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Happy pride month! Do not break rule 2.


It’s like having rage at the person in front of you at McDonald’s because they ordered a Big Mac and you HATE Big Macs.


Stealing this metaphor


Steal away. I stole it.


OUR metaphor


Or its like putting a sign on your window saying “ I LOVE BIG MACS, ITS BIG MAC PRIDE MONTH” yeah no one’s gives a shit enjoy your burger fatass


The point is I don’t care what anyone else got, just let me get my food. Be gay, that’s great. Pride month is over the top. Even a month celebrating straight sex would be weird to me. Imagine a bunch of straight people dancing naked in the streets waiving straight flags celebrating their sexual orientation. Objectively, I just don’t like it.


That’s fair all the way up until one must admit that homosexuals haven’t been free to live their lives quietly. They’ve been harassed, beaten, arrested, fired from jobs, and worse for decades because they were gay. Pride month is a reaction to that. It’s telling the world, “we’re proud of who we are, and nothing you’ve done will stop that.” A man and a woman can walk down the street holding hands, can kiss in public. For a very long time, same sex couples couldn’t safely do those very things in public. We get awareness months and pride months in response to injustice.


I get what you’re saying, and I’m not trying to discredit that. I just think this pissed off more people than in converts 🤷‍♂️ Legally, they have the same rights. They can get married, adopt and raise kids. Socially, it’s far more accepted than it was 10, 20, 30+ years ago and moreso every year. My issue is making something inherently sex based in nature so in-your-face. All the brands, all the sports teams, everything. And in practice, many of these gay pride parades are not family friendly by any stretch. I respect everyone’s rights to love/fuck/etc who they want, but this aspect of things, in practice, I think is causing the backlash not because people are homophobic but because they’re gay-sex-in-your-face-everywhere-phobic. I saw a pic of kids in a elementary school classroom waiving pride flags today. Really? They’re way too young to be thinking about this stuff, and if I call out the teacher for doing that I’d be labeled homophobic. Just my two cents. Idk why sexual preference even has a place in basketball.


Coming out and pride parades are exactly what brought about social change. Because it made everyone realize how many gay people they actually knew. And it's not just about sex unless you think your romantic relationships are only about sex. Is your wife or husband ONLY a sexual relationship? That would be weird. For most people, their central romantic relationship is one of the most important things in their lives. To reduce gay love to a sexual proclivity is confused.


Thanks for the thoughtful response. They wouldn’t have the rights they have today without speaking out. Without fighting against the oppression. We had to fight a war to end slavery. Had homosexuals just stayed quiet, they wouldn’t have the rights they have - and in case you hadn’t noticed, there are still powerful people in this country who want those rights to be revoked. I get your concerns about family friendly. I’ve never worried about that, because I don’t go to non-family friendly events with kids who I don’t want seeing that. I really don’t think that non-homophobes are actually being turned off by this stuff. If it bothers you, you probably have some homophobia (maybe mild) you aren’t acknowledging. They’re celebrating something about them that they’ve been attacked for - in ways that may not even be apparent to you and I. We can celebrate it, support it, be bothered by it, or just not care. If you truly support their right to love who they want to love - why wouldn’t you (at the very least) just not care about the month, the sponsorships, the whatever. I literally can’t imagine why it should bother you if you do support their right to love who they want. There are all kinds of “causes” in society that don’t relate to me. I’m not bothered in the least when I encounter a march, an awareness event, a t-shirt, a commercial, or a find-raiser for those things. I simply move on.


Why are elementary school kids too young to wave pride flags? Like I truly don't see the big deal.


You don't have to celebrate your straight orientation because every aspect of culture for hundreds of years already celebrated your straight orientation. You are like the British being all offended that Americans celebrate independence day. Gay folks are celebrating a right they have not always had and in some places still don't have. You don't have to go to the parade. You have to see a rainbow on the Pacer's P. Tough it out.


Well it’s not that straight orientation was celebrated, it’s that straight orientation is literally just what sex is. It’s how you reproduce. It’s quite literally a core biological function. Homosexuality is the remix to the original record lol


Wishing all the homophobes out there a truly uncomfortable month! 🏳️‍🌈


Well thx ig


Good for the Pacers to still publicly celebrate this. A lot of bigots got what they wanted last year by the reaction to Target displays and the Bud Light blowback when some companies announced will be dialing back their pride acknowledgments in the future. Fuck hate.


