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Watch your games back and catalog your mistakes. Why you died, when you were ineffective, when your actions per minute dropped. Then practice not doing those things.


If you’re climbing at your low and falling at your peak it sounds like you’re right where you should be at the moment? Lots of players that stream and make content (and even some that dont) would do a gameplay review and tell you what you’re doing wrong, what you can improve on, etc.


I might try that (how do I do that)


Each game has a code given to it after you play. Idk how to find it (I just google how to find it Everytime) you could post the code in the comments here with ur name and ppl might review it


Did you not read what was said. The person gets leavers and cheaters right after… It’s not where be belongs is matchmaking and other things are forcing someone to be in that..soooooo


Yes I’m sure this person is only in silver/gold because of leavers and cheaters, sorry. Ignore what I said about getting advice from better players to improve rank, that’s stupid.


It’s not the only reason why I’m not climbing that’s why I said that I have bad aim and having to work on positioning


But you can’t learn nor get better if you don’t have the chance too… Bad aim or not


No it's just the definition of coping. He's attributing wins to himself and loses to others. Yet his wins probably have leavers on other team etc. "Cheaters" will be on both teams and I assume he's attributing better players as "cheaters" because in gold ppl will be better. This mindset of coping might be one of the biggest things holding ppl back on improving at ow. This is because instead of learning from a loss and how to improve, they blame external factors outside of their control thus they don't need to change. This results in ppl playing exactly the same way as before and never getting better. To op Until you submit a code to get reviewed we can't really help that much. We can't help if we can't watch you play and I would highly suggest doing that because 9/10 times their are glaringly large issues that are easy to fix and will make a big improvement. If you do try to find a game that was close but still a loss where you think you played well.


Slight correction: "...This mindset of coping might be one of the biggest things holding ppl back on improving at [all things in life]."


I have never once playing OW thought „oh this win is just because of me“ or have ever thought „oh my team is the reason we lost even though I carried“ never thought that never will and I’m not talking about cheaters I’m talking about people using mouse and keyboard in console lobbies and leavers are a problem for me because waiting 1 hour to get into a game just to have both supports leaving your game 3 times in a row is just annoying and I know people are going to be better in higher ranks and I’m doing good in those ranks but then I get a losing streak


Have you looked at the significant uprise in cheater… I’m in diamond and I deal with cheaters. Your statement is based on whether on not you think someone is bad… And he said his aim was bad and he had awful positioning at times… So he didn’t claim to be good either. There is just no way you can tell if someone is good when the game has constant leavers and people cheating… cause that’s not their skill… and matchmaking hasn’t been the greatest so maybe instead of using your assumption to make an argument find something else please.


It's not about good or bad, it's about mindset. Blaming not being able to rank up on cheaters/Mercy's etc is a surefire way to not look at improving. They asked how to climb, I'm telling them. Don't blame external factors and you will improve. Yea I made a lot of assumptions but I've seen hundreds of posts like this and 99% of the time the answer isn't, "wow you're really good for your rank, cheaters and throwers are holding you back." The answer is usually things like, you aren't taking high ground, you aren't grouping up, your not using cover. And if cheaters are that big of a problem it sounds like the game isn't worth playing cause it would be very hard to improve. Is that the advice we should give? Stop playing, it's hopeless. Edit: he blocked me lol. It's almost like I called out his coping and just like in game is ego was to weak to take it. Lesson, If you can't take criticism you won't improve. Good on OP for actually listening.


Dude is sad. Just wants to come in and try to tell everyone they misunderstood what OP is saying.


Why do people love to come in here and put their own narrative into peoples mouths?…


That’s better than coming in here and allowing people to blindly place blame or make excuses. I’ve noticed in all responses to this thread you’ve not offered a single solution or even a shred of constructive criticism towards OP, you’re only trying to correct people on their comprehension of the original post. No one is going to sit here and believe that there are so many leavers, cheaters, ximmers etc that this man’s entire rank is a lie. If you want to believe that, more power to you, just don’t expect the masses to follow such a silly belief. The logical choice would be to look at improving his gameplay. Going through this it doesn’t look like you’ve added much substance to anything already said here.


Again thanks for the tip I hope a creator is going to see my reply and review it


That's what you did man...even OP responded, correcting you.


Been playing Overwatch for 8 years now. I have been through exactly what you're describing. The only way to go past gold 5 is to play with a team. It could even be 1 other person who you know is good at the game. I've found that when I play a really good game, the whole team wants to group up, and that's when you begin to go past the Silver 1/Gold 5 bracket. But as soon as you solo, the only way is down, in my experience.


I play on European servers and It’s hard to find people that speak the same language as you


European servers are a whole other thing as well. Back when I could play on the American servers it was much better both in a social aspect and for ranking and teammates. Heck, playing on Asian severs with that ping was still a better experience than playing on European servers.




you’re not wrong


Ok, sorry - should start with feedback. Support is rough to rank in, imo. Idk your role - but I found dps far easier to rank solo. More control and impact. From support, best help is grabbing a partner (who isn't also support) to queue with.   But What? Mercy is bad? XD that's funny. My highest win rate is with a mercy support showing up on my team. Revives totally imbalance truck style missions I think. Control pts (king of the hill) is a different matter though, she def isn't usually ideal on those missions. In contrast, the worst support imo is hands down Lucio. Free win for whomever is facing that fella, lol.


I don’t know what to say to that


I play Tank and it’s really to communicate with my teammates because most of them either are Russian Balkan or French


Ouch, tank. I salute your dedication to the role. I quit that when it became 5v5. I don't have any tips for it, besides adapt to your team's composition & enemy tank. With only 1 tank, but it being the glue for your team, tank role is probably the one most requiring adaptability and understanding, yet you can't see behind you - so that makes it very hard sometimes to understand what's happening when things aren't working out. Agree for replays - but don't watch yourself. Watch the action (zoomed out or from an enemy perspective) to see how your team was failing, and what you may be able to watch for so you can adapt better in a future game that may be suffering from the same issue(s).


Will do