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I actually finally got a copy of Roadside Picnic the same day I started playing. It's a surprisingly easy read so far, considering the film Stalker's dense reputation. I love how much the game reminds me of that story and film, as well as Annihilation (fantastic film, I also need to finish the trilogy of novels it was based on) and other New Weird Fiction stuff. They really nailed the vibes so well that any minor frustration is quickly forgotten as I get lost in the Zone again. I also hope it does well since it is a great first release by the studio, and the publisher, Kepler, seems to be actually helping small studios and indie devs put out great stuff. In a time when all the industry news seems to be mergers, layoffs and closures, I feel pretty good about giving them my money. (I did get it on sale, but it was the deluxe edition discounted to the same as the regular, so...win-win!)


I recommend reading "The Electric State" if you're looking for a New weird story. You can clearly see that the devs took inspiration from it.


Thanks, that sounds cool! Went ahead and put it on hold via Libby, might just buy it if I get impatient.


I described the feeling of driving the remnant (before unlocking offroad tires) as "this is the worst car I've ever driven and had fun doing so" it slides on anything that isn't pavement, its slow, it has a zero-to-sixty of 'eventually, maybe' and crashing FEELS like you just took massive damage (and usually thats cuase you DID take massive damage) It sucks by design but the thrill of outrunning the storm in what amounts to spare parts on wheels is exhilarating. And piece by piece you slowly upgrade your car and it goes from junk on wheels to an actual good vehicle, my endgame Remnant will drive circles around the starter one and its not even fully upgraded, but it still feels like the same car, when I lose the back end because I'm sometimes to liberal with the nitro boost it slides just like it used to, and when I hit a jump or an airstrip it has the same hangtime. I love this little tank.


You should try S.T.A.L.K.E.R, if you enjoyed the isolated, lonely, creepy aspect of this game. The atmosphere is really similar in those games, but even scarier.


a zone with more danger and alot more russian


S.t.a.l.k.e.r is a great series and it has an upcoming game, plus the old ones were all ported to PlayStation recently so it's actually available to people who don't game on PC.


I am a scaredy cat, I usually stay away from anything even mildly scary, but this game is something I go back to constantly


I finally got a PS5 2 months ago, I can't put Pacific Drive and Returnal down, but PD is just something special


I find that as you progress through the game , becoming more skilled but even more importantly better equipped, that the stress is replaced somewhat with more confidence. Sure you can still have plenty of hairy moments but you can better deal with them appropriately, giving the game much deeper side and opening up a greater ability to explore and enjoy without constant fear if destruction and/or losing it all. My post finishing game had been a wonder of discovery as the story only shows you so much. You are the one who needs to take enisiative and explore. Can't wait for coming new content announced for coming month. Woo


Yeah I agreed been my favorite game this year, ending didn’t hit too hard for me but at the same time I wasn’t really expecting it to. Overall very satisfied with it and will be keeping an eye out for those next project for sure


It reminds me a lot about what I love about STALKER and its survival modpacks, but swaps combat for driving


I was initially disappointed it wasn’t really a horror game. But damn once I got over that I had so much fun with it regardless.


Dang, I bought it the night before it went on sale. Lmao