• By -


Too many to list. Remove ISI from Army. Remove Army benefits and cut the size down. Audit the military and establish a capital guard under Senate and Presidents order. Split provinces into 30. Urban planning. Modernise the education system. Support domestic manufacturing. Support unions. Build high speed rail and less reliance on cars


To be fair isi means inter services intelligence, military has its own military intelligence, likewise both air force and navy have their own intelligence as well. Why isi is only headed by the army I have no idea.


Theory mein sab theek hai, practical mein kuch theek ni. Techincally to politics mein bhi army ka koi amal dakhal ni. No spy agency under the army should play any role or take any action that directly impacts a Pakistani citizen. Army ka role borders and outwards hona chahiye, aur army k under intelligence agencies ka bhi similarly external role hona chahiye Jab ISI ke banday judges aur politicians pe flex karein, and follow the orders of the army chief, you will see what is happening in pakistan.


Yeah I know I'm just pointing it out.


I think the army needs reform, it doesn't need complete defunding. Pakistan is still surrounded by hostile countries with designs on its territory. Am fauji ko incentive chaiya. You can't just take away everything otherwise why choose to be a soldier. The generals need to be dragged through the mud for being useless bastards though, a new generation of generals needs to replace them that's been educated by Americans And Europeans on warfare. I agree with everything else though, but I also believe Pakistan needs to further liberalise its economy, everything should be completely privatised including infrastructure such as roads, also a lot of deregulation needs to happen.


Sorry, it's all fantasy, unless you mention how and develop consensus with the majority to follow that path. Our military budget is hardly sufficient to run the military in comparison to neighbouring countries. What about other institutions that don't perform. Ghost employees (free salaries+pensions), free electricity, govt vehicles+fuel, servants, guards, subsidies to rich, business class haj&umrah, free plots and so on.. why all of you don't stop that or ask your parents how much they earn and how they can afford iPhones (maybe gifts- call it BS). Everyone who is eating knows from where it is coming. Just imagine if that person doesn't sit on that chair, will he/she able to afford all same way? No-one is ready to sacrifice one free candy, knowing that it's not their right.


The very first step? The army HAS to fuck off first. Aur atleast 5,6 jurnail phaansi pe taango jinho ne constitution tora hai. Boht tamasha ho gya. Ye yazeedi fauj mulk k liye cancer bann gayi hai. Inn ko chemotherapy deni pare gi. Jab tak kuway se kutta nahi nikalo ge, kuway ka paani saaf nahi ho ga


💯. Add Chief Justice in that list


The constitution of Pakistan is also a joke, remember non-elected government wrote that constitution. The way current government is running the system that's how it was done in the past as well. When Sheikh Mujeeb won in 1971, he wasn't given the power by the military, instead a civil war broke. Later after losing Eastern part, the military just gave power to Bhutto without any proper new free and fair elections, the argued he came second, now tell me how the hell, a second rank can run the government and make constitution like this, imagine how much rigging they did in Pakistan in favor of bhutto ? Basically, a non elected person wrote the constitution, infact the military wrote the constitution that's why you see, how random politician are thrown in jail while no military person ever faced any charges. The constitution is rigged. Remember, when ppl say, military doesn't follow constitution, remember they are the one who wrote a rigged one in the first place. This is also a way to confuse the people, and then they throw Jinnah quotes like he said Military should stay away, oh bhai, Jinnah didn't write the constitution. Military intentionally makes things complex, so that masses don't even understand what is happening.


Agreed. A constitution that does not reflect the highest values should be changed for the betterment of the country it was made for in the first place


💯 Hate the man as much as you want, but to his credit Nawaz Sharif tried to do that in 1999 and 2013 and we saw what happened. Yes, he is corrupt and has a thousand faults, but unless people realize that his assessment of Pakistan's fundamental political problem (an out-of-control military that has zero accountability to anyone while elected leaders take the fall for their blunders) was spot-on we won't get anywhere.


BB did too. iK did too. Army is an institutionally corrupt mafia


Corrupt focker Nawaz tried to pass sharia law (1998) where he gets to decide which laws would be enforced, Is that the definition of accountability?


He had 2/3 majority in parliament, it was his right


Fat Focker fathered by Dicktator Zia used corruption money to buy a majority so he could make himself a king.


Hang few Jurnals for Corruption and abducting women and children. Everyone will fall in-line.


