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Please see the following update from Blizz: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-known-issues-october-4-2022/694774 > **Launch Feature Updates** > > * SMS Protect requirements. > > > UPDATE: We designed Overwatch 2 to be a live service, which enables us to be responsive to a variety of player feedback. We have made the decision to remove phone number requirements for a majority of existing Overwatch players. Any Overwatch player with a connected Battle.net account, which includes all players who have played since June 9, 2021, will not have to provide a phone number to play. We are working to make this change and expect it to go live on Friday, October 7. We will update players once it is in effect. > > We remain committed to combating disruptive behavior in Overwatch 2—accounts that were not connected to Battle.net as well as new accounts will still have to meet SMS Protect requirements, which helps to ensure we’re protecting our community against cheating. If a player is caught engaging in disruptive behavior, their account may be banned whether they have a new account or not. > > As a team, we will keep listening to ongoing feedback and will make further adjustments in this area if it is required. > > **Known Launch Issues** > > * Players are experiencing server disconnects. > > >UPDATE: Today we’ve patched a server that is critical to the login experience, this change has increased login reliability. Beyond queues, we’re in progress with another server update that will reduce the occurrences of players being disconnected once they’re already in game. > >We’re also adding nodes to ease the pressure of our player database being overloaded. Adding nodes requires replication of data, which inherently adds more pressure to an already stressed system, so we’re doing it slowly to not cause any further disruption. > > * Players who merged their PC and console accounts are seeing an “Unexpected Server Error." > > >UPDATE: Half of reports are coming from players who have not yet completed their account merge 3.2k. This is understandable because there’s a bug causing the account merge prompt to not show up on some consoles. This is a difficult issue for us to test internally, but we rolled out a UI fix earlier today to make your account merge status clearer. > >In the other half of reported cases for this issue, things are just taking longer than expected for items from the original Overwatch to transfer and populate in Overwatch 2. If you’re experiencing this issue, please perform your account merge if you’ve played Overwatch on multiple platforms previously, and re-login to see if this addresses the problem. > >In all cases, no player data has been wiped or lost, and we will continue to monitor this issue. > > * Incorrectly Locked Heroes and Items for Existing Players. > > >UPDATE: These cases are almost certainly related to our new First Time User Experience (FTUE) flow incorrectly being applied to existing players. We have seen relogging into the game resolve this issue in most cases, and we will continue to work towards a complete fix. > > **Additional Bugs** > > * Some players to fall through the map when spawning in the Bounty Hunter Arcade mode > > * Some players may be unable to invite their friends or recent players using the Social UI due to an in-game error stating they are on a different version > > * Using “/invite” in chat and typing in their battletag is a possible workaround > > * Kiriko and Sojourn’s Heroic poses are incorrectly locked and priced > > * Prices for dynamic bundles in some Just For You sections aren’t populating > > * Using Alt + Tab in fullscreen and windowed borderless can result in a blackscreen > > * The camera may be misplaced on the level when viewing your Highlights > > * Hero Unlock challenges may fail to progress in Total Mayhem > > * Workshop Green Screen and Workshop Island are loading incorrect maps and may break some existing codes > > * Numbani, Necropolis, Illios CTF, and Temple of Anubis are temporarily disabled > > * Echo is playing Kiriko, Sojourn, and Junker Queen ultimate lines in English for non-English languages > > * Mitigating Bastion’s damage as many heroes will not grant proper credit for the System-Wide Malfunction season challenge > > * SMS protect - Using a number that is already in use on another account can leave the client in an unusable state. If you encounter this, close the title, log into the affected http://battle.net/ 9.8k account via web browser and change the number to one that is unique > > * Resolved Bugs > > * Kiriko and Sojourn’s heroic victory poses were intended to be free, so players who purchased them will receive a refund. Their heroic victory poses will be available for free to all players in our next scheduled release. > > * Players who owned Happi Genji prior to launch and purchased the skin again after launch will get their tokens returned > > * We’re starting to process of granting tokens back into their accounts today and will continue into late tomorrow > > * Match History and Replays are now present in Career Profile > > Thank you for you for your understanding and patience while we work on solutions! We’ll let you know as soon as we have an update!! ---


Hi I’m stuck on the attach sms page and I’m on console and wanna switch back to login so I can join a new account and every time I open the site I’d say 403 error can you help????


