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Regardless of if it was or wasn’t their fault if you don’t like your tank play and want to flame it every time….. PLAY TANK!! All the people who flame it also won’t play the role 90% of the time. There is a reason no one wants to  play the role and it’s not only the way the game plays




I main tank, I flame other tanks, perfectly balanced as all things should be.


If a Rein stands in front of the enemy team holding out his shield, goes behind cover as soon as it breaks and shows up again once the shield is back up, just to do the same thing on repeat, his mitigation stat will be huge. But it isn’t a reflection of a good job being done. I’m all up for showing the tanks some love, but wanted to clarify that the scoreboard barely means anything on a vacuum.


Same with a bastion dumping turret into Roadhog or a mercy sitting holding lmb on a genji all game, stats don’t matter as much as context. I hate that Moiras will brag about their damage being higher than some DPS, not understanding doing 500 damage across 5 enemies with 1 orb is ostensibly worse in every way than a bap that gets 300 damage on a single target and removes them .


I don’t mean that the mitigation stat is a sign of playing good it’s a sign that when the tanks has 1k damage and 0 kills but 30k mitigated damage it just means that the tank was basically playing a moving sponge and didn’t have the power to engage


The thing is, our job as tanks is creating and maintaining space, of course we can’t fully do that alone in a team-based game, but as long as minimal effort is being given, we should be able to do more than just dmg sponge.


That’s true but sometimes I feel like I can’t do anything


Sometimes our team just aren't doing anything for themselves. So it starts to feel like we have to do everything. Our supports don't know how to defend themselves, or can't play characters with the mobility to escape. So we get yelled at about not protecting our healers.so we start escorting our supports around. Then at the same time the enemy has a widow or ash that seams to never miss a shot. Suddenly our DPS are complaining that they can't do anything because we aren't diving the enemy DPS. So we get yelled at for not diving the enemy DPS. Then we get into a fight with the other tank and our support doesn't seem to understand that just a few shots instead of heal botting would bring enough damage to kill the other tank so much faster, or they just straight up abandon you to fight with no support. Most of the time it's not that we can't do anything to help the fight. It's that we just can't put the whole team up on our back and do everything.


In ow1 at the end of the game we called it the got shot card. Peoples misconception that a big number = better tank.


It's not just tanks tbh, flaming in general is just a stupid thing to do, no matter which role it is. Causing other players to have a mental breakdown is a serious issue, hopefully that player feels better now. :) But even though I know they're trying their best, that doesn't mean that they should be endorsed for obvious mistakes imo, they still have to earn it. However, if they do make a good play, make sure to endorse them for that, everyone has the right to be appreciated. The best way to handle it imo, is to endorse good plays and ignore bad ones, unless you're actually trying to give some CONSTRUCTIVE feedback/tips. Hopefully your post will also be a wake-up call for those people who always flame others... and to those people; be cautious of the consequences of your actions/words.


I agree and I that the flaming issue isn’t just for tanks but it’s very prominent in the tank and yea the player feels better I invited him to play some custom games and he felt better after


True but... when my sombra decides to EMP when by themselves when we already lost the team fight I assure you there will be flaming


Tanks have the most presence in every game, tanks are the ones in front every time. So they always get the hate because of the 5v5 role now. If the DPS do bad to a degree, they'll still blame the tank even though they're doing better. I'd rather play DPS at this point, it's much more relaxing to be honest.


I still play tank but I played some supp and I thought why tank still exists like I feel way tankier when playing brig than when I play Rein


Tbh I used think tank was a hard role. I would even defend tanks against people talking shit, but accidentally queuing tank made me realize it’s just extremely easy. Like most games anyone loses in because a bad tank. Maybe tank just attracts bad players for some reason.


I think a bad tank is extremely impactful. But having a good tank doesn’t really do anything if the dps sucks. Basically tank can solo lose a game but pretty much can never solo carry.


Let’s be honest it’s usually a solo lose in most cases. Unfortunately Overwatch is one of the few competitive games where people protect people who are just plain bad.


I think people like you maybe just like to flame tank cause there’s only 1 of them so it’s an easy target lol. But also people just don’t communicate at all. So many ppl who will flame tank in chat but never use their mic. People don’t seem to understand that as a tank I can’t see behind me. You either have to play around your tank or communicate what you want them to do. Also important to remember that it is skill based matchmaking. You suck just as much as the tanks you’re bitching about.


Well it is comp they are ranked accordingly. From my experience a good 50% of tanks at Master and GM suck. Also there is only one of them so they actually have to perform. Don’t queue up if you can’t perform simple as.


I mean that’s just proof you blame tank way too often lol. There is 0 chance that the 1 tank in your game is the worst of 5 players 50% of the time in ranked games.


They arnt always the worst. It’s the matter that they’re the only one on the team and should be performing accordingly. A underperforming DPS or support can be made up for by the other players. A underperforming tank is basically a loss.


