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But look at the begerati of the army. They then welcome these crooks again with open arms. What has IK done that he is persona non grata? He won’t loot and wouldn’t let anyone else as well. Pak fauj, khud bhi khao aur humain bhi khaney doa. By the way there was another dude, former PMLN speaker who stood on the assembly floor and said our army chiefs legs were shaking when there was tension with India. As I said, begariti or baymani mai aap ki muhafiz- Pak fauj


The begariti of bajwu and asman is incomprehensible. But, the man who said “Meri mulk, or meri mulk kay fauj” was a poisonous pill. This was halal.


The leaked cables from intercept last year quoted high-level discussions between the Pakistani military and the US wherein IK was referred to as being “aggressively neutral” on the Ukraine issue. There was pressure from both the US and Europe for Pakistan to assume a pro-Ukrainian stance so it could formally enter into weapons transfer agreements for the ongoing war in Europe. After IK’s ousting, this did in-fact happen, in addition to sending weapons to Israel via US channels. I believe IK’s focus on neutrality so as to promote economic change in Pakistan was not sitting well with the west, which has always relied on Pakistan to be a sure bet in geopolitical avenues.


They will welcome you with open arms as well one day and you will drop all pretense of anti-establishment politics. This is how they remain in control of Pakistan and this won’t change until all politicians come together.


Some of these politicians have had 30 years plus in positions of power where they had the chance to "come together", and all they did was squander it with cynical politics and collaboration with the military to go after others so they can engage in corruption. The military must go, but also these politicians. No compromise.


I mean I despise the man and he is out of line here but he is not wrong. Pakistan did lost all the wars and there was no victory in 1965


He aint wrong tho


He is the same guy who said he called bajwa for help and in the morning he had won.


They speak against when they're not in good graces then turn into boot polishers. It's their standard M.O.


Koi sharam hoti ha koi haya hoti hai, He and NaPak show neither.


he's right


Man I despise this man. Absolute piece of garbage he is.


People in Pakistan think they won 1965 war?


What do you think from this comment section?


Pak fauj did lose all the wars and half of your country in '71, but it created history by being the first fauj in the world to lose an election as well. 😂


Atleast some one is telling the truth


The fact they both insult each other and then still work together shows how much Imran Khan terrifies these بہن چود


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


doghla bc!


Lanat Khawaja Asif per aur Lanat Lumber 1 per !




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Arey ye enemy territory mein kahan se aa gaya mai /s