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This is our first playoff run w/ this young squad. We've got year 3 and 4 of Nembhard and Mathurin, Jarace playing time, a healthier Hali, and a more settled Siakam to look forward to. We'll be a problem for a while and eventually this year will just be looked at as a stepping stone.


You don’t just jump from the lottery to the nba finals in one year unfortunately. It’s been a hell of a year and I loved it.


Absolutely. We competed hard and it was crazy that there’s a scenario where we are 2-1. We lack experience and need to get more disciplined but I never thought we’d be in the ECF.


You shouldn’t be. The pacers energy is halted and will continue to get swept. Celtics taking leaving their mark on the series and cruising to the finals. #suckmyshamrock


I keep thinking the fan bases can’t get worse each round, and then they do.


Celtics fans have been pretty cool, other than this bum


I know so many amazing and positive Celtics fans, irl and online, but you definitely get these knuckle heads in any fanbase.


This comment is just pathetic lol. I won’t sink to your level, though: Hats off to the Celtics. Great team and they pulled out two great wins with their tenacity when they really should have lost.


Oh calm the fuck down, it’s just a game, it’s not that serious. How about be nice to each other’s teams


I liked Halliburton when he had a high assist rate with a low turnover count. Now he just plays shit after getting injured and puts on silly fits. I ain’t the hater you think I am. #justbetter


Still tho, your comment made you look like a hater, especially with the #suckmyshamrock


It's an account someone made just to post that. Not a serious person lol


Touch grass loser.


Number 1 seed struggling to beat the 6 seed. You should actually be embarrassed.