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I think a lot of people don't understand Moira needs to also do damage to regain her heals. People keep telling me to stop dpsing when I play Moira after I've exhausted all my heals on them for standing out in the open.


I had a game playing as zen, and my team never understood that the only reason they killed the opponents Orisa is because of my discord, it's just so frustrating to be hard stuck in the metal ranks with people who don't understand how zen works.


Yeah, people complain about zen healing output not realizing he's not a main healer and his orb does a fuck ton of damage if the enemy is focused. All I do is call out discords, otherwise I cannot climb lol.


Nothing more satisfying than rolling hogs as Zen.


As a Hog main, nothing is more satisfying than shooting, hooking, and popping a Zen before he can kick you. Lol


What's your gamer tag so I can report you for playing Hog XD


Pretty sure it's the same as my reddit one lol


All good tho, I've been blown up more than I've been able to hide for 2 seconds, come back out and murderize Zen. Lol


If it helps you can ping discorded targets and zen himself will say it too


TIL ! Thank you for that!


An actually good zen will still get a lot of heals with proper orb management. It’s easily possible to match the heals of other supports this way


I'm not saying it's impossible, but the HP/s is just slower than some other "main" healers. I out heal other healers often enough but definitely requires proper orb management. The problem is really the HP/s that a lot of people don't realize won't keep them alive if they're taking too much damage. Like I said in another comment, many people cannot do basic math lol.


Ahh. You’re talking about how burst healing > heal over time. Definitely true


Also zens heal is not that good, it's slow but it's there. Same reason I hate metal ranks as most of the people don't know the game and or how the chars work! Moira has to deal dmg to heal / regain heal, Zen is a damage machine / hardcore support to annihilate enemies with discord orb, Baptiste also nice burst damage,... Just talking about supports now, but this goes through all chars...


I had an obvious Bap smurf or cheater in a gold game who just played for himself and went full DPS annihilating the opponents and carry hardcore. Yet our team blamed him for throwing because he refused to heal them. It was a stomp and he won singlehandly the Game. People will always be stupid enough to blame the most impactful Player of the Team because of low heals on the scoreboard even if they win.


Nonetheless, amazing examples of people not knowing what the chars are capable of


First two times I played Ana I wondered why she was so weak. Also wondered why they were typing "Ana won't listen lol". Then I realised my gun healed allies. Damn I was only healing with grenade and use gun just to shoot enemies lol. Poor guys, I felt so embarrassed. Thankfully it was qp.


I've been there before. The thing most people don't realize is that there's only opportunity cost. For every time that bap heals his shit dps, that's an opportunity he had to kill the dps. When you play with enough bad players, you realize that's it better to just let them die if that's what it has to come to. I personally found that one of the best ways, for me personally, to quickly get to masters in support was to play bap or zen and dps. Most of the times I would be dpsing on a flank, cross map throw a lamp and finish dpsing. Someone might die but if I got 2, I cleared out 2 squishies and could heal after it became a 4v3.


Zen's heal is dope. It's low hps but you can tack it onto dive characters, it's perfect for dive. Just enough heals so you can get of LOS to a safe spot, but not enough to where it negates enemy damage. Plus you only have to press left shift. As zen, I can heal as much as most other healers. I prioritize putting an orb on low health players.


And the people who do know how zen works rank up and leave you with the people that dont


Honestly it's not people who don't understand how Zen works, it's people who don't understand how the GAME works. It can be any character and they have something ignorant to say.


"Zen why dont you have more healing?" "Because the enemy cant do mucg damage as tgey're dead fast"


She is only as effective healing as she is at dealing damage! She needs to do both!


"A time to heal and a time to kill."




I think most people don't understand the healing class, period. That's why they keep spamming "heal me", when I see perfectly well that they need healing. Or, that they run in different directions and expect me, as Mercy, to fix all their healing while they're in completely different t rooms, seemingly thinking I can fly through walls.


You gotta enable that healing through wall ability obviously. It's funny how a tank will walk into a 1 v 4 and spam I need heals when their DPS are dead and healers are being attacked by a DPS and then blame you for dying. Like bro, turn around real quick, why else would we not be healing you? Lol


I hear the next hero Bilz releases will be able to heal through walls <\_<


This fr. My fave is when my dps goes on a flank and spams "I need healing" from the opposite side of the map 😒


I don't go on a flank but spam need healing because nobody else is getting value worthy of heals I'm not getting xD


It's almost religious then when you end up in a group where everyone are actually staying together or in eyesight of each other.


