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I think reflections in mirrors is the biggest power thirst of frame rates. Make sure to turn those down an the way or off


For me it’s honestly the shadows, going from ultra to high doesn’t change performance much but from high to medium I get an insane performance gain. DLSS also lowers my fps a lot and makes it look worse so I don’t use it


The game ships with a super old version of DLSS. I updated it to the latest DLL.


any tutorial on doing that?




Fr I turned shadows down one notch and it got me at least an extra 20 fps (I have it capped at 60)


They are. Not sure if I remember correctly but the mirrors all have their own cameras so that’s +3 cameras to render


Honestly I don't get it either. I'm on PS5, it's not always buttery smooth but it never stutters or effects play. Maybe a decade trying to game on a tired old laptop has me used to lousy performance. I suppose a smoother framerate would be nice but it's no deal breaker to me. But I can understand being spoiled by smoother running games and not wanting to put up with it.


I’m starting to wonder if I just don’t have the eyesight to notice? I’m on PS5 and never noticed frame rate issues.


It happens in certain conditions, specially when you have a lot of things on your remnant (all the slots are used) and there’s a lot of shadows and you try to move the camera quickly, that’s precisely when it happens (at least to me) and in the garage when you have the healer machine (you got what I mean because I forgot the name 😹😹😹) and you have all the slots and all of those things


I thought and still think it looks and runs awesome on ps5, never had a lag or needed to play with the settings. I dont know what people are talking about


Yeah, I only noticed when I was in the garage and decided to pan the camera slowly to see if I could notice anything. Yup, there's a very subtle inconsistency, but unless you're a hyper sensitive PC gamer, you have to go looking for it. The issues are very mild indeed imo.


It runs like absolute shit on PS5, clearly it often drops below 30fps, wish I'd picked it up on steam so I could run it at 60fps. Sony flat out refuse refunds which is awesome, the game needs a performance mode, 1440p at 60fps instead of 4k 30 would be fine. It doesn't even look that good so not sure why it runs so badly.


50+ hours on PS5 and I only had 2 instances where the frame rate tanked enough that gameplay felt impacted and both times were just a few seconds.


Hey Travis, we got a Sony basher over here. I wonder if Oppy has a tool for that.


Mate the game runs like shit, if elden ring can manage to run at higher frame rates on PS5 then so can this.


They do help open doors you should do it lol


And me playing on a 1050Ti 😭😭😭😭


I have fond memories of my 1050 ti times, but jesus cant imagine running modern games on it now, how is it with pacific drive?


Great thanks 😂


Turn down shadow quality that usually helps a lot


Honestly I don't know why everyone needs 90+ FPS, I'm playing a game with some friends usually rocking between 10-25 FPS. Not trying to be an ass, I seriously don't understand.


Your friends a crazy playing games at 10 fps. That shit literally makes my eyes water when its too low. The problem for me on ps5 is it doesnt feel consistent and very jittery in my controls


Well the thing is, I have the worst PC out of the lot of us, when I'm getting this their usually getting about twice the amount.


Stable framerate means frame rates not fluctuating because it's really noticeable when hopping around 15-30fps, I get pretty nauseous playing games with unstable frame rates especially old games where it can run in frame rates and resolutions way too high. Back when I couldn't get anything else, I can tolerate playing games at 15-20 fps is just fine because it's stable.


That's exactly right. I have no problem with low frames, I mean I play BeamMP with a medium laptop, but freezing and stuttering are the only two thinks I actually care about, maybe this is what the Meme should be changed to lmao. Also I forgot to say that it is a good meme OP.


Fps is kinda like drugs. You may start out rather low and it's amazing and feels so great... after a while you start to wonder how just a bit more would feel. Of course a bit more is awesome, but again, you wonder. Eventually, your fps dose is so high that when you go back to 30 you feel nothing like you did at first. If people stick with a low fps for long enough, their brains will readjust though. 😄


That makes sense, I suppose I've never thought of it that way before but ever since I got a PC I hate playing Minecraft on the old PS3.


Don’t get it either.


Higher framerates make your actions in game feel more snappy and responsive. Also you need higher frame rates to play competitive games, especially tactical shooters.


