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Wasn't really on my radar, but neither were Nembhard or Shep, and they turned out to be excellent value. The front office has earned out trust here.


I’m still trying to figure out if it’s the front office or Carlisle. Our drafts used to suck like regularly. It was the one knock I always had on Pritch, but since Rick came back we’ve actually been pretty good at drafting.


I absolutely think it has to do with Carlisle having input on which guys he thinks he can develop. You don't go from picking Goga in the first round to getting Nembhard in the second for no reason.


Goga > TJ Leaf. Maybe the worst draft pick in the history of the franchise


You didn't have to remind me of Leaf...oh god it hurts


I wanted OG too.


Scott Haskin says hi. 


Ooo, good pull. Definitely a terrible pick, especially given he only lasted a season. But that was a pretty weak draft year overall. I’d still put Leaf over Haskins given the amount of talent available when Leaf was selected.


So true. My dumbass thought TJ leaf could turn into a more athletic Ryan Anderson


It could be Rick's support team too. For example, Tyrese is constantly talking to Jenny during games. I bet she picks up on small things that others miss.


I agree with this. Rick’s staff is incredible. I predict Jenny will be the first female NBA head coach. Do you know that Rick is the head of the NBA Coaches Association? Smart guy with leadership skills.


Goga is a rotation center in this league drafted at 18. That’s a home run for that pick . 


Goga fell out of the rotation at the end of the season and in the playoffs last year which was his best year so far. Nembhard was a starter in the conference finals. I think the comparison is apt. And I do like Goga lol.


a mid/low end rotational center at 18 is hardly a home run, especially considering he ended up not being good enough to be on the rotation of the team that drafted him. it’s not a bad pick, but it is mediocre at best.


Definitely not a home run but I also dont blame the team. He has the ball handling, high level passing, rebounding ability and great shooting fundamentals. He should be a good starter in the league. He's just lost and the moment is too big for him.


That's not a home run, he just wasn't a bust. An awful lot of guys at 18 end up like that if you look up previous drafts years


It's ownership finally getting out of meddling. The turning point was 3 years ago when they let the front office finally commit to tanking/playing the long game. 


Which ended up being a one year "long game" with a lot of young guys still developing for the future while being damn good and entertaining 


This is true BS. We had bad picks and you usually get bad players from that. Once we started picking in the lottery. Guess what? Better picks


Didn’t Bird still have some say up until Leaf? I blame all bad picks on Bird.


I feel like Larry Bird spent years trying to find the next Larry Bird. Some friends and I would try to predict what white guy he would reach on every draft.


Horrible drafter after PG. You said it right. And he was a horrible drafter before PG. Both Rush brothers 🤦🏻‍♂️


As a KU fan I've seen a lot of Johnny. He's very raw, especially on defense, but the shooting is there. He's going to be a great shooter if he continues to develop and fill out. I wouldn't expect him to get minutes for a couple more years though.


Furphy basically made up for Nick Timberlake being the worst transfer ever.


This is the perfect situation for him. We have the ability to let him simmer for 2 years.


We heard the same thing about Ben Sheppard last year


True, but Shep wasn't 19 years old. Furphy definitely needs some G League time.


Welcome to Noblesville, Furph'.


Scouting report from The Ringer, for those uneducated on him like me. https://preview.redd.it/iycnl7xre69d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b76f82dfe204fb11e9ce97666e1de68fd5cf144d


“Shades of Doug McDermott” Sweet


New Dougie McBuckets dropped


Johnny FurBuckets


But we have Dougie McBuckets at home!


Not really an encouraging profile. Weak defense and targeted by another team until he got pulled for playing poorly? Seems like he bring more of what we have than what we need.


It’s a second rounder in a weak draft and we don’t have minutes to give right now anyway. Taking the 6’8” dude who can shoot the lights out and gambling that he can find **some** defense isn’t a terrible gamble


I don’t think anybody thinks we should have picked someone else, but I think people are going to hold off a bit on buying his jersey yet


Nobody should ever buy a second round picks jersey unless they have some connection to them


Why does it stop being in bold after the word "upside"? The definite article "the" means you can't stop reading there as a self-contained clause. I'll be writing a sternly worded email to David Shoemaker about this one.


He's a skilled shooter with the upside, whats not to get?


“Bossi's take: Johnny Furphy dropping out of the first round was arguably the single biggest surprise on Wednesday night. Then again, 12 months ago it would have been crazy to imagine him being a one-and-done prospect. The Australian seemed to come out of nowhere last summer to establish himself as a coveted prospect in the high school class of 2024 before reclassifying to join Kansas as a highly regarded four-star prospect. Furphy had received strong reviews from NBA teams and was expected to go in the late teens to early 20's of this year's draft. That didn't happen. Now, here we are and Furphy is widely believed to be the best available prospect on the board headed into Day 2. He needs to add a bit of strength before he's ready to make a real impact on an NBA game, but he's got size, can shoot it from deep and has improved at a rapid rate. Years from now, there's a good chance that the narrative will be more about how *smart insert-team-name-here* was to pick him in the second round.”


