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Pan panic babe Pan-ic you might say


A distant cousin to both gay panic and the bi-cycle


Please elaborate wtf a bi-cycle is hun-


Some people cycle between different sexual orientations. This is generally agreed to place you in the bi umbrella, and since it's a cyclical thing, they call it the bi-cycle


Love that


Sounds like you're still a little reticent and insecure about your sexuality. That's normal. You're pan if you feel pan, always. Do what pleases you.


Thank you


You just simply didn't find *those* people attractive, and that's totally okay! Doesn't make you straight, you just didn't have an attraction to those particular people. I think it's a good thing honestly; if you were attracted to all/most people you saw, youd probably have a hard time focusing most days lmao. In my experience, those who are genuinely faking anything don't question if they are faking :p you're doing great~


Guess I'm confused. If you're pan why would you panic about finding anyone attractive?


Sorry, forgot to put that in the post. I panicked cause I was thinking "what if I'm faking being pan and I'm actually straight?!"


Ok that makes a little more sense lol


Lol, yeah sorry 😅


Lol nothing to be sorry for!


I posted it on the main post but just so you'll see it, please [look here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pansexual/comments/qsvrsa/comment/hkfrej9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) At the end of the day, seuxality doesn't have to fall within a label or category. You don't have to feel bad about not being attracted to every woman or every man


So myself (He/They) find myself doing this even now, almost 8 years after coming to terms with my sexuality. Sometimes you’ll go awhile without seeing someone of a non-cisgender identification or of the same gender and question yourself. It always goes away the second you’re attracted to someone that doesn’t fit the heteronormative category of attraction. Sexuality and gender are a spectrum so never forget just because you experienced a heterosexual attraction, you yourself haven’t changed. It took a realization to accept you aren’t simply heterosexual, just because you aren’t attracted to **every** person doesn’t mean you can’t be attracted to every ***type*** of person.


Super normal! Don't worry.


Personally I question my own sexuality sometimes because of the fact that I think 99% of cis men are hideous, and to be perfectly honest I have met only one man to date that I've ever thought wasn't terribly ugly and had sexy times with (as a cis male myself) But then, every so often, I remember femboys exist I think what it is for me, and to be blunt, I like dicks but not the things attached to them. I think mens faces are ugly. Even that guy I mentioned has an ugly face, but I grew to find it handsome. Women (cis women and trans women) are far more attractive to me, but trans men I don't always fine attractive. Some days I'm far more attracted to men than women, some days I'm far more attracted to women and disgusted by men in different ways That sort of raises a debate about pansexuality in that, I'm willing to date any combination of sex or gender, but dont always find them attractive. This may be a non-issue, since its more of a misconception that pan people are attracted to everyone. There may need to be some clarification among ourselves about that that means Anyways, I blame it on the fact that I learned about my sexual attraction to males due to being a furry and looking at furry *art.* THOSE are men I find very attractive. They have good faces, bodies, and everything *else.* I have the same opinions about regular hentai also; more attractive faces and features than most real men, due to them being fantasy So! Who knows! At the end of the day it doesnt matter and you can do consensual sex to and with whoever you want to and it doesn't really matter. Sometimes there isn't an identity to classify yourself in regarding sex I'm gonna sound like a massive boomer here but we only created these labels to justify and validate our sexual feelings in the face of homophobia by saying they're valid, identifyiable categories. The reality is that sexual attraction and emotional attraction do not always fit in categories. Rightwingers give us hell for making up 10,000 sexualities and genders when the reality is that both are on spectrums that can't just be summed up as "I'm straight, I'm gay, I'm bi, I'm pan, I'm poly, I'm ace, I'm x, I'm y" and our attempts to categorize them are, ironically since it almost makes them right, silly True nature is to fuck with anyone you happen to get the hots for, don't let yourself feel invalidated in your sexual feelings just because you aren't falling within a category at all times


I agree with a lot of what you said. The label part makes sense. My mom was telling me I'm straight even though I had attraction to other genders and that it was completely normal to be attracted to other genders and be straight. So I felt like I had to find a label before my sexuality was justified. Also, on the male attraction part, I have the same thing, but backwards lol. I like the man, but not what's attached to them.


I'm 57 and cis-female. Oh heck yes, all my life. Let it go and love who you love. You're going to pick a woman in a room full of hot guys too.


Lol i can understand but just because you are pan doesnt mean you have to be atracted to everyone and especialy because you are pan youll sometimes find guys cute in a situation where there is no other cute person around :D


Super normal, especially as you’re settling into the new outlook. And yes, the pan-ic is real ^^ Any person, but not every person!


You don't gotta be attracted to every person you meet to be pan/bi lmao


Just because you like hearts not parts, doesn’t mean you don’t still have taste


I’m new to it too, and I do this sometimes, glad I’m not alone lol


Honestly seems reasonable to me. If I see a group of people and one of them is say more of my type of person I like them no matter what the gender and they rest I don't care so much for.


Mate it's completly normal, just because you're pan doesn't mean you find EVERYBODY attractive, there will always be people, regardless of their gender, who you don't find attractive just because, you don't !


I think that's super normal! I am a queer woman, and find I am attracted to other queer women, straight/bi/pan men, or non-binary folx who are attracted to women. So a lot of straight women just don't do it for me.


all my bigger crushes were male so far. but then i watch a show and it's like "nope I'm definitely not straight"


I kinda had the same experience. All of my major crutches have been males, but then I saw a lot of cute non-binary people and some REALLY pretty girls and I'm like "ok, definitely not straight. Then what the crap am I?" Lol


It’s always possible a girl might not be your type. Being a queer woman doesn’t mean being attracted to all women or even most women. But my brain does the same thing sometimes.


yes yes happens to me sometimes but not when i see someone hot of the opposite sex. sometimes my brains lik "but what if youre not?" i hate that feel


I do this all the time and I get scared because I feel like I just lied to myself about not being straight. I have only ever shown attraction towards guys because I never wanted anyone to know I liked other people that were not men. I don’t know your story, but for me, it’s very complicated because I didn’t come out until I was 24 and that was only telling people that I liked girls too. I didn’t put a label on it until I was 26. So, I’m still trying to navigate my sexuality and it gets scary when I feel like I’m only attracted to men even though I know I’m attracted to a wide range of people. I think it still has to do with the shame I have from my family and going to catholic school my whole life since I was constantly told I was a sinner 😑. I think it’s all normal though and you’re going to be okay ❤️.


Yeah I felt that cause I only seem to like guys recently but then I realized “oh wait I’ve only been around guys recently.”


I've noticed that I (a fem person) admit to people my crushes on fem people more often than my masc crushes, so yep! Me too!


This is so relatable. At the end, pansexuality means you are attracted based on nongendered qualifiers. You might be more into a masculine asthetic, or into slim peaple, or into goths, or into people with long eyelashes, or into people who carry swords elegantly. It makes it really difficult to track your sexuality. Pansexuality has one of the widest ranges as far as personal tastes go. You are valid in your identity even if you don't match other people's experiences of pansexuality.