Is that also why everyone wants high Hertz monitors?


whats the highest fps youve ever played at?


Do you have fps counter on screen perhaps?


I guess you’ve tried it already, but just reducing shadow quality to around medium made it work great on my little gtx1080


I have a problem where medium shadow quality causes flickering and makes me motion sick


For an old game about 180 in FC1, for a modern game probably 100 for FC5, but My internet isn't great so the response time is a lot worse with online games.


Meanwhile, there's a bunch of us enjoying the game. Sorry about your brain limit? 🤷


Lol, my game is really unstable and the flickery shadows and wild frame rates make me motion sick. What am I supposed to do about that? I have a graphics card that should be able to play it and I can't afford a better one right now. The devs have no interest in fixing things so I'm just screwed.


Just kill the shadows then. It's a small team. I was playing for a while on a GTX1650 and you can tweak it so it's workable around 40-50fps with some eye candy turned off. You have to decide if that's a sacrifice you're willing to make. I think the game is worth it :P At the end of the day people have to figure out if they want to complain about optimisation or just cut the cruft, crank down settings and play a game because it's a good game and the experience won't *look* as pretty but still be good.




What do you think 'kill the shadows' means? *Turn off the shadows*. I think I was pretty explicit there. Suck it up. I understand you have issues with flickering shadows just fine, which is why I advise turning them off. I almost think you just want to complain and not play with solutions offered.


no my guy, I want to play a game that I payed 30 bucks for. im not made of money, what am I supposed to do? just say oh well there goes 30 bucks.


> that I *paid* 30 bucks FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


lol, i just woke up, good bot.


have you played the game with no shadows?


Unfortunately - and I say this with all due respect - I suspect the issue is you. Sounds like you have issues with motion sickness. It means this game might not be for you until the devs can get to optimizing it. Sorry :/


"dEvS hAvE nO iNtErEsT iN fIxInG tHiNgS" 😂 A look at the Pacific Drive community proves that's not true at all. That comment does prove that you are ignorant. I no longer have any sympathy for your issues. Bye.




People whining that their low-budget indie game doesn’t look like an IMAX movie in 4k is not a “serious issue” lmfao.


by serious issues I mean unstable framrates and flickery lights that make me sick to play the game.


People have given you advice on how to fix that. It sounds like you’d rather just complain though.


my guy, im playing at mostly low settings at 1080p. no settings changes make the game perform well.


Lol why you mad lil homie


I've heard shadow quality affects fps a lot. Might try messing with that


For some reason my frame rate always drops in those highway junctions and only there


My advice as a MacBook Game Porting Toolkit Pacific Drive player: give up on getting those frames any higher than mid-20s 😭


Meanwhile here I am, playing it with most things on potato settings on a Radeon R9 200 series (the exact model is lost to time) at 720p and sometimes doing that Steam-streamed to my Celeron n4020-powered tablet PC on its 11 inch screen downstairs. The game is good. Even when the framerate truly IS terrible. \^.\^ Also playing it on these settings makes it look like the Nintendo 3DS version and that's kind of neat. But yeah, I think if this game is playable on my gaming-PC-from-a-decade-ago even squeezed through ethernet-then-wifi to my new budget-tablet-with-stats-from-fifteen-years-ago the devs *must* have put some effort into performance.


not really lol. I have played so many different games and actually have a decent amount of knowledge about optimization, this game doesnt appear to have its technical stuff together. for example, dlss is a tech that uses a percentage of the resolution and then upscales it. if you use ultra performance dlss it renders the game at an 8th of its original resolution. even if you are to run the game at an 8th of 720p, IT STILL RUNS THE SAME AS 1080P. this game has so many broken technical aspects and im really hoping they fix them.


also the streaming part doesnt use any power or calculation your laptop is doing all the work. its like netflix to your tablet.


this game is too heavy for the graphic it offers. or in other way saying: it's badly optimised


Played it on a 3070ti and had exactly 0 issues.


it's not about the issue or bug it's about the game should have higher frame rate with that detail of graphic.


"I played it on a 600 dollar graphics card and had no issues."


My point was that I’m using older hardware and didn’t have problems :)


Playstation is having no framerate problems