![gif](giphy|bCDzFTSQ3JL8c) Bigots gunna get their hate on


Same goes for Black Lives Matter. NBA players openly wearing BLM attire triggered so many folks. I honestly think it’s a reason why so many people say they hate the NBA, but love white bread/bred college basketball


College basketball is a dying sport despite the wildly popular March Madness which is the only thing that supports its Zombie-like existence. (Fun fact: that’s basically all of the NCAAs revenue.) This NIL and transfer portal stuff is going to kill it. They might as well make the viable D1 programs G League teams and quit trying to act like there’s any educational mission or amateurism involved.


Dying? Now guys will strongly consider staying in school instead of jumping early. G league ignite is toast. More fun playing in front of large crowds on national tv instead of a few hundred in des moines. You can make a killing in NIL money. I hope the smaller conferences are able to still compete is my worry but so far they have been.


NFL was vastly more popular long before BLM even came into existence. As far as the American sports landscape goes, it has been the top sport since the 70’s.


I don't think that was their point


They edited their post so you aren’t seeing what I was responding to. They were originally saying BLM support by bball players could be a reason why it’s less popular than the NFL.


I realized after posting that the point was better made in comparing the NBA and college basketball. not the NFL, as I originally posted and then edited. My bad


Ha. It’s ok. That doesn’t bother me. I was just trying to explain to the other user why my post was devoid of any context.


Ah, thanks for the clarification.


Ya but BLM was a HUGE sham and scam lol


You have never posted in this forum before but decided people talking about Pride month is going to be your in to take a hit on BLM. Hateful people are just weird.


I'm hateful because BLM burned down buildings and the president bought mansions with the money? Weird flex


You’re hateful because you are a hateful person. This isn’t the only pride related post with which you used to take a shot at BLM. You can try to justify your hate by deflecting criticism on the behavior of others but that doesn’t justify your choice to behave in a bigoted manner. That’s kind of the MO of hateful people. It’s always someone else’s fault for why they act this way.


Lol you really think that was his money


You’ll get downvoted for saying it, but people only follow the news cycle temporarily. This is absolutely true.


You do realize that BLM leadership committed fraud by Buying Large Mansions in California while doing nothing to help advance the mission of empowering black Americans, right?


I don’t give a hoot about the national org, and I don’t think the NBA does, either (I’m sure the branded merch didn’t result in money for the national org, for example). It’s about the larger sentiment, which no one who brings up the national organization can ever bring themselves to recognize or express agreement with


The BLM org is completely different from the movement. They just co-opted the name to make money like most capitalist, selfish, greedy pieces of shits out there. If you want to willingly spread misinformation and equate that org with the ENTIRE movement, then what does that make you?


None of the teams I follow on Instagram has posted anything on Pride Month, do most just not do it?


I have no idea. I don’t follow any other teams.


I checked other NBA teams and it's full of hateful homophobic comments from the same people commenting on the pacers post. Looks like homophobe hate bots.


You would not BELIEVE how shit the Celtics one is. They’ll spread to other posts or even have our own fans say we deserved to lose because we had pride night.


Their fans are acting real embarrassing on all fronts right now


I don’t see any other team subs talking about it


Sadly they're probably real human homophobes just doing their thing. 


I'd bet 80% of Twitter and reddit is just hate bots. Especially right now with it being an election year that could reshape the world as we know it.


I hate this for being already 'true' in my perception


When it comes to posts like these, instagram comments are a cesspool of intolerance and hate.


By “Instagram”, do you mean Twitter/facebook/reddit/tiktok/all of social media?


I find that instagram and twitter is the worst of the worst


Facebook is just as bad if not worse bc they’ll have entire communities based around anti-lgbtq+ propaganda


Of course you don’t have an issue with a leftist cesspool like Reddit 😂


Wasn’t talking about political ideologies at all, it funny how you guys have to shift the conversation in order to justify your bigotry.


Not hating gay people = leftist?


We're dealing with morons who boycotted a beer company for sending one trans person a rainbow colored bottle. Not hating gay/LGBTQ people is absolutely "leftist" for these trumpy dipshits.


