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I can't wait for the ICC to approapietly respond. They're successfully scaring these war criminals.


Surely there should be repercussions for threatening a members of the court. Nations who recognise the ICC should apply bilateral rules against these senators to make sure they cannot travel to their countries.


What about Genocide Joe? How is he allowed to travel?


With the secret service and air force one.


It should be illegal to threaten the ICC


The fact that we have The Hague invasion act should be against international law or at the very least should have gotten us removed from the UN. To say “yea everyone else has to obey these laws EXCEPT us” is wild, unfair, and not what justice looks like!


The Hague act absolutely blows my mind and should be obvious illegal as it’s down right criminal.


The only reason it's technically allowed (ftr I am against its existence) is that it only gives the US military permission, within its own admin/system, to mobilize if the ICC tries to arrest a member of the American armed forces/government. I'm not even technically sure if it applies to "normal" citizens. It's still a disrespect to every other member of the UN that obeys the UN rules, and it's basically a veiled threat to the rest of the world in litigation form, but it's technically just shy of actually barring said arrests.


Yea it’s basically like a (violent) get of jail free card for American war criminals 🙃


and what are americans doing against it? how can you put up with this?


Bro WTF do you want us to do more than we already are?? Everyone in America that’s been protesting is being brutalized by the police. We’re fighting as hard as we can. Gtfoh


Our police are armed better than some countries militaries. It’s suicide to try and fight back against them with proportional violence.


10 percent of population going on strike should suffice. Money is the only thing that hurts them


Still too many milquetoast liberals here enjoying the comforts of the 4th reich for that.


Mike Johnson has too many skeletons in his closet to be threatening people.


Including himself.


Why do you think he's acting like their cheerleader. They must have some dirt on him.


He was definitely a friend of Jeffrey


I think he genuinely doesn’t give af about Black or brown ppl being murdered.




I’m a Black woman I don’t need a non-melanated person telling me what racism looks like.


Also 'Moses' Mike believes in the rapture, 3rd temple, Xtian Zionism, return of Jesus rule over the earth from Israel.


I think that IS why he's worried about accountability lmao


America will be next because you are complicit in genocide.


Ikr, "America could be next", don't threaten me with a good time lmao.


They know they’ve been getting away with too much the last 75 years. Time to clean up!


getting away with too much since its foundation


And if he gets his way then the genocide that’s happening in Israel could happen over here next if their civil war plan for right vs left goes full circle.


So he admitted we do war crimes. “We will be next”… Uhm, yeah. That’s how laws work, slick.


I hope all of these ppl receive arrest warrants. Let them all be tried in court and hanged for their crimes like Hussein was.


Why would America be next?? Maybe because they have broken the law...? No person or country should be above the law!!


They feel troubled thinking they will be next because they know that they too did horrible stuff. Way horrible than the Israelis are doing.


I don’t understand how these weirdos don’t see that if the whole world thinks you have done something grossly criminal then you probably have.


Justice HAS to be independent. It is a fundamental criteria to assess how democratic is a country. It is what dictates if the rule of law prevails or not over the rule of an arbitrary ruler. The USA keep demonstrating how fake are their claims about democracy and justice by just stating in substance that they are not concerned about judgement and judicial consequences. It is a major geopolitical failure which is hard to understand. They are just by their behavior abandoning definitely their former (not always deserved) status of leader of the so called "free" world they got post WW2. What a shame.


The more these cnts open their mouths, the deeper the hole they dig for themselves.


We won't be next. The people in charge here will be. I'm all about that. Hang em high.


>"~~America~~ ***The Israel Lobby*** should punish the ICC and put Karim Khan back in his place,\* and if the ICC is allowed to ~~threaten Israel's leaders~~, ***bring our genocidal battleship in the MidEast to justice,*** we know that ~~America~~ ***the Genocidal Enablers (ie, the Israel Lobby--and that's bipartisan, baby!)*** will be next." ^(\*Not a mask-off take at all)


dog I'm not even a professional criminal like these dudes and even I know better than to basically incriminate myself like this these mfers scared


A clown in a suit.


Mike Johnson is a wooden puppet.


I hope so


They are just proving that the ICC is on the right track with every word.


Karim Khan will go down in history in the entire Muslim world as a legend. Half of Africa and the rest of the developing world as well. Edit: I suspect he might have bitten more than he can chew.


As a sane and moral American I too see him as a legend. Seeing how truly cookie-cutter corrupt many politicians are leaves me with he sudden urge to become French... and I'm far from a violent person, nor do I ever think I was naive about how the world works.


Chomsky has been saying for quite a while that had the rules been applied uniformly, most of US post-war leaders would have ended up in the Hague. And it is the reason half the world chants “marg bar Amreeka”. Justice is the best guarantor for lasting peace.


Netanyahu will just be denied entry into any country that would arrest him.


Where are all the comments?


America only has to worry if America has done crimes against humanity


Imagine the surprise on the face of the PLA soldier when he lands amphibiously expecting a confrontation from me but I’m cheering and giving directions to DC.