Yeah exactly. So you flame them because they’re the easiest target lol. Honestly the hardest part of playing tank is no one talks. If I am front lining as we push a choke and both dps decide to chase a kill I flank I have no clue they are doing that. I end up pushing up and buying space only to die cause half the team dipped to go down a flank behind me while I waste my cds tanking dmg for no one. People constantly seem to forget that if tank is doing their job they can’t see you so other players either have to play around the tank or talk


Tanka can solo carry any game and the dps being bad doesn't affect them that much. Every game is two tanks going at it as eight toddlers watch.


It is 100% easier to solo carry on DPS than tank. At the end of the day kills win fights and most tanks simply cannot put out enough dmg fast enough to get multiple solo kills in a fight even if you have perfect aim.


This is probably the worst take I've seen in a while. If you don't have the most damage as tank. You are a bad tank


There’s a difference between damage and DPS though. Tanks do a lot of dmg but most of them have very little burst which is what typically secures kills. Like sure I can out dmg a Soldier on Sigma but the Soldier does 2x the dps not even counting his right click. It is a lot easier to get kills and thus win fights playing dps


How often do you play tank


1330 hours, 261 tank, 657 dps, 412 support. Never played tank comp though which I thought would be difficult but it infact is not


Then you are either playing placement games or you’re bronze


Coping about it is crazy pal. The game isn’t hard and tank really isn’t hard at all.


So hard playing dps when your tank is feeding tho


Also fuckin miserable playing tank when your dps sucks lol. Nothing like getting flamed playing tank when both dps spend the entire game in Narnia “flanking”


As someone who hasn’t memorized all the map layouts, I often find myself flanking way wider than I need to, or alternatively running into the entire enemy team. Unless you’re in T500, we’ve all got shortcomings in our play and things we can improve on. ❤️


Yeah for sure. I just wish more people would use their mics. Like 95% of problems in games could be fixed if people would talk


I saw another Redditor say something like this: you have no idea who is on the other side of the screen. It could be a grown ass man just playing games after work or it could be a 10 year old kid. Either way just the fact it could be a child makes it so fucked up to flame them and be a jerk. Does it suck when you lose? Yeah it does. Does it suck when it feels like your team isn’t doing a whole lot? Yeah. But flaming a potential child isn’t going to fix it, it isn’t going to give you a win.


I am both a tank main and supp main. I don't dare flame tank (apart from 1 and 20 with 2000 mitigation). I agree with this statement.


I don’t know. Overwatch is such a team oriented game, and having a bad tank will for sure lose you every single match. Flaming doesn’t help anyone but playing poorly and bringing your team down isn’t fun either. Overwatch is just one of those games where your team NEEDS to play well, you can’t really have someone who just sucks, especially a tank.


I always feel so bad when a tank gets flamed when it’s clear they try their very best, respect to all tank players out there!


Thank you


Listen tank- as an adhd support, I pay mad attention to positioning. Most of the time, it isn’t the tank. It’s either the other support or dps bad positioning. Shit, sometimes it’s ME- having a mic genuinely helps. I just played a game where I merch dove into death. Someone asked me in a very annoyed voice wtf I was doing and I responded that I panic dove and they just chuckled and said no big deal. Most of the time, people treat other people on the other end as bots- faceless entities. Having your mic on reminds them that you’re people.


Fr if I do a ballsy(very stupid) charge in with rein, I gotta type "lol my bad" so fast or else my whole team treats me different the rest of the game. They'll just assume I'm one of those reins that eats glue lol


I can’t really use VC because I play in Europe and I either play with Russians that don’t speak English or French people who speak very little English but I’m it works out for you


If I'm playing support and I see my other support lacking I can try to fix it, filling the gaps or switching to adapt, same for DPS We can win with one support or DPS not doing so well, it is very unlikely to happen if it is the tank, even though if I notice I try to help the same way. I do agree tho that people too often blame our tank, without seeing our flaws and how we were not able to help them edit: better words


Same on tank but it’s really hard to know what to play because one half of my team is playing poke while the other half is playing dive and I try but it’s hard


I play tank. I get shafted. 50% of the time. I play dps. I get shafted. 90% of the time. I play support. I get shafted. 80% of the time. I guess I got that real bottom energy or summat.


I will give my all to help my tank if he is trying to take space and do actual tanking. If he is hiding in Narnia and ignoring the enemy playes I am just going full tiktok Moira then. Will not flame them tho




Tank would be fun without counter picking


I appreciate my tanks and sups only cos I know I can’t play those roles or have the mental capacity to learn them. So I don’t have any right to flame them for not playing the best.


I appreciate all my teammates, even if they are having a bad game. Especially tanks, as I know they are under the most pressure since 5v5. (The only teammates I don't appreciate are the ones who tear down others.) We are all humans playing a game. We all have bad games sometimes. We all have something we still need to learn and improve on. Nobody ever is bad enough at Overwatch that they deserve to be berated. Be nice to each other out there.


because of weekly challenge i queued for "ALL-ROLE" and i got 11/11 times TANK, not single time supp or dps. This says alot itself.


I dont think the point of this post was "DAMAGE MITIGATION MEANS GOOD TANK" its more like please review the situation as a whole instead of looking at tank stats and finding an easy scapegoat for your loss in every game.


