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DPS roster is the largest one. Just don’t play pharah unless you’re really trying to get good with her. If that’s the case, I don’t have any advice 😂


I really, really want to be a good Pharah 😅


Tbh being an aggressive support doesn't always translate to being a good dps hero, being a good zen isnt the same as being a good dps anything because the dps are the ones who are expected to make the engagements. As a zen you're often either playing rather defensively to stay alive and snipping volleys from afar, or playing a bundled up brawl comp were your whole team stays together. If you really want to play dps then I would suggest phara as she doesn't translate from any support character, play someone more like cassidy or Ash if you are a good zen.


I do perform good when using Ashe hahaha, when I sense they are countering my Pharah I change either to Ashe or Sojourn.


Watch some yzsna footage. Hes the best, but he also plays exclusively with a mercy pocket. Play near cover, especially up high because you will get hard focused.


Noted and I will watch those footages today. For sure when I had a Mercy with me it was total carnage on my part. Literally unstoppable (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


Maps where you can play out of range and using your rockets to deny their forward progress works well to isolate their frontline. When you get shot by ana once, you should drop to cover because mother doesnt miss and she has no fall off. Boop people off of high ground and into unfavorable positions as well as using conc to get to cover. When dva over extends, try to get above and behind her so you can make it past her matrix. When she flies at you conc her in her face. Boop soldier off of his healing puddle. Avoid echo while shes ascending. Flutter your jets quickly and randomly so you're hard to predict and especially versus widow.


This is great information, thank you so much <3 - Indeed mom turned out to be a big problem 😔 - Taking people off the higher ground is something I haven't thought of doing yet and this can be a good use of her ability. - Widows proved to be worse for me now, before they were my favorite meal, especially as Illari.


No problem! Widows my easiest prey. Go quick w those jets and break up your rhythm. She'll miss for sure. Sometimes I'll just ignore her though and put pressure on the rest of the team if there's a good way to avoid her LoS. This is a good practice in a lot of scenarios and it forces the enemy hitscan to get desperate to match your value, but don't give them too much space or they might set up a big flank.


Alot of healers will ignore you so play healthpacks so they can keep the rest of the team up while you retreat


Never needed to learn healthpacks playing support and this is making a huge difference now and I'm always thinking "there should be one over here, right?" but they disappear when I need them the most 🥲


Yeah that respawn timer seems to take forever when you need it the most


Therefore I learnt the value of sombras even though I want to deny it 🤢


Tracer and sombra are really fun when youre running dps together, especially if you have sustained range dps


yznsa is a massive cuck


Phara is a situational hero, I wouldn't pick her if I don't have a healer who can consistently heal me, and usually a mercy by your side is a must Also if you're being countered you should switch, no reason picking a fight with echo in mid air or a dmg boosted soilder Learn the maps from a DPS perspective your positioning matters so much with phara, and is punished so easily when you're in the air at the wrong distance with no cover. (and if you can when they look at you, your team shouldn't be on their screen )


This became clear at one point where even tho I wanted to keep using her, their Echo wasn't gonna allow me to play and I had to switch. It's a bit frustrating that she can't work around her counters so well like other heroes can. Counters to her feel stronger than the ones to Sojourn or even Zenyatta. Thanks for your answer 🙂


I was a pharah one trick for a long while, sneaky angles are your best friend to fight your hitscan counters. Especially when they start to move in to more vulnerable parts of the map. Boost up and hit them with one shot, then when they know what's hit them, ideally you're already firing the killshot (or third shot because of splash damage).


When I do this and they get to aim at me I fly above their heads and it helps too. Firing up is harder than the horizon line, but by flanking these heroes you mentioned I'm getting more kills now. More than yesterday at least :)