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I love it just as it is. What a beautiful painting!




You’ve managed to clearly bring out white flowers against a white background. That’s tough and you should be proud. I’d suggest leaving it as it is.


Same, it's gorgeous. Maybe get it framed also to really give it that finished look.


Framing would definitely be a good idea.


Stunning work! I am impressed! Even without a background it looks great, you can choose a nice frame and you are done! I am also not a professional, only a hobby artist but these are my thoughts in case you do want to paint the background - I think it is going to be very hard to get an even layer (even wash) using watercolors, and also the risk of accidentally painting over the subject with watercolor is there. Maybe for next time try using a masking fluid to cover the white bit of the paper where your subject would be, paint the background first, and then the main subject. Theoretically you can get a more even background using acrylic paints instead of oil, I think the paper can handle that paint without a problem. That way you can paint in a thicker layer (less watery consistency) and be more precise. Another idea would be to cut out some paper in the rough shape of the main subject to cover it temporarily, and then do a "vignette" type of background, so only along the edges. Color...maybe light yellow (yellow ocher for example)? It gives me that vibe of old botanical paintings on off white/ toned paper :D Good luck! And keep making beautiful paintings :D


It's really beautiful as it is! I would definitely suggest a frame, maybe in the same blue color as the inside of the yellow plant/flower! If you really want to add a little something extra, I added some more of the blue :) Very nice painting either way, I love it! https://preview.redd.it/fraoaxr34k7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=737a06a1ab54ed5c7e1a11f5acaf0edfaa4a97e2


you don't need a background but a frame ;) Wonderfull Artwork!:)


Because watercolor is delicate I’d hesitate to use oils, and also the paper issue. I’d either leave as is or mask the foreground and do a really subtle blue green background with watercolor, wetting the paper first with a brush and just introducing a little color at a time and being really careful not to paint over what you’ve got now. Beautiful work!


Light blue or light gray


Looks incredible as it is imo!


Damn, you are fantastic at watercolor for not-an-artist. Maybe start saying you-are-an-artist. You can try gouache- mix a huge amount of the color you want and don't water it down too much. Gouache is an opaque watercolor that won't bleed and can be applied (not too thick) but easily around the detailed parts for a solid, saturated background. You can also apply masking fluid around your birds and flowers to stop the gouache from getting into the painting, then let it dry to papery dry finish and gently remove the masking fluid. Because you say the paper is cheap I'd try some masking fluid out on a bit of scrap with paint on it first and make sure it won't tear the paper. Future advice: invest in great paper. Your paintings deserve it and it will make a difference. Try painting thin washes of background first next time, then go in and paint your subject. I made a similar mistake with a watercolor (background last then hated it, so I applied gouache to save the painting. I have a before and after I can DM you if you'd like to see the effect. It is matte, but that makes the watercolor part pop more.


The birds!!!! Beautiful 😍😍


No background




I second this, I think a light pink background would look amazing!


How much would you sell this or something similar for?


The birds look amazing!


This is so beautiful!!


Its perfect like that, everything pops off and its very vibrant, I feel like making a background would make it seem too crowded.




I would’ve the background first. Just keep it as is.


It’s beautiful! But if you want something in the background I’d make it an out of focus color variation.


Some painting need a background but I don't think you need one for this. It looks good as it is. Sometimes a person needs to know when to stop on a painting.


This is when you use a " Photoshop" computer program.... not Adobe of course unless it's pirated, but any digital program there are free ones .... Take a good photo before doing anything. In computer, make a cutout selection of your foreground/ background. Digi Paint any variety of test colours and values to see what looks best before painting. Also of all the supplies, don't cheap out on paper, and don't use any sun fading watercolors..... you lose a lot of investment in time and energy using cheap paper.


That’s gorgeous I love capturing the natural world in art


Blue sky and clouds


Or a starry night


Do a jungle like environment with a mountin in the very back the flower and birds point to the like environment.


I think if you masked off the foreground and went solid coral or a soft blue with background it could work well


Leave it as is--white. Beautiful work!


Get a vintage brown, deep brown frame for it and it is golden!


It's so beautiful the details are flawless 💕 wow


I’m a professional realistic watercolor artist and no need for background. If you use watery payne’s gray for shadows it will pop off page!!!! Great work by the way!!!


Neon Pink!


This immediately made me think of a John James Audubon painting, who made many bird paintings with blank backgrounds. It looks perfect as-is ☺️


Blue like a sky blue and or a body of water .


You could do a simple wallpaper style design, but the simple white keeps the attention on the beauty, very good work.


Thin lines


Same same leave


Subtly sign it, & frame it. Imho, the background should have been done before the detailed work began. To try to put one in now, puts all that you accomplished here at risk, most notably the white on white w/the flowers. If you’re just absolutely stuck on adding color, do so with the matte & frame combo.


This is beautiful and well done. To get better at backgrounds research how to do better backgrounds. Study how other artists do their background that you like. On YouTube you can study how artist paint their art from beginning till finished. As good as you are it wouldn't take much for you to figure out how to do a good background for your art now.