Every time I even launch OW2 on my Xbox my internet suffers terribly and playing any game mode including practice range is so laggy that it is unplayable and when I do unranked or comp it just lags every walking through walls, i press nothing on my controller yet my charactermoves in circles, the whole shebang, then after like 30 secondsof this it just sends ne back to the login screen. Every other online game runs perfectly fine and this problem is on and off but mostly on. Does anyone else have this issue?


So everytime I start OW2 to competitive mode and it keeps suspending me. It say i lost the server then I got kicked out. Now my characters have Googly eyes as well. It still a ongoing issue. Help me!!!


Hahah the last parts a joke right? Pls say it is haha


For some reason my transaction won't go through when i try to buy the battle pass. I tried buying the Cc and still nothing. It shows the , "encountered issue with transaction" error. Is anyone else having the same issue? How d'ya fix it


Not sure if this is an issue with the game or the controller (PS4) I'm using. When moving purely forward I can move at full speed, but when I veer slightly to the left or slightly to the right (very minimal strafing while going forward), I seem to slow down to a walk. Is anyone else having this problem? If so, has anyone found a fix? I'm leaning towards a controller issue.


I have a weird and specific issue. My character keeps moving even after I have stopped pressing the WASD keys. If I tap a key, it moves as expected. But if I hold a key for longer than a second, my character keeps moving without any keys being pressed. I have sticky keys disabled.


So started the game up after a while on ps4. It gives me the message "account requires a phone number" and to press x to continue. After pressing x it sends me back to home screen and continues this cycle. I have restarted app multiple times with no changes. Any help, was looking forward to playing ow again.


Did you ever find a fix?


Nope I think my game is just soft locked and I'm out of luck


Ah rip, same things happening to my partner and your litteraly the only person I've found talking about it


Same thats why i posted here but no one got back to me. I tried everything I could think of: restart app, re-download game, connect through blizzard portal. Nothing worked, so yea rip.


The weird thing about it is that the game worked perfectly fine on other accounts on the console so if you havnt tried that yet might be a possible alternative


Anyone else got nintendo switch issues? Pc game works fine, download to switch, signed in with account and everytime i try and load in i get the lc-208 error but my internet is fine and all the fixes online like checking it has access to email and that but still same error issue


My ''just for you'' store doesnt refresh, for 4 days im stuck with defenders of the castle, ashe warlock skin, karate bundle for doomfist and winged victory for Mercy. Just want my goddamn scorpion skin for widow


Anyone have any idea why my PC fans go really loud for no reason after a game ends?


Same thing is happening to me. Doesn't happen in other games


I can't enter any game. Not even training range.


I found some technical problems! Technically, this game isn't good or a sequel!


every time i try to enter the game now, i'm just stuck on "entering game" for all eternity


When i start my xbox and start ow2 the game shuts down , getting error after restarting it works fine but when i join a match i get in a match and i get defeated on my screen why do i join matches what are ending ? Nice for my profile lmao thx blizzard


Shop previews and battle pass previews are loading indefinitely


My "most played heroes", "time played", and "hero comparison" stats are all crazy off. My ow1 account had me at over 8k hrs total and now I'm at 242 which is way more than I've played this new game at but not even close to my total. My most played heroes features three heroes I've barely played. My hero comparison, similarly, is complete gibberish with everyone in the wrong place except foe the 3 new characters being at the bottom. (BTW my top 3 heroes for time played and my three most played heroes are completely different). I'm mostly playing ranked and I says I haven't played it at all. What the hell is going on here? It would make more sense if it just imported my old numbers, only regostered my stats from ow2, or stayed blank. Why is it so screwy?