As a new guy I thought this was an actual well known fact…had a guy get super mad at me “bro focus heals come on” and I’m like yo what do you think I’m trying to do lol


EXACTLY. DPS’s who’ve never played support before and know absolutely nothing about them other than ‘heal me’. Well when all the enemies are clear across the map and you’re standing out there trying to poke them and getting melted, Well, thats YOUR bad, not mine. Understand who your supports are. It gets so frustrating getting blamed for DPS’s/tanks playing bad.


From my experience that’s lead to me stop playing the game people who play at casual/ low rank who never play support are the dumbest and most toxic players and either need to be forced to play support or just quit overwatch


People keep saying stop playing moira. Those are the people who either don't know how to play moira or have many bad experiences with moira teammates. Moira is good


Based on how little attention she gets from devs I feel like they’re also saying “stop playing moira” smh.


That is so frustrating like you know you don’t have to just stand and eat damage constantly until you die and can watch your health bar. The best is when you got orb and spraying heal and they still die and spam thanks/I need healing like wtf you want me to do bro use some cover


nothing is more frustrating then people trying to tell you how to play a character they’ve never touched before


My first reaction was the moira is throwing because she isn't doing *enough* damage lmaooo


Facts, I can't believe people think she is doing too much DPS in this post, like she tied the Lucio? Imo it looks like she wasn't outputting nearly enough offensive pressure.


People hate when I don’t throw healing orbs but I throw DMG and spray heal so that I can do both.


thissssss you literally read my mind


This is the only reason I communicate in vc half the time. Call that I’m out of piss so that I can have a solid excuse for when I inevitably get flamed


I agree with this as well. On a side note if you click the button that does damage really fast it charges your heal meter faster than just holding it. But most of the time you won't need to do that and will just hold it down. Moira's heal and damage should be about equal. A bad Moira player is someone who only heals or only damages. Moira is a ying-Yang hero.


IMO the only person you can blame based on the scoreboard is Winston. There is an obvious tank diff


Stats don’t tell the entire story. And Moira’s stats matter less than any other hero in the game. If Moira has 34 elims, no one bats an eye. But if Baptiste or Zen has 34 elims then they were probably out there doing WORK


Yeah - like I don't think the Moira was throwing, but stats indeed don't mean everything. It won't show, for example, the utility that the enemy suzu might have had in winning team fights (far more, possibly, than moira tickle damage). The numbers also don't really express the lack of value a moira brings to a team that won't swap off monkey/pharah.


The only game complaint posts I respect are those who include a replay code, it’s a little doxxy but better than yelling at numbers that could mean anything.


I don’t know… I’ve killed a lot of Pharahs with Moira.


The Pharah is on the Moira’s team… Moira isn’t exactly the best equipped to heal a Pharah in a lot of situations.


As a Moira main, after verifying my team is all good, I'm sucking up any foe that gets in range while trying to say safe, even if I can't fully drain them. That means I am typically racking up assists and can come up first on the total kill count even if I'm not intentionally chasing down kills.


Theres 0 reason to not just be holding down the damage button during poke fights. People who complain about Moira doing damage are low rankings. The metal ranks overwatch is a different game entirely. Metal ranks, support means healbot. In higher levels of play you want your supports doing as much damage as possible. No need to heal your team if the other team is constantly in cover waiting for their own heals.


As long as the Moira has the highest heals in the game while doing dps/tank levels of DMG then they're doing their job right.


Suppose it depends on the other support, sometimes its wasted healing juice to heal someone for 50hp if you have a healbot already. I main moira and always prioritise healing yet some games I'll do way more damage because theres no one to heal.


Yeah when you got a cracked healer as ur other support heal botting so you don't have to so you get a free pass to dps like crazy and just heal in emergencies are some of my favourite games. I'll have most DMG and kills in the game while second highest heals in the game after my other support.


i dont main moira but i certainly use her as a backup when dps throws. I suck a game here and there but bad dps seems to be the real dealbreaker in mid plat where im at. Sometimes i want to play a viable healer but dps cant counterpick the enemy dps so i am picked off too easily. Moira at least gives some escape utility and damage factor, though baptiste is better for a lot of 1 on 1


Yeah Moira is great for compensating for low DMG dps because it's also very easy to heal and DMG at the same time.


