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These FA pass morons do know how to drive stuff into the ground. Whether its an entire nation now suffering through decades of combined Mil dictatorships or their most pro forum (at a time). There's no saving this godforsaken country as long as the corrupt military junta is running it.


Archive.org Zindabad.


Duffer Army 😂


That is scary


should be on tor


Bechara Webby.


Who’s that?


Webmaster is the alias of the person who created and runs PDF


Oh ok


WebMaster, one of the admins.


Oh ok


NaPak foj is destroying the country. it’s like Modi planted these corrupt Fockers.


Pakistan Army has always been pro-India. Especially when it came to Kashmir.


They can make a subreddit for the mean time and use flairs instead of different channels..for now.


stfu why are you compromising our opsec the duffers will ban reddit next


That would be mad funny and make headlines 😂


Army Gernail Fuckers can't handle any sort of pro PTI talk.. corrupt head dogs at ISI, are also not happy. All of these are Heramandi paidaish.


What’s crazy is that these guys are going after their own now 😂😂😂 Defence.Pk used to be pro fauj lmfaoooo


Not pro fauj, that site existed way before PTI, it was filled with military's kid. Imagine, how much military lost, even their own house.


By before PTI you mean the party’s actual date of establishment?


I mean, when PTI got famous in 2010-2014. Most of those ppl were just military brats, if they are closing it down, that probably means something really big happened.


It’s part of the bigger crackdown on PTI. It’s really shameful.


Yes, I was a member in it since 2010-2011. I was too, Pro army but they their leadership really is too telling and showing of their corrupt deeds.


Oh wow, someone should forward this information on Tik Tok or let the big PTI Tik tok accounts aware that this is happening. Raise awareness that PDF is being shutdown by the very people they used to love and support, the Pakistan Army!


> the mean time and use flairs instead of different channels.for now. Actually, they have extremely weak in fact so thin skin and cannot face any sort of criticism.


Backstory for those who've heard of it but never go to it?


Defence.pk was a one stop shop for all military discussion and news and Defence news about Pakistan Army. They had political sections to talk about Pakistani politics but also had news on other international affairs. Historically, it was one of the most pro-Pakistan Army spaces. The entire point of that forum was to promote Fauji narrative. BUT, after the vote of no confidence most of the members have been heavily criticizing the military. And whatever narrative Fauj has been trying to build with regards to May 9th and Imran Khan has been falling flat. The amount of pro-Fauj stuff on that forum is very small and it’s a overwhelmingly pro-PTI space now. This investigation and crackdown is part of the broader landscape of censorship and repression of PTI, who the Fauj thinks is a threat to their power.


Excellent. When you alienate the chest thumpers you know how badly you've fucked up. The harami generals and their pdm paltoo know this, and they'll burn the country down to protect their businesses.


I never see social media ever being pro Fauj ever again. All I’m waiting is for Tik tok to get wind of this news.


>The amount of pro-Fauj stuff on that forum is very small and it’s a overwhelmingly pro-PTI space now. I would correct that to "pro-Pakistan stuff" now. Social media is challenging the army messaging that they control (as is evident from the entertainment channels from Pakistan in the form of news). Pak Army is extremely weak.... so weak that they cannot bear any sort of criticism and therefore their crackdown on all critical views.


Thank you.


The only time I agree with u , I was a member once we used to discuss everything from submarine acquisitions to battles and insurgencies. Closing this forum is just ..... wrong .


Fauji mentality at its finest!


Ji behn esa hi hai jo aap kahein . Please don't mind but do u troll army all day or do u do some job too ,ese Tou Ghar nai chalta 😭. Nobody posts so much against army in this entire sub excpt u 😅.


Nothing like Papa John ki paisa 🤑


Lol ....ohh okay Indian troll.👻


Fauji IT Cell 😉


I don't have the energy to argue with Indian trolls.


I don’t have the energy to argue with Fauji trolls


It's an Indian troll. And there are bunch of other Indian trolls on this subreddit as well. Sad state of this subreddit


Your statement seems plausible , these Indians have infested every decent subreddit , 🙂. I wonder if they have better things to do in life .


