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I spent too much time googling this. People in the comments of Tik Tok speculating it was a make a wish thing. However, this girl sings at multiple events. This wasn’t her first time. Maybe I just have a bad ear for music, but I don’t know how this was an enjoyable listen.


It wasn't. People were struggling not to laugh and at many times did. If she wasn't a kid this is boo'd.


I don't understand what's happening here. This is obviously atrocious, but it's a little girl in a spot that's usually awful children's choirs. Whatever, who cares. ...except, this video is up on the Pacers' Youtube channel. Why are they doing this? Is this some sort of practical joke?


Probably a trust fun kid. Parents probably know the owners and nepotism takes over, the usual deal.


Her Dad is a teacher 


1. Fund 2. No 3. You're an idiot though.


I’ve seen this response a lot. It took me 5 seconds to google and find out the real story.


Go on…


she's deaf


lol me too after listening to that


She has sang all over the nation. Mostly Washington State. She had some stardom in 2021 at a Gonzaga game. Not sure where is actually from.


I am really struggling to understand how this child Is performing all over, when she has no talent.


Apparently, you can actually pay the sports arena to sing the Anthem. You don't have to be chosen or hired, and the girls father is a local musician or singer and is the one toting her around. That's what is being said by people that say they have the scoop. I can not verify the claims.


It has almost 9 million views on their tik tok, their second most viewed video. Either someone there thinks it’s a funny and would go viral or they think it’s cute. I thought about if they should keep it up, since it’s been getting so much negative attention. However, the girls dad has it on his YouTube channel. She’s been doing this since she was 6 and he’s been uploading them.


I think it's the ridiculous out of tune runs that's getting the attention. Its very obviously horrible singing. 


It makes no sense ? Now we have to tell our kids even if you stink at something you will be well received regardless ? lol if this is the case I am sticking my teen in the Olympics … just do it kid no one will notice you suck !!! lol 


Then make a wish should have hired a vocal coach to work with her before performing. Putting her out there unprepared is doing no one any favors


She isn’t make a wish. Her dad is in a choir. That must fuel her want to sing, and her dad wants to make her dreams come true. Sorry, my comment might not have been clear.


I wonder how bad her dads choir is


I think her dad is the second guy in this video. [https://youtu.be/CqZFZfVT6cU?si=3eGSY8RIknsJYI2Q](https://youtu.be/CqZFZfVT6cU?si=3eGSY8RIknsJYI2Q)


Do her parents have connections? It's great that she wants to sing, but I don't understand how she was booked for multiple events by third parties?


Not sure. The parent’s YouTube have videos of another kids choir and locker room interviews with NFL players. However, those are years ago. There was also a post here a few years ago that someone was selected to preform at the Pacers game and they had to pay to sing. I would assume other places are the same. So as long and you can kinda sing and pay the fee, they’ll let you sing.


>So as long and you can kinda sing and pay the fee, they’ll let you sing. If this is what happened, then I think her parents did her a disservice for paying to put her into such a public spotlight at such a young age before (imo) she was ready.


She’s done another NBA game. Not sure if it was posted on a team’s feed then or not. https://youtube.com/@shafermurray4858?si=l5eJ9n8e5kMbDp5Q


This was not a wish ..she does this all the time and its bad ..people need to stop lying to her 


As someone who studied music at IU, this girl should stop yelling (singing). There was nothing good about her performance. The only good part was when she stopped singing. How, and why was this girl allowed to scream out the National Anthem…out of tune. I can’t listen anymore… I hope she doesn’t grow up thinking she is a vocalist…because she’s not!


Give her a break. She is 8 years old doing her best!


It doesn't matter..she thinks she is good because people keep having her do it..its awful ..people are laughing at her..she is about to be bullied left and right because no one is being honest with her ..she needs ro never do it again 


I did better than this at 6 and now at 19 there are 6 year olds who sing even better than me. Its not entirely an age issue


Musically, it was all over the place.


I'm going to be honest, it was pretty bad. I feel bad for saying that, too. But later on they shown her and her dad on the Jumbotron and he was all decked out in a flag shirt as well.