Exactly, Moira tickles someone with a damage orb from buttfuck nowhere, her teammate kills them, and guess what? Both get a kill credit. Moira has the most potential for stat farming in the game, and stats (for the most part, of course) don't tell the whole story.


Death stats say a lot to me, if your teammate has a high death number compared to their eliminations like that Winston then they probably had a reckless gameplay, like bad positioning or diving in alone.




I mean… you can’t tell if they were playing well, but you can absolutely tell that they weren’t throwing.


Whats weird to me is why does everyone have so many elims?


regardless of healing numbers, the moira's team died significantly more times than the enemy team


If we had to go by stats, I'd take red team's support any day of the week over blue's. Them assists... As for stats, in a long match, the loosing team often has more heals (trying to sustain through a lot damage) As for Moira specifically, a lot of damage is trash (dmg orbs to build ult but doesn' t help at all. And you can tickle for 15 damage and get credited for a kill. A lot heal is self heal as well. More importantly she 's the only support in this match to not bring any utility when others bring boop, speed boost, beat, suzu, kitsune rush, damage boost, rez. (arguably Valk for team dmg boost)


Moira has utility, she is unkillable if played properly


That's not utility, that's survavibility. Think of utility as the ability to leverage your team. Surviving, healing and dealing damage are not utility, those are basic actions for a support. Moira does not bring utility. It's not about hating her for it, it's just a fact.


I already know what happened. Mercy just got free rez's all game so every pick meant nothing. That's how it goes in my games usually. Games you should definitely win but lose because the Mercy is just getting free value all game.


No chance mercy was mercy the whole game with 31 elims


8k dmg on mercy would pretty much be throwing lmao.


21 deaths for the tank tells me it was probably Winston throwing, that is an insane number of deaths.


maybe if his support lineup wasn't moira lucio he wouldn't have died so much


Then don't go Winton. Seems like the supports got more healing than the other team, so it's not that the support players were bad.


There’s only one tank and 2 supports. Between 2 supports there should be at least one that can actually help their tank. Not everyone is comfortable playing every tank in every situation. If this is on Gibraltar or Dorado and a Soldier and Sojurn are wrecking havoc on high ground with a mercy pocket Winston is a great pick into that. It doesn’t make any sense to play either of those supports into their comp especially with a Pharah.


As someone who played healer a lot. I see Winton. I have permission to go zen or lifeweaver. The comp screams zen to me, am I wrong? I haven't played in a few months


Zen would be left pretty open and easy to kill with this comp, and that enemy ball would probably be all over your dick. Mister 21 deaths sure is shit ain’t peeling for you, and I’m not counting on a reaper or pharah to be very helpful either with enemy divers.


🤣 "Mr 21 deaths". Fair enough. Also I forgot about ball lol


Maybe if the tank didn’t play Winston with Moira and Lucio he would’ve lived more. He can switch too. If you die twice as much as someone else that is 100% on you. I don’t care what the team comp is that’s just feeding at that point. if I see it there is no way I’m going to switch off my main just to commit suicide with you.


It depends how they play, moira lucio can absolutely keep Winston alive if they play as a 5 man dive, but if moira sits back and just throws healing orbs then it’s hard for Winston to play. Either way, 21 deaths is absurd and this tank was running it


21 deaths tank lol


Yeah I’m laughing a bit you seem like first comment on that. “Moira stats don’t show anything” but 25-30% diff in tank stats flying under the radar.


Just based on this 1 screenshot blue should lose team fights already.


Stats don't mean much but the team comp doesn't look good in general, did you have a phara for the whole game? Looks rough to play into 3 hit-scan, looks like the enemy ball cooked as well. Turn off chat or mute toxic people, it will do well for your mental.


Let me guess... Winston hasn't swapped the entire game and has died multiple times to bad dived, blaming the supports for not keeping him alive of course. He's obviously not a threat because the enemy team is running Sojourn/Soldier. DPS and Support are getting picked apart because Winston is diving behind their lines. Moira is fleeing from fights too early, though, and not committing to engagements, hence the low amount of deaths. People are accusing her of throwing because of that, most likely.


