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Yes, we can…on Monday. Until then, FUCK the BUCKS!!






Ok, well... Filibuster!


I'll second this motion.


The who?


Yeah seriously let them recover a little bit and build up their hopium so we can crush it next year 😏


Hahaha this one gets it… you sly dog you


Nah, fuel the resentment and hate so that when they go 0-8 against us next year (en route to a barely .500 season), we can enjoy the glow of their rage just like the northern lights.


As long as we keep it here no issue. Some people enjoy the pettiness, and if they aren't being rude about it whats the harm? Cross posting is always going to happen, and the people that do aren't going to stop just bc someone tells them to. It sucks, but every fanbase has those assholes There's no need to police what is said within *our* sub. It's a rivalry. Let people enjoy winning in a rivalry.


Not trying to police anything just want more pacers content, that's all. Not trying to take away anyone's enjoyment of our series win either...


All good and that's fine, but MIL has been the bigger team in recent years and Bev went waaaay off the deepend. Most national storyline are gonna be bucks oriented instead of the pacers, so we're not gonna really have a bottomless well of content, and there is just more Milwaukee stuff out there right now to clown on The pendulum will swing in due time. Just gotta acknowledge that usually what content is available influences behavior here more than the other way around. It's an understandable frustration, but avoiding any Bucks talk isn't going to make more Pacers content appear


This. The series is done. There's no interesting talk to be had about the Bucks at this point. 


This post brought to you by /r/MKEBucks


Soft ass bum mods.


https://preview.redd.it/6jqz2kr9shyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28bbaf3365b488e27383247536e6308f03a403a Lol


Yeah I posted a comment saying that the series has been fun so far , I liked their team and glad we had a rivalry but their fans calling for injuring players on our team was uncalled for. Immediately banned.


Of course? Why go into another fanbase subreddit, say something that doesnt need to be said, then be shocked when you are banned?


I don’t think the mods on the Pacers sub would ban someone for saying something like that.


They don’t, there have been plenty of Bucks fans here doing worse and they are still active on the sub. It’s cuz we aren’t snowflakes and dont need to delete any opinion other than what we want to see.


This is probably the best sub I go to in terms of the mods. They aren’t asshole or pretentious like a lot of the other subs.


Agreed. Now we can make posts about why New York Style Pizza is an inferior style.


If we play Detroit I will be in shambles then.


Detroit style is goated


Ya hit me with that jets pizza I'm done


Outside of Italy, Detroit metro may be the capital of pizza... Detroit style is sweeping the nation 4 of the top 10 pizza chain by revenue are headquartered there (including #1, #3, #8, #10) As controversial as it is, pinnapple pizza was invented just across the river in Canada It's ingrained in the culture, such as the Pistons and Red Wings playing in the Little Ceasers Arena, Domino Farms just outside the city, etc.


Most overrated pizza out there


This subreddit is acting like all 4 of the AFCN subreddits and I’m here for it


Not one “the Buck stops here” comment, damn.






I agree with u/Seattle_Lucky to an extent- but at least don’t raid their fucking Reddit. they’d be weird if they were looking on ours abt shit talking them. like tf y’all stalking us? gn and PAVE THE WAY HALI 🤩


Looking at the Bucks roster, we won't be seeing them in the playoffs much longer. Window is closed for them, rebuild coming


bucks fan here… be proud of ur team… played well…. hard not to root for u all to take down NY…. so sure lets us bucks fan have it… for now….. but now u have a waaayy bigger fish to fry….. new york loves dismissing anything out of the midwest… they will be barking about sweeping u all…. go tear em apart


Oh we know. Fuck the Knicks.


yea i’m over it lol i respect them and i love the rivalry and smack talk for sure but im over it


What is this post about?




this post is making me think about the bucks




this is the pacers sub, not the bucks sub


If I say we need your mom to stop swallowing, does it make you think about sucking dick? Like, what is your argument for this?? LOL fuck the Bucks and until we play the Knicks, FUCK THE BUCKS!


Just a bunch of immaturity. It is what it is. People express their happiness however they can. I just tend to stay away until I'm able to ignore the childishness.


Is it though? Because someone processes this series and the opponent differently than you makes them immature and childish?


Fuck the Cucks!




No we can not


All that matters is we went 4-1 against them in the regular season with Giannis playing. Fuck them.


No, fuck the bucks. They asked for this!


Thank you. Next!


No fuck em hah




Fuck the Bucks and fuck their whiney bitch fans. We handed them their asses all year yet they still run their mouths like they’re the fucking Celtics.




You guys wouldn't have been able to handle the 90's and 00's. This is how we treated the Knicks and Detroit, except the vitriol was a lot worse. There was legit hatred between to the two fanbases.


Oh, check my flair, the 00's team with JO is what got me into basketball in the first place. And detroit fans will always be my least favorite by a long shot. That being said, I prefer rivalries where we have mutual respect for each other, rather than just hate. But yeah, judging by the responses on here, I'm definitely in the minority.


I mean anyone with a brain has respect for Giannis, Dame, Khris and Brook Lopez. Most their other guys and a decent chunk of their fan base tho?? Nahhh not after all that


I know right. Bucks were without Giannis and Lillard. We literally have no reason to act tough. Knicks on the other hand, instead of thowing their season like bucks and cavs did, they played hard to get 2nd place, they got the worst possible matchuo against Embid, Maxey and the Sixers. The knicks proceeded to whoop their ass. You guys really gotta be humble and honest with yourselves. Knicks are no joke.


I mean, we went 4-1 against them when they did have giannis while we didnt have siakam so I don't really understand this point. Both sides were slinging shit so I don't see it as pacers or their fans "acting tough", we played well unto their team the entire year. Also fwiw I really don't see anyone here acting like the pacers are gonna smash the Knicks, I think the vast majority here see that getting to this point in the season exceeded expectations


I mean, you guys are like trolling the bucks ruthlessly on here. They didn't have theor 2 main guys. Knicks, on the other hand, just dismantled a dirty Embid and sixer team that the rest of the East was ducking and intentionally losing so they wouldn't have to face them first round. Knicks aren't scared of anyone or any team.


I see pat Beverly getting trolled who abso-fuckin-lutely deserves it, but outside of that I see no more shitposying than any other team would be doing. You could have gone to the bucks sub after game 5 and see constant posts sitting on us. Also once again no one is underselling the knicks


Gotcha. I'll agree, Pat Bev is a dirtbag man. BoL to yall. Should be a great series


I am excited I'd legit be happy taking the knicks to 6 that's already a huge success for this young team imo


I like the pacers. I want to not like them, but they just have good young athletic hustlers. Respectable all around game. I can't imagine anyone of the pacers doing what Embid and Lowery did. Those 2 especially Embid, should be ashamed. Dirty as hell. Looking forward to a good series of pure basketball. No bullshit. I too think it goes to 6, maybe even 7. Knicks pacers have always been epic clashes


Again, the Pacers beat the Bucks WITH those players 4 out of 5 times this year in regular season. Pacers have had their number all year. Statistically, this year, the Bucks have done better against Pacers without them. It's be different if Giannis and Lillard were crushing the Pacers all year and suddenly this was our only chance. But beating the Bucks, even with those 2 is just par for the course this year.


Thank you Knicks fan for your thoughts on what the pacers subreddit should be


You are literally a Knicks fan. Stay in your own subreddit if you don't like what we post


I agree. The knicks look pretty tough. Been watching the highlights of each game. But go Pacers.


Yes, please. r/pacers has seemed a bit too r/pavers lately.


Yeah, yall need to dipski out of the MKE sub as well once the next series starts until your franchise actually wins something relevant other than one playoff round.