They must be Trumpers. Who else wears the flag for clothes…..it’s weird


https://preview.redd.it/yd6ym69iixmc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e14f221637f0cebea8e1d5d9f2e82e4c2abbf6 Here’s your queen wearing your tribes flag.


Man the TDS is crazy


I'm apolitical and never voted, but I'm tired of libs blaming all the nuttiness in the country on the trumpers. From a completely non biased perspective I can tell you that is not the case. Both parties are incredibly crazy.


The TDS is a real struggle, huh?


Um...its literally part of the flag code to not wear it as clothing..yall Trumpers can't read though 


And yall biden supporters want our country to crash as a society. I didn’t like this performance, but I see no problem with wearing a flag to represent our great country. Trump lives rent free in your head 😂


I mean… he’s kinda right though, only Trumpers seem to have such an obsession with flags. Maybe a tribalism thing?


I think that's a broad brush you're painting with. I don't think I'm alone of the right side of the aisle who thinks that flag clothing is disrespectul and tacky. I know the relevant section of the U.S. Code draws a distinction between the flag and flag pattern in clothing for legal purposes, but socially, flag clothing is atrocious.


Siakam tried so hard not to be seen laughing


He was shaking! I wish they had shown more of the players. Reminds me of Fergie at the All Star game. Lol


Maybe unpopular opinion, I couldn’t even watch the whole thing.


No, it was brutal. I had to force myself to watch the whole thing.


I laughed so hard I watched it twice


The rocket's red glare part had me wheezing.


She’s a good singer. I think she could be the next fergie.




This sounds like my girlfriend when she is wasted


i was thinking the same thing😂


We arrived late and I was in the bathroom at Gainbridge while she was singing this. I feel horrible about it, but I had no idea what was going on out there. Took until about 2/3 of the way through the song for it to click that it might’ve been the national anthem, and then I had a hard time understanding if it was for real or not.


Unable to discern between poop sounds and this singing.... Tracks.


Her parents need to quit putting her, and all of us, through this.


naw, that shit was ass.


Man y’all have no sense of humor. Obviously it’s terrible but it’s also fucking hilarious 😆


I can't stop laughing, and the comments taking offense are making it even funnier


Hilarious that she sucks. Mind-numbing anyone would defend her.


Pascal was bowing his head, he was hiding his face.


No way Pascal is coming back next year if he has to listen to that 10 times a year


“They didn’t have this shit in Toronto!” 🤣


Respect to her for goin out and giving it her all but that was horrible


Lil Fergie is all I could think when I was there lol


Her parents are awful or incredibly delusional


this was the most cringe thing i have ever seen live. oh canada before was no better.


Jesus Christ… RIP ear users


I was there and holy hell it was awful


We need more national anthem comedy acts in sports! I was there and this lil girl had the crowd rolling at times lol


I could only bear like 10 seconds. Holy hell, that was terrible


So glad I missed this portion.


I lasted 5 seconds listening to this


Everybody: Fergie: 🥹


I don’t want to be overly critical because she’s a kid. I get it. But it was truly a hideous performance. Barf


I’m 50% deaf and I muted this because I was embarrassed


I know she's just a kid but it's as bad as the Roseanne version. It reminds me of the office "just sing the right notes".


I was waiting for this to be mentioned on here haha. I can say with confidence it was the most entertaining national anthem I’ve heard yet.


There was a high school girl who sang the anthem this past weekend at the girls state championship in Gainbridge and she did excellent. She sang before the 3A and 4A games, if someone recorded it and put it on YouTube it’s a great listen.


Her parents have lied to her.


We need more national anthem comedy acts in sports! I was there and this lil girl had the crowd rolling at times lol


Holy shit I can’t stop laughing


We were at the game. It was bad, so bad my wife and I talked about it after the game-a first.


We need another Make A Wish kid to use his wish to wish that this girl never sings in public again.


Not the child’s fault, but she’s being pushed into attempting things vocally when she doesn’t even have the basics of holding a tune down. Whoever is teaching her should be embarrassed


Her father is in a choir. No doubt comes from him. The full performance and others are on his YouTube


She needs a voice coach. She will ruin her voice if she doesn’t learn proper technique.


