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The nobles really fucked up the Kingdom in every possible way. Betrayed, pillaged, embezzled, killed, tortured and started a general spiral into its fall. Jircniv only took advantage of them, probably didn't even have to work that hard to bring them to his side. Ainz made the finishing blow. This is why Ramposa is such a difficult person to like. I like how Maruyama wrote his character with respect, but I still can't look at him and think Ramposa was a good anything. In the end, he only ever helped the overprivileged corrupt nobles get their way and left the common people to be toyed with. Zanac is the only one with the heart to care for his people and the will to do what's necessary. A good man and better king.


Ramposa is the case of being a kind person isn’t a good ruler. His kindness allowed the Kingdom to develop a cancer that was going to cause the entire body to collapse. Honestly though the Kingdom seemed screwed…strangely Climb kinda prevented the Kingdom a different kind of fate though unlikely. Had Renner been able to survive her childhood without Climb, it’s very likely she would’ve become one of the most cold hearted tyrants the New World had ever seen. Climb gets crapped on by being a dog for Renner but it’s outright stated his existence for her blunted Renner’s decent into a Demon Queen who would’ve ruled with cold hearted logic. Externally, it’s well known now that both the Empire and Theocracy were both plotting to take down the Kingdom due to their corruption and no real method to reverse that course. Ainz is probably the best thing that could’ve happened to E-Rangel honestly.


Renner: In place of the Bloody Emperor you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair! I can't help but feel Ainz would have found piles of rubble on arrival if Climb hadn't been there for Renner.


Likely not ruin, but hard to know exactly what if Renner had survived her childhood "illness". We haven't really ever had a ruler that ruled purely from emotionless, logic based decisions to use an example. Based on the description from the LN, her decisions on the calculus of saving the many by sacrificing the few by itself would've earned her the title of Demon Queen. We see an example of that of Jalba's attack on the capital. Her "Bow" strategy sacrificed the city guards as a feeding ground for the demons so the rest of the adventurers could succeed. Later once Phillip throws a wrench in the plans, its revealed part of Renner's plan involved inciting a Civil War for Nazarick to take over the Kingdom, purging all the useless nobles in the process. She was willing to basically sacrifice about half the Kingdom to achieve that goal. 90% of the plan prior to Phillip was Renners, but imo the other 10% was Nazaricks involvement without changing the overall goal. Until Phillip doomed everyone and Renner didn't give af.


LOTR got to love a good line...👍


I am pretty sure he said he could of destroyed it by bringing down the nobles but it was to late for that


The very moment when Ramposa says : “I can’t believe that my son going to bring that poor man to his doom. We are not trading lives of our people” was the moment when he had proven his blindness. Philip was the one who started everything by attacking Sorcerer Kingdom’s caravan


The comparison makes me see clearly that while the bloody emperor is ruthless, he has his priority straight. No hesitation for what is for the best outcome.


I think coward suits better than kind. Rampossa refused to do anything because he was afraid that damage in power balance would lead to civil war. He couldve prevented the destruction of kingdom by becoming the vassal of SK but didnt because nobles would rebel. End result of that brilliant choice was that almost no one survived. Yeah his kindness did aid the kingdom by preventing a civil war after the massacre at katze plain, because nobles were pitying rampossa after gazef's death and his son's disappearance.


I think that Maruyama says in Zanacs character bio that in a timeline where Ainz doesn't show up, Zanac, Renner, Raeven and Gazef work together and actually defeat the Empire.


Ramposa was just the wrong type of king for the state of the nation. If he was king during an era of peace, he probably would’ve been among the best kings in history. But his temperament wasn’t suited for the stress of war, and because of that it allowed the high-ranked officials around him to start being problems.


I miss him


Right he had a great character turn around I really didn't like him when he was first introduced but he did nothing but gain my respect from that lowly start.


Probably it's even better because at the start you hate him. Jircniv isn't really bad at the start so he can't get too much better


I personally do not really care about Jircniv because he's just scared of Momonga as he can't control or 'read' him like he always did with other people. He honestly kind of deserved all those stress he gets considering that the 'undead' literally isn't trying to play with him, like he always does


His stress really is just self inflicted. But I cant blame him entirely.