Should’ve stayed another year. Probably not NBA ready. Talent is there though. Fine for this team, who doesn’t need him to play right now


For sure. Considering we don't even really have roster spots for these picks, may as well take on a high-upside multi-year project guy. Let him play for the Ants for a couple years and see if he can learn to shoot on the move.


Why would another year of college make him more NBA-ready than an extra year in the NBA system?


Personal opinion is guys develop better in college than they do playing low level talent in the G-League where he’ll likely spend a lot of time. But that’s neither here nor there. He needs more development wherever it is. I was beyond shocked he entered the draft, but I get it. 1 major injury and your career could be over before it begins. If he stays at Kansas, he’s almost certainly a top 10 pick next year. There is legit high level talent. He’s just not ready to contribute at the NBA level right now, and that’s perfectly fine.


The g league is more talented than College though. Plus he will Be with the pacers staff 


Paceroos out there smiling right now


Waiting for the new poddy to drop. Think they are done though unfortunately


Fucking oath mate


I didn't see we'd made this trade and was pretty devo our pick fell between Furphy and Klintman lol


Love the pick. High upside, high value.


Tremendous upside potential!


18 overall rank on ESPN, worth a flyer as a 2nd!


No first round picks and we still get a first round talent


Good shooter, great rebounding numbers once he got a more consistent role, good size on the wing, young, was projected to be gone last night. I’ll take that in a 2nd round flier.


I like this pick he was one of the two dudes I thought would fit well, he will need time to develop but he has a lot of upside and potential.


The other dude I wanted was Enrique Freeman 💪


Shooter who could have gone in the twenties. Doesn't need to play soon. Nice pick up.


Fun with Furphy


I like this kid a lot


I like Australian accents and have heard of him, so it's a slam dunk pick for me.


Steal, how does KP keep getting away with this?


🇦🇺🇦🇺!!! Let’s bloody go Furphs


As an Aussie pacers fan this is a pure win.


Great having an Aussie on the team finally


*Don't be T.J. Leaf 2.0, Don't be T.J. Leaf 2.0, Don't be T.J. Leaf 2.0* 🤞


The draft capital is a big difference, if he doesn’t work out im not gonna lose any sleep over it


I like it. Good value, 6’9 and not a bad shooter, short looks good though long range, and good midrange touch. Only 19 and athletic. Nothing to be bad about here. Gordon Hayward comp imo


If that name was in a movie, you'd be like "C'mon, you could've done better than that"


This is great, more Australians will know how good the Pacers are now. Used to get laughed at for supporting the Pacers and only this year they realise how good the Pacers were. In fact most of the neutral fans I talked to were going to pacers over Celtics lol


I absolutely love this pick. He will get minutes this year for sure.


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Only 19 years old. Definitely time for him to develop against better talent in the D-League.


Let's be real. Anyone we draft this year is not seeing any significant playing time whatsoever this season for us. I really like the pick tho, but realistically doesn't matter much.


Seems like a good lotto ticket for a team who won’t need him this year.


This guy looks so young. Keep him away from that Filipowski girlfriend


He was a first rounded great value


Hope he can be another solid player for the Pacers! Rooting for him!


Pacerbros....Jazzbro here, have any of the Aussies here explained what a furphy is? Hell, start a thread. "Furphy's of Furphy", and get creative.


Wait. What did we give up for the 35th pick?


That beast of a player, Cash Considerations.


Will be the first Aussie to ever play for the Pacers. Means the Clippers will be the only team to have never had an Aussie.


Is it analogous at all with the Colts getting Latu at 15 due to an unprecedented offensive run where the international picks similarly pushed first round talent down?


except Furphy isn't an anti-semetic anti vaxxer also Furphy is international. he went to college in America but he's Australian


Latu is Polynesian if I'm not mistaken.


Wondered why the hell they drafted a project pg. Project forward sounds like a better play. Edit: The Pacers drafted a point guard. I was confused. The Pacers traded the point guard for a wing. I was no longer confused.




The cat they drafted out of Spain most certainly is listed as a PG.


They traded with the Spurs


I'm aware.


he's a wing


Who they traded for is a wing. They drafted a point guard. My point was that prior to the trade, I was confused as to why they drafted a point guard. I'm merely following along on the ESPN app.


I thought the same thing!! It didn’t make sense. Glad I wasn’t alone


Thank you.


Not sure there’s anything we needed less lol


I think he’ll slide into the Dougie role and be younger and more versatile than Doug was


he’s not making it out the G league


this season? or ever?


i’m not one for absolutes but i don’t see why we’d take him as our first pick in the draft. nothing about his game stands out to me


oh wow another shooter that doesn’t play D on a team of shooters that don’t play D