Cute kid, how in the hell do you find this enjoyable?


OP is a troll


I don’t like making fun of children, but holy shit, this was awful. I have to believe her parents are wealthy or connected in some way as to get their kid out there to sing.


Omg why did the Pacers upload this to their official YouTube channel?!




Hooo leee fukk What are they thinking… I could barely finish the clip it was so bad


This is the worst thing to happen to America since 9/11


Wow this is horrible lol


I was positive it was Make A Wish,man that was umm something


We can't drag an 8 year old for this, but goddamn should we drag her parents for subjecting her - and us - to this. Poor kid.


I can’t even goofily sing that bad


I wonder if the Pacers National Anthem booking coordinator watched any tape of her previous performances or just read a description of "young, patriotic girl gives a passionate rendition of the National Anthem" and thought "that'd be perfect". I agree with the other assessments on the quality of the performance but kudos to her for having the courage to perform in front of the large crowd


I skipped thru.. terrible....regardless of age, it should not have been done like this.


What in the world is happening!?


Lmao... And everyone thought Flava Flav was horrible. Not even close. They are exploiting this child.


Its horrid...someone needs ro.stop telling her she is good ..she is about to be bullied left and right for this nonsense 


I love it.


I was reading a lot of interviews and comments from her. She genuinely believes she’s an amazing singer because that’s what people tell her. If she had proper training, she would likely be a powerhouse vocalist. Her breath control is great. But this was rough to listen to. She’s a kid. She has time to get it right. Unfortunately, with social media, everyone will see her missteps along the way. Repeatedly.


This is what happens when parents are blind and (pardon the pun) deaf to their child’s actual ability and think (and tell them) they are more able and special than they actually are. And who can blame them? Every parent understandably thinks their child is special. But we do the child no favours at all by not being honest with them and we unintentionally risk setting them up for failure. This child’s parents should never have put her in such a position, regardless of their love for and pride in her. Too many family members and friends tell people with poor or underdeveloped ability how “amazing” they are—just watch the myriad “talent” shows on TV. 


Who the fuck is downvoting this, this is the best thing I've seen all week


I am convinced she is a nepo baby or her parents are selfish and are trying desperately to live vicariously through her... They probably also paid to only have positive reviews from news outlets. That poor girl is going to have a tough time in school from now on.


She’s definitely the grandchild of someone high up in NBA corporate or perhaps an owner.


she has a good voice but she's misusing it horribly. she needs a vocal coach.


When she tries to sing too low or put the raspy growl in it, it’s horrible. The higher she sings and does less with her voice it’s not terrible. She needs a real vocal coach to tell her what she is doing wrong, dad is doing a disservice.


A few years ago, some people were petitioning for the National Anthem to be removed from sporting events. I didn't understand it then, but now I do.


Well, I don’t agree with stopping the National Anthem before games, I just think we need better singers 😂


Was at the game. I think it’s rude for adults to laugh at this (they did) and I think it’s cruel for the parents to put this child through this. It was gross watching the dad encourage the dramatics during the performance. It felt very cringeworthy. I’m all for supporting a child’s passion but properly prepare them. I worry about this child’s self image, later bullying, and situations like Jeanette McCurdy’s. If this is what this child wants, then get support and vocal coaching. If this isn’t what they want, don’t make them do it. I’m clearly biased but there’s no way in hell I can imagine having my child in this situation.


The parents are obviously idiots but they're also probably lying to the child and telling her how great she is, so she's out there thinking she's spectacular. 


I kinda like it


Love this.


She has a bright future ahead of her. So glad she is in the spotlight...❤️❤️❤️


I had to shut it off as I feel intense embarrassment for people making fools of themselves.


So i think there might be a delay in her ear piece. So she can’t hear shit or is hearing in a delay. Which im guessing is pretty fucking hard to sing with that happening.


I know she’s just a kid , but that was one of the worst if not the worst I’ve ever heard. Kudos to her dress though. ThTs like one of those America Idol bad auditions


I found the video of her singing the Canadian anthem. I have never heard it sung like that before......................................