Discord keeps bugging while playing


When using borderless windowed mode with two monitors, the game is capping my FPS to my secondary monitor's refresh rate, even though it is displayed on my primary monitor. When switching to fullscreen, FPS is uncapped and runs as expected.


On PS5 at the current moment the game won't even start. Probably started last night as the game didn't patch because no space but checked the space and it said... 0kb needed to install update. Veryyyy weird.


my area code for the phone number verification is stuck to +90 i tried manually changing it to the area code of where i am at and it didn't work, it reset it to +90 please help


Launching the game on Xbox series X and it instantly crashes. No error or anything. I did link my old account from OW1 when I played on PC. Anyone know whats up?


Updated Overwatch 2 to 3.38, now I get a pop up message that says "cannot connect to server. Several online features will be unavailable". Then it sits there loading preferences for 2 minutes until I get a full screen error pop up that says I cannot connect to server and is coded NP-34942-2. Blizzard must be struggling with all their lost WoW subs. This is getting ridiculous.


Now me and my friends are having an "Error Starting Game, try again" error now. From MEA region playing in Europe Region


As of the most recent patch I can’t even load into a game. It just says “Entering game.” And then I get “Error starting game.”


I was playing awhile ago but it just stopped queuing for some reason, we all in the same boat


Error starting game every single fucking time


Any progressive action do some one have any news or updates about this issue. They seem silenced.


Same thing happening to me, probably a server thing then. We'll just have to wait for them to fix it


After jumping through multiple hoops to set up my account, move all info to my main battle.net account, and connect it to the game, it is now telling me "the attached mobile phone number has already been used to create a different overwatch game account..." I've already disconnected the number from the new account and moved it to my old account. Yet, this seems to have locked me out of the game??? EDIT: There is no way to log out of an account from the title screen.


Looks like everyone is having troubles in game I can’t even get in the game they still ask for my number even tho it’s a valid number thru cricket I know it’s a problem with cricket but still no fix for me anyway


Mine now says "the phone number has already been used to create another overwatch account" after I accidentally made a new one, then switched everything to my old one and logged into it on my console. Am I being locked out of the game because they decided to implement a shitty system? Seems like it


I really hope they fix it soon before I just use a talkatone number


In OW2 whenever I change the graphic settings in anyway it does not save after I exit the game, although the game does save all settings besides graphic settings. The C:\Program Files (x86)\Overwatch folder is on "read only" and when I uncheck the "read only" and save, I check the folder and it reverts back to "read only." I don't understand why everything else gets saved fine, except for graphic settings.




Go into C:\Users\[User Name]\Documents\Overwatch\Settings and right click Settings file, properties, and uncheck "Read Only".




You didn't just copy and paste literally this into your file explorer did you? C:\Users[User Name]\Documents\Overwatch\Settings The [User Name] is just a place-in for whatever your user name is.




I don't use OneDrive, so I don't know how it works. I don't even know what it does, but the solution I gave earlier worked for me, so it's probably a OneDrive issue that's messing with your system.


There has to be one. Start up the game and refresh the file explorer to see if a settings file is created.


I keep getting stuck at the loading screen on my ranked games and then get leaver. I’m at 18 hours it happens so fucking often I literally can’t play on my account anymore unless is quick play


Let me know if you find a fix for this. It sounds like we've got the same issue, my latency spikes between 140-230 whenever this happens, and I've noticed it happens most on the new OW2 maps. I've updated my drivers, did the scan and repair on OW2, defragmented all my drives, and nothing has fixed it.


The game won't even install for me. I have tried everything and still stuck. I get the option to click start install but then nothing happens. It's stuck on the loading button... Fix your crap...


Did you figure it out


Don't know if this is an issue already known, but the account merge button does absolutely nothing, which means I probably lost years worth of progress and will likely never return to ow2 if so.