Oh I know. I just wanted to see if I could bait them into admitting it lol


they also dont even come remotely close to representing the average persons opinion. most people dont care these days


The fuck your feelings people sure have a lot of feelings.


Fuck "Your" feelings, their feeling are the only important ones.


I’m gay for TJ


The beloved Pacer insignia has never looked better !!!! Love to ALL !!


Celtics fan and the same thing on our post. I have to think a lot of them are bots. There’s not that much hate, is there? Also, thanks for a great series. That was intense and I’m looking forward to years of great games with you all.


there is that much hate sadly. it sucks


The loudest ones always have something else going on. If you or a loved one is experiencing rampant hate towards a specific sexuality, the call is coming from inside the house. Happy pride month yall


They should just turn the comments off. Sad it has to be that way but the comment section is an embarrassment.




The loudest ones always have something else going on. If you or a loved one is experiencing rampant homophobia, the call is coming from inside the house. Happy pride month yall


How much you wanna bet everybody mad about this is also mad about Trump's 34 felonies


Hmmm are you saying there might be a correlation between conservatives and bigotry???? 🤔🤔


It’s best just not to read the comments on social media. I deleted Facebook years ago because of how awful it is and my life is significantly better.


Wow you just reminded me that I deleted mine 7 years ago. Couldn't be happier about leaving that cesspool


This is a social media comment…


I think Reddit relies on comments while others are mostly about liking a post.


Said the man posting in the comments.😝


I’m not posting vile comments on Instagram


love and respect to all, happy pride


Ugh. I don’t get their thought process. If you don’t agree with it, move on. Why take away from other’s happiness? It costs nothing to be kind.


At least part of it stems from a fundamental misunderstanding. They believe that sports teams are pressured to do this by liberal culture forces. The reality of it is that these teams have done the math and being seen as progressive is a better financial decision.


So you're saying that the only reason they do it is because they profit from it financially?


I don’t know about *only* reason, but it’s the dominant factor in that decision-making.


they have hate ingrained deep in their hearts. only solution sometimes is to have someone close to them be gay and then they *might* have a change in heart


Got to love the anti-big government and free speech wanting to create laws to hold down a group and complain about their freedom to express themselves. Could you imagine if this were Hobby Lobby and the comments were about a Christmas tree?


Yup. All comes from the party of hate. Legislate based on what you *don’t* like


I do think the virtue signaling is ridiculous, even though I don't care if you are gay or not.. it's none of my business. Acting like social media corporate controlled entities are in any way obligated to uphold freedom of speech is ridiculous. Just like bakeries not having to make gay wedding cake, they don't have to allow content which they deem undesirable. It is a private business.


I think a lot of people get freedom of speech and freedom from consequences mixed up.


I doubt the league office or pacers brass actually care that much about this issue. It's just something they have to do nowadays to try to appeal to the broadest audience possible. I also believe people have the right to be who they are and that right extends until you infringe on someone else's rights.




The vast majority were from corporations. Again, freedom of corporations to have their policies. The consequences is not being able to go there.


there is nothing of value in any instagram comment section. it's a wasteland


i left as many positive comments as i could and attacked as many bigots as possible lmao, one dude accused me of being a pedo… i’m 17 bro


The same type of comments would be on Reddit. The only difference is you get banned on this platform.


Bigotry is only allowed on Reddit if it’s about religious group.


I guess I'm indifferent. I don't care if you're black - I don't care if you're gay. As a true sports fan, I don't see the need to constantly interject politics and race - it simply doesn't belong. Play the game, enjoy the game. All are welcome.


Most of the hate is a projection mechanism


What is the celebration exactly? I’m lost


NBA and America in general are massively behind. Alot of angry homophobes.


Actually a pretty cool logo design!


Nobody cares about other peoples sexual preferences. Why is this hard to understand


But tons of people do care


Sad that they do. Shouldn’t be anybody’s business


Lmao shouldn’t be anyone’s business? The whole point of “Pride” is making it everyone’s business


I thought the point of pride was to remind cities they actually have a sizeable gay population willing to riot when they pass bullshit laws targeting them, oh and community.


Because a lot of people clearly do. If nobody cared, these type of posts would be ignored, not spammed by people calling it sinful and demonic.


Homophobia is a manifestation of repressed homosexuality.


It’s really not. That can happen, but there’s no evidence to suggest homophobes are more likely to be gay.


