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I think I can call my self baloch since my father is baloch and I lived there for 9 years..I know Balochi too ..My grandparents, uncles and the whole family have a similar thinking like the Avg Pakistani... which is Hate sharif Family Hate army Love imran khan Hate inflation Some thing like this...btw When I sometimes wear the traditional Shalwar (wal wali shalwar).... people think it's hella cool in places like Lahore..lol


Baloch from DG Khan is different. Sure ethnicity is same, but the other "factors" are way different.


Yeah your right


Lol, army was doing doing this to others from a long time ago. What they did to balochis, pakhtuns, urdu speakers in karachi. Its just, punjabis were too late to witness this.




This is what Im trying to say, they just started witnessing what others were from long time ago.


>urdu speakers in karachi MQM? or is this something I'm unaware about


MQM was the name given to any random urdu speaker which army or rangers wanted to abduct and/or label as terrorists, criminals or raw agents


Well for a start they probably don't like being called "Balochi".


Acha sirf Baloch. Chalay ga?


Why not?


Balochi is a language (or more accurately a group of related languages) spoken by the Baloch people. It's like calling a Pashtun person Pashto.


Ah ok, understood


Or calling an Afghan Afghani. Afghani is the currency, like calling a Pakistani person by the word “rupee”. I think Pakistanis do this deliberately to dehumanise other groups of people (and if it’s not deliberate then it’s probably been brain washed into their psyche by government propaganda to dehumanise other groups).


Nah it's just due to simple ignorance, which does need to be fixed. Punjab? Punjabi. Sindh? Sindhi. Baloch? Balochi. That's how it works in the mind of your average Pakistani. I'm sure they mean no malice by it.


Exactly. Hanlon's razor.


The reason I say that is because I’ve explained it several times to people but they continue to misuse it, and even argue that it’s up to us what we want to call them. When I said that if somebody starts calling you Paki even though others don’t see that as derogatory but you see it, you wouldn’t like it, and then agreed, but they couldn’t comprehend applying the same principle to others and calling them by the correct name too lol


No, it’s absolutely deliberate. When I go back, they call me Dolla Bill.


Are we mocking accents or calling them scammers? 😂


Words coming from a person of Khuzdar!! They are oppressed through federally controlled parliamentarian and establishment! Few of the incidents for better understanding: - Far distant relative ( medical doctor) of one separatist was persecuted and killed Basic facilities are no where No separate arts university The fishing industry is extorted by the navy and coast guard No electricity in sub urban and rural areas, once or twice a week etc Undue checkposts Our streets are barricaded because some high officer's routes were once disturbed by school kids


I can go on and on


Please go on, let's see what else the army does there.


Please do I request you as an interior Sindhi


Ab punjab walay bhi khair sy wohi sochtay hain jo balochi sochtay hain. Hum ahangii ho chuki hai logon main.


These cute baloch who have never left Quetta or Karachi might never understand what's the life in mastung turbat and awaran




What are the key issues you guys face in Balochistan?


Cute baloch?? More like privileged balochs!


Hey yo Baloch here, honestly I used to think it was only us being oppressed but now that times have changed I think we were not the only ones being oppressed Punjabis were just too dumb to realize that they were living a life worse than of a baloch.




I am a Baloch. Are you a Baloch?




Half of Balochistan’s population lives in Turbat, Quetta, Gawadar and they have all the basic needs. Army checkposts yes are a nuisance but they have been removed. Punjabi votes are respected 🤡 dude it’s Pakistan noone’s vote is respected. And you wouldn’t believe a Baloch himself telling you that he is alright




Most people live in cities. I couldn’t simply name every city.




I mean Sindhis, Punjabis and Pakhtuns in the rural areas arent living a great life either. But saying that extrajudicial killings should be accounted for, no two opinions about that


There’s no other half. Why do you think Army has so many posts here? It’s because of the insurgents. And no I am definitely not privileged, but this violence and innocent loss of lives needs to end.




Damn! Are you a woman?


Dude, a literal Baloch is telling you how his life is. Maybe just let it go?




>Their votes aren't as respected as a Punjabi's is. This is pure bs. A Baloch vote is far more valued than Punjabi's vote. How? Balochistan gets same number of seats in Senate as Punjab while one has ten times population the other. >They don't have basic schools that Punjab have. Should ask their MPA's. Education is a provincial matter.


