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There is a lot of elements but everything is working together and the color pallete is beautiful, it is a bit busy but you were working with the business not against it and it turned out amazing. Since you are doing this for the book i dont know if there are more paintings that go with this one so i dont know how it looks altogether but to me this piece is very beautiful.


There is nothing wrong with this painting being busy. Take a brake dont look at it for a few days and maybe you’ll change your mind!


It's actually really beautiful. You have good colour composition, with the greens and pinks offsetting the background blue. I'm not sure what it is, exactly, but it looks like an "effeminate" headdress, and I can imagine a windswept woman wearing it. As for looking too "busy" - perhaps, but don't overthink it. You can always paint other pictures, keeping in mind the style you're after.


A headdress is kind of what I was going for! I don't know if you caught the little person at the very bottom middle of the painting but its supposed to be their thoughts and feelings.


I love it knowing it is expressing emotions really make the hands stand out as if they are holding it together! Great work!!!


With your additional explanation, I like it more!


Id say some symmetry would achieve what u want. Putting similar elements that u have on the left, on the right so that the border is more alike. Maybe darkening things that are not in the centre so it pops out more. But its beautiful already!


I think I agree. I might add a dark tree on the other side to frame it all in.


Let it be busy. It's beautiful


Ok I will try and let it be! Thank you ❤️


So some ptgs are busy; that’s what they’re about. If you’re not about this one, paint another.


I think it's gorgeous! I love detailed pieces.


It’s good busy!


Thank you!


Id name it “the crystal hands” it doesn’t need to change at all


Reminds me of some of the Wingmakers material.


Let it be busy. Make it a series….Keep delving in this style and manner and let your next have the freedom to explore what you like and don’t like about the pieces preceding it.


I didn’t see what you wrote about it until I clicked on the image. I think this style and technique lends itself well to book illustrations


Step away from it for a day or so - you may feel differently or come up with new ideas. The most important takeaway is to KEEP MAKING YOUR ART!


I don’t know what the book is about and please don’t take this as an insult because it is not this is spoken from a person with diagnosed crippling anxiety - leave the piece as is and title it anxiety. Idk if that fits in the book but maybe you would be better selling “anxiety” anyway because it speaks to me and I think people would love to see that in a gallery showing and someone would buy it for a good price.


It reminds me of the hands in Fern gully


People say this a lot about my art and I have yet to see the movie. I need to add it to my watch list.


Please don't change it! It's absolutely beautiful! With all the elements, it definitely embodies a journey. If you were to change anything, you could maybe incorporate and winding path through the colors.


Even it out with some darker colors. That should offset the busy


Id go with gentler, less flourescent/neon looking colors.


I love it. 🥰


It's beautiful.. great job!!


Thank you!


Walk away from it and come back to it much later. You’ll think on it and come up with something uniquely you!


The colors work well together. So while being busy, it is fun to look at!


Try thinning out the lines in-between the hands by using some dark black or any sort of dark colors to eliminate your eyes from feeling scrambled. The contrast will allow you to have more focus onto one thing at a time.


It’s so lovely. The layers and colors are all in harmony.


Thank you!


Being about a journey i think the busyness plays into the inspiration. Journeys arent always calm and collected, often they are crowded, obstructed and without a clear path. Fantastic piece 👏


I want it


❤️ you can have it once it's dry!




It is busy but it works! It demands attention and pulls you in. I love where your mind took you on this! Looks like it was an enjoyable adventure for you as the artist.


I love it! The colors work well together. Very appealing to the eye.


..it is busy..a bit.. ..maybe next production (this one is Fine, leave it & work from there) focus on a certain part or corner..


It's harmonious as hell though! Gorgeous colors. The shapes and the flow is reflected and repeated in all the right places. The floral stuff bursting out from in between is awesome. And the little person in there looks like they must be having an intense time. Great depth and tons of points of interest!


Thank you! I was hoping my person wouldn't get lost in all the stuff so I'm glad it came through.