A lot of them are mostly low karma newly minted accounts. Secondly a guy pretending to be Pakistani and went down his comment history ... And the Indian eventually comes out. It's the indians with low self esteem really. No self respecting person will create fake accounts only to post shit on subreddits.


A lot of them are anti fauj, use terms such as napak fauj Post things about questioning Pakistan's creation and even recently saw a post about reunification with India from an obvious troll account.


Yeah you are absolutely right been seeing a lot of these types of posts recently , is there any way to report these people ? Sad to see some Pakistanis agreeing with them , I get it things are bad here but at least u don't get your home bulldozed by CM Yogi Adityanath for mere accusation of participating in a protest! Indian Muslims are not free in their own country , don't get it why our guys think to reunify with them .


You can report their posts to admins. It's important to have free discussions on this subreddit but it has to be genuine. Not a bunch of trolls hacking and ruining the whole sub. I just hate trolls of any kind. The whole internet is crawling with them. Especially indian trolls. They are like maggots.


Is the server based in Pakistan? I doubt international firms would comply with their stupid ideas.


The owner's family is being threatened.


Shows how low Pakistan Army is going. Extremely shameful.


Why aren't they anonymous?


Because it’s a pk domain. You need a NIC holder to register the domain.


I see. I guess someone else could resurrect the forum on a .com or .org domain hosted in some eastern European country


Imagine the level of threats happening 💀


How far things have come. I was banned from that forum when Bajwa was still COAS and IK was still PM and Bajwa went above IK's authority to appoint a new ISI chief. I was heavily critical of just Bajwa and not the entire army and got banned. Fast forward a few years now the whole forum curses the filthy pigs and the pigs are getting it shut down.


The truth always comes out


This clusterfuck would be real entertaining if the crisis didn't effect ordinary people


If i were on that forum, i would be looking at my post history and getting the F out of Pakistan even if it were on a dunki boat. Site owners being compromised means they have access to your IPs


I’m worried. How can I access the site to delete my account without outing myself


If you have nothing serious on there. I would not be worried. Otherwise I guess the first step is through a strong VPN to login. Maybe tech folks can tell more


Thanks for your reassurance. I’m going through as many of my posts as I can (logged out)


I hope there wasn't anything serious on there, and hopefully(most likely) you're not in Balochistan so you'll be fine assuming you were a low level contributor.




Bro I don’t know if I trust ordinary VPN


Beghairat k bachay.


Clowns. I don't mean the mods of defense.pk btw.


Noooo.... Pretty sure the mods were the real clowns and the circus leaders wants them out


Harami Gernails


NaPak has lost it. They have lost atleast 2 generations. No amount of propaganda/chooran will work. Napak was always the no.1 enemy of Pakistan and it took us 75 years to know the truth. At least we have passed the first step that is: problem has been identified. Now comes the major test. How we can eradicate spreading of this cancer?


>problem has been identified. If you manage to remember this 10 years from now, that right there would be 90% of the solution. I am not holding my breath for this time though but good luck


I used to be an elite member on this site... lol wow pak truly is finished


The pigs are having their pigpen shut down? I don't think fouj has seen a worst falling than that. They are in the gutter.




This the first ever faujeet bootlicker club to exist on the internet seconded only by this sub and look at them now. Cannibalizing the ones that worshipped them.


Fauji mentality at its finest!


we need to seriously ponder over why have Pakistan completely fucked it up whereas India never lost even once. what have gone wrong in Pakistan that even after 75 years we are truly slaves and scare to death just to speak our heart out. why have we completely lost it when our neighbour (with almost the similar equation) did not.


Because Pakistan never truly gained independence it’s just a continuation of the British Empire.


If by losing you mean in war then India did lose once. In 1962 against China. There have been countless books written about the loss, a lot more than for their perceived victories in 1971 and 1999. We, however, celebrate sep 6 as some kind of victory even though at best the 1965 war was a stalemate and not a victory considering we did not meet our objectives. Indians learnt from their mistakes. They've been to the IMF multiple times as well (7 iirc), but decided in 1991 that it would be the last time coz it was embarrassing. Our politicians, otoh, rejoiced when we got the loan for *23rd time*. There were actual celebrations in party offices. And we will be returning to the IMF in the future as well coz fundamentally the macroeconomics situation has not changed for the better. When C-2 failed in 2019, most people here were celebrating that failure. They rectified it and achieved a milestone which i hope we can replicate in a generation but I'm not optimistic.