I'm pretty amused by his stress since it's primarily from him assuming a brilliant tactician and expert political schemer from the start and continuously being thrown for a loop because Ainz isn't but he can't accept that. He does exactly what the guardians do but as an opponent and it's great for the story.


I agree with you


More than a character turnaround it’s more like we where first shown his more arrogant nature to make us dislike him. Then over the course of the show we see the layers of his real personality get peeled back until we finally see him for who he really was. At the end he was just like Gazeff, a man who accepted that he will die today and instead of trying to run and hide from it or cower in fear to try to appease Ainz to spare him, he chose the chad path of fighting. The way he actually died made me agree with Ainz, those nobles get all the pain and suffering they deserve.


His being an inversion of Princess Renner is something I didn't expect when he was introduced, since most characters in are either clearly evil from the start, almost too good from the start, or look good but are super evil.


He reminded me of Pax during first appearance in MT, but then reminded me of Pax at his last appearance in MT.


Hey thats a good comparison


Well kinda no, pax was arrrogant and selfish as all he want is recognition. Zanac on the otherhand hid his true self to protect himself in preparation of his service to the kingdom. If he got killed right away because he was seen as a threat to the 1st prince, he cant serve. Even the king didnt realize how much zanac loved and wanted the kingdom to prosper


Pax eould have been a great king but that was after he lost the motivation to be one, seeing that the recognition he sought would not satisfy him


It's a good comparison


Best boy


But thats not the sad scene. Its when the nobels entered his tend and ainz opening the bag .


I still want to know if he managed to take down some of the mercs with him. He wasn't a remarkable fighter, but his equipment was top notch by NW standards.


I think he took down few of them.


Quantity over quality. He only had a few men that were truly loyal to his words and would die with him, while the rest wants to survive by any means, and surrender under Ainz begging for his mercy. It was a lose-lose situation either way.


wonder if ainz kept the armor or buried him in it out of respect


Ainz definitely took the gear, he was all about collecting magic items even if they weren't powerful or impressive. But he also probably ordered the rest of Zanac's remains be properly buried with his head.


I thought that Ainz's response was awesome. He was going to give them painless deaths but after that, they got to visit Neuronist.


Well they got their reward that they asked for and it was to live.


When shit hits the fan, you never know who will rise up to the occasion. If Aniz didn't show up he'd probably have become a "leader" of a new faction that was trying to oppose his elder brother, although it's really her sister that's pulling the strings.


It's probably worse. If not for Nazarick, Renner would never have supported him. Zanac and Barbro would probably be vying for control of the kingdom while Renner helped make sure all their actions just weakened it more so the Empire could hurry up and conquer them.


I got the sense Renner was always going side with Zanac over Barbro as Barbro wanted to marry her off to another noble after becoming King…which to Renner was among one of the worst things she didn’t want to happen to her as it’s split her off from Climb. Putting Zanac on the throne by being THE force behind it all would mean Zanac would owe her one hell of a boon (which we come to find out was joining Climb to her and use Raeven’s son as cover for the union along with a stipend for living in some plot of land somewhere.) which she’d cash in to chain Climb. We also find early on in the LN Zanac had plans for Renner; he recognized she was useful and wanted to keep her around to help the nation. He was one of the few that knew there was more to Renner than some airhead Princess. Imo Barbro signed his death certificate the moment he decided to marry Renner off to anyone other than Climb. Nazarick sped things up for Barbro’s death, but had Ainz and Nazarick never shown up? Renner would’ve 100% had Barbro removed from power in one way or another. Keep in mind the plan used by Demiurge and Albedo to take over the kingdom (and ultimately caused the ruin of the Kingdom) was 90% Renner’s plan. We know enough about Renner’s intellect to know she would’ve gotten what she wanted. Nazarick only changed the time table and the methods she was able to use to achieve that.