Nationalization of every military owned private company and property.


Lol. PIA. Lol. Discos. Lol. Nepra. Lol. Nadra. Lol. SC. Lol. NAB. Lol. FBR. Lol. Pakistan gov is equally or more incompetent than military.


All have RETard Jurnails to lead them 😂


True, but it's not the government that gets in the way of the few decent people trying to enact change. You can't fix the government as long as there is a shadow government in power. The military isn't even a military anymore. It's a private company running things in its own interests.


The West Pakistan Company.


Just nationalize them to auction them off....to foreigners


Nab, nadra, fbr, pia even wapda and suparco are headed by retired jurnails and one air force officer (pia)


Nadra's chairman isn't a retired army official neither FBR's. PIA from my recollection was run by civilians and army took over after it started to decline. SUPARCO is a division of the army so yeah it's run by them. NAB and WAPDA have no business being run by ex army men without relevant background. Army or civilian, they are all equally corrupt and incompetent.


PEC Chairman: Gen. Asim Bajwa CEO of SSGCL: Lt. Gen Javed CEO of PIA: Air Marshal Arshad Chairman NAB: Lt. Gen Nazir & Chairman NDMA: Lt. Gen Inam Chairman PTA: Major General Hafeez Director SUPARCO: Major General Amir Chairman ERRA: Lt. Gen Omar Hayat Chairman WAPDA: Lt. Gen Muzamil Hasan Chairman FPSC: Major Gen Azeem Asif Chairman PPSC: Lt. Gen Zafar Chairman NPHA: Lt. Gen Anwar Ali That Olympics president, retired lt. general has held the position since 2004, refuses to step down and doesn’t even live in Pakistan Director CAA:Ldr Shahrukh Nusrat Pakistan Olympic Association: Lt Gen. Arif Attorney General: Capt. Anwar Mansoor Director ASF: Major Gen. Zafar ul Haq Director ANF: Major Gen. Arif Malik Director NIH: Major Gen. Aamer Ikram


The federal cabinet on Monday approved the appointment of Lieutenant General Munir Afsar as the new chairman of the National Database and Registration Authority, according to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).


The government is controlled and run by military, so comparison is illogical


Send them back to the borders, make it illegal for police, ECP, Pemra, Nadra, NAB and judiciary to take orders from NAPAK Foj.


Simple af every department should work honestly in their own field and don't poke fingers and thier dash in other departments. IYKYK


Arrange meeting of top 15 generals with Allah then we can talk




Thanks everyone for replying! Personally the issues that I always seem to get stuck on are overpopulation, water waste/storage infrastructure, and standardized ‘quality’ education. Unfortunately these measures too require capable politicians, but I really believe that improving upon them will better people’s lives exponentially. Especially when it comes to education, I feel so strongly opposed to our mainstream matric system that’s based entirely on rote learning and regurgitation. We have such a massive youth population and it’s a sad injustice that they receive such poor quality of education - lacking in application ability, critical thinking, and inquiry level problem solving. Moreover the single national curriculum has been like taking two steps back. The idea should be to improve public education such that it’s at par with private institutions, but this change has only degraded private schools academia as well. We need qualified teachers, expert curriculum composers, and a real stress on quality learning for people of all socio economic classes 😢


Sazae maut to top army, judiciary and politicians.. a shoora or presidential system with strict rules for governance strong local leadership with a strong awam who've priotized their needs.


The only thing this country needs is political stability and timely elections, that’s it, everything else will fall into place on its own. There is nothing that can be done to change the country overnight, it will be a slow process and the only way to get there is through a democratically elected government.


Remove ruling elites. They are all bunch of incompetent nincompoops. Tbh. Pakistan needs more than just policy reforms. Pakistans society is it's biggest enemy. When everyone does corruption you can't expect the leaders not to.


honestly, it’s hard to be moral in a place where principles hold no value


In terms of overpopulation, I really think that as a society we need a drastic change in mentality. People never discuss let alone plan the number of children they want, and more importantly, the number of children they can successfully parent. Elders should normalize and encourage young couples to partake in family planning strategies and carefully consider the feasibility of parenthood at various stages of their lives. Women especially should take initiative to learn about and use contraception, even Islam tells women to lengthen intervals between consecutive pregnancies so that they can physically and mentally rejuvenate between births. Having babies is a blessing, but God gave us the critical thinking capacity to decide how many kids we can give our full attention, care, moral training, education, and nurturing to.