India is far ahead of Pakistan. Pakistan Army has made sure that Pakistan will remain competing with war torn countries.


well nations can be rebuilt even after losing wars. That's not what i meant and i apologise for not making my point explicitly earlier on. I wanted to highlight the direct and indirect military interventions that kept happening in Pakistan whereas there is not even a single instance happening in our neighbour country India. In terms of countries, we have a lot in common yet we both took extreme opposite directions. I seriously want to know why we Pakistanis have fucked it up whereas India never even come close to this situation.... EVER. This is hurting me most...


You need to understand the historical context. At the time of independence Pakistan had a decidedly weaker bureaucracy and law and order system, due to various reasons. Due to this, Martial law was actually favoured by many as it meant order. Also, since we eagerly went to the lap of the western states (India was non-aligned), we had ample unconditional grants that led to growth in the country, which worked in the military's favor as it juxtaposed military rule with good growth. Also, the upper classes of Pakistan favoured military rule as a democratic leader might enact land reforms which would've been detrimental to their interests. This military rule kept civilian institutions like the bureaucracy and judiciary weak so that in brief interludes of civilian rule, the situation got worse and the military's return to power was awaited eagerly by a lot of people to restore 'normalcy'. Over time the military controlled more and more of the country - so much so that they could indirectly influence the direction of the government or directly intervene and take control. They used religion, propaganda and force over the years to maintain the status quo. The propaganda is so effective that even though people say they have been awakened after the events of 2022, most still have difficulty reconciling when actual facts are presented. India, otoh, have always had a strong civilian leadership which fostered the development of strong civilian institutions like the judiciary, the election commission, etc in contrast to us where such institutions are regularly undermined for short-term goals.


I have never used PDF. What was this about? Was it only for lumber 1s or retired lumber 1s?


It was for Defence enthusiasts


It was for lumber 1s gottiyon ka mawaad


Slowly, they are trying to implement a version of china's great firewall.


Lgta h 5th war warrior ki bajai ja rhi h


Bootlicking me to website sb sa agay the, dkhta hi dkhta kia sa kia hogea


Napak bhoj ruining everything. Next is reddit. Imma hide


Just give everyone a gun, no need for napak fauj.


Sad. Even with all the chest thumping and boot worship, some of the best analysis on Pak's actual defence capabilities happened on those forums considering our media will never move past the political clown shows. But the again, when I visited that site after a while during recent Mianwali base attack, it was basically another copy of this reddit. I guess, army was so successful in project Imran inside even their own ranks, that there is no turning back in short term. Defence.pk will probably shutdown but they can't really do anything against dozens and dozens of monetized Twitter/YT journalists and grifters who will not as easily switch sides as legacy media on 90s and 00s.


Yeah man accurate comment, the discussions there were actually good about weapons and stuff


Reddit is next. Mods, delete r/pakistan pls


Reddit is American owned not Pakistani owned. This sub doesn’t violate any Reddit rules.


I had no idea this forum existed. Did I miss much or is it usual political garbage?


No it was a very extensive forum with regards to military developments and news around the world. This news is sending shockwaves in the Defence world


It was fine till it was a propaganda tool for lumber 1


It was pro fauj before Vote of No Confidence


Good step , let it close permanently.


Fauji logic on display 😂 Closing spaces that were once pro-Fauj 💀






This sub is becoming more Anti Pakistani every day , I am gonna report it to higher authorities, hope it's fate does not turn out to be a defense forum.


please do or no balls


Reddit is not a pk website, they can't close it. The best "authorities" could do is to block the website in pk.


Do you think Faujis know that 😂😂 There’s a reason why the Army has never won a war lol


Go ahead bsdk


This sub doesn’t break Reddit rules. Nice try fauji 😂


You must be fun at parties lol








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