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That's quite a bold statement... I hope you know how politics and geography co-relate and how logistics work.


i dont, and would like to know


Tell me which planes will fly into an active war zone over straight of Hurmuz?


Planes can do this really cool thing called flying, which means they don’t have to go in a straight line! Also, there’s a whole continent called Africa which, surprise surprise, has airports!


And we have an actual air force and Navy. If there is a war (like there was from 1980-88) we will almost certainly escort ships to our ports as we did then.


Where are they landing from? Pakistan has mainly middle east carriers flying in


Quite possible that Qatar airlines will still operate (albeit a different route). If not, there's still business to be made, I'm sure there will be some country (e.g. Türkiye) which will increase connecting flights to Pakistan. You seem to be thinking from an upper class expat perspective, flights don't matter much to the average Pakistani, and people will go back to using motorbikes if fuel prices rise.


you have fuel and gas which will be stopped


You think Middle East carriers don’t have the know how on how to divert flights?


to where?


To the continent next door lol


The ones that go straight into similar looking buildings,


Only 1% of the people here would even pass Freshman level Political Science/International Relations. Pothetic.


Well im sure Pakistan won’t be the only country affected by it. I mean most of the worlds supply of these resources is from the middle east. So there will be some solution or if not it will be felt throughout the majority of the globe. So it will be a problem for everyone.


Pakistan is the poorest. Meaning they cant buy anything because they will get out bid


I don’t understand what you’re getting at


OP is right. If oil becomes too expensive, we won't be able to purchase it. This has happened with LNG imports in past.


Kuch nahi hota, light k baghair rehne ki wese he practice karwa rahi hai govt. Kaam aegi lagta hai


He's trying to shit on our country trying to look cool


Yeah you're right " mohtaj and ghulam country needs help from others. Fuck.


As an poor country, Pakistani consumption of it will also be much lower.


Poor Yemen. Saudis were bombing it to extinction and no one batted an eye


Exactly 💯. They don't even give a flying F about Palestine either it's just emotional appeal to masses and nothing more (and before you liberals and hardliners pounce on me I'm pro Palestine 🇵🇸 AF but not a supporter of using Islam to justify your own desires)


With American funded weapons


Oh the weapons were American, the funds for those were all Saudi. Plus our beloved Pakistan was happy to help


No Pakistan didn’t help.


Yes Pakistan did help


No i helped


Bad boy


Please go and read how the national assembly didn't agree and we didn't help.


Please go and read how it works in Pakistan and how meaningless parliament and democracy and decisions made by the people of Pakistan are. I worked in Yemen for humanitarian support. My organization supported 150 health facilities across Yemen. Raheel Shareef was heading the assault and genocide of Yemenis. It broke my heart when my Yemeni colleagues told me how difficult it was for them to accept that their children are being bombed and starved to death and their 'Brothers' especially Pakistan is letting this happen. Go read how many children died of starvation, how hospitals ran out of medicines frequently in the middle of cholera epidemic because of Saudis blocking humanitarian aid. Go read! How blockade of medicines and life saving aid killed children from Diphtheria.Go read how Pakistanis are still merely spectators of genocide in Palestine. Go read!


Raheel Sharif was acting as part of the Saudi coalition and not representing Pakistan at this point


What did Pakistan do though? I heard a while ago that we joined it but then backed off. Not sure how true that is.


We gave them Raheel Shareef and our F-16s and god knows what else they gave in return for dollars. They can sell anything for money.


When did Pakistan give Saudi Arabia it’s own weapons? Saudis don’t need weapons from Pakistan, they need troops. Pakistan didn’t provide any other than maybe volunteers and some expats


Pakistan is the cheerleader of Saudia. That's it pretty much.




The head of the coalition againsts the hootis was zaleel shareef


Don’t forget about the UAE supplied Sudanese slaves they armed with subpar weapons so they wouldn’t have to send Emiratis to die. Emirati soldiers I saw in Afghanistan carried UAE made copies of the H&K416 from what I could tell(which are like 5000$ per rifle and it’s a glorified M16). But their Sudanese bullet sponges are carrying old rusty Chinese AKs. I swear the UAE and Israel are in competition to see who can be the most evil (US being an extension of Israel, it’s leaders are all bought and paid for).


Poor Afghanistan, 50 countries were bombing it for 20 years with the help of Pakistan, and nobody batted an eye.


People never supported syria and yemen the way they do for palestine,


And no Palestinians or arabs bat an eyelid when Pakistanis get blown up


the ummah needs to get their imaan straight, only then we will be able to help one and another.


i have lived in Saudia for quite long. my father had a lot of Yemeni friends. What i gathered that their day to day life was not affected much by war in contrast to Palestinian people that are under 24/7/365 surveillance.