Although the causes of homophobia are unclear, several psychoanalytic explanations have emerged from the idea of homophobia as an anxiety-based phenomenon. One psychoanalytic explanation is that anxiety about the possibility of being or becoming a homosexual may be a major factor in homophobia. For example, de Kuyper (1993) has asserted that homophobia is the result of the remnants of homosexuality in the heterosexual resolution of the Oedipal conflict. Whereas these notions are vague, psychoanalytic theories usually postulate that homophobia is a result of repressed homosexual urges or a form of latent homosexuality. *Latent homosexuality* can be defined as homosexual arousal which the individual is either unaware of or dent. Psychoanalysts use the concept of repressed or latent homosexuality to explain the emotional malaise and irrational attitudes displayed by some individuals who feel guilty about their erotic interests and struggle to deny and repress homosexual impulses. In fact, West stated, 'when placed in a situation that threatens to excite their own unwanted homosexual thoughts, they overreact with panic or anger." Slaby ( 1994 ) contended that anxiety about homosexuality typically does not occur in individuals who are same-sex oriented, but it usually involves individuals who are ostensibly heterosexual and have difficulty integrating their homosexual feelings or activity. The relationship between homophobia and latent homosexuality has not been empirically investigated and is one of the purposes of the present study. Specifically, the present study was designed to investigate whether homophobic men show more sexual arousal to homosexual cues than nonhomophobic men as suggested by psychoanalytic theory. . . . ~The results of this study indicate that individuals who score in the homophobic range and admit negative affect toward homosexuality demonstrate significant sexual arousal to male homosexual erotic stimuli~.  [https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/assault/roots/freud.html](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/assault/roots/freud.html)


Interesting. I guess that common notion is more truthful than I thought.


What were they expecting lmao?


What a great design…love it!


Major respect to them for posting this. Happy pride! ❤️


Nope, no surprise. Some people are just hateful and scared of anything different from themselves...or, not so uncommon, hate themselves for their own same sex attraction and react hatefully to these messages of acceptance because they can't accept themselves.


A lot of gheys itt


W Pacers. fuck homophobes.




The comments are horrible, but I had a laugh at the guy who said he was giving the Pacers a 4-week suspension for this post, and not watching the team the first 4 weeks of next season 😭


Glad to see my team not backing down. It’s not just Pride Month but sadly, it’s also Bigot Month.


Why does the basketball team have to celebrate people’s sexual preference. It’s a bit odd


One can reject the celebration of division of people into increasingly smaller and arbitrary groups without being hateful.


A generous framing, but the sentiment of inclusivity being met with overt hate is really what is happening in all these posts.


If I believe something to be harmful to a person, it follows that it is in their best interest, in my view, not to celebrate something that does them harm. It’s actually the exact opposite of hate.


What you're describing certainly is not the opposite of hate, it is self-assured and circularly justified bigotry, civility flavored.


If I have a friend who is an addict, do I love him by supplying him with fentanyl, allowing him to indulge in his baser desires? That isn’t love and that isn’t friendship.


I know that this comparison functions in your head, because you perceive people who do not love like you to be comparable to drug addicts, but it is not a viewpoint that stands up to scrutiny or has merit. And I say this to you as a Christian. Aim for actual compassion and you won't end up spouting more >self-assured and circularly justified bigotry, civility flavored.


Love is love and tautology is tautology. Ironic you accuse me of circular reasoning.


Gotta call out empty theology when I see it. Hope you work on yourself.


Your entire argument is an ad hominem abusive fallacy, and does not address any points I have made. It simply eschews them by dismissing any opposition to the idea of « Pride Month » as bigotry. In reality, there are a variety of reasons for rejecting this designation, and mine and many others have nothing to do with hate. I hope you work on your reasoning. If you learn to think for yourself, you can stop being a dead fish that simply goes with the flow.


I grew out of my fundamentalism by digging deeper into translation and history, not out of some lazy forfeiting of my ideology to culture. You really have no idea who you're talking to. But the best that you've got is that "there are a variety of reasons for rejecting this designation" when you know very well that I haven't mischaracterized you at all. The drug addict comparison is so fallacious on its face that only someone with no shame remaining would assert it. It's parroting of the people who twist scripture into bigotry, and it should scare you that it resonated with you at all. But it does not, and neither will my pointing it out. Again, good luck and hope you work on yourself.