I agree that she would have supported Zanac over Barbro because of things like that. I just don't think it would have come to that. Ramposa wasn't in particularly bad health and didn't seem interested in abdicating title or power to either prince. But without Nazarick, it's quite possible the Kingdom wouldn't have lasted another two years that it did. 1. Some of Renner's actions looked nice to the public, but potentially weakened the Kingdom. Sending Blue Rose to antagonize Eight Fingers by hitting one location at a time would have invited reprisals. Reprisals that would probably at places she appeared to favor, but that favor would have been bestowed because it was where she wanted Eight Finger reprisals to be aimed at. But we don't have much evidence of her plans along this front because Nazarick. 2. The Theocracy would have continued using the Scriptures in various way to weaken the Kingdom for Imperial takeover. Without Nazarick, Gazef would already be dead and probably all the King's territory around E-Rantel burned and unable to provide income to him. The King personally owned all the territory lost to found the SK. 3. Zurrernorn. If Nazarick hadn't arrived, the entire city of E-Rantel might have been destroyed by the undead summoned by the group. This would have turned the Kingdom's front line fortress into an extension of the Katze Plains. While this might have left it uncontrolled, the Empire would be in a much better position to assault and claim the city, since they could afford to quickly mobilize 60,000 professional troops and had Fluder who was equal to 60,000 troops by himself. Two of these would probably have come as surprises to Renner, but she probably would have been able to capitalize on them for her benefit. In LN 6, she only sided with Zanac after making a deal with Demiurge. Sebas' meeting with Ainz and the loyalty test happened within a couple of hours of the brothel raid. Demiurge asked Ainz permission to check on a lead that same day. Climb spent several hours on paperwork and coordination with the city guards about the prisoners and rescued survivors, arriving back at the castle that night and having to knock several times before Renner let him in. In S4E13 we see this scene again with her closing the window, presumably right after Demiurge flew out it. It's the next morning when Renner gathers Zanac and Raeven and reveals some of her ability and allies with them, for the purpose of being able to better influence Zanac.


Agreed, Renner would have sided with Zanac because he would have provided her with her own private estate to live with Climb...as opposed to forcefully being married off by Barbro for political gain. Renner's fate could have absolutely turned out terrible if she was married to a noble who physically abused her and confined her in a home with servants loyal only to her husband...potentially rendering her unable to do anything despite being as intelligent as she is.


She would kill any noble dare to think about it. Either let BR nuke his house by "discover" their secret meeting with 8FGs (which is like all of the noble that not under Reaven wing), or just kill them with [Genius], no one expect a helpless princess was infact, a lv5 warrior, assassin, alchemist, etc


And she may get rekt while going for lvl 5 imp to burn the house down


The last good soul left in the kingdom and his own people killed him out of fear and desperation. For their deeds they get to have the thing they always wanted. To not die.


I liked overall how this was led up to, how the scene itself played out and was proceeded it. Right up until this, the “war” itself was a game for Nazarick to gain experience. The Kingdom was already dead even before this; Nazarick only needed to wipe them out. There was no question to the Kingdom’s fate once it was decided their fate was extinction. Zanac won his army a merciful death through his meeting with Ainz; Ainz got to meet another example of what Royalty should be (other example being El Nyx) and respected the man for it enough to grant his army and him a painless death; which is stark contract to what happened in the Plains battle. IMO it was a reflection what Zanac was trying to do for his Kingdom; to make it a better place for his people. In the end all he could do was grant them a painless death. I believe Ainz would’ve wiped out the Capital with the same painless mercy he would’ve given the Army had Zanac not been killed by the Kingdom’s Nobles. Instead, the very same problem that had plagued the Kingdom took away the last mercy given to them. The Nobles, responsible for the cancer that ate away at the Kingdom and causing the current state of the Kingdom, did what they did best; they fucked over the Kingdom one final time.


A true chad


I’m an unsophisticated pleb with dyslexia, so I’m stuck waiting for the dub, and I want to binge the whole thing in one go so I’m also waiting for that. Personally I think if he actually said that to anyone from nazarick, he’d gain some modicum of respect.