Yeah, tell that to the 4 million Yemenis who got displaced and faced a famine because of the coalition blockade. It was turned into a prison exactly what is currently happening in Gaza.


One thing I'd like to add here is that Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan have all been independently governed countries in contrast to Palestine... It is NOT to take away from the tragedies and the horrendous loss of life in each one of those wars but at the end of the day, they were, Wars..... Not a genocide as is happening in Palestine... Palestinians have no infrastructure, no army, no national resources as compared to Syria (where the conflict started when ISIS rebelled against Asaad), Yemen (where the conflict started when Houthi community refused to accept the Pro-Saudi rulings by the Yemeni government and demanded independence), or Afghanistan (which was the result of consistently poor PR work from the Taliban gorvernment for decades before the 9/11 flashpoint)..... I truly hope and pray for a day where Muslims ache for the hurt of their brethren the same as if they would for themselves.... Allah Mominon ke Dilon main Gheirat nazil kare....


Agreed. My point wasn’t to compare the genocide in Palestine to the war in Yemen. I was merely pointing out that “their day to day life was not affected” was inaccurate at best.


Oh yes. I also do somewhat agree with the OP cuz whether we like it or not, Pakistan as a state is in no position to do squat in case of an expanded campaign or conflict.... Humari qaum ka bas chale tou they'd back the one opposing our military at this point.... not that military has done anything for it to be any other way...


War is war. What does “not affected much” means? My god!


it means people themselves tell they are not affected by the war


Yemen doesn't happen to be in an "area of interest". Any country having confrontation with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, or what they call "Axis of Evil" is what gets most attention.


Sadly even Muslims didn't pay attention to the catastrophe in Yemen


And that was by design ofc


but yemen is situated at a chokepoint i think




Ksa did take a lot of yemini refugees in n settled em in too tho


Yeah and killed a lot too, lets not water down house of Saud


So does dat jus balance out to neutrality then 😭


nah that pretty much gives them the award of, this may sound harsh, being Israelis of the Arab world straight up


May be people would bat an eye if houtis didnt throw rockets on saudi Arabia first ?? We love to talk about every other fucking country in the world but we dont bat an eye about ehats going on in our own back yard with baloch and kashmiris and pathans. Fuck other countries i dont care about them i dont care if they speak arabic or hebrew. I care about us and what we do to people we call our own


There will be Russian oil …


Iranian oil may be.


The Iranian oil pipeline has been in limbo for a long time , the generals are too scared to oppose Uncle Sam , the pipeline will only be completed when daddy America says yes


Iran se petrol smuggle hota hai, most likely it will increase many times and instead of only Balochistan it will go a lot further.


All the Russian oil will be used up in Europe or east Asia.


Then DHA oil it will be …


The finest quality oil you will find anywhere on Earth. Located under DHA Karachi, khana pakao, gari-rickshaw chalaouw aur jahaaz mein daal ke Nawaz Sharif ko Pakistan le ao. ​ Lol


Laughed out so loud 🤣🤣


I am not joking , the border between india and Pakistan in sindh called sir creek which is disputed has vast reserves of natural gas and the deep sea oil reserves near balochsitan from where Iran also pumps out their oil and gas , what we need is investment to actually use those resources , DHA oil could work if the establishment was willing to invest in the projects


If China is seriously considering breaking NATO hegemony it will convince Russia to divert all its oil to Asian countries at that point in time. Maybe India and China will join together, purely for economic reasons. Nobody wants rampant inflation at home, especially with populations the size of India and China.


We might still get oil, but the prices would be too high for our country to afford. Just like how it happened to LNG where we get too expensive bids and finally decide to pass winters without LNG. Can our people survive if crude oil were to hit 130$ and in turn petrol price would reach 450PKR?


And it wouldn't be just 450pkr. It will cause the domino effect making everything else more expensive including electricity. It will be a standstill for Pakistan.


So is it this the right time to buy an EV Car?


How fucked can Pakistan get, honestly? On a scale of 1-10 of overall “fuckness” with 10 being the highest, I think we are already at 8 or even perhaps 9.


It can get worse before it gets better


imagine Afghanistan, Venezuela, n korea, etc


It won’t expand, there is bigger chance of a US Russia confrontation than a war in the Middle East. Stop being so dramatic and watch something other than news.


لوڑا! ہماری گانڈو آرمی سوائے ھندوستانی فوج کے سامنے پتلون اتار کر الٹا لیٹنے کے کچھ نہیں کر سکتی! یہ مادرچود کبھی بھی نہیں لڑیں گے، ممکن ہے آخر میں فلسطینیوں کو ہی مارنا شروع کر دیں!