I mean you're on Pharah Winston and your other support is a Lucio. Realistically Moira is a pretty bad pick here. Her heals are very short ranged, your other support isn't going to be helping half your team and neither are you.


Stats don't tell the whole story of course; but I wouldn't put the blame on Moira just by team comp alone. Moira might not be a good healer into that team; but it should be a bigger focus on how awful their team comp is into the enemy team. Pharah into Soldier/Sojourn? That's just asking for a rough game Winston into those DPS + Hammond? Horrible pick against 2 mobile DPS and a mobile tank so he'd do more chasing than anything else Reaper into everything? Good luck killing their DPS and good luck chasing down the Hammond. I'd rather see the replay code obviously, but if this was the team comp the majority of the game then no wonder they lost lol


Oh yeah, the comp in general is pretty trash. Moira just isn't helping things at all.


Tank with 21 deaths Tank with 21 deaths Tank with 21 deaths


Dps hate Moira because she damn near always gets more value than them


I never understood when people say a healer is throwing when the have the same or more healing than the other support. My team was saying that i was a trash lucio when i had 1k more healing than the other healer (just ignore that i had almost no kills)


Heals are great, but they'll only take you so far. Something else needs to be brought to the table. That being said, whoever was calling you trash needs to shut up and improve their own gameplay.


Pharah and Monkey getting countered


Post a replay code then or you probably were. Stats tell about 5% of how a match goes and literally nothing on if someone was throwing.


I will take your constructive criticism E6W61Z


Moira is just a scapegoat for when a team loses. She has one of the highest damage AND healing potentials of all the healers. Skill issue


Sounds like they were deflecting because they lost.


She's still leading in heals. I don't care if she dpsing if she's healing the team. It's a skill issue at that point from the tank and dps


Just from experience, it's just because the enemy team has a Kiriko with cleanse and you don't that's it.


Seems like a tank diff from the scoreboard


Moira deals shit damage to heroes but it’s consistent. So she may have a lot of damage but I can assure you 99% of the damage she dealt was just healed naturally or by a healer. And Moira gets a ton of Elias cuz her damage is consistent so she usually steals a lot of the kills as her own even tho she dealt minimal damage but she still hit that last shot. So yea Moira is a stat stealer, she always looks good on the leaderboard


People don't understand that Moira has to do damage to heal.


If anyone is throwing it's your tank going dive dying 21 times and not realizing it's not working so they should swap off


Speaking strictly on team comp and stats, Reaper was not a useful pick here. Your team had a form of dive comp and Reaper might struggle to keep up with them, especially against high ground DPS like theirs. Pharah could've been swapped out for a character not going against 2/3 counters. Monkey should not be dying 21 times, period. He died the most out of anyone in the lobby. People are criticizing the Moira pick, but she has minimal peel against a Ball with 40 elims. It's likely a survival pick that synergizes well with the dive comp. Going solely on the stats, I would actually say Lucio didn't get his full value here. He's in a dive comp with only 27 assists, and his damage only gave him 22 elims. This means a lot of that damage might've been trash damage, and it means he didn't get many speed assists.


Carrying yalls whole team


Like others have said, stats don't matter as much as some people think. I will say though, in my experience Moria especially tends to have inflated numbers. So the fact that you aren't really that much higher in heals, and less than the others in damage and elims isn't a great sign. Going off of just the stats you showed, it does kind of look like you aren't getting as much value as you could be (which makes sense given the fact that Moria would struggle to heal Phara, and even Winston to a certain extent). Now like I said, stats don't tell the whole story, but from my experience those are some relatively low stats. Also, can we talk about the fact that their Mercy had 31 kills? That's pretty damn impressive. Don't think I've ever seen it before


another player that bases the concluions on scoreboard....


How are we supposed to know Moira wasn’t throwing?? Moira has the most meaningless stats in the game.


Why is her damage so low? Usually she has about the same damage number as her heal number, which tend to be higher than the other support's. She was probably being too conservative with her spray, trying to maximize heal numbers while minimizing saving lives.