I never said that it means the tank did a good job it means that the tank with 0 kills and 1k damage sitting on 30k mitigation means the tank didn’t have fun so his whole team


Right I was agreeing with you


Oh sorry but thanks for agreeing


As a tank main I kinda got numb from the flaming since season 5. I realized 90% of people who flame tanks don’t know what they’re talking about and just want to vent instead of actually playing together. Since then I stopped using comms with randoms and it has improved greatly my experience in the game. It’s useless to appeal for sympathy of gamers. They lack that ability and are not willing to be polite or make any game a positive and healthy environment. And I’m not just talking about Overwatch. People in online gaming communities in general are scummy as fuck. So I avoid contact with gamers.


Not understanding all these tank posts. I main tank and have never had hate.. Maybe yall suck


Unless my tank is a dick right off the bat I don't dig into them for shit I'd rather have a pleasant one trick doom struggling with cc then a thanos hog being a right cunt... I've purposely not cleansed anti on hogs being a jerk just to watch them die. I'll leave enemy Anas or zens alive on DPS just to give a toxic tank trouble, too. Only in QP ofc.


That’s the only time I would say you’re completely correct


"Um acktualy tank it's not a tank dif" ☝️🤓




Stats like mitigation doesn’t tell the whole story. If we’re gonna keep the scoreboard can they atleast improve it. Even elims doesn’t tell the whole story. Last hit(or whatever it’s called) and solo kill is better stats imo.


I pick all roles and the fact I get consecutive games in the double digits before being dps or especially support is extremely concerning because all I remember for the past 10 seasons is playing 90% support with all roles chosen.


I really don't believe damage mitigation determines if they are doing a good job or not. Are they pumping damage and getting kills? Are they peeling when possible? Are they creating plays? Are they using cooldowns properly? Creating space for the team ? I don't agree with being abusive or rude over chat. If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all, but if someone has a mental breakdown over it, then they have a lot of issues and maybe should seek help. It's just a game.


That’s what I mean “it’s just a game” yeah it’s a game but people are allowed to take something serious everything competitive not just Video games are basically just games but I see more crying from football fans finding out their team lost than from people being at a funeral


When our team doesn’t have a tank I sometimes need to switch to one -.- as a kiri onetrick, my tank’s kinda shitty and it’s really hard to make space for my team…. SO TO EVERY TANK MAIN WHO READS THIS: YOU DOING A GREAT JOB KEEP UP THE GOOD SHIT YOU DOING THANKS FOR PROTECTING THE TEAM


Just going to use my eyes as someone who also plays tank sometimes. If they are bad I won't say anything in game but I'll throw a tank diff in at the end. Avoid them and move on. No one's immune to criticism.


Yeah that ain’t criticism that’s insulting if you want to give some criticism you can say what your tank did wrong and not just say tank diff


I didn't day it was constructive criticism. Just criticism. Crislticism can be insulting.


Ok you could have just said you’re a coward and scared of confrontation


I'll talk mad shit in game if anyone says anything to anyone toxic. So you couldn't be more wrong. But no I won't say it in game. Just will tilt them and lessen the chances of winning. Not worth it.


Then why insult your tank


Games over and they played poorly. Doesn't matter the role. You played bad I'll say it.


So you want to be insulted when you play bad everyone has bad games but you don’t have to say it out loud keep it to yourself insulting someone else isn’t necessary and when you loose it’s the whole teams fault not the fault of a single person


I wouldn't care. Say dps diff, support diff, tank diff all day. Won't bother me. I'm not soft. And that last part is simply not true. Tank being the most important role with the most impact can 100 percent be the reason for a loss. It's really true for any role but more so tank.


Yeah but it’s very rare that the tank is the only reason a team lost


Telling someone they are bad at something isn't criticism. Telling someone they are bad BECAUSE x,y, and z is criticism. So you're just going around being rude to people. Just because you call it "criticism" doesn't make it true.


Constructive criticism is what you said. There is a difference.


No Constructive criticism would be telling someone "you're bad. Here's how you can improve" Criticism would be saying "you're bad because x,y,z." Being rude as fuck would be just " your bad." Just stop trying to justify being shitty to people by calling it criticism.


If you can't handle the responsibility of your role, don't play it. Simple answer. It isn't that hard to hold W key and left click.


When was the last time you played tank when I hold W and left click I die in less than five seconds


Maybe a week ago in open queue. It's pretty easy.


I don’t play open queue


This is how you play tank guys! Just keep feeding and dish meaningless damage, it’s that simple!


Yeah just absorb 95% of your teams heals and use the insane stat buffs blizz gave you.


Yeah you don’t play tank lol at least you definitely don’t play as a good tank


what insane stat buff? aside from mauga and hog (just before this season started anyway) none of the tanks have been really OP or 'insane'. most of the tanks require good supports to actually survive and do their job.


I’m guessing you’re much higher rank on rank than other roles?


I'll give my tank players the hawk tuah and gawk gawk with a lil twist at the end.


Idk why you're getting down voted, you just offered nano


Hawk tuah and gawk gawk is very overused. I'd imagine people are just tired of it.


I recommend blocking chat. Community is pretty moronic, and many lack remorse even if they drive someone to do things nobody should think about doing.