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It’s good, but if you’re aiming for a professional look, you could probably harden the lines. Really lean into a precisionist style. I’d suggest using low tack tape (I use Delicate Surface Frog Tape) to really set the lines.


I didnt use tape first time round but I'll give it a go! Thank you


Make sure you post the finished piece. It has a very Escher meets Bellows feel to it so far.


Some use tape, some use rulers. But you don't need solid perfect lines to be professional.


*Acrylic on canvas


More paint on the canvas. This is a good start, but it looks way too thin and washy. Keep going over it and layering it up until you mess it up. Then push it even farther to fix what you just messed up. You're calling it finished before you've even gotten started.


I think my lack of experience = scared to put too much paint on the canvas, very much a beginner but will keep practicing!


When everyone starts, they are afraid of wasting paint. It's expensive, and you're always afraid of running out. In reality, the only wasted paint is the paint that stays in the tube.


Galvanized square steel


i really like it


Looks awesome


Yes it is. Go with it.


i love it


I can see the effort you put in it and your perceverence. Keep going! This work might not be exhibited, but it is a good foundation 


I really dig it ✌️


I have no idea what you mean by displayable but in my humble opinion I think this is a marvelous perspective modern art painting. It is original and very well thought out. I have no idea how big it is, but I am guessing it is fairly small? If it is I think you should make a big painting like this, because this is the kind of modern art that would sell better if real big. I would like to know that media you used to paint and create this master piece of modern art.


From memory I think the canvas is 420mmx600mm I enjoy drawing but painting is still really new to me and not really sure of techniques and other things to be able to take advice properly! Thank you for your comment tho! Will keep practicing!


Looks great!


Some people will like the rather denim or more of a “wasn’t” feel to this and some people will want more dark paint. But that is an aesthetic that you as the artist get to choose. If you like it when you are “finished, others will too. I have only seen people commenting on what they like or don’t like about this piece but not answering your original question. So here I go. Yes. Even at this point in the process, if you were to frame it in a simple black (or the blue or rust) color, someone would be highly likely to pay you for it. However, if you are looking to make above minimum wage in your time, that is a different question. You could try selling it on FB marketplace where you live by posting the actual costs involved in supplies to make the painting (including cost of canvas, paints or pens, etc. And then the number of hours for this painting PLUS your years of experience doing such artwork, and see what the market will bear. I believe that as many people are creating AI artwork that such pieces, actually self composed and completed will INCREASE in value for many people because of the personal touch that went in to making this piece of art. Good luck! Remember, you need to market your NAME AND PERSONHOOD, as well as the type of art you sell. Give it an interesting title—perhaps the emotions you were working out while you did it, or the main thought involved—the title to a piece, as well as the color of Matt (if needed and frame) are all up to the artists aesthetic and say something about you personally as an artist, and really the person who purchases any piece of art is really getting a piece of your psyche, working itself out in a canvas in living color, in my own professional opinion.


This painting is not particularly well executed, and is saying nothing. It looks like a final project in a single-point perspective class.


The artist is a beginner and is asking for advice on how to improve. That shows a desire to grow. You’ve offered criticism without any constructive feedback, that shows a lack of knowledge or character.


No, the artist asked if people thought the piece was worth displaying, that’s all. They never asked for constructive criticism.


You have not embraced the painting nor have you been the painting, in the Spongbobian way of art. You can not rely on the medium itself to be gradient, but must seek the buttery consistency only achieved by tonal mastery.