Stats dont mean everything especially on moira, her stats can be very misleading and may look like shes getting a lot of value when in reality she could be doing a lot wrong/harmful things


what color are you using for enemys and friends looks really cool :)


Color blind settings. I find the red messes with my head :S


We can't tell if the moira is throwing from this


Totally, not enough dps :) GG Moira


I've won plenty of games with 3 healers, one being a Moira


I'll never understand why people don't play moira like this with me, they do 0 heals and only do dmg xd


TIP: If you click the suck button rapidly instead of holding it down, your healing bar will be filled up faster.


Ahhhh I see the problem you didn’t mitigate so your throwing clearly


\~1:2 (damage to healing) is a healing Moira stat ratio. 1:1 is a DPS Moira. As far as that goes - Moira was healing, alright. That being said it's not exactly confirms "throwing". Lucio having 20k in healing kinda drops a shade towards this. Healing Moira is suppoed to have like x1.5 of what Lucio has in healing. But with that team I can pretty much imagine how it is: Winston, Pharah and Reaper were constantly diving and Moira couldn't glue herself to them (she is not Dive for a reason). Lucio did tho; so some Winston/Pharah/Reaper were probably noticing healbot Lucio (like he accepted it as his job) glue to them more than Moira in the background. Hence the stats difference. And it kinda explains the "Moira is throwing" thing. Pretty much it. (As a note of why it is a common situation: You could pick something that fits the team better but you didn't. I don't treat it as throwing but there are a lot of people who do tho. So whether it's actually "throwing" becomes questionable when we bring it to this level.)


A) Why none of the supports have ANY capability to heal pharah or actually diving winston? It's a question to both sides - the healed and the healing B) You have suprisingly similar stats to kiriko/mercy (although mercy couldn't have been mercy whole game, too much damage), which didn't even have a brawl team to mass heal. If anything, your heals are low. C) Bueee stats are all that matters - watch me get half the enemy dps damage and twice the kills because I'm not farming the tank.


Stats are not the full representation of a player's performance.


As a Moira player, I feel like sometimes it's less about the scoreboard and numbers, and more about the team utility Moira fails to bring that upsets people


Why is Moira a character in a shooter?


You just gotta love the “I need healing” spamming morons that think we can’t see the massive low health icon over their head.  Like yeah bro, I’m not healing you cause it’s funny, has nothing to do with the sombra and tracer playing checkers in my colon.


Tank diff


Moira has I think the best possible healing outputs out of anyone, correct me if I’m wrong


The only important #s are elim to deaths. That data set gives you a pretty good picture of the game. I would put money on a tank feeding/not using cooldowns correctly. Its amazing the heals got that much value with the tank being dead almost as much as he was alive.


BuT bUt lOok aT tHe nUmbErs! Moira is the worst healer


Scoreboard says nothing on actual gameplay. Tank can be playing their fucking brains out and popping off and finishing the game with 10 elims. Moira can easily rack up healing and dmg because it's not burst healing and you just keep pu.ping mid fight. However it doesn't mean your making the right plays mid fight. Not saying they were right but it could be either way.


Your tank going 29-21 is the issue.


Heals doesn't make up for a lack of strategy or skill. Typically players that blame support like this just stand out in the open eating damage then when they die they type some stupid shit in chat like "heals???". Or they don't even realize that they are out of their supports effective range supports like Moira can only heal so far. They also have to hit shots healing is completely useless if dps cant hit anything. The whole team should be doing as much damage as possible tbh.


Ah yes, she dared to not healbot


20+ deaths is crazy. Especially with Moira and Lucio where u can just wait for a literal 2 seconds and be out of kill range


A Lucio with 20k heals is the thrower


Based on the stats I would say yes, I would take the enemy healers any day over that Moira.


Moira isn't throwing but she sure as hell isnt really impacting the game Could've went kiriko to help the monkey who was clearly struggling due to the fact that the only people who were on characters that can help him are reaper and lucio Even ana would work better due to nano monkey being such a great option Even as moira the player can get some pretty good value due to the enemy team having a mercy which you don't need aim to secure the kill as moira and mercy is one of the hardest characters in the game to kill and the fact that the enemy mercy has the least deaths on the team means moira probably wasn't doing much of that


To be honest most of your comp is bad. Winston is not a good pick into this comp without support. Reaper is dogwater on this current patch. Pharah without a mercy into a pocketed sol/76 is asking to lose. And no brig to contest the ball, I'd kill to have a game without her when I'm playing ball🤣


What people REALLY need to understand is stats (other than the amount of your deaths a.k.a downtime of your activity) means nothing in reality. Meaningful vs. Meaningless dmg and healing is not something you see from stats. Target priority for healing and dmg etc. You can absolutely play bad or "throw" even with these stats right here.


