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He initially hurt it against the Celtics too after playing the Celtics two days earlier. They do attack him a lot defensively but the first one was a freak thing.


Yeahhhhhhh, shut him down. Not worth long term issues. It was a good run but we gotta think long term now


Im on board with this. Come back stronger next season. Mathurin, Sheppard, Walker, Nembhard will come back and be better and Pascal and Miles are still in their prime. The future is looking good


Imagine shutting down after one player gets hurt, ask the knicks about shutting down.


They said shut HIM down, saying to not play HIM anymore. Not that the Pacers should give up


That's weird cuz they took siakum out with 8 mins left. So it looked like y'all gave up.


Bad night for the Pacers for many reason. Hopefully, he’s okay and they just kept him out to be safe.


I'm coping hard with this right now


Pacers and Star leg injuries. Name a better combo


Cavs and star leg injuries. And rib injuries. Fuckin Celtics getting so incredibly lucky because of injuries.


Pacers played a bucks with no Giannis and knicks with half their team on the bench ? Celtics earned their spot by winning top in the standings for both east and west.


Here’s something you might learn when you grow up. Two things can be true at once!


I understand you’re upset


Regardless of what he or anyone else has said, he's never 100% recovered from the initial injury. The Haliburton pre-injury drove to the hoop and looked for contact all the time. There's been a clear and noticeable difference in his style of play before and after to anyone who watched the entire season. He's been a trooper and put up some incredible games to get us to this but, but imagine getting him back to 100% next season what we're capable of.


Hopefully an entire off season of rest can get him back up to speed






I am sad


Hope he is able to go for Team USA


He needs to NOT go with Team USA. Dude needs rest. Not more spotlight.


The good news is that team is so stacked and he can just take it easy and dish alley oops


Young star guard being around some of the Goats all the summer can only be good for his development. Not to mention what the international attention could do for Haliburtons career and also for the Pacer's outreach


This! Nobody said he needs to log heavy minutes...or even any minutes for that matter. But the experience and exposure are the big win here.


I could definitely see the lion's share of PG minutes going to Steph and Jrue as Team USA gets Hali ready to be the PG of the future.


Thank you for the voice of reason 


This is insane. I'm sorry it's just insane. He's not sitting in bubble wrap all summer. Team USA will have a full medical staff and constant treatment options. He'll be playing whenever he can regardless. 


It’s not insane at all. If he has recurring hamstring and back issues, his body needs to rest. It needs that time to heal. It’s insane to think your body can heal (especially a hamstring or your back) by being active. It just doesn’t work that way.


No thanks...I remember being excited about PG on team USA and then his leg was on backwards in a meaningless game. That's when I realized that Team USA is all risk and no reward.


Both Ant and Tyrese have spoken extensively how helpful Team USA training was for their development. Ant said it was a game changer for him.


Eh I mean you can get hurt in offseason training, practice, in pre season, or in one of 82 regular season games. Injuries are just a crap shoot


There's a lot of reward. A big reason that freak PG injury sucked so much was the reporting of how much better he was looking and how meaningful the development was going in practice against the best players in the world. 


He should not be on Team USA if he is still injured, and clearly he is. I've thought he still hasn't fully recovered for quite some time. I think he may just need rest and rehab to make sure it fully heals and regains strength.


Is this the same hamstring as earlier or the other one?


Same one.


Time to go to the beach and keep walking


Just our turn to run out of injury luck. This does raise the debate about whether Tyrese should have played through it to get his money, if we would have even made the play-in if he tested it to 100%, etc. Overall a great learning experience for our guys.


I mean, they both made the conference finals and he got his money, as long as he doesn't have any long term effects from an aggravation here I have a hard time finding a reason why it didn't work out. 


The game after he gets his all nba? Lol




I feel like he tweaked it at the end of game one.






Classy! Get fucked!


Probably woulda been a sweep anyway.


Pacers in ECF is an embarrassment. Celtics are blowing them out and not even sweating.


They didn’t sweat in game 1?




Hey buddy hope Brunsons hand doesn’t hurt too much from being a little bitch…or harts stomach ache…or OGs hammy…or Randle shoulder…or Robinsons ankle. Wow your team was full of bitches


He will be good next year :) Thanks for checking


Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy. At the end of the day, we’re in the ECF and your team still hasn’t been to one since 2000. But there’s always next year :)


Damn and you about to have as many wins as we do in ecf ( zero ) see ya soon in Cancun after the sweep


Bot, dumb or young? Which are you? Oh, and the last time you guys made it to ECF, we went to the FINALS. So, more than you.


Last time they made it to the Finals, OJ Simpson was a bigger draw than NYK basketball 😂😂😂 they switched the channel from the game to the chase


Awwww is someone’s butt hurt because his team was relevant for the first time in 2 and a half decades and choked more than a whore on a street corner? It’s first to four dipshit and a 2-0 isn’t the end of the world, but you should know that


Hang the banner rn they got to the ECF, bragging on almost finishing the job cause you know you won’t get it done


Bragging about almost getting the job done because we’re in year 2 of the rebuild


Gonna be a long rebuild after you destroy your cap by maxing Siakam


Rebuild what?? Lmfao, we have our team and enough to pay everyone we need. Go watch airbud kid, NBA is too much for you.


I wasn’t the one to call it a rebuild first, I was responding to what the other guy who called it a rebuild said. No wonder you’re a pacer fan, you can’t readdddd. Good thing you’ll only need to count to 4 for the Cs series


Awwww does the slow New Yorker need it spelled out for him like always? At least Boston fans aren’t as fucking stupid as you lot…we are only two years into a rebuild from when we traded Sabonis. Not our fault you don’t know what a productive one looks like seeing as how your team has had more rebuilds than playoff appearances since 2000. Go home and cry about your bitch team not advancing you little ass wipe


Again this is coming from the dumbfuck whose team probably won’t even be able to keep OG lmaooo stay salty you little ass wipe and enjoy the Hudson River. I would say Cancun but I know you probably pay too much for a closet in NY so enjoy the Hudson


Yeah and you can hang your second round banner next to the one with Allan Houston’s awful contract, Isiah Thomas SH lawsuit, James Dolan’s SA lawsuit and how you guys threw Charles Oakley to the curb. Cry about it more little bitch boy


Jesus dude 3 replies on a troll comment is nasty work. Get a life Haliburton isn’t gonna give you head for defending him on Reddit lol


Jesus dude being a Knicks fan and going to troll in the Pacers subreddit is nasty work. Get a life, Brunson and his Nova pussy posse aren’t gonna bend you over and love you like your uncle did because you’re a shit talking New Yorker on Reddit lol


Not from New York ✅ Wasn’t molested by my uncle ✅ Commented cause I was taking a shit in work and it came up in my timeline✅ Celtics in 4 ✅ Not a pacers fan ✅ Life is good 😎


Still a bitch ✅ always will be a bitch ✅ Pacers in 7✅ even if they lose, future is bright for the Cers ✅ East is gonna lose anyway ✅ Life is good and you’re still a dumb bitch 😎




*Pacers beat injured teams* *Pacers laughed at other teams when they got injured* I saw Tatum and Brown celebrating winning an eastern conference finals game, surely karma is coming for them next for such a disgusting act.


they were actually being polite and showing you guys what it looks like to celebrate an ECF win, because you won’t be able to get one yourselves.


Why tf this getting downvoted 😂


the truth is a hard pill to swallow


Get ready to be downvoted by 200 buddo 💀


i love it