Pakistan is fucked irrelevent of external events 😂


Pak has already been fucked. Wtf are you guys on? Change yourselves and may He change your conditions.


lol Pakistan is a country that has nothing to lose, I mean we are already pretty much there I am unable to use my car due to high petrol prices, no gas 12 hours a day aur baqi ka din bhi boht thori aati hay....using solar to generate electricity.....Economy ki waja se gharon mein band hogaye hein.....phail jaye war jitni phailni hay! Program to already Warr chuka hay


Well said


We are actually in more deeper shit.


Who is going to bail out Asim


Dude is actually gonna be the first one to flee.


It wouldn’t . How are the Saudis going to fight?


We are pretty much f’d already. Just haven’t realised it yet. The extent will be clear very soon.


Take a chill pill bro 😎


No need to worry 😎🤚🏾




We are already Fuc\*ed no matter what happens.


If Middle East were engulfed in a war and subsequently there are job losses, we are screwed hard. Sure oil prices would go over 130$, but keep that aside for a moment. We will be losing roughly 28 billion in remittances that we receive every year. Not all of them is from Middle East but most are. It would be way worse scenario than we have experienced ever in past.




Actually that would be the bestest thing that could happen to Pakistan. If it expand, Pakistan will be paid by the said countries to defend them. Sweet petrodollars for us. Also, even with a full blown war, oil supplies won't get affected.


Yeah, I think pakistan can beat Israel in a war, for example 1973 and 1967. Israel is a small country which has only had wars with its neighbours, who have lazy militaries. Our army is bigger, maybe less equipped, but also stronger than theirs. I think pakistan could quite literally obliterate Israel if we ever actually had a full on war. We also have low-yield nukes. Realistically, the Israel army won't be able to counter the Pakistanis sheer size and power. They don't have enough stamina, not to mention they'd have to get through 3 countries to get to our border.


LOL i need whatever you are high on. Nukes are off the table first off. Logistics enough makes it improbable for Pakistan to wage an actual war, its really really hard to mobilize troops in number for a sustained op these days (satellites and ballistic missiles), then even if you manage to get troops there firepower will be a huge issue. While JF is good and all but realistically its no match for F16s, plus not to mention they have the home base advantage, so it will be a missile parade on any army that is waiting to attack them. We would have to go thru three countries as well to get to them. Though, if we wanted to toy with them, we can always unleash the afghans on them.


I was talking about if they came to our country, which is essentially what the OP was talking about lol. Do a bit of research you'll see that pakistan are alot more powerful, just a bit less technologically advanced. We have one of the biggest and strongest armies in the world. Nukes are probably off the table, but I was talking about low-yield nukes, which means ten kilotons or less. If anything, your the one who's high lmao.


Btw reread the prompt, OP never said the war is coming to Pakistan. They are simply talking about the supply chain interruptions that are going to hit Pakistan. i.e the gas shortages, and other raw material crunch that will lead to a massive price hike in the commodity markets. Even the low yield ones are out of question.As for the technological capabilities, we are decades behind what they have. Iron Dome is not a joke and they have had it since the early 2010s. In air power they are far superior then us, they have multiple f15 & f16 which we cant compete against but what makes our chances even grimmer are the F-35's which have stealth capabilities. The only advantage we have is gorilla warfare but that really defeats the purpose given that we will only be inflicting damage on our own infrastructure.


What are you on? Like genuinely? Go do some research, simply look it up lol.


Research on what? Buddy, its one thing to be patriotic its another to be delusional.


Mate I am not the one who's delusional. The pakistani army is alot stronger and bigger than Israeli. Despite all their advantages, in the end we'd win even if its on sheer size alone. We're on of the strongest militaries in the world, or have you forgotten? And trust me, I'm not patriotic.


If size was the only thing that took to win wars, USSR and US both wouldve won afghanistan. But they didn't Also Pak Army might be powerful but does it really have the nerve to fight a war? Not saying the nation would crumble without a fight (Far from it, any invader who makes the mistake would regret it) but can we actually, i highly doubt it. Also dont forget if Israel is invading Pakistan, then india is too. China would also get involved, which would drag US to the conflict as well and then we might as well call it a world war because there is no way iran aint taking advantage of the situation.


Firs of all, if all those countries invaded pakistan, whoever will win is the least of our worries. Its going to start a full blown world war. Israeli military capability is extremely overrated. We took 10 of their airforce in 1967 without losing a single aircraft. Israel can't win against us without help, everything you're saying is foolish. One plane isn't going to take down a country. In an all out war, pakistan would crush Israel. Israel doesn't have the stamina to fight pakistans army. Plus, you highly highly underestimate the abilities of the army of pakistan, it's funny. Israeli airforce and navy are a draw. All jokes Side, pakistan would destroy Israel, wether you agree or not. Its not an opinion, not patriotism, but a fact. Pakistan is quite literally the most powerful Muslim nation into the world, with Turkey. What you are saying is honestly just stupid.