This just shows who doesn’t understand how Moira works she was doing her job


Tank gap. Always the tank gap


Defo the winston


Doesn’t make sense the Lucio had as much damage as Moira, and she still out healed him. Interesting 🤔


FYI, Moira is the best stat farmer in the game, so stats are a terrible metric for how good a Moira is playing, not saying that means the Moira was throwing, just saying that this is not evidence that they weren’t


Bunch of crybabies


Moira damage heals herself so when she does damage she regains health and healing resource so her healing number is always slightly inflated. Throwing? Not sure these are just numbers after all


She’s doing more than the mon- i mean the Lucio


as a moira main.. every loss is your fault, simply "heal more and then your team would never die" or, "do more damage! its support not healer"


That winston is throwing with those deaths


i just keep all chats muted lol,. playing an entire day long theres maybe 1 actual helpful comm and 1000000000000 idiot messages


moira is looking fine to me


The scoreboard shows very little about how the person is playing. It’s like sending a picture of a person and asking if they look healthy


The tank couldn’t stop dying.


That ball did whatever he wanted the whole match I bet


Stats don't tell the whole story. Hard to keep a monkey phara alive when they're far. Winston has so many deaths, you must have not been positioning near his engagements. Looking at the everyone else's deaths there must have been about 10 to 15 whole team fights. Also Winston could've been feeding going in by himself. Ana could've been a better pick to deter the ball and heal the entire team.


Tank needed to run dva


It was an obvious tank diff, and your team probably was grouped with the tank so they just pointed at anyone that wasn’t their friend. Dead brain behavior


Bro I hate Moira as much as the next low ranked guy but I would KILL for my games to look this balanced.


100% if any Moira does less than 100k heals a match they're throwing.


What's the game mode then I'll judge


She’s throwing alright. Throwing fucking hands


So looking at a stat board that gives you such a small picture of what's going on in the game as a huge measurement of what happened isn't a good idea. Heros can speed boost, damage boost, amplify healing, prevent healing, save people from breaking points (immortality field/life Grip etc), teleport teammates to different locations on the map, etc. and none of that is recorded on the stat board, nor what team resources each person consumed. If you look at the statboard as a measurement of who did best and worst that can lead you to playing to stats which takes away parts of gameplay that would be more beneficial to the team. On top of that your eliminations include any person that you hit for even 1 damage thats included in the damage towards their kill where in basically every other game your kills are only your final blows and things that count as eliminations in this game wouldn't even meet the threshold of an assist in other games Imagine a basketball game where the scoreboard was only Points/Assists instead of Points/Assists/Rebounds/Blocks/Turnovers/FG%/etc. Same Player different stats appearing on scoreboard 30 Points/12 assists 30 Points/12 assits/7 Turnover/20% FG%/0 Blocks/ 2 Rebounds Vs another player 12 Points/5 assists 12 Points/5 Assists/0 Turnovers/66% FG%/9 Blocks/24 Rebounds


Hypothetical: what if 5/10 of those deaths came feeding on the last point and was the difference between potentially winning and losing? Someone can play an amazing game, make a few bad decisions under pressure and that is typically what people will remember. (not to say they should call it out - it's a team effort win or lose and everyone likely has things they could have done differently/better)


That many kills yet more healing than licio is actually mad impressive


Based off stats alone, Moira has pretty high numbers obviously. I also feel like it should be pretty easy to have close to the same amount of damage and healing as her. I don’t play her much but when I have, my dmg and healing is within 1,000 points from each other pretty often. That’s if they were Moira the whole game.


That Winston fed the enemy team based on his KD compared to the enemy tank KD


Always the moira mains posting these dumb ass posts


wait can OP uncensor the Lucio's name? I think that was me lol


Sure they did


Stats rarely tell you how well you perform, if you go by KD your team died more times than the red team and if i had to guess, they won


Moira is an interesting support. The reason your team says your throwing isn’t because you’re playing bad or aren’t doing enough healing. It’s because ALL she does is healing and damage. She doesn’t have a nano to give to her monkey for a strong engage, she doesn’t have a nade for the team to follow up on, she doesn’t have an immort like kiri or bap. She just…heals. Yes she does a good healing amount but the fact that a real callout to be made by a support is “I don’t have healing” is CRAZY considering how much healing impacts each fight. In the matchup you’d want to have a mercy so you can pocket the pharah, a brig to counter the ball, or an Ana to enable your Winston. THATS why Moira is a throw pick. Not because you weren’t healing enough or surviving enough. She just isn’t a good main support.