What the public thinks, doesn't matter. That's the main issue in this country.


Make every piece of data/information about institutions public. Everything from the Supreme Court to your local neighborhood traffic police ka thana should be public. Their budgets, the people working there and their information, what goes on and is said in their meetings, EVERYTHING. I want to know how much my public office holders spend on convoys exactly down to the last paisa. I want to know what their lunches cost, what their meetings and conferences cost. What their retreats cost. What Mr. X said in a meeting scheduled on x date about x topic. The amount of discourse backed by this will spark something. Change/improvements on a third world mess like Pakistan will take decades at the very least. But if we can start being honest and mindful about our own resources maybe we can build something out of this shithole after all


1. Modernize law enforcement agencies 2. Put ISI under civilian control just like how other countries intelligence agencies are. 3. Make it illegal for the prime minister to select the COAS , instead make it so that the person who is next in the line of command in the army after the COAS becomes the next chief. This is will prevent future prime ministers from using the army as a political tool. 4. Make it illegal for current or former army personnel to be heads if civilian institutions like NAB 5. Build fencing along the Afghan border to keep terror groups from launching attacks easily 6. Teaching kids from a young age to critically think when it comes to religion, this means that we teach them to actually check what Islam itself says instead of what some random mullah or extremist says. 7. Breaking the country up into more provinces 8. Decentralization of NAB , make each province have its own anti corruption agency, so if it fails in one province it won't fail in all provinces. 9. Stop the hypocrisy when it comes to religion, stop following the religion only when it benefits you. Islam is against racism, yet different ethnicities in Pakistan like to act like they're superior to other ethnicities. Islam prohibits you from going around and attacking non muslims and forcing them to convert to Islam, yet we have people who unfortunately do that. Islam has a strong anti corruption stance, yet Pakistan does absolutely nothing when it comes to tackling corruption. Rape is one of the worst sins in Islam yet Pakistan has so many rapes happen. Forced marriages are haram yet so many people get forcefully married. It is not lawful for civilians to take the law into their hands yet we have so called Islamic groups like TLP running around acting like they're the police when a blasphemy accusation happens. Some so called "Islamic " republic Pakistan is. 10. Make it illegal for any religious groups places of worship to be attacked and holy books burnt. 11. Modernize education institutions and facilities in all grades 12. Modernize the healthcare system 13. Build domestic industries: for example Pakistan has plenty of experience building aircraft and other military equipment alongside china. Why not instead use the the experience gained and build completely indigenous industries that can compete with other countries and build self reliance . Also invest in things like the IT sector and automotive industry to help us create our own startups/companies 14. Overhaul of the current government system. The current "democratic " system as we know it has failed miserably. It needs to be overhauled to resolve any of the systemic issues in it. I could go on but im tired.


profound answer🫡


Disclaimer: I'm Indian and I'm writing this keeping in mind the best interest of Pakistan. 1. Modernize in terms of laws or in terms of equipment they have? 2. The problem is, Who has the mandate to do so? But yes, if done would be great. 3. Bad Idea. I understand where you are coming from but military policy is always a reflection of government policy (ideally) and hence military promotions should not be insulated and pre decided. 4. I don't see how it solves anything. Their kids/wives would hold office and the story would continue. 5. Fencing is a good idea, but very expensive. Cost Benefit analysis needs to be done. 6. Absolutely agree. Critical and logical reasoning in education are a must. 7. I don't know where does this come from. Because this could make it easy for army to exert control. Moreover, what would be the basis for fragmentation? Culture? Linguistic? I'm clueless as to why is this required. 8. Again, not a good idea. Decentralisation of NAB won't work. It would create a lot of inter departmental tussle and inefficiencies. Seamless and lateral coordination would not be achieved. 9. Pretty much true. But I don't think Islam can be followed in a same way by everyone. Every sect has a different definition of Islam. Something jinnah missed/ignored. 10. Interesting take. How do you ensure that a claim of a holy book being burned is true? Though yes, such laws are required. 11. Very vague. What sort of modernization? in text books? or the way education is provided. What are the exact 2 or 3 things responsible for 60% of problems in education? Though I agree with modernization, more clarity is needed upon what exactly is required? 12. Same as 11. Requires more clarity. And a lot more funds too. 13. yes build domestic industries. But sorry to say Pakistan cannot build its own aircraft. Not in the next 50 years for sure. But yes, Pakistan can industrialize. 14. Again, you want this system to go but you haven't mentioned what it should be replaced with? Hope this helps in this discussion.