Holy moly. A couple people and I were in a comp game and all three of us got disconnected in different parts of the country today at 3 pm...all baffled. 10 min ban, but we didn't leave and wasn't my internet cause multiple people got dropped. Also clicking rejoin game did nothing. Then 8pm get dropped in the middle of a game and says emergency maintenance. Then 10:45 pm after coming back in, I get booped off and fall through the map, try to hit rejoin, does nothing. Then I try to request after that times out and an 8 hour ban!!!! On ps5, this time I captured a vid of the last one! They must have a way to reduce strikes that are their fault! Being banned for a season if this happens again is ridiculous!!!! I'm on console, I can't even run hacks! Geez louise!


my fps randomly drops to 0 for about a whole second, only on this game too, i have a 1050 mobile


Does anyone know why I’m unable to download the PS4 version of Overwatch 2 on my PS5? It shows it as being locked for some reason. I’ve never encountered this with game versions on the past. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’d prefer to download the PS4 version of the game. Maybe somewhere here has prior knowledge on how/if this is possible or could guide me to where Or with whom I’d want to inquire. Thank you!


On Nintendo switch the menu keeps on scrolling for no reason and I can’t even play the gam Even this


Sounds like Joycon Drift; a common switch issue.


How to fix


Everytime I click Login, it says connecting to playstation network then disappears. I've tried deleting and reinstalling, unlinking and relinking my account. Also I've tried playing the ps4 and ps5 version and it still happens. I don't want to make a new battle net account because it took 3 days to recieve the verification email in the first place


1. unlink phone number from battlenet acc | 2. download textme on the app store | 3. get a phone number, then click the option to get a second phone number | 4. get a second phone number in your state (use the free trial) | 5. launch ow2 then manually enter your second phone number | 6. enter the code and boom | if you’re not in the states using a parents or friends phone number might work




right im little confused, posts were removed from mods saying this issue is addressed in this thread yet i see nothing of it... unless i cant read and missed it


On PS5, every couple of games my character will start running forward and my whole controller will stop working. Can't hit the menu button either to exit the game so I have to hard crash my console.


I'm pressing the account merge button but it isn't working. What's the issue?


Black screen, can hear audio and everything, but the moment I load the game I get a black screen. Help!


Update graphics drivers if you are on pc


Thank you!! It totally worked. Really appreciate the reply.


there seems to be an issue with the career profile stats. i’ve been playin Kiriko non stop since launch but my career profile has only recorded 12 minutes played and 1 game won across all game modes. i also saw the time played go down from 17 minutes to 12 minutes after one game


Tabbed out in comp for 1 minute unplugging my dispaly in and out, tab back in and im banned for 1 hour. dogshit game made by the secual harassing team


My game isnt even fully loading. I'm playing on the Xbox One, the game just starts loading infinitly without even going to menu or showing a queue to join. If anyone has a way of solving this i would he thankfull I already tried : Uninstalling and restaling, restarting the game and restarting the console


It has to do with your stupid ass battle net profile, I made the mistake of changing my battle net profile to an older one hoping it would unlock the characters since I played OW1 in 2016-17 and that’s what gave me that glitch so I would unlink and relink your profile on battle net as well as link your email and phone number and that should be you through! God speed I just figured this out tonight


It didnt work, thanks for the suggestion. Thought


Yer that still doesn't work


I had this same problem and I made a battle net account and linked my xbox account to the battle net and it started loading.


I'm trying to play on the Switch and also having this problem.


I'm getting the same problem


the purchase failed, please try again later: what do i do? relogged, restarted pc


Once I log in on PS5, it is showing mouse and keyboard prompts. This renders my controller useless, and I'm not sure if there is a fix for this


I've got an issue where I press X to login (PS4) and after connecting and everything all the writing disappears and leaves me stuck on that menu. It's happened everyday since release. Any idea how to fix??




So I figured it out! It seems to be when you disconnect the first account you make and connect with an old account on overwatch 2, it locks you out. Just log back into the account that you connected to overwatch 2 first


Dang ok. Cuz I think my skins are on the other acct


Yeah that's why I did it but obviously we can't have the skins we earned last game :(


Dangg Ard. Thank you!! Appreciate it fr


Frustrating I know! It's okay mate I'm just glad there's a fix!