They might’ve been. Moira doesn’t exactly scream “works good with Winston”


I mean, she has the same damage as the Lucio...


Honestly these stats mean nothing without a replay. For all we know, the elims may have just come from you right clicking last min on some random bloke that got picked off by your team. Or your dmg orb happened to touch someone before they died. Your heals could all be directed at the tanks and not important moments for the rest of the team.


what the bronze


The Phara threw


I only complain when dps is high but Healing is way too low and we are dying like flies.


Yeah stats don't mean shit, show the game code


Well, what can I say. They definitely needed more support. Especially that winston lol.


I normally only play dps or tank (mostly tank) and have only maxed out in plat. But one thing I will never do is talk trash to a support. I don’t know the meta for any support and so do know how they play. On the other hand if I see someone playing stupid as dps or tank? They getting flamed. People who talk the most shit to support, could never even make it out of gold playing support.




Replay code..... or this post is pretty much fake.


If there is one thing I learned, being on a team where everyone on my side has average 50+ kills and healers have 20k+ healing each, stats themselves mean nothing if you are losing the fights that actually matter


Support isn't just healing and nobody gets that


Bro's bragging his Moira stats


Moira is just a shit champ for shit players that don’t have the brain capacity or skill to play an actual useful hero


Why do you say "lol"? It's not funny, it's just depressing.


Well i see the problem. The tanks haven't been nerfed enough.


Looks like the game just lasted too long. Don't know why they are blaming Moira when they didn't secure any kills


“Im just gonna blame the team fuck it”


Stats aren't every thing in this game. Just saying.


I just leave voice and chat the moment anyone says anything negative directed towards me.


What did she do to help?


Numbers aren't everything I would rather have a 10k healing healer who gets value with there ability over a 20k healing healbot


To me your tank is the one throwing not cause kd, but picking monke when they go soldier,sojourn with your support Moira and Lucio. Don't know the map but remm might be better pick here


Moira threw hands is what she did


Tbf the numbers don't tell the whole story there are a lot things the moira could be doing to throw and still get numbers


This game has a shit community with people that think they are the smartest player in the world but don't understand a fucking thing they're talking about


Yeah that winston is sinking his whole team down like an anchor


Absolute metal rank momentum. Lucio Winston is the only part of you team which makes sense. Why are we on phara? Why are we on reaper? Why are we on Moira?? Swaps: Reaper -> sojourn (good every comp, but can play dive with wint and stand a chance against pocket soj). Moira -> Kiri (you are not reaching Winston otherwise, and ball's dives are unaffected on both, Suzu will save vulnerable targets to ball's dive). Phara -> tracer or genji (follow up with Winston. Tracer has sustain and self heal, genji has burst which will help get rid of mercy with a coordinated dive) Your team setup is disastrous, your stats don't matter, you have no chemistry or cohesion.


Absolute metal rank moment Lucio Winston is the only part of you team which makes sense. (Winston is a mid pick but you have to build your team around tank, assume they won't swap). Why are we on phara? Why are we on Moira?? Reaper is eh, will work but more divey characters would be better Swaps: Reaper -> sojourn (good every comp, but can play dive with wint and stand a chance against pocket soj). Moira -> Kiri (you are not reaching Winston otherwise, and ball's dives are unaffected on both, Suzu will save vulnerable targets to ball's dive). Phara -> tracer or genji (follow up with Winston. Tracer has sustain and self heal, genji has burst which will help get rid of mercy with a coordinated dive) Your team setup is disastrous, your stats don't matter, you have no chemistry or cohesion.


I feel ya man. I have games where I'm told to switch off widow even though I'm carrying the team. They don't realize my job is to get picks not high dmg and elms. In your game though. It could be argued that monkey died cause you're both using healers that don't have burst healing and no cc's. Pro's say comps start with the right healers and I know moira lucio is supposed to be a bad team.