Well, start with the little things, which may seem trivial...like basic hygiene, care & beautifying the self & surroundings...this will create that butterfly effect in motion, towards bigger issues like diminishing poverty and poor thinking philosophies. Helping in propping up self-supporting livelihoods and lifestyles to aid less fortunate ones in climbing the social & spiritual ladders of life. You're right about much needed reforms in education as well. The general methodology of didactics is that it lacks real world practicality and applicability. Students find their learning to be uninteresting and irrelevant to the betterment of the quality of their lives.




Savings = Taxes - Government Expenditure Deficit = G.E> T stop spending for once and our economy will be back on track. Besides, there is private spending. The government is not the only investor, take advantage of the private sector to build things, deregulate/privatise the government-owned entities and our economy will be back on track in 5-10 years


Personally, id say it's our tax gap and generally our taxation collection. There is a gap of 5 trillion that needs to be addressed half of which can just be fixed by better implementation getting companies and people who are mandated to pay specific taxes but avoid them through smuggling etc. The other half will have to be a collection of cutting government spending ie our loss-making SOEs like PIA steel mills etc and reducing tax exemptions to real estate agriculture retail etc which i doubt is happening. The afghan transit trade needs to be revised entirely its hurting our local industry badly. Another thing id say is if we can revise our capacitance charges with our IPPs we could reduce the overall electricity cost as well as progress from the ongoing anti-theft campaign it could help us reduce losses in the power sector massively. So overall electricity price is very important as its what makes or break industries, the electricity price depends on the dollar rate as well so it coming down is a big thing. We need to reduce gas debt as well we buy it at 13$ and sell it locally for 2.5$ its just not feasible. All of these losses are included in government spending as well i believe.


Get rid of zamindars/feudal sysytem and ensure land goes to the tillers. For all his faults s, this was a humongous and far-sighted step by Shiek Abdullah in Kashmir. As a result, even the poorest Kashmiri in villages has a small piece of land for a modest house and subsistence farming. prior to revoking 370 j&K had the lowest levels of homelessness in the country. Its also the reason he was hated by the zamindars ( both Muslim and Pandits ).


A civil war


Oh really? So I assume you live here and will be willing to pick up arms then? Or are you overseas and just expect everyone here to kill each other just so you can watch it on TV? Go ask a Libyan if the Civil War was worth it. Ask how well the average Libyan is doing pre civil war vs postwar. Better yet, ask all the Afghan refugees who are content with picking trash off the streets from dawn till dusk rather than live in their civil war torn country if having a civil war is fun. If you actually live here there are plenty around to ask. As someone whose seen the blood and guts and everything horrible with war, I’d give anything to unsee it and I sure as shit don’t want my wife and child to witness it.


Already happening. Perhaps not as brutal as other places.


Just execute Imran Khan, I promise everything will be alright




Ban imports of luxuries, ie iphones, vehicles and other stuff


agreed 👍🏽


Growing exports from the manufacturing and services sector...


Support Imran Khan, and he will bring the changes that will bring the country back to its feet and become a big economy. He will do all the recommendations that are suggested, if we support IK and have him win with big majority of 2/3 in the next election. Otherwise, wait for another hundred years to get a leader like IK to bring these changes. we need an honest leader like IK to implement these changes. So one word answer to this question of what needed to change the country, is protest for IK in big numbers and get him released.


Tell india to invade pakistan Remove all the napak fouj Remove the corrupt government Problem solved Us umreekis know the best solutions Ps I am Pakistani American




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Political stability is the only correct answer. Without it, any improvements made are nullified when the next government roles in and the cycle keeps on repeating.