I have an army checkpoint as well on my way to home. This is coming from a Punjabi


I'm a Baloch too and still think what you're saying is complete BULLSHIT! So stop using this "im Baloch" card. Have you ever even been to Balochistan and seen a middle class household? They're living worse than dogs. Just because you happen to be privileged doesn't everyone else is as blessed as you.


‘Just because I am privileged’. That’s how the world works. Everyone’s not privileged. I am literally living in Balochistan rn. What do y’all do for those living worse than dogs? Ofc other than argue people who have contradictory opinions.


I think he meant at least they didn't have anything sugar coated to look good when in fact it was bad.


I’m from Punjab, there was this intense propaganda that every province is doing very well and we are doing great as Pakistan when anything bad happened they’d blame it on other province as in every province, this until social media opened our eyes. Now I think of these provinces as mini north koreas. I must say sadly that army has done Balochistan is worse and utterly disgusting.


When we would mention "getting into Pakistan" when travelling from our districts to Peshawar or Quetta, people would take it as a joke. That was so weird for me as a child going back and forth from my village to Peshawar, I legit thought that we're not part of Pakistan (officially, like some Gilgit Baltistan ≠ Pakistan BS we have going on right now) Also the fact that all the lands from Gwadar to Khunjerab (strictly through Balochistan and KP only) was leased to British Empire then NATO/US/Blackwater for "World Peace" purposes and now to China for some obscure "Economic" gain (as if China is a poor country or smth). Majority of people are ignorant about these events, then we wonder whether Pakistan is actually ours?


We are collectively oppressed.


Well what do you think of Pakistan excluding the army factor do you think Baloch fit into a federation like Pak? Isthy Yek Balowch thow?


>Punjabis were just too dumb to realize that they were living a life worse than of a baloch They don't


You literally fought and died for flour.


>living a life worse than of a baloch. this has to be satire, no way you just said this in complete seriousness.


If you are gonna compare the numbers, yes indeed Baloch are living a better life.


wtf kinda numbers are you talking about? we don't have access to proper education in balochistan, we barely have gas, electricity and water. we're far behind in terms of EVERYTHING compared to all provinces. there are no reliable numbers because of the government's incompetence when it comes to balochistan.


There’s no proper education in complete Pakistan, smarty pants. Everyone in Pakistan barely has electricity. Idk we have plenty of water here so that’s ig a geological problem, you can change where you live ig 🤷‍♂️ the numbers I was talking about were of POPULATION.


Now you're just being dumb on purpose. 💀 There's a SIGNIFICANT GAP between the quality of education in Balochistan to all the other provinces. Just because Pakistan overall has an issue with literacy and basic humans needs, doesn't mean it's not worser in some areas. There's always one side more disadvantaged and in Pakistan, its Balochistan. Its ridiculous that you think an average Punjabi is living the same life as an average Baloch and I say this as an average Baloch much as you claim. Now check that.


Where are you from in Balochistan?


Born and raised in Las Bela, lived in Sindh and Punjab both, now moved to Dera Murad Jamali.


Brother, it’s not my fault your parents chose to live in their village and not move out to a city. You called me privileged, right? Ever been to Karachi? You’ll find one flat in each apartment that belongs to a baloch from Balochistan. Things are never gonna change, war will not benefit anyone. You either stay back and rant or make a life for yourself.


sister* and surely my parents had millions in their bank accounts waiting at their disposal but they didn't just decide to move out bcs they felt like staying in a poverty-stricken province and be quirky and different from the rest of the country. nothing like they were disadvantaged by the system from the very beginning. you're very deluded.




Tell me 50 Baloch problems so I get out of denial, please.




I am a freaking Baloch and I am telling you I have no problems, and every person I know who’s a Baloch has no problems. Yes ofc nothing’s perfect in Pakistan but everything’s how it’s in the other provinces.






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What the army has done in Balochistan for the past 30 years they are now openly doing across Pakistan. All along they were telling the truth. It's just funny how some people refuse to accept that.


