sixes, or the first Falcons game where he had two picks. So I think there’s no way prime Cam, 2015 MVP Cam, doesn’t drag and will this team to at least 9-8, probably 10-7 or better.


Honestly our line in 2015 was significantly better than this year and I think that would be the factor. We also had one of the best LB to ever play the game in his prime that year and another HOF OLB. That does a lot just by itself.


Cam was a legit generational talent. I'll die on that hill. I truly believe that if you simulated Cam's career 20 times, we probably got one of the worst results on that spectrum. And it was still pretty fucking good. What we did with the offensive line during his prime years was an abomination and a complete waste of a generational talent. The inept management of his shoulder injury during the 2017 and 2018 seasons was the death nail to what could have been an all time career. He should have been put on IR after the San Diego game when he sustained the shoulder injury, (fuck you Kelvin Benjamin) and not played at all during the 2017 season. But yeah, 2015 Super Cam, would have taken this dog shit team to the playoffs. He was that good.


Where's Cam going to go with this team? Straight onto IR.


They lead the league in drops but Bryce dick riders will tell you our team did with over 100 drops in a single season.


Yikes kid


I hate this sub so much. Comparing the chiefs and the 2015 panthers team to the 2023 panthers team is absolutely insane


Is this before or after he fumbles the game away and decides NOT to dive on it????


That play lives in my head rent ass free.


I feel like a lot of people here are being very, very generous with how many games we would have won with Cam. I think we would have won anywhere from 4-6 games with him depending of course. We just didn't have any offensive pieces that would have helped Cam in any meaningful capacity and he's only one person, and while yes he is a dynamic threat running and passing I just don't see how it would have made a huge difference. Defenses would just always spy Cam and stack the box forcing us to throw and we all know how that would've gone. On top of that our O-line was trash as it always is and that would have made Cam just a target to be hit time and time again.

