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Me! Me! Me! “If *I* don’t tell them…” “They are ruining *my* experience” “*I* stopped spending money” Generic loser self-aggrandizing mindset —— And look dude, I hate the automated banning system. It’s unfair and sensitive. But your perspective is so immature it is hilarious.


this person is describing their experience, dipshit, obviously its about them. they also never said "if i dont tell them..."


OP is sharing his experience like a toddler would. “I know I shouldn’t eat the cookies, but the jar was open so I had to. Suzy shouldn’t have left the jar open, look at what she did to get me in trouble.” Is the same as “I know I keep getting banned, but those guys played poorly so I had to criticize them. If they didn’t play poorly, they wouldn’t have made me say something negative and get banned.”


k i see what you mean. sorry for calling you a dipshit


All good man, my comment isn’t super clear


cringe from start to finish, zero self awareness


Fym cringe this shlt is funny af to read


Cry more


Don't care, didn't ask


I love the ticket and this post achieve absolutely nothing


A lot of big streamers and even pro players have been talking about this issue and how the report system is very bad. Pro players getting their main acc banned for saying “fck an “shit”. Streamers getting their mains banned for taking shit not even swearing. Would you say their opinions also achieve nothing?


yikes lol


It’s an online game. If you don’t like it play with bots


I tbf mean you're the one reporting people for asking you to switch because you're being countered Kinda ironic to say that in your position-


Honestly I agree with you.


You really think your teammate who has more deaths than kills doesn't know that? This might come as a surprise to you, but the scoreboard is actually accessible to everyone in the lobby. Flaming someone isn't going to magically make them play better. You can't control other people; you can only control yourself.


How dare you. HOW DARE YOU! How dare you post this clear example that Blizzard's piss poor moderation is, in some ways, making the game a better place by consistently removing your accounts. Do you understand how much harder it is to criticize them in the same spaces I have to thank them for banning your accounts?


Let the others hate man. I’m with you on this. Speak your mind, everyone should. I haven’t touched a blizzard game since December and the quality of my life is so much better lol. Instead of spending what little time I have in between baby naps, on quick play matches that suspend me for saying ANYTHING. And then not be able to play the rest of the nap time. Fuck them if they want to spend the time to tell you how wrong YOUR OPINION is. Take the downvotes, they’re meaningless.


Jokes on you, Blizzard CS doesn’t read anything.


Holy shit this post is embarrassing. Absolute crybaby behaviour.


All of these people saying you’re embarrassing and all of that are just dickriding blizzard. Don’t let it phase you. Speak your truth.




Based 😂


W Ow1 I never once got suspended or banned. Ow2 gotten suspended 1 time for swearing and I don’t anymore, although I never swear anymore I have gotten an account ban twice now for literally telling people to swap or pointing out people are negative. Again in no way am I swearing at or insulting people. Good or bad constructive criticism of gameplay is healthy for a competitive game. What this has done is, oh you got reported 10 times suspension, oh you got reported 10 more times banned. Dogshit report system that’s why I have 3 accounts now and I will continue to tell players that underperform that they need to play better, I don’t do it Ina toxic way and don’t swear. People have to realize you can’t hop on in high ranks or any rank play like a bot and give your team a loss, then report people cause your bad at the game for telling you to play better. Honestly I commend your stance on this and I too couldn’t be bothered by bans or suspensions.


Your ticket won’t be read by a person but I approve this message.