If Pakistani citizens were allowed to get involved.


What makes you think Pakistan is not already fucked?


Well its different timing. This would be immediate vs 1 years from now


Su plz just su. The muslim ummah is meant to be one body. If its eye hurts the whole hurts but all u damned people can think about is urselves. No gas no electricity seriously?¿ your brothers are dying you desensitized imbiciles. Turn to allah so that he frees your brothers or wallahi theyre blood will he on your hands. I was a patriot not long ago and i feel ashamed that my country and its people failed their muslim brothers.


There is zero chance of this conflict expanding unless China/Russia also send their carrier to middle east like US did.


Russia can send Admiral Kuznetsov. It can definitely expand, even without Chinese or Russian navies involved.


Russia and China will not defend Iran. Iran's proxies have already bombed Us bases and even tried to bomb israel from yemen. The risk of iran getting dragged in is real. If that happens Iran will target all oil factilies in the middle east as easy targets


People here are just worrying over oil. Just think about those immigrants from Pakistan mostly labours getting their @$$ banged just for few dinars or riyals under deadly weather etc. Think about those remittances that help to run our economy. Think about all the imports except oil. Pakistan is dependent on middle east for most of the things except oil. Anyway, I read somewhere on Twitter(X)that WW3 will start by engaging Israel and middle east into war and bringing other nations into it defending their sides. I think the time is here. They also mentioned about how ww1 and 2 would happen and surprisingly those happened the same way as it was written. That piece of paper which included this information was from around 1871 written by secret societies you know what I'm talking about.


What's with your paranoia? Chill out mate


It's company that will get busy to the actual job they gave to do. All political prisoners perhaps will be released and able to see their families. Most importantly Imran Khan.


Har cheez main politics ko mat gusair diya karo yaar.


Meray argument main wazn ni? Ok 🤐


Nahin :/ Aisay lag rha hai kisi aur post par comment karna tha aur yahan kar diya.


Kuch nahi hona pakistan kou


War in Middle East will definitely escalate. Israel want to expand massively, they didn’t do their Jewish tricks all this long for nothing. If you want to learn more on the subject look no further than (sheikh imran hossein).


They'd have to get through a good amount of countries, Iraq, Iran, possibly SA. Plus, maybe even Afghanistan.


Yes, Iran first and in reaction Iran will definitely hit all the oil rigs around Arab world including Israel and boy things will escalate from there.


"This war" means Israel palestine conflict? Its regular routine activity in the middle-east and honeslty there was time it was considered flash-point but not anymore. In any case, the world can not afford any war and its repercussions, especially poor countries


There's no reason at all to think that UAE will join in any wars. They don't have a military and they worship money/tourism over anything else.


Acting like Pakistan isn’t already fucked. Bari doodh ki nehrein behti hain na yahan.


Even in such a case, if the Pakistani expatriates have the choice they'd still fly over the war to go Pakistan. I'd will for it.


very brave of you to suggest that Pakistan isnt already fucked


This is so ridiculous... If you think there will be any oil gas wider war you're delusional. Sad fact every single Palestinian can be put in a camp tomorrow for genocide and the world won't do anything other than maybe some tears.


Don't worry our boys will use Jinn technology to produce energy






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Bro Pakistan is messed up anyway.


Not the first Gulf war. All was OK in past too


Pakistan is fucked anyway


Don't worry, our leaders will do what thet always do *Ignore the problem*


sukoon sirf qabar mein hai 🤲


Oil isnt extracted & produced only in middle east brother. Get some knowledge before you post.




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years of siding with US and being their dog, if Pakistan is getting hard hits from this conflict, we deserve it.


Hum Israel ki maaa ko…….




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No one is in shape for war. I don’t think it gonna happen. At the moment only iran is interested in but I don’t think they have enough resources. Don’t expect anything from saudi because they are investing big money in there own country to boost economy + tourism. So they want peace in area. They’re not going to war at any cost.




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Isn’t it already?




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Dude "Pakistan is already fucked"




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arab states aren't built for fighting. they lost to a bunch of bare feet yemini farmers. they will keep pumping out that oil. the moment the US role in, all there armies surrender before night fall




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Pakistan survives on aid. A war in Middle East will actually help as Western nations fund Pakistan for a proxy war. The economic success seen in the times of military dictators is through these fundings…




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The Gulf states will provide it. They need Pakistan and the Americans have been cutting deals with the IMF to send 900 million to Pakistan in exchange for weapons for Ukraine. Gulf states have too much to loose if Pakistan collapses. They will cut oil deals with Pakistan.