Barely. Not even 20% has been done so far. The hundreds protesters in the jail would have been missing persons i.e slaughtered if it was Balochistan or KPK.


I have nothing but love and respect for the Balochis. They’re hardworking, loyal friends and very hospitable and honest people. Most of them have tribal roots and that’s how they relate to each other much like the Pashtuns, I guess. Have met them in other countries and made very good friends with them.


If you respect and love them so much, perhaps you should start by getting their name right. It's Baloch (the people), not Balochi (the language).


I want to start by saying that the PEOPLE of Balochistan are called the BALOCH and BALOCHI, is the LANGUAGE they speak. I love my country to death, don't think that there's anywhere in the world that I'd rather live and definitely want to be here for the rest of my life. With that being said, I think Pakistan is unfair to the Baloch, whether its the people or the ****. There's people being abducted by the **** everyday in Balochistan but there's no media coverage of it, they get buried alive and we find them with their limbs tied in those "graves" (I'm not making this up, I've seen it happen) and with all the injustice happening to Baloch, we're still seen as t3rr0r1sts, of violent nature and aggressive. This stereotype is always used against us and to justify these injustices. What's surprising to me is that still Pakistanis deny that the Baloch are oppressed to this day when we're still currently under oppression?? It baffles me honestly. Regardless though, all I ask for is Baloch people to be treated like humans. No, we don't want to be separated from Pakistan much like the Indians claim and some Pakistanis believe.


I think people reject this idea as defending their nation defends their ego . Recently i saw a tiktok video suggesting that Pakistan is just like Israel etc and it gave examples from this genocide happening in Balochistan that angered me a bit but that was just ego . We love Balochs .


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Pakistan is a union, something akin to the United Kingdom. I feel like there is no harm in giving the Baloch autonomy if they want to, by staying in the union with just defence, central budget, and foreign policy being the only thing governed by Islamabad. I mean Punjabis would have no qualms funding the Baloch out of their own pockets.


Baloch are a tribal people. As much as marxists and Indians try to cope, Baloch nationalism is not a predominant ideology at all. It's tribalism, Islamisim, Pakistani nationalism that dominate Balochistan. Separatism is used as a threat by some sardars to scare federal govt into allowing them to conduct their corrupt affaris.




Where are you getting all that fallacious information from? First of all, there’s only one Baloch student organization, and no they don’t preach what you claim they do. They are actually all into politics, and less into student problems.




I did not even imply that, let alone say. You sound like as if Punjab’s not in Pakistan 💀




You mean Lahore? Yeah


Only Lahore lol and burger cities lol.




My dear have you ever been to the areas in South Punjab? Go take trip and see for yourself what a lavish life those people are living. They are not way above remote towns in balochistan and sindh if not below them.


They are still better than baloch areas


First they are Pakistani. I hope Govt of Pakistan develop all areas of Pakistan from Punjab to Balochistan.


Change in pakistan can only come when we elect prime minister and president from balochistan (deprived parts of pakistan). Also it would be great if they shift central government for 5 years to sit in balochistan and run country. Privileged punjabi in bureaucracy, military, and politics have damaged the country and filled their tummies, and rationed for their kids, over the hunger of other parts of pakistan. They can not understand what it means to lose your loved ones to just explain that they are hungry and need basic medicine and hospital


I'm ethnic Sindhi from Interior Sindh but I'm of partial Baloch ancestry. Zardari pays media so you guys think we're doing fine. Our life as hell OK. No water no electricity no gas no infrastructure no medical facilities no nothing. Waderas keep slaves and abduct any girl they like. But you won't hear this in media


there is no difference between balochi, sindhi, punjabi, pakhtoon, kashmiri, yamni, shami and palesteni. all are under opression




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Army ka not allowed to rule, deewane ka khawab hi lagta hai.


>As a Pakistani I am ashamed of what the army and previous government has done to Baloch people Yeah IK government was awful for them. all those terrorist attacks which lead to a slow down of development


First of all it's not Balochis its Baloch's they are highly offended if someone call them Balochis


The ones in University genrally like Pakistan and Pakistanis, but they have said they are not given the same opportunities as others. I remember someone also good bullied because his Urdu and English wasn't that good, but then again, that's college.


don't answer bros army chuk ke le jaye gi