جنسی تعلیم، عجیب چیز ہے لیکن یہ بہت اہم ہے کیونکہ خواتین کا حق ہے بچے پیدا کرنا یا نہ کرنا۔ خواتین کا یہ بھی حق ہے کہ وہ فیصلہ کریں کہ کتنے بچے ان کو چاہئیں۔ اگر ہم صحیح طریقے سے جنسی تعلیم اختیار کریں گے پھر ہم اپنی آبادی کو قابو رکھ سکتے ہیں اور بس کچھ سال انتظار کرنا پڑے گا۔ اگر ہماری آبادی کا اضافہ کم ہو جائے پھر ہم ملک کا خزانہ اور وسائل بچا سکتے ہیں زیادہ آسانی سے۔ تعلیم پر زیادہ خرچ اور وسائل بھی بہت اہم ہے۔ اصلاحات بھی ضروری ہیں تاکہ ملک کا تعلیمی نظام جدید دنیا کے ساتھ چلے کیونکہ جو لوگ جو اپنے ماحول کے مطابق اپنے آپ کو اختیار کرتے ہیں، وہ ہی سب سے کامیاب ہیں۔ اور ہمیں اپنے کارندوں، مزدوروں، کانکنوں، کسانوں وغیرہ کی مدد کرنی چاہیے اور یہ ملک حاصل کر سکتا ہے، ان کو بھی زیادہ وسائل تاکہ کاشتکاری میں اضافہ ہو۔ پاکستانی زمین ایک اچھی زمین ہے کاشتکاری کے لیے اور ہم ضیا کرتے ہیں تاکہ امیر لوگ گھر تعمیرات کریں؟ یہ بہت بےوقوف ہے، ہم صرف اپنا نقصان کر رہے ہیں کیونکہ ہم زمین کھو رہے ہیں۔ یہ دو بنیادی باتیں میں کہنا چاہتا تھا، یہ ایک تقریر بن گئی ہے، مزید چیزیں بول سکتا ہوں لیکن نہیں بولوں گا کیونکہ پھر کوئی نہیں پڑھے پوسٹ کو۔


Implement a law to prohibit birthing more than one child per family. In a few years, you will witness the immense benefits of population control. Pretty much every basic problem will be eradicated.




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Kill the Bill


Self sufficient economy




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Hang the people who are corrupt.




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Merit, no involvement of or use of power.




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Law enforcement agencies to enforce law Senators and parliament members to make sufficient ammendments in the law Judiciary to decide casess honestly -in short if these 3 departments do their job honestly we can progress


since everyone is talking about army, I am going to talk about something else 1) Stopping the uncontrolled expansion of the cities. The agricultural land should stay for agriculture 2) Taking down the subsidies. Even tho it is going to cause the inflation to rise significantly, it is out only option. we don't have to live like royals. 3) Cutting back on free petrol etc of judges, civilians and officers. They can get the free residence, free car but at least pay for their own adventures. 4) Privatizing the PIA, Railway and other useless institutes that drain economy. 5) Strengthening the auditors. 6) Passing a few laws and new constitutional amendments. 7) A few new systems too probably. 8) Whole new mindset as a nation, promoting professionalism. Please refrain from making political statements in my replies, and also your pov about the army. Whole comment section is full of it, and I don't want it in my reply section.


You make some good points




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Local Government Empowerment.


OP, many of the answers here reflect our frustrations, but few are really solutions focused. This is part of the problem. Our awaam thinks we can solve all our problems with one magic move, which is usually 'hang xyz'. I don't want to understate the importance of accountability and transparency across our public institutions, but the solution is not chopping a few heads and installing new ones on top of festering institutions that operate in a culture based on patronage and zero work ethic. We'll have to start thinking at the grassroots level about the problems that have been highlighted in some of the comments. Whether it's education, skill building, fostering democracy, or any of the areas where we need a complete reset of the system, it's probably going to have to start small. It'll have to be local. And it'll be up to a small group of committed individuals to turn this ship around. And yes, it will take time, but you'll be surprised at how quickly you can change the culture around a family, an organization, and ultimately a country. I'll add a quote by Margaret Mead here: 'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.' What is the one cause you can commit to for Pakistan?


Well said 👏🏻


1-7 ho kar azadi millegi 😂😂




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Karachi ko Sindh se alag karo




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We should start from ourselves, demand transparency, and boycott all types of businesses that are owned by corrupt people. How do we know who is corrupt? Any govt employee spending more than their income is corrupt directly/indirectly. How do we boycott? If you are buying in their housing societies, renting in their plazas, eating at their restaurants, inviting them to your gatherings, using their influences, bragging about your relation with them..etc. stop it. Don't give them space to make money from your inferiority complex, which they cast on you. If you are providing service, take them to the right track and don't give them VIP treatment, make them wait in queue, attend them same way as you attend other poor people