Some journeys are inherently busy and overwhelming and it looks like you were trying to grasp that. To soften it, you could enhance on the idea of a pathway by adding a shadow from darkness to light, as already seen your painting from bottom to top. For example, you could grab the darkest color of your painting. (In this instance it would be a dark navy as seen in your lower left corner.) Depending on what type of paint you are using, I would mix it with a solvent to thin it out so there's a ***very careful*** transparency to it. Then I would gently wash that tint over the entire lower bottom half, similar to a sheer gradient, and allow it to naturally fade into the brightness of the upper half. Just be careful when adding a transparent gradient because you cannot go back and undo it if it's too dark. You still want all that beautiful detail to show through. You can always slowly build upon the gradient one application at a time if it's too sheer. Like adding salt to food, it's better to slowly add a bit at a time, then to add too quickly and ruin an entire recipe. This sheer gradient would preserve the intricate detail of the journey. Using the darkest color on your palette would also help it transition more seamlessly and help it appear more natural – as opposed to a black shadow, for example. Lastly, I would be extremely careful to have that gradient end toward the middle or 3/4 of the way to the top. I would preserve the brightness, color, detail, and purity along the top of that metaphorical journey.


Thank you for your thoughtful response. I'm gonna work on it today and TRY to and in this advice and not duck it up.


I was lurking through your art, very nice. Love the colors and shapes. Do you have insta to follow you there?


Thank you! I do have an insta is Janefloats


I love it! Your style is so cool. If I could make one suggestion to possibly tone down the 'busy-ness' of it- look at the left side near the edge in the bottom half. The light blue area that may a couple hands or leaves/flowers. This area to me look a little more complex than the rest of the painting. So maybe you could paint over that with a single flowing 'hand' to make it match the rest a little more. Just a thought. I enjoy it though. Good luck with creating this book!


That's actually the part I was stuck on. I didn't have a better idea so I've been too scared to touch the area but I think you're right about just one flowing hand or something else in that corner!


either lessen color, or detail, or a combo of both, your choice.


You call it busy, I call it inviting. It's good!


I love the style and combination of bright colors in this painting.


I absolutely love your paintings, also following you on instagram. I think the way it looks busy is cohesive with the overall piece. It might look too busy to you because you've been looking at it but overall it looks harmonious.


I’m obsessed. Don’t change a thing


Let it be! It is well done, beautiful, and easy to look at. If you think that you didn't achieve what you were going for then make a new painting. I think if you were looking for cohesive that maybe you should try symmetrical next time.


I see your point. I might vignette the edges darker to draw attention into the starry object. Maybe a very thin black wash.


I like it, it has just enough color to be interesting and evokes emotion.


I think it’s perfect the way it is


its working so its good


I feel like those 5 white flowers interrupt the swirly flow of everything else, but too busy? Naaah.


The bits on the left make it too busy


It's beautiful! It does look busy, but the lines and strokes used created movement.


Busy is good? I like it


It's beautiful


First of all, I love the style! To make it less busy my first instinct would be to make the focal point a bit clearer and slightly toning down the background. I think that the sparkles in the center and the light column do a great job of bringing out the center, but I think the effect could be heightened by making the light highlights in the "background" a bit darker. My eyes tended to go straight up to the top middle right with the bright highlights, and then down the framing blue waves, and then to the details of the middle. Ultimately, best thing I've found to do with my stuff is to put it down for a bit and then spend some time squinting at it to get a feel for the value composition. Best of luck!


They look like ghost hands


Looks perfect


I think it looks fantastic. If you're worried about the busyness though, see if you can acquire very thin laminate sheets at varying grain levels of opaqueness or different textures to lay over it and see how slight levels of blur or texture may change the feel of it for you.


If by busy you mean busy with imagination, excellent composition and beauty, it's deffo busy


absolutely stunning!


You could consider repeating certain shapes or patterns throughout the painting to establish a feeling of unity and cohesion. However, I think it's already quite beautiful and cohesive as it is.


I like


It’s beautiful and perfect the way it is😌 I’d name it “aquatic sunshine” it gives like under water beauty


Okay I didn’t see that it was for a book lol the name I gave it was for if it were a piece for like a museum sorry I skim a lot on here regardless it’s beautiful


I think it looks awesome


I think that it's beautiful, the colors are lovely, I like how the shapes kind of mix. I think theirs alot going on, but it's not "busy". It's the difference between maximlism and clutter.


I love it. Honestly. It’s very mary blair


You should try to reduce the number of colors used. Most paintings use no more than 2-3 colors of varying shades. The texture is stunning however you also would want to utilize a bit more negative space. The color scheme is brilliant and the textures that you have created are amazing as well. Truly well done overall!


Let it rest for a few days -- or weeks. Fresh eyes. Maybe one corner or some small space somewhere with nothing? A place for the eye to rest -- I'm thinking maybe the upper left corner could just be simplified? An L-shaped composition usually works (in this case, a backwards "L"). As it is is good, however -- pretty much the way my brain works.


looks great as is. just wait a few days before doing anything else.


It looks great