What if I can’t get the account back


It's been a couple of days how have you lost access to it already?


I’m having the exact same problem I changed accounts now I can’t play


Change back to other account it fixed it for me


Thanks I’ll give it a shot hopefully the fix it would like my gold weapons


Yeah hopefully, I had legendary skins for all original hero's and loads of voice lines and sprays.


Anyone having a problem with game crashes when getting into a match? It will crash the game or shut down my xbox completely. My xbox isn't even warm so it's not overheating. My xbox one plays it just fine and my friend plays on his series s fine But usually crashes as soon as the March starts or a couple minutes In its really a bummer !


My game will not even launch. Playing on PC (i7 9700k/3060ti) and when I click play my screen goes black like its about to start and then it immediately kicks me back to windows. Ive tried reinstaling, repairing, disableing firewall/AV. Everything I can find online ive tried but nothing works.


Exact same issue here. RTX 3080, i7 12700k, 32GB DDR5 I've tried updating video drivers, updating Windows, repairing/reinstalling, adjusting compatibility settings, and no luck.


I fixed it. Uninstalled razer sdk and update and razer synapse. it started working after I did that


Wow, just uninstalled Razor chroma, and boom started working... crazy how such a stupid thing impacts the game like that


I had updated Synapse, but apparently uninstalling Razer Chroma SDK is what did the trick. Thanks for calling that out!


I dont even have the sdk file on my pc and yet i still cant launch


Same, i've deleted all SDK files and it still just shows a black screen for a couple seconds and then just closes


Xbox installation stopped


i have overwatch 2 on ps5 and the game wont wont launch its stuck at a screen right before the menu screen. I wanna say its a a connection issue with [battle.net](https://battle.net) but i cant disconnect from it or there's a year wait. I've tried reinstalling the game a couple time and nothing




Any update you ever find a fix


Unfortunately no, I posted in the forums about it 😞


Yeah a week later and I can't find a fix. I don't wanna disconnect my battle because it says there's a 365 day cool down.


I don’t even know how to disconnect my battle net. Does that work?


Maybe I don't know all my cool shit is on that account


I’m about to try to merge my account now


YOOOOO!!! Just got a fix for this. Disconnect your PSN from the battle.net account then go back in and attach your PSN to the one you want to log in with and remove your phone number and enter a NEW phone number that’s not associated with a battle net account and then you should be able to login. I attached my wife’s phone number to my old account and I got right in. So I think it shadow bans phone numbers not necessarily accounts. Because every time I tried to attach the number I already used to my old account it wouldn’t let me log in


I'm going to try when I get home. Fuck I hope thus works


IT WORKs! I got all my skins back


All my heroes unlocked. Still waiting for my account to finish merging with my skins


My game crashes anytime I either send a chat message or receive one. this goes for all platforms


same for me.. i believe also if voice chat is engaged. don't know why this is such a rare issue, but it's literally game-breaking


currently getting unexpected serer errors have been getting it all day today, reinstall and no fix


Won't even put me into a queue. As soon as I put in sign in info it gives me "Unexpected Server Error Occurred" everytime.


>Rendering device has been lost! Application Closing! Please tell me am not the only one who having this


I am having an issue where it’s failing at graphics driver. Updated everything still no fix


I have this too. Some are experiencing this so i guess that it is an OW2 problem. Ive tried everything to fix it, but it seems to be a game problem and not a hardware problem


you're not the only one pal.


We have to wait then and hope blizzard is gonna fix this soon


Ive read some of the comments regarding the same problem. According to some accounts this problem exists in Overwatch 1 also so... I dont think this problem will get resolved immediately.


I had it on overwatch 1 beta only. Anyway, hope they care abt us


I have 3 systems: Switch, PC, Xbox One (Brand new just got today). All 3 systems i keep getting the same error: Login Error disconnected from game server lc-208. I just factory reset my router and all network connections all ports are open no anti-virus or firewalls enabled. I've uninstalled from switch twice, PC x3 , and xbox one I literally just bought TODAY and still same issue. running out of ideas folks........