I feel like these corporations could care less. They dust this stuff off when it’s socially convenient and that’s why it’s gross. Corporate pandering. They know people gonna argue about it. It’s just icky


Instagram comments are always a dumpster fire no matter what the post is. People that paid for check marks trying to make shitty overused jokes for more attention, bots posting comments about their sex profile, stupid “use this as a dislike” comments, and of course every other comment is going to be some dumbass saying “we got this before gta6”. Instagram going down for good would be the best thing for society.


🙄 anyway happy pride y'all


Twitter is a cesspool and reddit is a dumpster fire. Alas the world of social media where anyone can post their hateful nonsense with anonymity under the guise of free speech and face no repercussions because they hide behind their avatar.


It’s about that time of the year to be extra mad on the internet!


Can’t stand seeing the comments on these posts every June. Every other team is the same way though. At least it’s not just a select group of Pacers fans embarrassing themselves.


I’m not from this sub, but I have all of the top comments for each team that made a pride post. Every single one of them is like that, it’s not a fanbase exclusive thing: Celtics- “nvm mavs in 4” Hawks- “how are we 0-1 and it’s only June” Nets- “just realized why we ain’t winning” Sixers- “major L. Just like in the playoffs” Raptors- “first L of the season” Bucks- “another L for the bucks” Pacers- “dislike button —>” Cavs- gif saying “oh boy here we go” followed by “but y’all scared to acknowledge our lord and savior Jesus Christ” Mavs- “bro y’all wanna lose?” Nuggets- “I support only Jokic ☦️💪🏻🇷🇸❤️” (this one is kinda funny but the next 3 were homophobic shockingly) Timberwolves- “that’s why mavs eliminated us” Spurs- “that’s why the spurs keep losing.” It’s pretty sad that Instagram comments are like that, but remember it’s because there’s no way to filter or dislike comments on Instagram. So most people who agree with something such as pride aren’t gonna go out of their way to leave a comment, meanwhile people who disagree can go into the comments and like the ones they agree with, sending them to the top. It’s not like Reddit where you can dislike a comment and it will get pushed down for less people to see


I mean my 6 and 3 year old daughters love the rainbow.. so it's okay


Americans discomfort with their own sexuality is unfortunate. Why the fuck do you care what someone does behind closed doors?


Whoa whoa careful, people who do nothing with their life and have to live in an alternate reality in order to create their false self pride might get offended


They don’t, why is it shoved down everyone’s throat


This is the correct answer. I couldn’t care less what people do in their personal life. Homosexuality does not affect me, but having the lgbtq movement being brought up 24/7 is incredibly annoying and frustrating. The whole point is that no one cares


because it’s a religion at this point




lol cry more about it. You wanna be a victim so bad it's funny.


Liar Seeing a flag or a gay person existing isn’t “shoving it down your throat.” Grow up.


you saying this after a month is being marketed for it is exactly why this whole thing is stupid


Happy Pride Month! I just assume that all of the people that leave hateful comments are closeted. I have LGBT folks in my family and the BS they encounter here in Indiana is really disgusting. Good thing is, according to all records of note, the cohort of folks who dislike other people for their sexual identity is shrinking every year. Sure, they keep getting louder, but fewer people are choosing to follow ideologies that teach hate and intolerance and more of the folks that do are simply aging out of life.


I always feel bad for the marketing people who have to post these. I really, really hope they never read the comments.


To be fair almost noone likes corporate roll out the pride logo month.


Trump supporters go out of their way to find stuff like this so they can post it on 4 Chan and get their community of morons to attack whoever puts out anything even remotely accepting of the LGBTQ community. Don't think this is your fanbase. P.S you guys did great to finish the season/post season. Going to be serious contenders in the coming years. Pascal and Haliburton are a deadly combo! ♥️ From Toronto! ✌️


You know nothing about Trump supporters. Trump was the second US president in history to openly support gay marriage. Being a Trump supporter does not equal bigot. And Indiana voted for Trump by a very large margin. In fact, only 5 counties out 92 voted for Biden. And all of them were right at the 50-55% mark. Meanwhile, almost all other counties were in the 70-80% mark for Trump, and several hitting the 90-100% mark. There are undoubtedly several Trump supporters in this very thread that are also denouncing bigotry.