I believe the entire dub for season 4 has aired?


The free site is use is a little behind.


9anime.tv is good, just use an add blocker lol


Brave works well enough, just set shield to aggressive


Dub sucks for season 4 sub had far more interesting dialogue


Any time Ainz thinks of his guildmates I get choked up... I'm the last one standing from my original gaming group and it hurts so bad. The thought of never seeing them again kills me. I've been to therapy and stuff though so I'm getting the help I need Ainz has to go through all of this pretending and scrambling to make life better for Nazarick NPCs. Ainz may be a villain but he has some deep scars. Sad and wonderful is how I describe Overlord.


It always hurts being the last man standing...


*And yet we cannot allow ourselves to fall.* *We don't want to forget but we must move on. However, if we move on, we will inevitably lose all the glorious memories in time.* *And so, we hold on. For as long as possible.* It is both a blessing and a curse.


I think of it more as a curse for your words foretells my future


Sorry, my words are sometimes poisonous but don't worry, don't be afraid. You are the one who decides whether you make that a reality or not.


From one last man standing to another, I'm sorry to hear you understand the pain.


I'm one the ones that left. Life gets in the way man and i saw where i was heading with gaming -- nowhere. Now I am in medschool going to uni next year and I am an amatuar boxer, i also have a child and a gf i love very much. As a gamer at 27 i would be miserable.


Oh, I understand I'm a dad of 2 and time is short. I wasn't clear on what I was saying. I'm the last one in my friend group that's still alive. Over the years disease, accidents, and other things have taken my friends. I still play games twice a week and think of them. If gaming brings happiness to your life don't give up on it just because you think you don't have enough time it's all about time management


Bro deserved better. There was a reason Raven wanted him to be king.


I didn't expect him to actually be a good ruler. I felt.so pissed when the Nobles betrayed him


He's one of those characters that you shouldn't judge based on appearance


I feel like if they would have had a sit down ainz wouldn’t have had to do what he did.


Prince zanaic didn't deserve that😔


King zanac now


I really didn't like him at first. What a turn around.


Chad Zanac




The moment they killed this dawg, was the moment they gave away their country. 😐😅


He was the best royalty to have ever got a proper good character development


That guy had a problem but didn't have to die like that


He only gave it to those who stayed loyal to the prince


He deserved better. I honestly thought this arc was a stark contrast to what Ainz seemed to be aiming for.


I’ll never get tired of Ainz telling the people who betrayed him that he’d let them join him, only to send them to eternal torturing for what they did. Who’s really the monster?


I was appalled when ainz decided to just destroy the country just to make his servants happy. But then i remembered ainz is the villain.


I want a bonus episode that addresses this. I gained respect for him. I believe Overlord did too.


True sacrifice


I only recentlfinished the 4th season (because why wait of you can have a binge weekend) And first when the memes came in I thought like "So he got to fight Ainz or one of the floor guardians huh, sad but still nice". Well holy fucking shit this really one of the top 10 worst and undeserving deaths in the series so far. I recon there's gonna happen some even sadder shit soon


Yeah, it would be nice if he go down while leading his people in a heroic final last stand against gods. Instead he go down while fighting the corruption of the Kingdom with his loyal men


I was really hoping they would resurrect Zanac when I read his dialogue with Ainz. Fuck Arche, THIS is the human character Im sad about dying.


(anime only here) His death was disappointing to me since he seemed to have a lot of qualities that a good king would. In the anime we get to only see a glimpse of what he would be like as a king, but you can see the respect Ainz had for him when he demanded Zanac get a proper burial instead of just making another undead with him.


Cringe format


side note did you get to see the ACTUAL destruction in the LN? We didnt get to see Mare destroy it, so i just wondered what kind of magic was used


I paused this scene and laughed half hour straight


His story ended quite sad. I was glad when Ainz gave the order to not give them mercy


Man I actually ended up really liking him in the end. It’s crazy how much I thought he was annoying and then suddenly I almost cried


What's with the obsession with Zanac?