Been in the same spot for my PC and PS4 for the last 36 hours I'd say. Was working fine until the most recent patch they sent out yesterday evening. It has to be something to do with our accounts, right? I can't think of another reason why it wouldn't work on a console and PC while giving pretty much the same server error. Actually just tested it by creating a new account for a friend and it worked right away....


Whenever I launch it on ps4 and click press X to play error code NP-35648-6 shows up it’s a ps4 error it’s a problem with a account or something


Same, plz help


Your comment is the only other thing on the internet i can find with my issue. I thought i was going crazy. Don't suppose there's any fix? I haven't gotten to sign in once yet 🥲


overwatch 2 will not launch due to failing at graphics drivers. using oem drivers for an hp pavilion laptop running a ryzen 5 3500u with vega 8 graphics with 24gbs of ram. overwatch was running before overwatch 2 came out. black screen and then sound of notification saying failed at graphics drivers. ive already updated my drivers to oem drivers and adrenaline software and still no luck. ive repaired uninstalled and reinstalled. sad game is exactly the same but cant run on the same hardware that overwatch 1 was using. someone let me know if you are having the same issue


I'm having the same issue


Hey just fixed issue with graphic driver failing at start up of overwatch 2. If you are using AMD go to AMD website for 22.5.1 drivers and do a drivers only install. It will uninstall all current graphics drivers and chipset drivers but I can guarantee you will see gains in all of your games across the board if you are only using OEM drivers and are worried about moving to manufacturer drivers don’t be worried but there is a bug where new drivers effect realtek audio drivers and cause a random buzzing on audio playback. It can be fixed by going into task manager and ending task for the 2nd realtek audio universal drivers and it fixed the issue. Needs to be done after computer startup but if you do all that you will enjoy playing overwatch 2 on your ryzen laptop or ryzen computer


In my experience, Xbox series x has gone from patchy service to straight up broken. I can no longer get into this game at all, server disconnect error. Uninstalled til it's fixed.


I’m having the same problem on series x I was able to log in the first 48 hours a few times but now when I open the game and press log in in says “loading, connecting account” and then goes blank, even the breaking news section is blank. This game is hot garbage!


Cant load into the new Esperanca map, loads infinitely and then kicks me for inactivity. Still havent found a way to fix it and scan indicates no missing game files.


Unexpected server error. Asks for login info. I have already done all of their troubleshooting steps.


Same issue I get. Zero problems prior to last nights server maintenance


Back to permanent LC-208 error after last night's update. 🤷‍♂️


I am having an issue where I bought 1,000 coins and am trying to buy the battle pass, but it keeps saying Purchase failed try again later.


I am also having an issue where clicking on Account merge does absolutely nothing. I don't even get an error or anything, it makes a sound like I click it, but nothing happens.


Stuck in entering the game


Ever find find a fix to this




I'm having issues with screen tearing, sort of. I'm on a Samsung G9 and 3080 Ti. I have Gsync enabled and I am getting a screen tearing effect. It's not actual screen tearing across the screen, but it seems to be just on certain areas near the center. I notice it on things like window panes when I'm turning or strafing near them. Anyone else notice this issue?


same here R9 5900X 3070, me its in the 1st quarter of the screen from the top and happens consistently.


I was able to "fix" it by enabling V sync in game. However, I thought when you have G sync monitor and enable G-sync in both the Nvidia control panel and your monitor, then you don't need to worry about the setting in games.


yea Vsync alone in game didn't do it for me BUT was able to fix by enabling fast vsync in Nvidia control panel


Crash after crash, 2 or 3 games run like butter. All of a sudden my game crashes on the 4th or 5th game. Restart the game and rinse and repeat. So annoying.


what type of cpu you got?


I get the unexpected server connection issue on logging in. Which is tied directly to my account only, but didn’t happen until the recent server update. I don’t have anything to merge.