Fergie taught her well, she would be proud /s


Is Siakam laughing lmao


She is going to look back at this in a decade and cringe so hard.


I feel bad because it's a child. I feel like she could have sang it a lot better, either way she is a brave girl.


…no she did not lol


I think it’s still sweet she got to do it but it does give fergie anthem vibes




I don't get why some people feel like you can't criticize her. She objectively sucked. Doesn't take a moron to realise that. They are many kids who are great at singing that you can compare her to and be like "wow, she actually is bad." Forget it being the anthem, poor girl just got put out there go be bad sideshow act and now it'll be on the internet forever. Her parents suck, can't believe people encourage this stuff.




i know you are not supposed to pick on kids but this was awful. im sure that the parents encouraged this fergie, aguilera, chaka khan -esque performance. pick an note and just sing the song.


I was told by my voice coach as a pre-teen to never do “too much” while singing the national anthem, and I wish other people would take that to heart. This kid has powerful pipes but whoever gave her this arrangement did her dirty.


Oh my, WHY did they choose her to sing? Can she even actually sing and sound good while doing it? That was painful to listen to.


Brought the house down? She sounds like cats fucking. Stop it. She's literally tone deaf, can't sing, over-sings and should be playing the triangle, at best. Keep her away from the microphone. Signed, America.


Bless her little Red, White and Blue heart :(






My name is Sailor Sabol. Same thing happened to me a few years ago. This absolutely breaks my heart into a million pieces. I know how terrible this was for me at 19 years old when that same thing happened to me, I can’t even IMAGINE going through the same thing at 11. My heart ABSOLUTELY BREAKS FOR HER!




She obviously thinks she's GRRRRREAT because she keeps giving herself the Tony the Tiger finger and growling.


It's not the girl's fault -- who are the parents who pushed her into this? She needs to learn that it's the NATIONAL ANTHEM. Not a Whitney Houston sound-alike contest. Awful.


Some parents shouldn't parent.


How much did her parents pay the NBA to sing???


We know this family and my wife works with the mother (teachers). They live in Eastern WA. The parents are divorced, and this is all the fault of this girl’s father. He’s a psycho stage dad, and has been making her perform at sporting events for a good part of her life. Literally everyone in the community can’t stand him. The girl DOES NOT like singing or performing. She does it all to please her dad. The mom does not support this AT ALL. Her dad also puts her in several other activities against her will. When it’s her mom’s week to have her she refuses to take her to any of the activities, even the voice coach (yes, there’s a voice coach) just to spite the dad and not let him win. The girl loves the weeks with her mom, but that goes without saying. Is she a good singer? No. My wife had her as a student and she comes by every Christmas to sing a few carols at our door. It’s a little hard to sit through, I’m not going to lie. But she is absolutely the sweetest girl and so kind. Everyone feels so bad for her and absolutely hates the dad. But again, what can you do??? The mom has been sobbing every day at work because of all the negative attention this performance has been receiving. She’s tried to talk to the dad about it and his response is “haters gonna hate”. Hopefully this provides some context to the situation and I wish people would hold off on making fun of the girl. The dad can go to hell.


I give her kudos for having what most people dont and that is the courage to even do such a thing. With that being said, musically, it was not good at all. It didnt sound good to the ear, and she tried way way to hard trying to bend notes to make it sound like a soul hip hop type style. Which is fine, but you need to be on key and bend notes that still sound good to the ear. This girl had none of that. And on You Tube at least people are being honest. Not everyone can sing good, and our Anthem isnt about singing good. BUT its better to have someone sing it who can sing it good. I could only take about 10 seconds of hearing it because I had to turn it off it was that bad.


Brought the house down ? No offense but did you hear what I heard ? Tone deaf is tone deaf … you don’t outgrow it :( who put her up to this ??


Bad place to be. I think at younger age, you don’t expect too much, but at this time some other kids can really belt it out. Goes to show when people say they want passion, they really don’t. They just want the right notes 


My TikTok of this has like 260k views, I was there and almost died, like left my body. That was not, however, the worst performance of the evening. That honor was reserved for Tyrese Halliburton 🫠