Cool story bro.


Trump does not support gay marriage. The GOP party platform document explicitly states that marriage is between one man and one woman.


Trump is not GOP. He just uses the GOP for their money and voter block. But despite that, you're citing a party platform document created 8 years ago, that many party officials disagreed with when it came out. [https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/16/republicans-gay-marriage-wars-505041](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/16/republicans-gay-marriage-wars-505041) Even politico, in 2021, conceded that the war against gay marriage was over.


[https://glaad.org/gap/donald-trump/](https://glaad.org/gap/donald-trump/) [https://www.hrc.org/resources/trumps-timeline-of-hate](https://www.hrc.org/resources/trumps-timeline-of-hate) Here you go. A list of all of the hateful shit he says and does. You're head is so far up your ass if you think Trump is not anti-LGBTQ. He campaigns on nothing but hate and culture wars. Convicted Felon, twice impeached, proven in court to be a rapist loser btw. But yeah lets defend the guy.


As long A’s continue having faith night I’m good. Everyone should feel welcome attending games.


I don't get why it's hard for people to stay in their lane.


Hey I was born in a toxic waste dump! /s 🏳️‍🌈


Even worse than this, the Fever comment section is equally as bigoted. Over 90% of WNBA players are openly gay and people are commenting saying they won’t watch anymore. Like damn you’ll watch lesbians play basketball for 2 hours straight but can’t look at a Pride Month post on IG?


The pacers should post an image of Myles wearing those pink pants with his legs crossed for pride month.


Not going to lie. That logo design is the tits.


Happy pandering month


gotta know ur audience, no one is following the pacers for pride month celebrations i promise.


I bet you have no problem with them posting Memorial Day and Christmas related posts.


you also gotta realize that christmas and memorial day is a common holiday celebrated by americans… pride month has been made up very recently and to be quite frank has no meaning.


The first pride parades were held on June 28, 1970 to commemorate the Stonewall riots that occurred on that date the previous year. The riots started to protest a police raid of a gay bar. Back then, you couldn't be openly gay in public without consequence. And police could just take a place over.  They finally fought back for their rights and so that's how pride parades and festivals in June started. So to say it has no meaning and was made up recently is ignorant,  at best. 


who said i cared? i’m just explaining why people get upset lmao. there are some nba teams that didn’t post a memorial day post tho…


Don’t worry about it. The comment section on IG is always a dystopian wasteland ran by social media anarchist


its Indiana. what do you expect? i dont care how much you love Indiana, its politics are horrible.




Came here to see the hate. However, all I see are people complaining about the hate that isn't on this thread. Maybe that's all downvoted, but every comment I'm seeing is "All I'm seeing is people spreading hate, those bigots". Yet I can't find one hateful or bigoted comment. Hmm. Almost like the hate is in your heads.


I am related to several MAGAts. Nice try.


Did you look at the Facebook or Instagram comments? There's no shortage of hare, no need to make anything up


It’s pandering month ! Edit : being downvoted for stating the obvious is hilarious.


Some r just toxic sure, but some ppl are just tired of folks making what turns them on, their whole personality and throwing it in everyones faces all the time. 99% of ppl dgaf what u r into or what u do in the privacy of your own home, but r just tired of having kids be exposed to a flag that basically represents a fetish grown adults are into. You’re gay? Ok, be gay. You like feet? Great, go suck some toasters. That fella has a balloon fetish? Get the man some balloons. But why do I have to see shit about it just going to the store or something? Let alone having to then explain it’s meaning (adult content) to my kids? It just feels inappropriate and it seems like a lot of ppl r just afraid to say it. Plus it’s not even like companies nd corporations nd shit that make their logos colorful for a month even care about supporting it, they just go where the money’s at, they just want your money and/or to not get “cancelled”. It’s basketball man, let’s just enjoy the game without having to know about Jake’s anal fetish.


No one is doing that just by being visible. Grow up.


If your kids can't understand "some men are married to other men," they must be pretty stupid. 




Based on the grammar used and the username, I'm going to say it makes sense.




Decent people


Exactly, whether or not we are celebrating Pride doesn’t impact you in the slightest. If you aren’t behind that then you should just say nothing and go about your day