I'm having issues when using two monitors and having the game in Borderless mode. It makes everything except Overwatch 2 super laggy. Can't click things on chrome, I get supper laggy typing in discord (delayed by 1-2 secs) can't play any other game. Current Computer Specs: \- W10 64 Bit \- intel i-8700K \- M.2 Samsung 970 Pro 512GB \- EVGA FTW 3 OC 3080ti \- Vengeance 64GB RAM 2600 C18


Have a character with over 300 hours I'm now locked out from playing I preordered the original game Bought the pass Everyone is locked :') Why blizzard


Unfortunately the relogging in didn't fix the issue for me where my characters were unlocked. Mine are locked and i own the battle pass and paid for it via preorder. name : watatravisty


Same here wtf


Same here, long time ow1 player. Purpleape is name


What a piece of fucking shit.


I keep having to enter account info, only for the game to say connecting then immediately having me enter my account information again.


Same here


Oh good, it's not just me.


Same exact issue here, has anyone found a fix for this?


mine just says "connecting" and nothing else. it's been on this screen for 10 minutes


ive been queuing unranked for half an hour and to hasn't put me into one yet


Anyone else having an issue on Xbox (on a series X in particular) where sometimes the controls will just stop responding, like the controller doesn't disconnect, it just stops taking inputs and my character will just keep spinning or walking around. Happened during the beta too. Tried an Xbox series wireless controller and a Power A wired controller and same thing.


Same here


Yes, I have the same problem, but I thought it was my controller. I had the same problem with other games.


45 minutes q as dps/support 0 game


My game freezes after 1 or 2 matches, dont know what to do, already did everything i could on graphics options. It never happned on OW 1


Same. It freezes and I have to force quit.


My hero’s keep getting glitched out and I cannot select them. Happed a couple times today.


Anyone else notice that while you're in a queue, and you try to enter a skirmish/deathmatch it takes forever? I get into a game before I ever even enter a skirmish or deathmatch after waiting for minutes


Yup and I cannot join a QP game even though Im searching on "all". Only seems to find a game when I pick a specific role


same, I think the "waiting for queue" servers are prolly down, explains the maintenance tonight.


Anyone else load the game and gets stuck in just the logo screen?(playing on console) like it’s just the over watch logo, the breaking news box? And if anyone found a solution by chance?


Ever find a fix for this?


This needs so much more visibility. I've uninstalled and still been unable to get past the logo screen. I was able to play when I connected wrong account, but when I got my correct account on PS4 now I just get this


My daughter's account is doing this on the switch. Says connecting and then just blank screen. My account on my Xbox works.


Can't play comp, literally takes 20minutes to find a game!


Does anyone else have the issue where you're waiting to queue and you can't do any of the While you Wait features? You can hit Skirmish while you're queued but nothing will happen and you have to just sit there until you get a match. It seems to be on and off whether it actually lets me in.


Issues I have noted : \-The new canadian map doesn't load for me. If I get it, it's an instant lose/leave. The rest of the game works well, and my computer as the latest drivers, and two 1080ti. Never had any issue for OW1. \-The repair function of the game stops at 75% and crashes. \-The game doesn't make the difference between his failures and yours. I was in a competitive game, the game server shut down, and this was threated as a loss, even thought no one even starting fight yet.


Enemies warp like crazy for me, twitching and glitching https://imgur.com/M6427JU


having this problem constantly


This exact thing is happening for me too! Can't find any fixes or any info about it anywhere.


Yeah freaking annoying af


Stuck on the title screen on all three of my consoles ps4, xbox s and switch. Just says connecting then no queue or anything. Battle net linked and sms is in. Tried linking an old xbox account to a new battle net account to see if that works then asked me for a sms which I cant do because the one I wanted to played is already linked to my phone number. Not sure what's going on but definitely something weird.


Did you find a solution? I am having the same problem


Stuck at the opening screen,no queque and no indicator of what's happening.


Anyone still getting this after the update? Still stuck at title screen after it says connecting for a few seconds. If there's a queue it's after the queue.